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I agree about Tom but not Joe. Joe felt like he didn’t want to step on the show too much, but was happy to be there for Tony. He seems genuine and like he had a good time. Tom seemed bored and anxious. His congratulations to Tony performing in an arena felt really strange. Like it surprised him that they were performing in an arena. But he congratulated them like they were the new kid on the block or something. With a hint of, oh shit this podcast is way bigger than I thought it was. It didn’t seem to come from a place of being happy for Tony and Redban.


Totally agree I love Joe. Tom is having a hard time I think


Tbf tom has the personality of shit on the bottom of shoe so listening to him try to say anything genuine is a chore


Us poors could never understand toms greatness I guess


Yeah the only thing about Tom I remember him saying about his life before comedy was that he was already in LA working in the entertainment business. Sounds like he had a pretty cushy job doing post production for television which is really not that hard once you know about digital editing and the workflow.


Joe was so scared not to step in it he didn't say anything. Shoulda got a comic on.


He definitely chimed in. Not all that much, but it wasn’t needed. It was a great show. Joe is a comic. But it’s cool. You don’t like him so you’ll say he isn’t.


Tim didn't add much but at least Joe wasn't wasted.


When does Tom add much of anything to anything these days? I'm pretty sure he's just counting the days until he reaches whatever amount of money he has in mind as his goal and can fake his own death.


Its funny you say that, thats exactly how i feel bert and tom are playing the game. Since 2 bears started


They're both definitely chasing money, but I feel like Bert at least still likes being in the spotlight... maybe even *needs* to be in the spotlight... whereas Tom often seems annoyed that he can't just be at home with his kids and his cars and his watches.


Im watching 2bears with collin as a guest… its riddled with ads both tom and youtube… if the guest isnt interesting. The ads make me click off when they break my focus. Fuckemalll!


The “ fat poors” line was funny when he was one, now it just seems rude and disrespectful


Doubling down on it was highly regarded. He said “a joke about an airline attendant turned into this” or something like that on his podcast, which is a disgraceful way to handle legitimate backlash. He chuckled like a boozy panda with that shock-value wife of his after he said it, too. Repulsive behavior in my opinion.


He's a smarmy cocksucker


Why fake it?


Tim Sakura has really changed.


They weren't wasted but rest assured they were geeking.


Joe has never done blow


Only wasted a good opportunity to have a guest that would have been worth being in his place.


What happened to Tom?


He got some money and arrogance . Also he's not satisfied with his current wife.


Check out his podcast on YMH First Date with Lauren UpTomsAss. Tell me you’re getting a divorce without telling me you’re getting a divorce…not that I blame him. YMH is rough as fuck


Why so? Cliffs, please? Said podcast is for 'members only' /'Certified main mommy'. I'm not going to pay $10 for YMH: I'm 'a Poor' and 'a Fat'.


I must’ve found a video someone else copied and uploaded cause it’s not up anymore. But it looked pretty flirtatious…like when you KNOW two people smooshed and they’re trying to hide it…the body language was questionable lol


Watch other episodes. She's naturally like this.


Thanks for telling me. Yeah you are right—I just watched the one with Mark Normand


You should really quit theorizing about comedians. You people are so annoying, thinking you've got all the answers about someone's life from watching a 2 hour podcast. Get real dude you're very ignorant


I’m just having fun here. I definitely don’t have answers nor do I think I know his life. I love when he’s genuine and I enjoy his comedy :)


I can’t even listen to YMH anymore. The contempt Tom has for CP is palpable.


Dude it's an act you jackass. You people have reached a new level of stupid.


Read between the lines. Yeah, they are trying to be funny, but Tom has changed a lot. His demeanor is way different. You can feel that he’s not happy.


If you put an act up every time you interact with someone in the public eye, people will eventually stop thinking it’s an act and start thinking it’s your personality.


Tom has never once been contemptuous towards Christina. I swear you people just watch one or two episodes and then feel the need to come on reddit and share your shitty opinion that doesn't make any sense. If you seriously think Tom treats Christina like she's worthless then I feel bad for you and your ability to understand comedy. You really shouldn't be watching Kill Tony then if that's your take on YMH. You guys are pitiful and your takes are awful


I’m not satisfied with his current wife. I haven’t got a good jerk off sesh in since road rules.




Tom always seems so awkward and out of place as a guest on other peoples podcasts. MSSP was insane lol


Wym he was great on mssp.


tom is the biggest douche in the comedy scene currently


As of recently I agree, that whole airport shenanigans definitely made me think differently of him.


what happened at the airport?


basically rich out of touch dude gets upset that he has to deal with regular people problems and shit on anyone who didn't agree with him. https://old.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/172ewza/tom_segura_has_completely_lost_touch_with_reality/


Tom is super anti-social now and hates being in public. Unless Joe Rogan is drunk with a bunch of wild people, he'll give a meaningful advice and crack some goods jokes. Looking at you Freddie Gibbs and Bert Kreischer.


Now? I remember it being a thing in the very beginning of YMH how antisocial he was and how little he wanted fan interaction. This is just Tom


Tom is not the same as he was years ago. I lowkey have been losing patience for him. Dudes 44 and looks like Joe and berts uncle


I was just watching it like...."They ain't nevah gonna stahh chewin' gum!"


