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who here loves when the presidential candidates do bad on the show?




You sonuvabitch




Makes them feel more human


I feel like the word candidate should be reserved for people who are actually in contention or have a chance. This guy is just running he isn’t a candidate for shit.


The amazing irony of statements like this one is that it implies the author is happy to vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump - both have sold themselves to corporations at the expense of the average American while also creating historic levels of debt in their four years in office. Why anyone wouldn’t give RFK Jr a chance is beyond me unless they have profited from the current system.


Seriously! I cannot understand for the life of me why nobody will vote for a third party or independent candidate when we all seem to agree that what we have going on isn’t working all that great anymore. Political parties are dogshit.


Voting for a third party or independent is the only way to break the party system


Ranked choice is.


RFK is a trust fund dork. He has absolutely “profited from the current system”


Both his, father and uncle were killed for fighting back against corruption in government. RFK Jr was well liked by most in DC before he started his fights against corporations. I see a guy trying to do the right thing and risking it all and the establishment media crucifying him for it. And the sheeple that are naive enough to still believe information coming out of mainstream networks just parrot the same lies those networks have pushed about him. He’s not perfect l. But he’s proven that he’ll take on the establishment and he’s a far better choice than Biden or Trump.


The whole brain worm thing was a bit of a deal breaker for me.


Until you actually listen to RFK and compare him to our current president….RFK can actually recall facts, names, places etc. He doesn’t need to be guided off stages and just says “you know the thing”


Lmao redditors are funny. Actually thinking RFK jr Is a good candidate.


Nobody thinks he's a good candidate. They think he's a slightly better old rich dude than the other old rich dudes.


Pretty telling how much that brain is worth when the worm died after eating it.


So you’d rather choose between an Alzheimer’s patient and the biggest asshole in America? Even if the worm ate his whole damn brain and is now in control of RFKs body it still makes more sense when it talks than either major party candidate.


Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂 💯


I'm with the worm 2024 🪱


If you make the shirt I will buy it.


I’d vote for a steamed ham before I voted for either Donny or Joe.


The guy that said we had it worse than Anne frank? The guy that cheated on his wife so many times she killed herself. The heroin junky that randomly blames people for getting diseases even though he was sharing needles with people in Harlem. That guy?


While I won't comment or get into why I would absolutely still vote for trump and disagree with part of that. I agree entirely with the rest and it's also beyond me why that seems to be the case. both rfk jr specifically and someone in that position in general. It's extremely baffling. I guess that's just how people are. Red vs blue. This big dog or that big dog. Unfortunately it's treated like some kind of half tournament styled popularity contest.


Because you're one of the few people on Reddit with a brain


Well it'd help if RFK was actually a viable candidate...but he isn't.


RFK Jr. is wacky as shit. Third parties should 1. Put forth serious candidates, 2. Do the legwork to build a support base and political infrastructure to try and rival the established parties, and 3. Win some lesser offices first instead of throwing a Hail Mary for the nation’s top office every time. Some populist who supports legal weed or other popular policies pops right before every presidential election goes down. A small handful of people expect that one-dimensional popularity and the fact “they’re not one of the other guys” to carry them to victory. Democrats and Republicans both suck in a lot of ways but they have well-established policy platforms, campaign networks, and power structures/relationships in Washington that allow them to actually act on the things they want to do once in power. RFK Jr. would struggle to come up with a single feasible and coherent legislative proposal and would have zero support in Congress to pass it even if he could.


Well established policy platforms? What a joke. Here is their policies both parties every time there has ever been an election in the modern era. They don’t worry at all about their 40% of base voters who will vote the same party every single election no matter who it is or what they you could have a chicken and a goat as the candidates and the self proclaimed democrats and republicans will vote for them all the same way while saying how horrible the opposing parties candidate is and how they might not have the best possible candidate but the one they have is better than that other guy so even though it’s a goat or chicken we need to vote for them just to beat the other guy. Then that 20% of voters who is left that actually could vote for either party depending on what the candidate says and how they actually feel about them, the parties campaign targeting those people trying to get as much of that 20% percent as possible because who ever wins the majority of those undecided independent voters is the one who will win the election. So they say anything at all that is the most popular topics that people are currently concerned with and focused on. Willing to say absolutely anything whether they believe or think that way themselves or not. They lie and promise everything under the sun to that 20%. Then when they win they just totally ignore everything they said they stood for and would accomplish. Instead doing exactly what they had planned to do the entire time no matter how much it might go against their own campaign running topics and promises. It never changes and is the same thing every single election. Then those hardcore base voter blocks complain and talk about how the candidate they voted in is not good and not getting anything done they said they would and how they need to do better or they just won’t vote at all for them again. Then four years later it’s amnesia time again and they have to vote for that same person that just spent four years doing absolutely nothing at all for them because if the other side wins it will ruin the country and drive us deeper in debt blah blah blah and we can’t let the other side win no matter. Plus we can’t vote for anyone who does not have my political parties name next to them because any third parties candidates is just a communist that is a joke and should not even be able to run because when our side loses it’s because those parties stole the votes we needed to win from our part and if they were not their we would have won.


