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Don't ask that question in r/FinalFantasy or you'll start 3rd world war


I can confirm this; it would be chaos; I once asked this very question in a Facebook group, and let me tell you, pure fucking chaos; I'm sure I saw someone in the fetal position in a running shower bawling their eyes out...LMAO.


Should def ask that in the final fantasy subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


only making it more tempting lol


Good news! There's a game out there that can settle it. It's called Dissidia.


I like this, but it still proves nothing. I played the story as Both and would beat points out of the other until I felt like tossing them and pummeling into submission. I think Jecht probably gave me a bit of annoyance. Playing against friends changed everything, though, but not enough to DEFINITELY answer OP question.


I remember the first time I played Dissidia (it was 012 I think) I was a dumbass little kid and didnā€™t understand the game mechanics because I didnā€™t like reading I guess, and I would just set up custom matches as random characters and endlessly attack the opponent with point drains and almost never use actual damage attacks cause I thought I was winning by hitting the enemy a lot




The game is actually called Dissidia 012


"Dissidia 012"; the second PSP one.


The original PSP Dissidia and the sequel called Dissidia 012 (pronounced Duodecium) were the better Dissidia games.


Yea I got it, Iā€™m just gonna delete my comment, I never played these games/systems so Iā€™m clearly uneducated and was more just asking and trying to figure it out but realize it just looks *super* stupid


We need a New Dissidia that also has at least Sora and Riku, cuz that would be awesome


I'm pretty sure that there was supposed to be a Kingdom Hearts Dissidia, but Disney didn't want their characters beating eachother up, or something like that


That would be fun as a crossover since they do interact but they'd need Disney to sign off again


It would probably come down to a stalemate if weā€™re being honest. Both are trained warriors, both can wield powerful magic. Leon/Squall has a slight edge because gun+blade but physics like that donā€™t matter in fantasy. Cloud does have the dark powers (if weā€™re sticking to just KH continuity rather their games) Iā€™m trying really hard not to be biased as wellā€¦ so yeah. My vote goes to Sora. Sora beats them both.


"Leon/Squall has a slight edge because gun+blade but physics like that donā€™t matter in fantasy." That depends on whether or not we're going with final fantasy VIII gunblade, the way the gun blade seems like it works in kh, or final fantasy XIII gunblade. If it FFVIII gunblade then it's little more than a fancy sword (pulling the trigger on this version causes the champers to fire and propel the blade along it's arc imparting more force to the swing according to lore), kh seems again like ots just a fancy sword but this time magical since he casts fire through it, FFXIII is where we might get an advantage since those gunblad3s actually shoot things


Ff8 is the reason even today I hit r1 on a hit hoping for a critical


Lost Odyssey did this to me lol.


I wouldn't count with ff13's version, mostly because its a whole another can of worms to add to the discussion and and mostly because it's Fabula Nova Crytallis, and hell even Noctis has gunblade in form of the engine blade/not Red Queen from devil may cry jokes aside, if we gonna count, Leon would just use the magic version,since its superior, you can see that with FFXIV gunbreaker job lore and garlean soldiers with gunblades, aether boosted blades do way more damage and gunblades using aether charges, be it from the user or 'bought'. Why not use Dissidia as a framework? The game has both characters with their quirks and leon do use magic from both hand cast as well from the gunblade. Still most of his attacks are mid range due magic and a rush type. Cloud in another hand, still a berserker and guard breaker but still can use few spells if my memory serves right.


Bold of you to assume I beat them on my first playthrough


Cait Sith solos both so it doesnt really matter tbh /j Real talk tho I'm putting my money on cloud


cait sith solos everything including himself


Cait Sith is the most powerful being in the multiverse


people hate him cause heā€™s so strong totally not because he made some people start making a habit of saving more often (not me though I love gambling so Iā€™m not gonna quit unlike 99% of gamblers)


Fr Im finna gamble like I'm playing a game made by EA in this mf (Also cait sith did WHAT)


ONG bro go big or go home, 50% of the time it works everytime Not sure if Iā€™m misreading that last part, but in og ff7 cait sithā€™s second limit, Slots, has a variety of effects that vary from instakilling the enemies (including bosses) to instakilling every party member and causing a game over, which sends you back to the file select screen aka when you last saved.


