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He was alright but fuck him for being a scammer


This guy was at the secret show Thursday and got all butt hurt his jokes sucked and the audience didn't laugh. He asked the person timing him if he could be done and walked off in a huff. Dudes an asshole and additionally a bag of shit for scamming people.




'hahaha you are so likeable' says Tony to the literal criminal


So I’m guessing no one on this sub likes Joey Diaz?


Joey Diaz is actually funny and knows how to tell a story.


The Malanucci Brothers would beg to differ.


Isn't this guy new to comedy? I bet Joey Diaz wasn't so great when he first started either.


Yes, true, but the fact that Tony was admiring him so much for such a mediocre set at best was horrible. The interview was way too long. Comedy is subjective.


Cause he was literally the first person that actually had jokes. The same thing happened when Ric Diez had his first set on KT. There were so many shitty comics that a mediocre set seemed way better than it was


*make up a story


Welcome to comedy


"you want an honest comedian? go see the rest of them. *this thing actually happened*, cool." -bo burnham


No one on this sub likes anything comedy related, and they all only watch kill Tony to complain about it.


Lol it's true. I've never seen a fanbase gather to talk shit on the thing they all clearly enjoy the way the Kill Tony fans do. It's weird to even call them "fans" at this point.


You got a point


And? You can be a criminal and likable. He did his time anyways. Relax.


Some dude spoofed my phone number and tried scamming me through cashapp earlier today. Tried getting into my account. Luckily I was faster than he was and shut that shit down. Fuck a scammer. Fuck a con artist. Fuck anyone like that. Go steal from Walmart you fucks


fuck Cranbrook! Fuck a beat, I'll go acappella Fuck a Papa Doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer Fuck everybody! Fuck y'all if you doubt me! I'm a piece of fucking white trash, I say it proudly And fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm outtie


Here, tell these people something they don't know about me


You can take the mic home wid’chu!


Tank top screamin' Lotto I don't fit you!


I ain’t hear a word you said, Habidy hoobla! I think you’re being a little hard on the beaver


Fuck free world


My grandma got scammed out of like $3k. It makes me so mad because she doesn’t have that kind of money to be losing. She’s poor as shit. It’s unbelievable how low people will stoop in avoidance of getting a job and doing things to help others than themselves. But that is the society we live in. I’m glad you were able to stop your scammer but he no doubt just moved on to another victim.


Have you ever seen the YouTube channel "Scammer Payback"? Might make you feel a little better. It's some hackers that use their power for good, to stop scammers from India from scamming innocent old ladies. Some of them get taken for like 25K sometimes, it's heart-breaking.. but also feels incredible when you watch them save people from sending the money or watch them shut down an entire call center.


Ya this pos would scam any one of us the first chance he got fuck him. Imagine how many innocent peoples lives he's ruined. I was hoping he would have been dumb enough to say something really incriminating. Tony is too gullible


Are you aware of Kam's uncle being a criminal and doing the same thing? Stole over $70k from 16 people. Tony doesn't care dude.


Yeah the kid was an idiot, he should've lied and said something like "I only stole like 50 bucks here and there and I felt bad about it later" or SOMEthing. I could feel the energy in the room, like a horde of people thinking "should we jump this guy after the show? Who's with me??" Lol


These guys laughed at Joey Diaz's rape story's for years, they wont say shit to this guy


Couldn’t agree more. Embracing a scammer and clearly scamming Tony on his “story” too. Ghh


His set was indistinguishable from hundreds of sets that had Tony shitting on them for not having any material. How many guys 50 times funnier received a lukewarm acknowledgment for being funny - and he acts like this bullshiter blew the house down? Also, for someone so opposed to racial pandering that he reacted the way he did to that Chinese comedian for it, I don't know what's more hack and how you can pander any more than starting with "I don't have any jokes, I'm just here to scare the white people".


99% of people who come out and openly say they scam are just posers looking for attention and clout. It started during covid with this rapper called Kasher Quon from Detroit starting to blow up rapping about scamming and going viral on tiktok because they always promote dumb shit like that to kids. Dude has a song with a line like "I just scammed an old cancer patient going through chemo". Absolute degeneracy, but this is currently what is considered cool with certain types of people so I'm not surprised this bozo was talking about it like he's accomplished something.


It made Tony wet when he said he shot someone.


