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Because he isn't good. His comedy is dropping the N word and pandering to white bitches. He was funny his first two appearances. Dude is a flop.


Dude is less then a year in to comedy


Yes, and is being put in a spot to fail and get hate. He really isn't funny, though he does have charisma. Charisma does not equal funny. It's a great quality to have in a comedian, but comedians need jokes.


Yeah i agree he just needs to write better material


OK I'll break it down for you cause I'm bored. 1. You can't understand half the things he says. 2. He always says the n word 3. He always talks about fucking/ get his dick sucked by white bitches. 4. He Repeats several of his jokes. 5. He has no real jokes or punchlines. 6. He's not funny


Bro is a kid skip that shii if u don’t like it


Just answering your question. Sorry Don't ask questions that you don't want to hear the answer to.


I always finish the show like man that was a great episode. Then I come here. N "find out"it wasnt good at all


This is the only comment I've seen since joining this sub that I fully 100% agree with, bunch of wet wipes on here!


It's just a bunch of brain dead libs trying to discredit the show or make Kill Tony seem bad because it doesn't line up with their absolutely unhinged psychopathic political views. This week's episode was fucking hilarious! Except for Pauly Shore. Bur apart from that, Great Episode!


Just ignore it man, if you enjoy him that’s all that matters


This. Like what you like, but it’s the internet, people are gonna post complaints 100x more than praise. I would say the general idea is he is too repetitive, and i think people claim he stole some jokes idk. Personally he was great the first few times, now i just expect him to say the N word and talk about some sexcapade


Wish I could like this comment more times lol facts


Once again you are confusing the whiny bitchy few with the majority of people, these whiny little bitches have likely never even been out of their parents basement let alone to a comedy show.


He’s a one trick pony His minutes are a waste of time


Oh look it's a whiny little bitch!


Oh look, a dickriding bitch!


Because his candles almost finished. Lemme guess, he’s gonna not have jokes and talk about fucking white bitches. Ha. That shit was funny the first time. Not the 20th time.


Ebonics my nigga. Always talking about fuckin my nigga. always straight up lying my nigga. There’s 3 glaring reasons why he sucks. Any more, my nigga white bitch?


Eh none of these redditors will ever think it’s a good show, someone always has to complain about something. I truly wanna see all the people that bitch about these little things go up and do it themselves


Dont look at reddit for comedy connosseurs, waxing intellectual about the nuance of tragedy/comedy and timing. Look at reddit for dick/fart jokes and mean takedowns of other redditors, and the Kam hate will make perfect sense.


Reddit hates everybody. Like what you like, ignore the haters they're sad ppl


Do I scare you white man


He was trying his hardest to get the joke lines right this time give him a break