As long as we continue to vote D or R , a viable third candidate will be tough. The political machine is too strong and powerful donors put their money on a candidate more likely to win. Bernie broke thru with the most small donor money in history , started gaining some real traction then his party squashed him. He wouldn’t go third party because of third party history in our country.


They just need to start smaller and seriously focus on winnable races. The sentiment is there for alternatives, but winning the presidency is a massive undertaking. People are scared to risk their vote because even if they don’t love one of the D’s and R’s, they find the alternative really frightening. There are local and even state races in places where party matters less than perceived character and ideas. If third parties can get more representation in legislatures and state executive offices, a legitimate presidential race wouldn’t be such a long shot. It’s an uphill climb, but nobody from outside the big two is coming close to the presidency as things are now


How is RFK Jr wacky?


You missed the brain eating worm?




I love it.


Its too bad the worms dead. I would have liked to have heard his minute.


How long has it been doing comedy?


Since it starved to death.


KT is organized chaos. KT in an arena is unorganized chaos.


It’s a circus show in an arena. RFK Jr was classic KT


Yeah I was worried when he came out, but it was decent. Not a home run, but could have gone way worse.


People will gather to see real talent. But also for a building demolition, or a freak show.


Absolutely! This is what we love about KT - that it’s not just your typical expected boring show. I love the random guests that make you go wtf. It was as unexpected as seeing Aris .. everything 🤣


Dear lord people bitch about everything on the show lmao. I thought it was great. I promise you Tony is better at putting a show together than you are, and he does not need your suggestions


This should be pinned at the top of this Reddit sub.


1000% Truer words have never been spoken in this sub.


Hes one of the #1 podcasts in the entire world, but single sad Redditards really think their opinions speak louder than that fact. The delusional thinking of these folks is insane


Bro, you've been on Reddit for 1 year and have accumulated almost as much karma as I have in 10 years. YOU ARE REDDIT.


I just went through his comment history and all that karma is from a single replay that simply said 'Hooooootyyy hooooooooo!'


One of the #1 podcasts


For the sake of consistency I hope you never criticize any movies or TV shows you like




This subreddit is fucking unbearable because of these dumbasses whining about everything


Happy CakeDay.


Ok Tony


PIN chainblade59 's COMMENT, PLEASE, MODS. Thank you.


*gluck gluck gluck* for real tho, Tony could literally just shit his pants and be like "I'm a genius, clap for me peons" and losers like you would still be too scared to say "you know what, I like the show, but I didn't care for that part"


It’s not that serious bud. Deep breaths


Bruh that shit was a buzz killer in the building for everyone who wasn't a kook lol


Well-deserved shots fired.


Number 2 on iTunes for a reason. You tell em it is your cake day for a reason. 10 at that


Dog his own wife had to shut him down. Thank her


That’s what wives are for 😉


>Tony's reddit account


It's an open mic. Talent is not guaranteed. A good set is not guaranteed. Your satisfaction is not guaranteed. Just because it's the number one live podcast in the world with the best damn band in the land doesn't change the fact that ITS AN OPEN MIC.


What does it being an open mic have to do with the judges being entertaining or not..? Because the sets and talent isn't guaranteed from the open micers, doesn't it make even more sense to bring in guests that are guaranteed talent/entertainment..?


I hate when people say “this” but fucking THIS bro


Yes it’s an open mic but the judges should be funny lol those aren’t people getting picked out of the bucket. I mean this is so obvious I can’t believe I’m typing it out.


"Your satisfaction is not guaranteed". - That should be a KT Slogan on a shirt.


Dear asshole in section 203 wearing an Oakland A's hat that decided to go off on rfk and bothered every around them for the remaining 1st half of the show before getting kicked out. Fuck you! you piece of shit!


Those nosebleeds got them irritated!


