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Hank not being able to varnish a clock without knocking himself out. Its so out of character


You'd think Hank would at least know to at least ventilate his garage first.


I feel like we should have gotten a “That’s why you never varnish angry,” out of him for that slip up.


Thats the Y2K episode right? if so for me I aint mad at the character Im more mad at the writers


Everything is going to be okay, Tom Landry said so.


How Hank kept assuming boomhauer was sabotaging Patch’s wedding without even letting boomhauer speak or give his side


I forgot that, honestly thats outta character for Hank


Idk he let John red corn and Nancy affair go on without saying things. After that I really feel like he’s a let things be type of person when it comes to other peoples relationships


Ah yes the episode that reminds me I’ve left the golden era and it’s time to start the show over again


He let boomhauer explain himself tho... and then believed him that he didn't hire the strippers


He didn’t for the whole episode until dale pointed out that Boomhauer never actually lied




That’s one of the worst tropes of any show or movie. Entire plot hinges on a “Wait let me explain” “NO”. It does happen IRL but it’s so painful to watch.


Boomhauer is an immoral skirt chasing rascal. I tell ya hwat


When Peggy was manipulating Bill into selling her Metalife products. It made me absolutely hate her there.


I forgot that one


If Peggy found a way to make that sack of shit useful, more power to her.


Dale suing Hank for accidentally cutting off his finger and the judge siding with Dale.


And the show made it seem like Hank was a lunatic for being angry so much, except the whole situation really did warrant anger


I guess it does make sense in that a recurring theme of the show is Hank dealing with the stupidity of others.


🎶Dusty old bones, full of green dust 🎶


i cringe every time he comes on


My boy Caleb ruling the 'hood


Caleb was the true alpha male in the alley


C- Unit


I hate Luanne's beauty school teacher so much. So anything to do with her. It's so deliberately grating, I should know better, but they did such a good job making her the biggest fucking hater.


Yes! I hate this woman so much because I am a massive Luanne stan. She is subtly the most resilient character in the show. Miss Kremzer is 100% the whole reason Luanne failed in beauty school. She spent the whole time bullying her to the point that even Hank calls her a bitch in Plastic White Female. In the episode where Leanne gets out of prison and then flakes on Mother Daughter night at beauty school, I get so mad at her having the fucking gall to straight up taunt and humiliate Luanne about it. Luanne studied with Bill for what? A couple weeks max before taking her exam, passed with flying colors, and became a talented enough hair stylist that she had teen girls coming to her at Jack’s Barbershop for their prom hair styles. She achieves this because Bill is a decent person who treats her like an actual human being.


She let the power of being the head of the beauty academy get to her head.


This is the correct answer, that lady was heinous.


Didn't hank call her a bitch. (He was right, btw)


To be fair to Luanne in that episode Junie Harper was specifically playing on her pre-existing faith and her lack of a maternal figure, what Luanne did wasn’t great but that devil Junie Harper effectively manipulated her into being a proxy and doing her bidding.




And I've known people like Luanne, who are highly susceptible to scammers and bullies because they're so sweet and wholesome that they just can't imagine anyone would have bad intentions


Eg: the Jane cult


I mean true, its just frustrating considering how Peggy and Hank have treated her like a daughter


Mostly peggy


And Hank! To a lesser extent!


Bill acting as a general in the hurricane episode.


Or whatever he was in bad news bill


When people treat Bill with respect and like an adult, he acts like one. He just also lacks perspective and will take things too far or revert back to himself when he screws up. See the episode with his Christmas decorations that everyone loved so much he thought he could just keep it going after Christmas, and then the woman who was interested in him is scared off and he gets taken advantage of by those young people who get Bobby drunk.


Bill put on his army uniform guy was prepared to just die. All of a sudden hes leading the charge of the shelter.




Lucky not taking the gig with John Redcorn for the Strickland Family Fun Day. Elvin was usually an ass, but Lucky turning down a way to make money for him and Luanne, and help Hank in the process? Felt odd to me.


That's not what the cake is about


If the band isn't about money, why are so many of their songs about it?


I just want to clean my wrists and scrub my brains out


Woke up this morning... Thought I might... wash myself...


"Dang that's a thinker"


Lucky was never a responsible adult. Hell he barely qualified as an adult. I'd say a stupid, irresponsible overestimation of his own abilities was on brand.


