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I’d blame it on the fact it’s a DS game, but 3D was ported down the line


And 3D was ported as what was basically a standalone game bundled with a movie using character models made for KH3 and a demo for KH3 that was originally made as KH3's intro.


I still can’t get over DDDs control schemes not being fully customizable, like really only three types and one of them is just inferior to both lmao


my only issue with DDD is the zoomed in camera on the player, similar to BBS


hasnt that been fixed in the HD DDD tho?


Bruh DDD graphics were huuugely ahead from DS and so was BBS for PSP.


Now its the opposite.


Well the ds and 3ds are pretty different tbh. Dream drop distance looked like it used a similar engine to most of the other ps2/psp games, the ds games are their own thing since the ds was underpowered in comparison, DDD was probably much easier to port


The game is great, almost amazing for DS standards. I would say we're able to visually see the system being pushed to it's limits. There were tons of neat things about the combat like the variety in play-styles and the novelty of playing as other Organization members for the 1st time. There really is a charm to the game that can really only be experienced when ***playing the game*** \- as opposed to watching the game-movie **That being said** \- I really can't blame Square for not focusing on this game. The gameplay gets very tedious, the missions can be very boring, the story - being the best part - drags on a little bit at some parts (when trying to make the Disney worlds important) and **it's generally, a dated game.** (If they decided to re-release the game, they have to make an option to play through Story Mode with Mission Mode settings (i.e **Zero Gear** from the start) because there is no reason to release a raw version 358/2 to be honest)


The real shame is that they didn’t port GBA COM


Graphics wise 3D is a lot closer to the PS2 games so it didn't need a whole lot of work put into it. Days would've required completely reworked models and environments to the point of basically being a remake, which required more time the devs didn't have.


It was because they were short on development time. Is was originally suppose to be playable but didn't have the time to make it


It wasn't ported cause they ran out of time recreating KH1 as they lost the source code.


are u serious? Don't compare Days with DDD. We're talking about two completely different hardwares.


Thing with DS is that has a lot less power than 3ds and PSP, an example is the kind of crunchy graphics (even the keyblades were flat pngs) compared to the other 2, that looks similar to 1 and 2, while the DS games were only capable of it by prerendered cutscenes, bad combat design (the enemies were immune to knockback, and hitboxes aren't clear), plus the part of the dual screen, that would require a full remake of the game, which we know it wouldn't happen, since they only port the games rather than redo them


DS games been emulated on modern consoles before and Days had minimal touch inputs implementation. They could've just emulated.


CMIIW but both Days and Re:coded were developed by 3rd party (deff not by the core KH team). Also without those 2 being playable, 1.5 and 2.5 still had KH1, KH2, CoM, and BBS, whereas if DDD was also a movie then 2.8 would've been 2 movies and a demo lol


It's worth getting a 3ds at this point, cause modding it is so easy and worth it. After I've modded it I've used it more than my switch almost. Just so many great games on both the 3ds and ds library.


DDD was a 3ds game, not ds. It has proper 3d models and environments. It's like comparing a N64 to a Wii in terms of graphical fidelity they were working with to port up. That being said I play all of them on my steam deck now. So I do have og chain of memories, 358/2, and re coded playable on one device with the other games now. It's like heaven ❤️


A lot of the models they made for 3D were the base for rebuilding KH1 when they first ported it. It was already at a level above most of the games in the series.


Idk KH 5.1 HDR 3.5 FM X360 was a fantastic remake


Big issue was that they lost the source code for the first game which led to development taking much longer as they had to reverse engineer everything. A remake of 358/2 days similar to Re:chain of Memories was planned but canceled because of that


It's there a reason why they couldn't just download a ROM and get the code back lol or am I over simplifying


They pretty much did something like that but yes you are oversimplifying it. Im not game developer but from what Ive heard they essentially had to rebuild the game by reverse engineering it and that takes much longer than if they did have the source code.


Days and DDD simply don't work as well when they're not on the DS. Coded was a phone game turned DS game, so the touch screen isn't heavily important to the game outside of the scratch off cards. The same can be said for DDD, but anyone who saw the intro on their 3DS in 2012 can tell you that the intro is missing a lot by not having a second screen. Plus, the touch screen is better for flick rush and TWTNW Reality Shift. Days, on the other hand, NEEDS its second screen for the cool top screen Roxas bottom screen Sora moments. Yep, that's it. Days isn't Days without the details like that.