Can you elaborate a little more on what he was doing or saying. I fucking loathe people that attend comedy shows and immediately try and change the vibe, ruining it for everyone


Start off this mf was drunk before the show started. RFK came out and immediately at will all of his voice and lungs could offer. Screaming fuck you rfk!,STFU!,IDC!BOO! ECT. this caused everyone 5 sections on either side to start rebuttaling to shut up and be quiet. Then people near him told him to stfu and he started going off on those people. This almost caused a fight to break out after people got in his face. This was repeated throughout the first half of the show, with security coming and going to their seats to tell them to shut up. Finally, security had them kicked out. It was clear that this guy was drunk POS. Once he found out he was being kicked out, he threw his beer at his friend as if it was the friends fault.


Yes, thanks for this. People need to learn how to just STFU and enjoy the show.


I for one loved it


I’d take rfk over any main party candidate in the last many years


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I thought it was great.


I laughed way too hard at the "hope he don't take the same route his family did" joke hahahahah


Actually, Tony doesn’t have to do anything and you will still watch


The sound of his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I’ll probably have to skip this show just for that reason alone. But also, fuck politicians. They’re hacks & grifters for a reason. If they had any real talent they wouldn’t be a politician.


His voice issue was caused by a vaccine side effect. It’s the reason he wants safe vaccines. He had a surgery in Japan early on in his campaign that made it significantly better. He’s the reason we know Round Up weed killer gives people cancer and the reason the Hudson River got cleaned up, among many other things. Truly a great candidate. Deserves consideration. 🤙🏻




I agree with you except for one part....someone would have to run things - maybe America would just revert to each state having a government if "politicians" at the top of the national food chain someday magically ceased to exist. Having said that, yes, you're correct, 90-99 percent of them really don't give a damn about the working class people and they only care about the control of others and the paychecks they get with their million dollar stock portfolios.


He's an environmental lawyer. He entered politics at 70 years old. He's risking his life running for pres and he knows it. He ain't doing it for fun.


That shit was cool he didn’t have to be funny. I’m biased I like the guy


I liked it


I’m glad that a presidential candidate isn’t a total clown like some other world leader


The guys got heart. I like RFK. Even if every man, women, and child voted and then riotted. They'll never allow RFK to make Prez. Ever. Regardless, he's gonna make his rounds and do push-ups in your face. Lolol. Mensch


It’s a weekly show. I’m sure with somebody as easy to please as you are in charge he’d run out of guests in a month.


It was awkward, yeah, but only because they didn't make sure it was mostly the interview segment so they could talk about his head surgery wound. His "set" was legit just him talking about how he shouldn't get a laugh 'cause he's not William... silly humor, but not really worthwhile for a show hoping for laughs and already overfilled with both regulars and golden ticket winners lol And, as much as I adore him, Dr Phil was unnecessary to add to the table 'cause it negated the point of there being any other guests at the table; he's far too skilled and anyone aware of him knows there's no point in even trying if he's there. But really, as well as KT improved big venue bucket pulls since the NYE shows, it was unsatisfying with there being a mere handful of them. Esp when it was an easily displeased crowd.


I didn't know RFK was on




If this sub becomes political…. So help us all


WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!!! no seriously though why would you say that!?


(Cue horn section hit.) Thanks, William! :)


He'd make a great president though


I'm voting not for him but for the worm


Bruh go watch morning news if you’re so upset 😭


To be fair U.S. morning news causes heartburn just as much as nightly news just with a cheerful soundtrack and the weather every 10 minutes


That's not the spirit of the show


Cry more


I’m a little out of the loop, what was this in regards to?




Honestly I thought a presidential candidate dropping in was hilarious. Would’ve been better if it was Biden just up there mumbling


A lot of complainers here. You still watched, we will listen and move on to the next week. Not every guest is gonna blow it out of the water. Chill people


Tony doesn’t give a fuck about what you or I think, and will do what he pleases. In this case, it’s to boost himself and become part of the rotation. You will watch and be happy.


You miserable fucks hate everything. How about keeping your shit attitude to yourself?


He’s mad


I liked it


People that have been watching for 10 years agree with you, feels like everyone on reddit started watching last year


People were hating on Tucker and he killed it. He had one of the funniest moments. People hate guests based off nothing but there own personal hate


I loved Tucker tbh


Agreed. I even thought the same thing with Nicole Tran and Aphrodite at the end… they added nothing yet Tony for YEARS continues to have them on.


Ever consider that he might be a whole human with his own history and memories and community?


Love Nicole Tran but same to Aphrodite. She’s a dud. 


Whether you like them or not, they are both important parts of the show’s history/lore. They added an extra ribbon to the final song and they didn’t even do minutes. I was at the show and I was psyched to see them come out.


did you throw anything at the people booing?