His butthole dilated


and of course also when he got called nigga


Tony is gay and likes black men confirmed


Black guy was flamboyant as fuck, Tony picked up on that and wanted a slice


You can tell he has a natural ability to perform, but his set needs a lot of work.  I think Tony sees his potential and wants him to work hard to improve.


This 100%, I was surprised to see this thread then even more surprised to see how so many people agreed. Clunker after clunker has been on that stage, but the dude obviously had presence and some life to him. Fuck him for being a low life scammer, but plenty of other successful comedians had fucked up historys.


This sub has a hate boner for black people who say the n-word.


frfr, the "If you think he's funny it's cause you dont have black friends" shit is embarrassing to read. Like, what the fuck does that even mean


White liberals are the worst kind of racist


i mean there are racists who will kill you over your skin color so let's not get too carried away here.


Ah so Hitler was a white liberal the whole time, knew it.


Just trying to change my life man. I’m not a scammer lol I got I lntrouble and now I’m just trying to do comedy.


I’ve only been doing it for 5 months and everything I said on that stage was in the spur of the moment ..


You are definitely a natural and if you keep working on writing jokes and refining your delivery of them, you can make it in the industry.  Don't listen to the self righteous haters that want people to fail.  You have talent for sure.


he seemed fake as fuck tbh just making it up as he went along.


I was so confused because I couldn’t figure out why he was complementing him. His set was absolute dog shit.


Honestly I think it’s because everyone else up until this point had been absolutely terrible. Whole show was rough and this guy got a laugh or two at least


Yeah and the dude was interesting at least. Bitch ass scammer tho


Keys to winning over Tony. Say the n word, shit on trans people, be racist in general, be a retard or paraplegic.


With a splash of California sucks and Austin has no homeless people


Wicky Wild Wild West


Being disabled or paraplegic is his favourite. Can’t stand the one dude who stutters his entire set.


Tony loves it when guys talk about white bitches and fucking white bitches. I almost suspect Tony having a real cuckold fetish the way he says "hell yeah!" after they say they want to fuck white women. It is really odd imo.


It is weird how he always asks guys where they came when they're telling a sex story. Never in my life have I cared what happened to another man's cum.


That's icky


Are you guys seriously just finding out Tony is gay? He doesn't tell people for this reason 


Not funny at all and a total piece of shit for scamming people so he can buy more pleather pants.


Well I guess Tony’s into black guys…


His story about his ex was a lie too. He was making it up as he went along.


It’s also silly how he said there is no black people in Toronto. Toronto has Canada’s largest demographic of black people, and nearly 60% of Toronto belongs to ethnic minorities. Everything about that dude is fake.


Yeah Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world...


man I lived in Toronto and I was one of three white kids in my school, all my teachers were black too. Most diverse city I lived in for sure 


100% I’m glad someone else caught that. He played Tony like a homosexual fiddle.


I think he was pushing the black stereotype to see how far he could go and Tony didn’t realize or was too scared to upset the dude cause he’s unhinged. The scamming thing specifically - and then yeah the gf story he couldn’t even keep the device straight (was a phone, then laptop, then it was an iPad).


He was describing Tony when he was talking about his made up EX.


A comedian lied during a joke ? Call the fucking police


straight to jail


ok?? most comedians make things up who cares if it was entertaining…?


Lol people in thia sub seem to forget that.


If that's the best fictional story he can come up with he still sucked, if you're gonna lie at least make it funny


Another black guy that threatened with violence because he couldn’t handle a roast…


Until that moment, I had no problem with the guy. He brought entertainment value to the show. But that crap he said to Joe List was ridiculous. Lost me there, Scammy.


I agree… typical low IQ individual.


100% agree! The whole race talk is annoying and cringe. He was not funny in my opinion. He was not INCREDIBLE...


I think something Kill Tony fans sometimes miss is that the top trait Tony responds to isn't being good at comedy, it's confidence and charisma. I'm not saying he doesn't care about comedy, he definitely does, but I think confidence/charisma is the top trait for him.


Tony tries to develop talent, and has a decent track record of doing so. He must've saw some marketability in this guy, and wanted to butter him up on the off chance he could get views off of him. You know he's always on the look out for the next Kam, Hans, David Lucas, etc.


Tony thought he might be able to get him a hotel room


That’s the impression I got.


Tony was imagining himself as piper perri during his whole set


He saw another minstrel to add to his collection


Idk about terrible. Tony was just excited to have someone at least mediocre


Yeah. He wasn’t great but compared to the previous pulls he stood out because it was rough to this point lol


>Idk about terrible He was terrible.