Jom and Toe




They're both out of touch in today's comedy. Too up their own ass to realize that they're the problem.


The natural order of things, that is their place now, it's a fundamental part of the scene that unfortunately needs to exist, it's a set bar to base yourself off, it's part of the spectrum. Open your mind.


This is a shitty aphorism that excuses obnoxious behavior by people who are supposed to be mentors. Say what you want about Tony, but at least he has set a path for young comedians. Joe and Tom are completely out of touch with anyone they believe is beneath them. You see it in their politics and how they treat the working class.


I think you are out of touch with society in its broader sense, life's a spectrum, and people serve different functions and nuances, it's also a lot to do with the mentality of what you will find is like a good chunk of society itself, ultimate accountability, using what you would probably call bullying as a tool to make other people that want the same as you see their shortcomings, sort of like a social trial by fire. Too bad your too much of a life casual to see that.


Lol you're projecting many of the issues you find on this sub reddit to me. Calling me a NPC is inconsequential here. Tom and Joe are still elitist pieces of shit regardless of what you want to call an ethereal plane of sublime subjectivity or what ever dog shit ideals you live by.


Sort of just proving your an NPC by referring to something as simple as what I explained as "ethereal"


Dumb ass take. With that logic Louis CK and Dave Chapelle should be insufferable and unfunny but that’s obviously not true


You miss the point of what I'm saying, I'm not just saying that because they are older or whatever, I'm saying that because they've become insufferable but still relevant, and quite frankly, Louis CK is completely insufferable. But comedy is subjective. You have immediately jumped to defending them and not actually taking in what I'm saying, they're integral, in their own high and mighty way.


No offense but if you think Louis is insufferable then this discussion is a waste of time, no shot we’re going to see eye to eye here


Not his work per se, just his actual personality and demeanor, I can still appreciate him as a comedian, I just chose to avoid listening to him talk for long periods of time. The sad sack I'm overgrown and got bullied bullshit grows old quickly.


> Dave Chapelle should be insufferable and unfunny but that’s obviously not true My dude, did you watch Dave's last two specials?


Yeah I thought they were great


I had to turn them off because I'd rather remember him for his Tv show instead of old out of touch rich guy complains about trans people. It was just sad to see who he is now.


Makes sense why you didn’t like the last one. It was a slow build up to the actual point. I’d recommend finishing it because you’ll see Dave’s special was basically a love letter to a trans person. He tied it all together nicely at the end. But I could see how people would get the wrong idea if you take the beginning out of context.


They sucked


Let’s be real guys. The best guest we’ve had in years was Ric Flair b




Dr. Phil was also good


Son of Merrill Lynch VP hangs with the poors.


They were terrible guests. The kt10 should have hard real comedians on who weren’t afraid to open their mouffs


8 years ago Tom was the funniest comedian. Now he’s pretty out of touch and seems like a actual Shitty to be around person.


It sucks watching Tim turn into a Rogan clone after snapping his body in half from a game of basketball against Brent of all people. Like, I guess that destroyed his ego so much he now HAS to be physically healthier than Bruce as well. Idk. I’m glad he’s getting physically healthier and all, but did he ever lose a lot of relatability within his audiences after joining the group of cool people he’d regularly make fun of on his show 🎸 lol I also don’t blame native for leaving as well. anyways, tata there retards. 👉📸


Tom’s ego has been growing exponentially…it’s wicked unlikable and I truly don’t think it’s just a bit. Dude thinks he’s hot shit but not in a funny way


I wonder if he's still on Dilaudid. Him and Kristen talk about pills way too much for it to just be a bit at this point right?


It’s waaaaay too much. And dilaudid is no joke. Definitely not something I see as casual recreational fun lol


Most guests say very little


Ari Shaffir has entered the chat haha




Toms first couple of specials were fire, but his ever inflating ego combined with never hitting the same mark makes for an annoying cunt.


Can you explain how 90% of things are popular?


Should have just had the Montgomerys on


Yea, super off putting


I wouldn’t say they ruined it. They just didn’t contribute anything.


Tony's a dumb dickhead for that. Everyone was anticipating the perfect guest for the 10 year and these 2 definitely weren't top picks. Why would Tony not book 2 or 3 of the best guest the podcast has had? It hasn't tarnished the show's reputation but as the host of the show I'd be livid that my guests contributed basically nothing.


I never thought Id say this but I like Joe more than Tom. I actually hate Tom.


Joe is the reason killtony is so big.


Tony, redban and Jeremiah are the reason it’s so big.


Yea, Jeremiah is one of the reasons KT is so big... LOL


Absolutely, when he joined it 100% changed the vibes and trajectory of the show.


When Jeremiah joined the show KT didn't even have a "vibe" yet. And by "trajectory of the show" do you mean the part where Jeremiah always tried to be the main character and ruin the vibe of the show?


I disagree I think iron patriot changed the trajectory of the show.