100% of people quit right before they insta kill ruby weapon with cait siths slots


Selphie solos Cait Sith.


This fucking guyā€¦gets it


Thanks to remakes, currently Cloud as Leon would just stand there waiting for his turn in combat. Meanwhile Cloud has hit him 37x in punisher mode and is now using Braver


Infinityā€™s End is 10x the move Braver is tho


OKAY. If weā€™re assuming both combatants at max level with the highest level summons , materia, armor, etcetera, then Iā€™m giving it to Cloud. Sure, Renzokuken is awesome and itā€™s my favorite Limit from all of FF, but Omnislash is just a bit better, Iā€™d say. While Eden is an insanely powerful summon, Knights of the Round make her seem somewhat trivial. As far as weapons, honestly Iā€™d probably put Ultimate Weapon in a deadlock with the Lion Heart. No advantage. If weā€™re pulling Advent Children into this, Cloud by a LANDSLIDE. Not only has he mastered two blade combat, but Fusion Omnislash is a death sentence. Going solely off of the KH narrative, once again, Cloud. Squall relegated himself to being a civil engineer while Cloud was cracking skulls and waiting on Sephiroth to get punted by a teenager so they could throw hands again. If weā€™re going off of their battle themes, give me Maybe Iā€™m a Lion any day of the week.


If we're going by attack animations you're underestimating the advantage of range though. Knights of the Round and Advent Children Omnislash need to be close. Ranzokouken generates a beam that reaches outside of the atmosphere, it can hit Cloud before he's anywhere near. Similarly Eden can hit anywhere on the planet surface from outer space, with a bigger scale than both FF7 and FF8's Bahamuts.


Pretty sure Cloud has been shown to basically be able to phase step aka instant transmission aka teleport though lmao If he wanted to not get hit by a beam, I have a feeling he wouldnā€™t get hit by said beam.


But if we are really taking game mechanics into this, Squall is literally incapable of missing in FFVIII. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Squall fanboy, but Cloud has more impressive feats. Cloud wins this with his overly anime combat style.


Yea heā€™s incapable of missing cuz he was never shooting at Cloud Strife lmaooooo


With access to as much materia as Cloud has, he has plenty of options for range. Additionally, the Master Materia gives every spell in the game in a single slot, so itā€™s not like heā€™d have to pick and choose. Outside of that, Cloud does have a few ranged options, though they are limited in distance. As far as Eden attacking the planet from space, so does Bahamut ZERO.


I know, that's why i said at a bigger scale than both bahamuts


The only right answer


Isnā€™t Cloud an actual SOLDIER in the KH universe?


OK ... but Sephirot is his darkness ... so it is like he is stronger.


I don't believe SOLDIER exists in the KH universe.


Speaking as someone who knows nothing about FF outside of what KH gives you, I remember SOLDIER being mentioned in one of Cloudā€™s journal entries. Probably KH2


Huh. Well then that raises a WHOLE lot of questions.


/u/EvanMG24 It's indeed in his Journal Entry for KH2. To quote directly: >A "SOLDIER" who effortlessly wields a hefty sword. He once fought against Sora and his friends under contract with Hades. However, going by other Games' Journal Entries, this seems more like a cute reference just for fun, rather than aiming to actually imply SOLDIER as it's known in FF7 exists in Kingdom Hearts.


yeah cause otherwise it would say he was a member of SOLDIER or he was SOLDIER 1st class or something like that


For instance, where Shinra


If SOLDIER is a thing in the KH universe, my theory is that Ansem the Wise was in charge of it.