How does one port a 3d game but not a ds game 🤔 seems like they just didn't try lol


Not a matter of not trying, they just didn't have the time or resources to do it. Remember this was 2013, they were still trying to figure out KH3's development. You are absolutely lying to yourself if you wanted them to put less focus on 3 to waste time and manpower doing a full remake of a game most people already written off as a "spinoff". It's called priorities, man. I get being upset that it wasn't fully remade, but don't act like the devs were lazy or unwilling, that's fucked up.


Re:CoM wasn't made for the HD release, it was originally made as part of a bundle with 2FM+ in Japan while internationally it was sold as its own game. Oversimplifying but they would've just had to change some existing assets around and port it to HD. KH1 would've been the same, but the company already lost KH1's original data so making a HD version was essentially members of the Osaka team (who were also working on KH3 btw) *recreating the entire game from scratch.* If they decided to fully remake 358/2 too, it wouldn't have been a straight port job either; it'd be asking them to work on three games at once


Look up something called KH Melon Mix


You're my hero


I just played through this and it was a pretty good experience


Woah, first time I've heard of this. That looks awesome!


Is there an equivalent of that for Re:Coded?


Melon Mix has compatibility with Re:Coded. Not as refined as the development focus is currently on Days, but it works.


I was considering making a mod for the Steam version to make it playable, glad I heard about this first lol


My guy that’s not even a mod that’s just remaking the game


No Homo, I love you.❤️


I wish it had steam deck support already


It does? I have it on my deck right now!


Oh, the latest patch notes I saw said that Steam Deck support was still coming


It’s verified playable my guy, been playing it since launch on my 64 GB that can barely handle GOW or Helldivers


I’m emulating it now. It’s fun, but honestly, the gameplay definitely feels like it belongs on a DS. And I’m not referring to controls. The level design is very… arcade-like? At least 3D and BBS had you moving around different worlds like a normal KH game. This one is just “okay for this level you can acces these 2 rooms. And this level gives you THESE 2 rooms.” Idk, maybe a remake would improve upon things and make it feel less like an arcade game and more like an RPG? Hell, could you imagine playing Days in an arcade cabinet? That would be amazing!


This comment makes me happy I bought a DS to specifically play this game


>This one is just “okay for this level you can acces these 2 rooms. And this level gives you THESE 2 rooms.” For story wise, makes sense. Wouldnt wanna have some rookie in black coat wandering around the whole town. 😁


It totally feels that way! As someone who got hooked by first playing KH2 I loved that about this. Something about a finite world is soothing to me? I’m not the biggest fan of huge sandbox style games where the map is boundless and there are infinite things to collect.


Well put. The game felt incredibly limiting. I think people tend to have the nostalgia glasses on for this one just because the story is interesting.


It was definitely multiplayer focused. To me it felt like a KH Monster Hunter, sort of. I wish you didn't have to beat a level on your own to unlock it for the multiplayer mission mode though, that was pretty dumb. Would have loved to fight through the story with a friend.


I am just sad that anytime Square gives a kh a solid multiplayer feature it never stays. I jaw dropped so hard when I finally played Days and saw the multiplayer selection screen just baffled that this was only done here.


Oh it was also on birth by sleep! I remember trying to find people to play against on the PSP haha.


Yeah bbs didn't have the character cast as far as days did but it still had solid multiplayer that got dropped sadly. Wish the main games would throw any of these idea as side features like they did


I completely forgot about that, could never get my few PSP owning friends to play it with me 😭


Multiplayer was also on the original CoM on GBA. If you and a friend had a copy each. With a link cable, you could battle each other using the deck from your save.


There’s a super cool emulator mod out rn that try’s to make a widescreen 1 screen 358/2. I haven’t played it myself but it looks super cool. https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/1bvnp6b/days_on_widescreen_with_4x_the_ds_resolution_and/


It would have been interesting if it was on PS3 for sure, considering that era has no KH game specifically made for it. All we got were the PS3 ports obviously, always wondered what a Days remake on PS3 would have been like.


I have the DS game but I also emulate it on my PC in HD with MelonDS. MelonDS has become the definitive way to play the DS titles. That being said, I've never even bothered watching the entirety of either of the cutscene compilations.


I've just installed that, and I'm a little confused on if it's working properly? The controls are right, but the game still looks blurry in parts (mostly the menu and words and stuff) and the cutscenes are still like DS quality. Is that normal or have I not set it up properly? 😅


Yeah the cutscenes and such are more pixelated and grainy, but the gameplay should be really sharp. Did you adjust the resolution in the video settings?