Didn’t the bird poop guy go before him?


Yeah he was terrible.


I mean in comparison to the rest of the pulls this guy was definitely a stand out lol


That’s true. I guess the difference is seeing Tony throw something at a bucket pull and tell him he sucks and never come back, then basically salivate over this dude. Coaching him through the interview. Letting him threaten Joe List. Allow him to ramble on a clear lie.


Yep people here are so salty it’s crazy. Guy was objectively interesting


they’re just racist


You guys haven’t noticed Tony believes in affirmative action? There’s many examples, it’s pretty lame. But at least Kacy Rocket is a regular, that’s one good decision he’s made lately.


Thank god for Casey Rocket


it was so weird when he bombed with the "pipe in your ass" comment to joe list, after a pretty inoffensive joke, and tony just ignored it / pretended it was funny. when tony is trying to convince himself and the crowd someone is crushing he'll ignore such bombs, but if Fat Glasses Dude had said that, for example, he would have been kicked off stage. also the way he said the n word was so inauthentic. dude grew up in an all white town in canada with immigrant parents. he says it like he learned it from discord servers.


You think Toronto is an all white town?


I noticed this too about the “n word” stuff. Dude was trying so hard to say it after every sentence I’m surprised not a lot of people are catching on to this cringe. Dude was a compulsive liar and not in the funny cool way William does it. Gosh I hated this dude so much lol


Tony over compensates with POC after the cancellation. It’s scary to think if this guy got on before Kam that Tony may have pushed him on us just as hard. Also fuck any low life scammer. This guy preys on the old and senile and thought he was cool for it. Fuck him.


when did he say he preys on the old and senile…??


Also he was racist as fuck, are you white americans ok with black people calling white women "bitches"? I feel like if a white dude in america starts talking about fucking a "black bitch" it would be considered racist


Yea he sucked. Really hope Tony doesn’t go out of his way to bring him on again.


He wasn't terrible and there was definitely some structure and natural comedy, but fuck was he an obnoxious person and a POS. How was he not booed off the stage the moment he said he was scammer


This guy scammed us all


Not gonna lie, I was laughing.


Its almost like tony hypes up horrible black comics to satisfy his love of black cock


Tony a N word lover


I genuinely think this subreddit was created just to shit on comedians from KT. Yall never seem satisfied.


I thought it was a hilarious interview. Y’all will seriously hate on everything here my god.


I love how Tony thinks he knows everything, he was like this guy is a black guy from Toronto? Like wtf there are no black people in Toronto. We have a large Jamaican community here, lol


Ever heard of taking a screenshot on your computer?


I thought he did good. Got a wee chuckle out of me


I though he was pretty funny 🤷🏼‍♀️ his interview at least


He was kind of funny, but scammers are cunts.


THANK YOU! my bullshit meter was going off constantly when he spoke…


I believed him when he said he didn’t have any jokes.


I liked it.


I thought the emo bit was hysterical!


He definitely wasn’t terrible, especially for only being in the game for 5 months or whatever it was he said. He certainly was the best bucket pull up until then. Kill Tony fans are about as toxic as kpop Stan’s now, it’s embarrassing.




He was funny, that part of the show was funny, yall need to get a life.


It was funny he has an interesting personality lots of stories in that head hope he has a second appearance


I mean, he's a natural entertainer, there's no denying that. But the black dude shtick calling everyone the n word just doesn't work with longevity.


Tonya a f@g


wtf are the takes on this sub? almost everyone else this episode was straight up painful to watch. this guy's set wasnt great but his interview was the only good one all night (aside from WM as usual). his n-word timing was impeccable


Interview was funny, y’all just sad


Tony loves Canada


How many insecure white men can we fit into one subreddit


and the amount of comparisons to Kam are hilarious. Literally the only thing they have in common is they're black. Cadence, style and manner of speaking are all different.


Y’all a bunch of sad ass haters I can’t wait till dudes back and y’all are crying like some lil beaches


*cries in blm


Y’all love to label in here, it’s funny af.


Right. Labeling off of a comedic set is stupid af, if its not for you its nit for you. Its kill tony theres no set expectation and just cuz it doesnt align with the comedy you fw doesn’t mean its bad. Its just not your shit. These mfs need to get over it.


Thank you!


He was George Carlin compared to everyone else though


He got laughs. Who cares if you think he’s good or not.


I didn’t know you could do comedy bucket naked


Dude was fine, not the best pull, some BS, but I wouldn’t point em out as particularly bad.