My theory ever since that line in KH2 about Cloud following Sephiroth back home is that there is a Midgar world somewhere in KH. The story is vastly different because of the multiple worlds thing, but the plot points are roughly the same.


But in Kingdom Hearts canon both Yuffie and Aerith are from Radiant Garden.


That's faie, but on the other hand, Tifa isn't. That's just my headcanon


Everyone here forgetting how broken Squall's DRAW system is.


Magic means nothing if you can dodge it


My vote is cloud because he is a harder fight


Cloud would maul squall in a fight


Cloud could easily win a fight against Leon medal


The answer is Sora


Honestly, I think Cloud would win if there were a straight fight between him and Leon/Squall. Sure, Leon might have an advantage because of the gunblade. I'm not sure, but I feel that the winner would be Cloud.


Cloud! Squall is a trained warrior same as Cloud. But Cloud went under the Soldier Program and got more power from mako.


Power from Mako isn't much different from power from Guardian Force Junctioning. They're both ways to buff a person.


thatā€™s a good point!


Cloud was never part of the SOLDIER program.


Ff7 Cloud and Ff8 Squall?? Cloud is not a SOLDIER but he has Genova cells, Sephirot cells, is infused with mako and has the mind of a soldier like he was really trained by the program, so he is already at an advantage. Squall is very very talented an very trained warrior but he is a "normal" human. How is this a contest. Now if we talk about KH, I think it will be a draw.


I start wondering how many people replying have actually played FF8. Guardian Force Junctioning is FF8's equivalent to FF7's Mako infusion. Neither of them is a "normal" human


I'm wondering how many people have played FF8 too. Squall was able to kill Ultimecia. A sorceress that was far more powerful than a 1st Class SOLDIER like Sephiroth.Ā  She was able to successfully absorb all of time (past, present, and future) and space into a single moment called Time Compression.Ā  Sephiroth was trying to injure the planet with a space rock and absorb it's afterlife, something he failed to do.


Sephiroth has the top of the podium due to popularity (and the banger theme). People from outside the franchise have no idea how much more dangerous most other Final Fantasy final bosses are in the respective setting .


Honestly sad to say Sephiroth is more on the weaker side when it comes to the Final Fantasy villians in both power and accomplishment. His popularity definitely is carrying him.


Kefka enters the chat


Yeah, I know the GF and the drawing system gives Ff8 characters a lot of strength, but I was going by all the enhancements Cloud had before even the start of the game were you use the materia system. And normal human by FF standards I mean. FF IX Zidane is an alien, FF 5 Bartz too, FF6 Terra is an esper, ff 2 are normal humans too! Ff1 are normal but chosen heroes like in 3... That's what I mean. I have played all FF but I am not a lore master by any means


Wdym in kh cloud is even more clearly the stronger one.


Going by KH versions only, I'm going with Cloud. Having played against BOTH of these character multiple times, I feel Cloud is a harder fight than Squall. I think the strongest thing Leon ever fought, other than Sora, is a bunch of heartless. Cloud fights Sephiroth


Their both protagonists in their games and are capable of killing gods, so idk.


If they're fighting? The bad guys win.


In the colosseum you fight Cloud by himself after fighting Leon and Yuffie together. Which would imply that Cloud Beat Leon and Yuffie before you fought in the colosseum at all.


Purely KH itā€™s gotta be Cloud. Heā€™s the tougher fight and *will* slap me silly if Iā€™m not careful. Leon is kind of a pansy as long as you watch out for his fireball.


Cloud, and by far. Leon\\Squall is just a human, a child soldier that received training to obtain magic by doing deal with Guardian Force in exchange of their memories. Aside that, he is not so strong or different. Without GF he is just a well trained human. He survived some tall jumps, he survived electrocution done to torture him, he survived to be impaled ... but probably was helped. Cloud has Jenova cells, Mako infusion, more difficult training, did more difficult things, survived to more hard stresses mentally and phisically, he is older, he is simply stronger.