C'mon, they add flavour. They're not duds at all. The show is a parade of freaks. The more freaks the merrier


RFK wasn't a favor. Tony is a kiss ass star fucker. If Amy Schumer ever agreed to do Kill Tony, he would kiss her ass, after taking all that shit about her. Just like he did with Dane Cook.


its such a classic mistake for anything getting more successful "anyone famous must be a good idea to add on!" fucking what? act like youve been there before bruh. tbh theyve been big for a while, they should know better.


Still doing huge numbers and making money. Only ppl crying sre the dorks in the comment that will watch regardless lol


tbf feedback over new strategies is vital for the success to continue. Occasional lackluster or outright poor decisions is one thing, but the fandom (and not the usual online bot count) will inevitably dwindle the longer it persists with no reprieve. And that's aside from personal tastes changing. See: YMH.


Tony tries to push right wing agendas without being a political show. He should just drop that entirely imo. No one wants real politics in comedy. Edit: You all are so soft. Can even handle an opinion. Does it hurt your feelings that normal fans find right or left wing politics in comedy insufferable? You poor snowflakes


He's running as an independent. Who gets to decide which issues belong to right and left? Maybe listen to his position on issues, and decide whether you agree with him or not based on that? Anyone using cable news to inform themselves on world affairs is operating from a place of ignorance.


RFK is right wing now?


The brain worms got to him


Everyone is right wing to someone on the far left


Are the right wing agendas with you in the room right now? Are they speaking to you? Might be a sign of early onset schizophrenia…


but how else can he try to win his new cowboy friends over?


Never change Reddit 


I think Tony knows exactly what he's doing. The show is growing like crazy.... love it or hate it. Cant argue with results.


Is this sub just to hate on the show


"I expect a standard level of quality from a show that is based on people off the street being randomly pulled out of a bucket with zero vetting." I just don't get y'all.


He’d have your boy Joe Biden on if dude could stay awake for more than a few hours at a time.


That’s my President!


I loved the bit. Anyone into politics would like it imo.


I feel like most people who are actually into politics look at RFK as a joke.


He’d be elected if he said “cunt”


Did William do a deep cut on him?


Which one? Don't recall that


Dude had a worm eat part of his brain and die / what’d you expect?


He should just write their sets. It would be a lot funnier. It doesn’t matter since they aren’t gonna try to become a stand up.




Better than Rick flair


Still not as bad as everyone having to see Ari’s cock and balls


I need another josh wolf ep. Plz massa Tony!!! Make it happen!!!


He sounds like he’s drowning when he talks.


RFK is a dud anyway. If for his minute, he’d have said the word “cunt”, he might become more electable. Tony is simply attempting to broaden the reach of the show. He was at least respectful to RFK. Tony is Austin Texas MAGA.


Someone share the show bruh


That shit felt so forced and cringe. After last night, I'm significantly less interested in RFK


Idk shit about him besides the fact that he’s a Kennedy and pretty wacky. But there’s zero chance I’d want to listen to his voice for more than a couple sentences


Better then that wrestler talking about sideways Asian pussy and being a complete puss at the same time.


Ric Flair. (Whoooooo!) Also Tony's a major pro wrestling fan, surprised it took 10 years to get even just one wrestler like Flair on the show. I sus\[ect more wrestlers appearing in the future even though Flair was a trainwreck.


It’s not a showcase for comedy


That's just like your opinion, man.


This on YouTube?


In a month




Thank you for all the respect


Don’t tell Us!


Why u gonna leak this info


Going into Reddit and trying to avoid spoilers is the most idiotic thing lol


Yeah ur definitely not on the KT sub right after their biggest show in their history so no one will talk about it. Dumbass


When was this?


We were there last night. The whole show was 🚮 except the two guys with disabilities. The panel contributed nothing. A d the crowd was lame, booing everything. The TX show would probably be better.


Had to check my calendar if this isn’t April fools. Where there any Palestine comments/jokes on the show?


He's been on a sleu of podcasts in the same and similar circles as everyone on that stage. It PR. That's a check in hand, not a favor.


if he'd said king a number of times fast you would have loved him


RFK was on?