Tony is afraid to piss off black people and regards


This sub hates everybody Jesus Christ. The was the only funny part of the episode besides Casey rocket.


Did you find out why you were experiencing interruptions?


He prepared more jokes than Casey


Wait? They both HATE White people?? #whitepowder !


Yeah he sucks


This guy is the future "the future"


That’s Tony’s bull so favoritism is expected


You don’t know how to take a screenshot?


Tony has jungle fever


This guy was unhinged


Tony gets hard for Black Acceptance


He just seemed so slimy and insincere. Normally I can get past that in comedians, but not when they are wearing pleather on pleather.


Kinda agree, he wasn’t the worst but didn’t deserve all the attention he got


Kill Tony reminds me of my 400 person high school in the Midwest. If you're black, you are automatically popular by default


Does anyone complaining about this guy know what Tony’s parents did for a living? STFU


Tony loves black dick 🙃


He’s a somewhat attractive black man. He’s Tony’s type.


Well…. It’s because Tony is racist, but he doesn’t want it to be a thing….. Especially after the Peng Dang incident. That’s why he keeps his diversity hires around like Hans and Cam.


This made me contemplate if I even understand what’s funny lol. I’m like what is happening here. There’s no way Tony finds this guy that funny.


He's naturally funny, which is why Tony liked him. So much ass crosses that stage. anyone with any sense of being funny is celebrated.


He scammed Tony and promised to pay him back if he makes him look good on stage




Honestly prefer the "my ADHD" guy to this guy.


Bad bucket nite so he seemed better than had it been a better bucket pull night is all. My 2c


Tony always dick rides black guys so hard Literally and figuratively


That god awful interview too. I had to skip it when Tony started basically blowing the dude. The guy before him from inside was 100 times better.


That's because the bucket pulls were weak and he was trying to fix the momentum of the show.


He wasn't bad he was mid amongst horrendous comedians so tony shined to him stop hating losers


Cuz Tony has absolute dog shit taste in comedy.


As soon as he said he’s a scammer I immediately wanted him to k himself.


His material was nearly nonexistent but he did have a presence to him. He carried himself well and could speak candidly pretty well. Tony definitely saw something in him that I did not.


To be a good black comedian you need to follow a simple formula: Yell a lot, berate white audience members, talk about race differences, and act out simple things. The black audience will eat that up because it's easy for them to process. Chappelle really upped the game by talking slowly about things that seem deep and then slapping the microphone on his knee. The audience would be confused but the sudden loud noise would let them know it's funny.


This guy was like one of 3 funny people that episode


Maybe trying to replace Kam, desperate for someone to actually tell jokes


Yea fuck that dude


They were flirting way too much, if I get on the show I know EXACTLY who’s dick too suck


He wasn't terrible but he wasn't incredible like Tony was making him out to be. Tony is losing his edge on eyeing talent.....He made Rocket a regular 😂😂😂


He was the best bucket pull tho, if there where other good ones I don’t think Tony would have gassed him like he did


Yeah Tony was dick riding this guy to much


Don’t ya hear?! He said the N. Which is code for Nextrisingstar


Because Tony is actually gay and this guys dick is probably pretty giant




He drops N 💣 s for no reason at all like David Lucas and Kam . Of course he loves him


tony glazed him so hard


Tony and the audience all got Scammed! 🤣😅😂


"I'm just here to scare the white people" what 


The “waffle colored n-words” joke was stolen from Charlemagne The God, he says it on The Breakfast Club all the time


He was the only good interview of the night.


fuck this guy fr


Sometimes I wonder why Tony loves certain people so much but I forget that he puts A LOT of value in the interviews. I think the audience judges people mostly on the stand-up and we give Tony credit for the interviews and this was one where the stand-up was just "meh" and the interview was interesting, but I don't think this guy is 'good' or talented because of the interview. All he had to do was tell the truth but the things that happened in his life aren't impressive cuz they just happened to him. And he's a scammer so I can't in good faith award him any points. The smart thing to do would've been to LIE and say that he only scams rich people that he knows are doing bad stuff - kinda like Dexter if Dexter was a scammer (or Mr. Robot if anyone's seen that lovely show) but if you've ever been scammed you're never going to praise a scammer for anything, even if his stand-up WAS incredible I'd be like "nope, fuck this guy."


He had no jokes. It was just story telling and a character voice


he wasn't too bad actually


Tony has a thing for black men just like Dahmer.