Sephiroth who is the fin boss for FF7 became a GOD Ultemecia (boss from ff8 AKA Squalls/Leons game) is arguably more powerful as she time travels and can compress time. HOWEVER, Ultemecia doesn't exist in the KH universe but Sephiroth does. Cloud kills sephioth in the original FF7 Meaning I think Cloud would win HOWEVER, what if Ultemecia was already killed by Leon and the events of KH take place after? Meaning Cloud failed killing sephiroth bc he's still alive in this universe. Meaning in this scenario Leon/Squall would win.... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ My head hurts. My final answer is lightning from FF13.


Itā€™s okay that everybody canā€™t agree. We all know cloud is the better and squall is second best. And if you donā€™t agree, sounds like a you problem


Depends what cloud and what squall. If we're going by their canonical moment of greatest strength, cloud, sorry ff8 bros.


I'd go with Squall Leonheart.


Youā€™re wrong and thatā€™s okay.




Cloud fanboy lol


The real soldier was Zack. Cloud was mostly a cry baby. Play Crisis Core.


Iā€™m aware of the origins. But the question wasnā€™t Zac or squall it was cloud or squall. Also itā€™s copy and past from Zac to cloud after all the fuckery that happens.


Squall, Cloud, Lightning, Tidus. Is it me, or do the names of Final Fantasy main characters sound like weather forecasts??šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not you, itā€™s a pretty well known thing. For example Zack Fair refers to fair weather while Cloud Strife is meant to contrast that.


The attention to detail even in the names, is beautiful.


What does "Squall" have to do with climate?


A Squall is a rainstorm




Nomura was having fun and besides KH does the same Sora = Sky Riku= Land Kairi= Sea then of course Terra Aqua Ventus


Zidane from FF9 just sitting in the midst of all of that like šŸ˜...


Nomura didnā€™t make ff9 thatā€™s why


AC cloud beats him easily


It all depends on if Squall remembered to properly junction and restock his magic before the battle


Depends on which version of cloud weā€™re talking about


I feel like Cloud takes it. Both are trained warriors, sure, but Cloud has several physical edges through his experimentation. Squall needs the external help of the Guardian Forces and stealing/junctioning magic to even be a match. Take those away, leave it down to pure sword fighting, Cloud has the edge of being physically better and having easier access to his special moves (Cloud only needs to be hit enough. Squall needs to get *low* enough.)


Cloud wins. Heā€™s just faster and stronger. I love both FF7 and FF8, Squall is a badass but I donā€™t see him taking down Cloud. Itā€™d be a close fight though.


Faster and stronger based on what?


Whenever I see hypothetical fights, I like to think in terms of probability rather than absolute terms. So, I'd say Cloud has something of an advantage and I'd say the odds are around 65-35 that he wins.


Depends really one was made to destroy a being that controls time and space itself the other was just figuring a very juiced up superhuman with powerful magicā€¦hard to say really


No, those are Squalls and no one likes those


Cloud wins, high difficulty. His soldier mako blood puts him on another tier compared to squalls HUMAN yet extreme SEED training.


To be honest, I don't think Squall can win this fight, but I'm putting my money on him anyway, because that's what friends do. Go Leon!


Tough to say.


Off of them in the final fantasy universe Cloud wins because Squall is more human in his game. The magic at his disposal is cooler but squall canā€™t do the shit cloud was doing in the advent children movie.


In Dissidia the Squall was better than the Cloud


Squall and friends beat Ultimecia. Squall has more experience, junctions, and an OP limit breaker that outdamages Cloudā€™s. Even with the best materia I donā€™t see Cloud winning.


depends on their mental state


Op if you have a ps5 or PC this is the perfect time to play FF7 Remake and Rebirth.


Keep in mind that this is Advent Children Cloud. He's able to split his sword in several parts if he removes the bandages. He could also, theoretically, Omnislash v.5 Leon pretty easily.