Okay cool thank you!! It does, but it seems maybe not as clean as it should be. I'll keep messing with it :) and I did adjust the resolution, which one did you put it on? That's the setting that goes up to 16x right?


Yeah it's been a while for me but I think I usually keep it at a max of 1440p or 1080p because the max setting causes lag for some reason on my PC, despite my specs being pretty decent.


Okay thank you!! Yeah I tried the max and it made it lag pretty bad haha.


When my brother first got the KH games on his PS4 before KH3 came out, I was disappointed that I couldn’t play it because I really wanted to. Well about a month or so ago, my coworker found Chain of Memories on Gameboy and he knew I had been looking for it so he bought it for me. Not long after that, I found 358/2 Days on DS and I got really excited to finally have it. A couple weeks after getting a copy of it, I decided to play the games in timeline order and I get to play it here soon because I’m finishing up CoM on Gameboy. I’m still disappointed that I didn’t get to play it on PS4 like most of the others, but I’m glad that I was able to find a copy of it.


2 words Melon Mix


It's a massive shame they didn't remake 358/2 like they planned to. It's one of my favorites of the series, but it is bogged down by being a DS game and isn't aging well. It should have been a PS3 game in the first place.


Me with a ds 😅


If you notice, a lot of the screenshots in the game use fully updated environment medals. Also Melody of Memories has some updated environments from 358/2 Days. I bet they were reused from when they attempted to remake the game. Long story short, they did want to remake the game but it wasn’t feasible. Maybe one day it’ll get proper treatment.


97% of 358 takes place in KH1 or KH2 levels


Yes but the remade environments are from 358/2 Days exclusive environments. Neverland for example is in KH1 but you don’t actually go to all the different areas in KH1.


Play Melon Mix, it's worth it


it is a little no joke 358/2 days is what taught me how to block. in KH2 i would just dodge or glide out of the way in KH1 it was parry but in 358/2 it was blocking, mostly because that's the game where you can HOLD a block i carried the use of block forward to 3D and it has saved my ass sometimes


at least its an actual video game an entire saga/storyline of the KH series is unplayable now because it was a removed, cashgrab, gacha game with clip-art cutscenes, one that ends up being almost 6 hours straight of original lore dumping by the time of the last update, basically all of the KH lore from before BBS is going to remain unplayable for like... ever


As someone who played it way back when, I'm not disappointed at all. The gameplay was clunky and there was not at all a lot to explore. You could access these rooms, next mission you access these other rooms, rinse, repeat. Can't over-emphisize the clunkyness.


I have four copies on DS, because I used to play it on Mission Mode with my friends. They had DS systems but not copies of the game, so I just had them come over to play the game. We never did unlock Sora, but we beat all but four missions 100%.


Still an amazing story though


Happy I still have my 3DS.


You can play it. People made a custom DS emulator for 358/2 Days that let's you play it on PC in wide-screen. All UI elements have been moved to a single screen for a smoother experience. https://github.com/vitor251093/KHMelonMix


If there's one Kingdom Hearts game that should be remade, it's this one!


From what I remember, they lost the original code for KH1 and remaking both Kh1 and Days would've taken too long, so they opted for the movie version instead . This way, the collection wouldn't be delayed, and we still would get Days (in some format or the other).


I agree, especially since I never got to play the original version as I never owned a Nintendo DS. 😭


I’m so glad I have the game physically


Same with recoded such an underrated game. Story meh but every thing around it!!


Tell me about it 😭😭😭 this is my FAVORITE ONE


everybody says 358/2 sucks but i want to experience the game myself. to form my own opinion. it's why i want to play re:coded as well


The story itself was really good but the graphics were SUPER trash


I bought the whole KH bundle on steam and when I found that out I made sure I could emulate chain of memories, and 358/2 to actually play these on my Steam Deck.


Still upset about this, it'd be easy to port and just remove the touchscreen bits


I think they'd need to rebuild the game from the ground up (Like Chain of Memories) in order to make it function and to improve on it. That would take a lot of effort that Square just don't want to do.


It's an absolute crime. this game would EAT as a console game. That last battle sequence with Xion??? Omg.


Omg right! 😭


This was my favorite game besides kh2


I never understood this take. I grew up with 358, and even I can admit it’s just not a fun game to play. Most bosses suck, the missions are generally tedious, you do basically chip damage unless you have good magic builds, etc… some nice features like the panel system and tiered magic spells don’t save the bulk of the game from being a pretty boring mess. Always gonna have nostalgia for it, but I can’t recommend actually playing it through (the main campaign is also absurdly long for how much repetitive stuff you do).