Omg thank you so much for saying this. Everybody wants to act like Lucky was Luannes saving grace and a great character, but the man was flawed from the get-go. I honestly think he was meant to be a one-off character only for khan's redneck phase. I've known dudes like Lucky in rl. In the show, you hear him talk about his "code," and it's played as "look at this good man who sticks to his moral ethics even if they are a bit silly, sometimes" But the silliness drops away when you realize that people use this exact moral code justification for things like beating women, violence against children, keeping secrets in churches/small communities, and racism among many other terrible things. Lucky IS indeed a "real, down to earth, person" who would def go after luanne (a naive young woman who agrees with whatever her stand in father figure says) but not because of any good hearted Americana reasons


I'm really not sure why people defended him or his behavior. The one time he ever tried making a living to support his family (because God knows him keeping house was never gonna happen) he tried suing the one person who took a risk on a high school reject and family friend because he was too lazy to even work part time. Just because he instead opted to sue someone with money we're supposed to accept that him being too lazy and stupid to work a meaningful job is an endearing trait. I say this with no irony, he's probably my most disliked character on KOTH and yes that includes Nancy and Peggy.


Agreed 💯. Fuck Lucky and his "code".


I can say a few things, but when Peggy sabotaged Lucky to prepare for his GED test. I also realized that he was smarter than he seems if he was able to learn all the wrong things Peggy taught him and used it for the test.


It's not like it matters if he learned all of it if it's wrong anyway


This person's trying to say that if given the correct information, he would've learnt it easily and been pretty smart


And I'm saying there's no proof he "learned" Peggy's incorrect information. It's not like the test is on Peggy's wrong info.


Bill rushing over to bring Bobby down to his level when he learned he was home alone and broken up. That was really weird.


Really disliked Cissy Cobb, the reigning boggle champ on episode “Peggy the Boggle champ”. Hate her unsportsmanlike conduct and her annoying braying jackass laugh.


Voiced by Aunt Jackie from Roseanne


Huh. I thought it was Joan Cusack 


When Ted Wassanasong built the McMansion on Rainey St. That almost destroyed the neighborhood.


Maybe I'm wrong, but this thread seems to be asking for moments that were infuriatingly out-of-character for some characters, not things that were just straight-up infuriating. Like Ted building the McMansion is definitely infuriating, but it's also completely in-character for him to do something like that. His whole character is basically being an awful human being at every opportunity.


Yes and some others are just listing names, not specific moments. Following directions and reading comprehension has never been reddits strong suit.


Twig boy


Im playing devil's advocate here, but at the start, he really was just doing his job


Really terribly, though. Dude didn’t even talk with Bobby’s baseball coach to verify Hank’s story.


Twig boy's boss sucks too. He tells bobby on the phone that the investigation is over and just assumes the 12 year-old child will pass that along.


Peggy’s behavior in response to Bobby’s home ec skills was pure pettiness. Sure, her fragile ego is a big part of her character, but to act like that in response to her son? Nah. That was a bridge too far.


When Dale ruined Peggy’s birthday on the train when Luanne accidentally let it slip. He could have ignored what she said but he had to be an ass about it.


Even if Dale hadn't announced the murderer to the rest of the party, Luanne had already ruined it for Peggy. At best, she'd have to suck it up and pretend to go along with it. She wouldn't have had any fun.


Probably that one where Hank was teaching shop & Peggy cheated to get her 3rd substitute teacher of the year award. It was a very low moment for her since she cheated to get it & nobody really gave a damn whether she got it or not. Also probably when Bobby kept thinking they were planning his surprise birthday party during that prono tape episode even though his birthday was like a month away. In my head I was all like shut up Bobby! It's not about your fucking birthday! I just feel like those two B plots we could have just done without.


Bobby is excused for being a dumb ass 13-year-old. Makes sense that a kid would believe a surprise party is being planned a month ahead of time, because an adult wouldn't.  However, Bobby acts borderline toddlerish in the later seasons.


While his friends mature normally, which kinda bothered me in later seasons. Channeling Khan here and wondering why would Connie date him when they are two completely different maturity levels by the end of the show. It actually made sense when she kissed Joseph (background info from that episode not withstanding)


Bobby is obviously ADHD hyperactive type and would naturally be behind his peers in emotional maturity.


Yeah, that's true. I remember also being somewhat dumb at 13 but I don't think I was anywhere near as desperate for a surprise party on my birthday as Bobby was though but I guess that was just me. Occasionally I'd do some rigorous party panning in advance with my parents if I wanted a cool enough party but I was never like Bobby in that one.