I lowkey feel kinda bad for Joe. Imagine hyping up your friends and that’s how they act. Meaning the two bears


I wouldn’t say that. KT was big before the Austin move.


Go to his YT channel. Episodes from 3 years ago don't even crack 100k views. Episode 500 with Rogan was his first to hit 1M views.


Stuff can be good without being super popular. The show has been really good for a long time, been listening/watching since the iron patriot days. I don’t care about how many views it has.


Then why did you use the word "big"? Now you're saying something completely different. Are you off the meds?


I’m sticking to what I said. Kill Tony was BIG before they moved to Austin. Huge following, traveled all over the US doing shows and also did shows in different countries. It has been the #1 live podcast in the world for many years. You Bahfooon


Two douches were douches.


Two douche one bag


How did Tom Segura even get famous to begin with? man is not and has never been remotely funny


Wtf - this guys from the past!


Disagree. This episode is great for getting new people into the show as Joe and Tom are well known and together they're hilarious


But they weren’t hilarious together on this episode. They actually seemed like they were very bothered to be there. More Tom. The Joe episode with Post Malone was great. They tried hard not to laugh at the more risky jokes, but was still great.


Meh. I laughed and the 3 people I shared it with are now regular viewers. Agree though, the post Malone episode was great. So far my favorite episode might just be the Dr Phil (Adam Ray) episode. We'll be right back.


Show was good, just criticizing about how it was a huge important night for Tony and Redban and they acted like they were obligated to sit there. Tom was surprised a show going for 10 years had a big following. Dr. Phil is probably the best guest recently.


The post Malone episode was so so good. Post was such a great guest. So happy to be there, super respectful.


Tom and Bert just come off parasites who were never funny to begin with


Tom is better at his podcast in his zone, like him or not, he has his place carved out, I do think his arrogance is a character, not saying he isn't narcissistic, but I do also think that he likes to be seen as the person with the know-how and the experience (example like on the h3 podcast years back how he actually helped them make bank with info) But anytime he's around Joe, he's out gunned in almost every way, his stand up is funnier than Joe's, but it's not like he could impart wisdom or help joe in any meanful way Probably underestimated killtony's popularity too and it's like it dawned on him in a negative way realising he was on a stage with killers He didn't add to the ep, his awkwardness maybe took a little away from it.


Also, how to do I separate my paragraphs?


Just press enter twice between your paragraphs. Hope that helps!


Still not as bad as Kam and his uncle 😂


they certainly didnt add to it


Yeah duh


Id just like to say that i find your post completely racist.


How do?


Redban is a G


Your opinions ruin this show.


The amount of armchair psychologists talking about Tom and Christina in these comments are hilarious. Why do you dorks watch all these poda and just complain 24/7? If you dont like them then dont watch


You just echod in a chamber of posts so similar to this and it’s dumb. You, U/Braindance_Dealer, are a wart on my comedic viewership. And you represent all who are dumb like you, ya wart.


Wow. This post could be improved with a single sentence in my opinion: >!"Then they sucked each others' dicks and fucked your dad."!< Anyway, thank you for your opinion. It will be forever treasured on the internet as a turning point for freedom of speech on this sub!




Tom had no idea how to podcast. Redban was on the first 10 or so episodes of Your moms house, until Tom learned how to work the board.


Redban still doesn't know shit.










He said Tim's podcast not Tom's pay attention!


I blame Joe for giving Tom a comedy career




Sure dude. He was a nobody until papa Rogan blessed him. But that's cool your only comments from your 3 week old account are emotionally defending wackass Tom Segura for "some reason" LOL


















I think it was nice that they were quiet instead of being drunk and possibly ruining the show. Joe isn't typically a good guest. He was a good guest for this one. (Because he was fucking quiet and not slamming the mic down and being annoying)


I’ve you’ve ever seen the previous episodes with them which you probably haven’t; you would understand why they didn’t want to be the center of attention.


Yes absolutely


You guys are so annoying holy shit


Epic walk out though


I must be in the minority because Tom doesn't bother me in the slightest and still enjoy his stand up and podcasts. I don't get where everyone thinks he's become an elitists. Most of the time it's a bit, at least that's how it comes off when I listen. He's always been a bit prissy about things. Then again I don't read to deeply into these guys, I just take them for what they are.


That was awful to watch. 2 hours of 2 guys too high to comment and chewing gum mouth open the entire show


are you on internet explorer ?


I think Tom shouldn't have been there. Instead, he should have invited an old, solid guest like Doug Benson; he was always there for Tony.


I think they were both really high, drunk, tired or some combination of the three. You also gotta remember that they're old men and it was past their bedtime.


yup. two very unfunny "comedians". love JRE, but he's not that funny in the sense of ya know... making you laugh. YMH is unfunny now as well {used to be hilarious before they became millionaires}. so many other lesser known comics are way funnier than these two, BOTH on kill tony AND doing standup imo. segura's face is just annoying, and so is his wife.


Weren't they on mushrooms or something?


Man this sub loves reposting the same shit over and over


They both seemed to be on stimulants and trying to act normal. Lol.


It's too bad they did have David Lucas, William Montgomery and Hans Kim as guests for the 10 year... but oh well