It should have been ported for the sake of game preservation but honestly you're not missing much. It would be nice if it got a remake, but I doubt it will.


people always say this but half the fanbase that’s played this game consider it one of the worst in the series gameplay wise and definitely the worst handheld kingdom hearts game.


I would argue that the weapon designs and the fact you were able to play missions with the different organization members and they each had there own unique weapon designs made this game amazing, you could even play as sora, mickey and dual wielding roxas in the mission mode if you managed to unlock them


Half the fanbase seem to hate to every game that isn't KH2. So what else is new?


fair enough


> definitely the worst handheld kingdom hearts game Union X and Dark Road say "hi".


i dont even consider those handheld games really they’re seperate phone games


DS owners be like "skill issue."




Technically, you can. But you need an emulator as neither the console nor the game are officially sold anymore.


It’s even more of a shame the game crashes 2 minutes of it being on regardless of settings :(. It’s sad because kingdom hearts is a core childhood memory for me




Would love to get to play it again...


??? im lookin forward to this one the most


Played it on DS, it was amazing. Playing through Re:coded right now.


i got lucky and someone sold a used ds copy of days to the gamestop i worked at years ago and the manager let me put it aside until it was cleared to be sold. emotionally worth it but man, ds graphics were something


It's a blessing, it's way too repetitive and tedious


I’ve never played it but that Melon Mix looks good but has the original cutscenes so I’m kinda torn. It seems to have no new Disney levels. Is there any benefit to playing? Like any new experience, or any optional boss I’ll feel all warm and fuzzy beating on Proud like Sepheorth in KH1? I have it on ds too, in theory, but if I do play is there any reason I WOULDNT want to do the pc emulation?


I mean, the Days Movie cuts out a bunch of cutscenes, and what’s left is altered, so some things are different from the game. Also it has a new area for the KH1 version of Agrabah, plus the first playable version of Neverland (I don’t think it’s the same as BBS’s, but don’t quote me on that.


melon mix is planned to implement the 1.5 cutscenes in a natural feeling way . as for the worlds , apart from the general scaling treatment all of them got , neverland is completely new apart from the ship , beasts castle has a new area , agrabah has an entirely new cave of wonders layout and an evolved version of kh1s city , wonderland has a few new areas


No shit? I might just wait for the cutscenes then. I’m still finishing up kh1 on the steam release so I’ve got at least CoM and KH2 to worry about first on top of having a newborn so hopefully it doesn’t take forever lol thanks for the heads up. I’ll throw in BBS if I catch up.


KH melon mix finished a full release a few weeks ago it makes the entire 358/2 days experience playable in a single screen closest thing to a remaster we’ll get. and it runs off the original cartridge rom files.


a stable release\* , theres still a lot of features we havent implemented yet , texture replacement is still in progress , music and cutscene replacement we have the info needed to start but no work has been done yet , and ofcourse theres still a lot of bugs and features we just havent gotten around to adding yet


ah yes, stable release, thank you ! sorry i was at work earlier and i didn't have time to remember all the details. but the fact that the DS rom file is playable from start to finish in a single screen environment is sick \~ thanks for all the amazing work you an your team do !


no worries and thankyou ! we are doing our best to bring the days remaster that never was


There's this guy on YouTube who is trying to remake the game using Kingdom Hearts 2, so look maybe look forward to that. [https://www.youtube.com/@o.shinobi](https://www.youtube.com/@o.shinobi)


It's not hard to get the game on ds would I recommend playing it in 2024 no not really. But a silly kid who got introduced to kh bc of 358/2 it was peak.


They tried, but didn’t have time. Now it’s a movie.


I tried it just today and figured out, I finished KH 1 today, I wont play re chains of memorie bcs sucks and will play 2 now


I know remakes are "easy money" but if any game needs a remake to improve its gameplay and function it's this one


It was Nomura's decision, I believe. He wanted to speed along development of I.5 so he told the dev team to just remaster the cutscenes from Days. Which is likely why they did the same thing with II.5 and re:coded. Also to probably keep symmetry with the first collection.


It was suppose to be a full blow remake on Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix but I think not having enough time before the deadline or a space issue was what made it get made into a movie instead of a remake. I don't understand why they didn't just make it separate, I wouldn't made it being a separate remake like they did Chain of Memories.