I’m not sure about cheating. She didn’t really do anything other than run as Mrs. Hank Hill which is a traditional way of titling a married couple, that’s why Hank got offended in the boggle episode when they said Mr. & Mrs. Peggy Hill (and yeah it was clearly to get more votes since Hank was popular). And her pandering to the “voters” even though 7 votes went to Lara Croft, whoever the hell that is.


Bottom line it was cheating. She initially ran as Mrs. Peggy Hill then changed her name to Mrs. Hank Hill at the last minute to steal Hanks votes pure & simple. The dignified thing to do would have been to just let Hank have that win then try for the award next year. If they went by who their state ID says they are for the award she wouldn't have been entitled to it that way. What got under my skin about that whole thing was I felt Hank was way more deserving of the award since he was a much better sub.


It was after Hank got kicked from the award, and stating “as protest” she was running as Mrs. Hank Hill to pander more votes. She didn’t steal Hanks votes, she just piggy backed off his popularity when he got kicked out by Principal Moss, but she did steal votes from the other subs who didn’t have that advantage.


When Peggy.


When Peggy indeed.


The dog trainer, both of them.


Hank throwing away bacon to get the grease.


The episode where hank is getting plastic surgery, a woman mentions she used to have a penis. Bobby awkwardly calls her 'shim' afterwards which is soooo out of character for a boy who offered Mr and Mrs deutrive snacks in the same body.


Honestly when bobby slugged Joseph twice giving him a bloody nose out of character . Bobby is usually a puss when it comes to physical altercations and showing that bobby can throw a good punch had me wondering why he would not throw hands with Chang. Kind of weird he just takes ass beatings


Dale has alot of these moments


When Hank blackmails the Reverend to have assigned seating.


Peggy's feet .com on the other hand it did give her a hard reality check so I'm torn


Peggy intentionally sabotaging Lucky's chance of getting his GED


Came to say this, Peggy is such a narcissistic bitch. Honestly the worst character in the show


I genuinely can't stand her, so up her own ass


Yes, she is the absolute worst. Which is why I think she’s the best. The first few seasons she was tame, once she has the skydiving accident she is full on savage. I love it. My favorite Peggy-ism: “I’m finally getting the recognition I have always given myself”. I just love what a rotten cunt she is. Is so good.


Anytime Chane Wassanasong was a bully to Bobby, I think making him eat dirt was the worst i recall at this moment.


Also Booby Hill? I don't mind name calling but if you're not funny it becomes terrible.


Dooley and Topsey. Ted Wassanasong is another matter. He's the only cartoon character I'd like to punch in the face.




Most of what Cotton does and like half of what Peggy and Dale do. But if I had to pick one, then yeah it would be making Lucky fail the GED


Bobby being especially cringy


It’s a toss up between that counselor Terrance Pope in that horrible diversity episode, or professor Twilley who spawns Tartuffe the spry wonder dog. 🤢


Dusty old bones full of green dust…


Hank pays sticker price. They don't even say what his thought process was.


The reason was trust. A professional told him this is how things are and Hank respects authority to an absolute fault.


Right, no. That part I get. He trusted the guy. But what did Hank think Peggy was doing for probably a while in that back room? He must have some idea people negotiate the prices (which I find weird since we don't negotiate the prices of anything else- but even I figured it out.)




When Dale was being a father to Bobby and Hank a father to Joseph.


Bill trying to seduce Peggy when hank was driving his mother. Bill was often creepy with Peggy, but that episode crossed a line into harassment.


in all honesty, Bill was always my least favorite


Mine too. More exhausting than funny or pleasant. That's why I love teddy from bobs burgers. Basically the same character, but isn't as creepy, and people seem to like him. The only friends bill has seem to be out of obligation than actual desire to be around him.


agreed, plus it seemed like he didn't really try to improve himself. sure there were moments but they never lasted plus I dont see how Hank bothered to be around him, if my so called best tried to get with my wife, id throw them out my life


🎶 and when she's walking, she's looking, so fi-e-i-e-ine🎶


Yes. The Junie Harper episode. And also the one where Bobby went on his anti-Thanksgiving tirade. Because 1. He looked at a book for like 5 minutes and decided John Redcorn was a cannibal and that needed to be respected. And 2. All that first thanksgiving stuff happened in Plymouth Rock which is nowhere Texas so John Redcorn’s people did not celebrate thanksgiving once.


to be fair, im more mad at John Redcorn in that then bobby


Bill blowing it with Reverend Stroup, whom she gave up her church and status for him, just because it wasn’t tabooed anymore. (Even though it wasn’t but it’s a small town)


another moment why I cant stand Bill


When Hank is going above and beyond to get Ladybird to conceive when he wouldn’t even hear a second opinion when it came to fertility with Peggy. He used her gifted blanket to rub lady bird right after a session!


