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“A tall drink of hotdog water” was about the only original thing she had to say which was pretty funny. Other than that she clearly likes Casey’s standup and comedians will tend to copy their comedy favorites until they can figure out their own voice. Surprised Tony/Redban didn’t mention anything though.


I think they knew but they didn't want to stop the momentum of the show and bring the energy down so they just played along. After she finished her minute Tony said "I feel like I know everything about you even though I haven't talked to you yet". I just feel like there's no way they didn't know. It's too obvious


That’s stupid I think Tony and Redban would jump on the opportunity to call that out if they did notice it. In that quote Tony’s saying you can tell straight way: vegan, feminist, hairy armpits those sort of raging leftist stereotypes


I think Tony was in a good mood bc of Harlan so he wasn’t attacking ppl as much lol


Yeah true. It's just crazy that they completely missed it. Not just Tony and Redban, but the guests too.


The same way no one dug into the guy who OD on a bag of meth he found on the transway.


Highly doubt they missed it. Accusing another comic of plagiarism while they're live on stage isn't how they operate. Of course they're always brutally honest and roast people during interviews, but I don't believe tony would directly expose someone on the spot like that unless they were copy and pasting material word for word essentially.


Even that though, she ripped Rockets cadence


I know comedy is highly subjective but I can't believe you thought she was great. And this is coming from someone who loves Casey rocket and Kam Patterson. I felt the same way watching Uncle Lazer the last time he was on. Was totally mimicking Kam's body language and speech patterns. It's like watching an annoying very terrible comedy set that mimics someone who's genuine. Watching her set not only did I not laugh but straight out of the gate I was annoyed that she didn't bring anything unique or creative to the show.


She was NOT great in fact


I think she was pretty fun


Same! I reckon she’s just trying to find her own style. I thought she did it cos she was nervous and started to play on it when she got laughs. Idk it’s hard bc do you aim for funny or completely original ??


Well I mean he is his own style. Not carrot top. Not robin williams. Not Gallagher. She did have atleast a 25% match to Casey but we could be looking at a birth of new comedy. Hold on… fart joke… Putin did it. (Scampers away)


Ya idk imitation is a form of flattery and i know stealing material is fucked but I find it hard to believe inspiration/copying a style is uncommon when you start out. People try storytelling and mimic timing and emphasis, I think it’s similar vibes


Correct, but better than Casey


They were both awful. Casey had his worst set to date


I thought it was pretty bad


I liked it


“Sunshine was ~~great~~ but**t**.” There, fixed it for you.


This is why we need watkins back.. calls out these robin Williams'


Hell nah


no way


“Casey Rockette”


I actually did enjoy it but it was so similar to Casey and because Casey is so unique that’s already strange but then the joke about not standing still was so BLATANT


She literally just needed to hit the crab walk, and pull out a picture of grimace 🤣


Tony is a terrible host. Think about it; anyone who genuinely enjoys his company sucks and everyone else talks shit about him every time his name is brought up.


She also sounds and acts just like Jordan Jensen lol I think that’s why Ian likes her so much


It’s crazy they didn’t bring up her doing a parody of Casey. She was actually more funny in one minute than Casey had been in one minute. And yes she was singing really well.


Agreed. Casey shines in his interviews, but his sets are like a cocaine fever dream. 


You're insane if you think gender-bender Casey was funnier then original Casey


She had more jokes and less fluff. I find Casey entertaining. I thought she did great at what she did.


Found her alt


Although I will agree, Casey’s minute this week was fairly week which made her look better


Calling anything Casey says “material” is a long shot.


Tbf this is why scientists can't stand him


Wasn't Tony calling it out when he said for some reason he feels like he knows her without knowing her?


I'm not sure what order these threads are pouring in at but this is the 10th same thread I've read today, I think people are a little to quick to the "create a post" button or whatever it is.


Mine is the most important one don't worry.


Bro she stole his whole bag!!! Bar for bar!! I was waiting for tony to shit on her, but she had a decent interview so I think he didn’t want to make a scene. To your second point on YouTube you can only do so much before you get a copyright strike especially if it’s a very good performance of a song.


Even the beginning? I felt like it sort of transitioned into Casey Rocket material only in the last third or so.


Yes from the beginning - “I have to get out of here, I have to __________”


Oh yeah that's true. I guess I felt like some of it seemed original.


Same with the, "We're having a good time.". That's been coined by another comic recently.


Dusty Slay


Isn’t that a play on a comic question “everybody having a good time?”


She wasn’t stealing material. She was straight up, mocking him and making fun of his stand-up. How is this not obvious.


No she's a fan doing reference humor how is that not obvious to you?


woosh. You should probably rewatch. Pay attention.


People are so mad that she was able to do Casey’s bit because it’s not that brilliant of comedy, I just know that’s why she said “I hate that you guys are likening these jokes” because that shits wack😂


She said that because the jokes were making fun of herself.


Sure, sure.


You been sniffing too many of your own farts over there bud




The fact that she did it on purpose stole another more succcesful comedians act and then tried to shit on it makes it a lot more cringe


it wasnt just the material, it was a blatant ripoff of Casey's entire character. surprised Redban didn't whisper in Tony's ear.