I wanted to hear what those drunk frogs were talking about, thanks *Cheryl.* 😂


“Just saying”? Do you not realize that Tony was not doing a favor for himself, but more like for the country? We need RFK Junior to win this if we want there to be any real changes that happen that would be good for this country. Just saying And you’re giving Tony Hinchcliff shit for that? How selfish and stupid are you? your telling me that you want Joe Biden or Donald Trump to win over RFK? you’re a fucking idiot. Just saying And by the way, Tony took a risk by having RFK Junior at the Kia because the majority of his fans I’m willing to bet are probably Donald Trump fans because they’re mostly from Texas. Tony himself was a Trump fan to. He’s probably realized that RFK Jr is the better option for us and wants to help make that happen. Why are you even watching the fucking show in the first place? Are you just watching it to give him shit about what he does later? don’t watch kill Tony no more bro. Go watch a lame podcast that’s not cool cause that will probably be more to your liking. You make me LAF, cause your Lame As Fuck. I bet you that I can get your girl to fuck and suck dick quicker than you. Just saying And also because I’m “just saying” this doesn’t mean I think anybody wants to hear it or has to give a fuck about what I’m saying. just like nobody gives a fuck about what you’re saying. Except for me, I obviously give a fuck because I’m responding to it. But I’m only giving a fuck to prove a point….that you’re lame as fuck. That’s why you post on Reddit. The only place that helps you feel like your opinion matters. At the end of the day you watch kill Tony because you like the show kill Tony. If you didn’t like it, you would stop watching it. Are you really post to give Tony and Redban shit and talk Hella shit when you don’t even fucking personally know them and then you want to say things that you think they need to stop doing or they need to do but you’re wrong because what they are doing keeps making them more successful, so what makes you think that what you’re telling them to do is the right thing for them to do? Are US successful as them? Do you run the number one life podcast in the world, so shut the fuck up. And fuck yeah I’m riding that kill Tony dick right now. Say something about it. say something about me riding Tonys dick. I’ll fucking ride that shit all day while in suckin Brian’s. Yeah that’s right start thinking about what you’re gonna say and your response to this. Go ahead and keep typing. Keep typing, keep typing, but just so you know, every single second that you spend thinking about your response to what im saying right now is a waste of your time, because I’m not going to read it. I already feel like a such an idiot myself for having wasted my time on such a lame like you. And yeah, some of the words and sentences in what I’m saying right now might not make sense because I’m doing the talk to text thing, so my apologies for that. But I don’t give a fuck enough to go back and look and edit it and make sure that everything that I’m saying sounds correct . I know youll get what i meant to say. Oh yea, kill yourself, bitch made loser. Just kidding….please don’t kill yourself.


ok Joe


I thought it was great


I suspect that was Tim Dillon's idea, he's done a few fundraisers for RFK. I hate when politicians try to be comedians, they should stick to Fallon or Kimmel and leave the stand up to the stand ups.


Did he do a bit about the worms? He definitely needs a bit about the worms.




When was he on, am I stupid?


Lmao no matter what you people would complain!!!


I haven't watched since the Harland episode. Casey's act has got stale, and the guests on seemed like i myself would've been a better panelists.


Nah fuck that lol rfk trying to preserve his candidacy by showing up and being awkward on fuckin comedians' podcasts is God damn hilarious




You fucking suck, dude. There he goes everybody!


The only reason RFK Juniors not the FrontRunner is America's full morons, if half likes one dude and half likes the other dude the only logical thing would be to go with the third party not alienate half the country every f****** time, it's not like the Kennedys haven't devoted their whole f****** lives to the people or anything


I always find it most disappointing when it's a guest you're excited about but then they really don't say much or take part much. Like Tony hawk , Tucker Carlson. A good few others. That mixed with multiple guests and them not being good to go together can be a bit of a downside to the first aspect. Like Harland Williams. Hilarious. Good guest. Entertaining. All that. But I think he's a much better solo guest. Or if not then at least paired with the right guest. They also should have first timers come alone or with like one other guest that knows the show and can push and guide them to partake and get comfortable. Which I've seen plenty of too.


I guess I'm lucky for having skipped a week - his voice condition aside, it was that bad, huh? Oh wow.


I thought it was badass.


Did anyone notice his chick had her hand on his ass when they walked off stage? My man’s definitely had a Blue Chew on him. Knocking’ BOOTS


Dude who cares it’s a free weekly show , Tony can bring on who ever tf he wants when he wants


Should Release Hans Kim


Leppyweppy so sad...




Was not prepared and once he started going, she randomly interrupted and did his interview! Swing-andamisssss


Was not prepared and once he started going, she randomly interrupted and did his interview! Swing-andamisssss


Was not prepared and once he started going, she randomly interrupted and did his interview! Swing-andamisssss


Was not prepared and once he started going, she randomly interrupted and did his interview! Swing-andamisssss


Posts like this from people who think they have good opinions are such duds


Let me know when Trump or Joe Biden come on the show to do an improvised moment....


His jokes went right over your head if you think he was really talking about William the whole time...