Dale in the episode where manipulates and emotionally abuses Nancy to win a lawsuit.


Margarette Hill


Dale blowing up the shed at the end of Death Picks Cotton. It wasn’t necessary to end a fairly emotional episode (relative to animated television) like that with something so trivial.


Idk I kind if liked it. Dale always had a love for cotton and it was in a way cottons last blowout


The Manger babys episode! Luanne annoyed me so much lol. Also the one where Bill becomes Santa year round because he ruins a genuine connection with a nice woman because he’s just so blind.


He’s not blind, he’s self-sabotaging


Peggy not telling Mrs Kahn that she had rented a one half two story condo until they got to Mexico. She’s Arlen’s #1 substitute Spanish teacher. When Minh kept using that word to describe her rental condo Peggy would have explained that it means one half (I can’t remember the Spanish word).


Mitad. "It doesn't really translate," she said. 🙄


That’s Peggy Hill for “I don’t know that word,” but obviously she’d never say that


Yeah, I don't think she knew and intentionally misled Minh. I think she was too embarrassed to say that she had no clue.


Peggy's Spanish is exactly as much as needs to be known for middle school students to pass middle school Spanish. Couple that with Peggy's very high opinion of her abilities and it's natural to assume she wouldn't know the word and would just say it doesn't translate.


Bobby joining youth group or church things ugh bad episodes


whys that


The Hank I know wouldn’t have pulled the lever, they just needed an Arlen Flooder. Hand would understand that concrete is weirdly elastic under pressure.


Hank wasn't given good instructions by the authority on the phone and wasn't trained for that type of situation. He made a judgement call when asked to, and we still don't know if he made the right or wrong call in that situation, just that the people whose homes were flooded blamed him for it and not the storm.


Peggy absolutely disgusts me. The episode where she was obsessed with Nancy not answering her calls so she broke in and hid in the closet. The episode when she tried to live vicariously through connie by getting her on the wrestling team. The Jimmy Carter episode where she tries to get Hank and Cotton to fix their relationship. She only made things worse and still took credit in the end. The episode where she purposefully miseducated Lucky. That was just a flat out violation. And the episode where hank has to wear butt pads and she hung them up to dry outside. Complete sabotage.


Yes Junie is the worst. I love KOTH but usually skip that episode when rewatching.


Whenever Hank kept having dirty dreams about Nancy and they just brushed it off as him being attracted to the propane. If he was attracted to the propane why did she have no clothes on? I didn’t and don’t expect him to cheat just it’s annoying how easily the characters brushed it off as he’s just attracted to propane.


Every time Dale did something petty/stupid and/or was a shit "friend" and Hank didn't beat him to death.


When luanne lost all her hair after the megaslposion and she turned into this weird activist, even the clothes and boots she was wearing at the funeral for Buckley were so odd to me. Like why did she want to be an angry lesbian? I know she was grieving but still felt kinda odd to me.


Season 7 espisode 13 " Straight as an Arrow." Lucky and Luanne demand wedding gifts from everyone. When verbal demands don't work on Dale, they get Elvin and Mud Dobber to help them intimidate Kahn and Mihn. It was bad enough that they were demanding gifts. Threatening people in their own home who have a child to worry about made it worse.


The thanksgiving episode where Bobby learns how to cook and stuff from home ec. Peggy's at her hair dressers apartment while his wife is breast feeding and she delivered this line " I breast fed my Bobby, big mistake" it urks me lmao.


When Hank and Peggy buy a motorcycle and they’re going to the festival and Hank won’t let Peggy drive


I really dont HATE anyone everyone has its own charm.


The whole Dale having a meltdown in the clocktower and Hank having to play negotiator. The sequencing of that episode was too farfetched and "convenient" for me (bugspray wand, "miscommunication"), and that's even with the Dale-never-catches-on father gag throughout the years.


Luanne finding an already open beer can in the fridge, drinking it, being excited that she won and Hank not focusing on that instead goes the age route.. like 😮‍💨