Emulating DS game is pretty easy these days and even experiencing this on original hardware isnt hard. The DS can still be obtained for pretty cheap and the game itself isnt that expensive and you have r4 cards. But it's a shame that most of the fanbase will only experience this game as these oddly cobbled together cut scenes. The gameplay in between is vital to the pacing.


The only way we ever getting a playable version would be if they remade it like chain of memories


Give or take 10 years and dedicated fans of the games with programming expertise will make it a personal project.


I’m sure a significant reason for this was that the main sentiment by casual fans would have been “but why tho?”


best story in the series by far


Have you heard of KH 358/2 Days Melon Mix playable on steam deck?


I wish they would make a remake of it. That game is pretty good and would look amazing on modern consoles.


DesMume: (pretend the mercy gif is here)


I agree it’s my favorite besides chain of memories. The emotional impact it had on me as a kid


more so that they chose chain of memories to be playable instead.


Got a Steam Deck specifically to emulate older games, and with the KH collection being on Steam itself, I can now play the entire KH series on one system, and portable at that.


They would have needed to reprogram the entire game from scratch to move it off of the DS, and they weren't willing to front that cost. I'm much more surprised we actually got Dream drop distance as playable.


I don't own a DS, thus I've never played recoded or days, though I really want to. I've also never watched the cutscenes for them since I want to experience them when actually playing the games. For this reason, I will go on not fully understanding the story of KH3 until they get ported/remastered. I think I'm gonna be waiting a while . . .


It was what got me into kingdom hearts so I REALLY want to play a HD version of it qwq


It's too bad, they would've had to rebuild the gane from the ground up. With all the different play styles and with how the DS works, I can see why it would've been so much trouble for them to recreate it. If only it was able to be developed and releaased a year later for 3ds during the time.


I blame everyone criticizing Days. Don't get me wrong, I'm (self proclaimed) one of the biggest Days fans/defenders out there, but I've replayed it a lot and there are downsides to the gameplay for sure. I doubt Squeenix would want to put in the effort to make the best Days remake they could just for everyone to shit talk it and not buy it. I implore everyone to buy the cheapest DS you can and a flash cart if it's difficult to get a legit copy. Days is so incredible if you truly give it a chance! It really isn't an experience that conveys through the cutscenes or even a Let's Play


It’s the only KH game that NEEDS a remake. As it stands the only good way to really expirence the story is the non-canon manga


Tbh if they didn’t have to “remake” KH1 it would’ve been nice for them to put some extra effort in and give us something akin to Re:CoM with 358/2 when they re released the 2 games on the ps3


Just get a "Nintendo DS" wink wink, in all seriousness, I really hoped that the switch port would at least have attempted to make the 2 non-playables playable because of the touch screen, but that was wishful thinking, of the highest degree.


I was really hoping they'd give this the full "game" treatment like they did with CoM and BBS with the PC release, but alas, dream was dashed :(


We feel you.


I never played the DS/3DS games. I bought the Steam ports collection and am working through KH1 at the mo. Is 358/2 just a movie on here then?


If you have a DS, they are still selling it on the Gamestop website


As I recall, the original intention of the X.5 games was that you'd be able to play important fights from Days and Coded in-between cutscenes. But then things didn't pan out by the time 1.5 came out, so Days was just cutscenes and blocks of text. Presumably Roxas and Data Sora would be set at Level 50 or something, like Aqua in 0.2. It's a shame that didn't work out, since that means we don't even get to see things like the really cathartic Roxas vs. Saix fight in Days.


Theres a fan project called 358/2 melon mix being made by a fan of the game


I actually still have my DS and the game. It’s got so much charm to it even if it’s depression the game LOL


If your on a pc you can and its been upscaled a bit so its not all blurry looking


Remember when it had multiplayer 😭😭


A lovely modder of the KH community has been remaking the game in "hd" and it looks pretty damn good. Wish I had a gaming pc or steam deck


It’s worth playing glad I never caved and watched any of those cut scene video and made it a point to play each one


Absolutely one of my favorites in the series. I've never related so much to a post in my life lol ❤️


download retroarch or delta on the App Store and you can play it there


i agree. they turned the DS game into a HD movie made of its cutscenes.


I really wish some day they remake bbs, ddd, recoded and 358/2 days as actual full next gen remakes. would make for an insanely cool experience. I always felt the remakes of bbs and ddd felt extremely lackluster. they felt insanely impressive for the consoles they were originally released on (especially the fact that bbs and ddd can maintain an extremely solid 60fps throughout the entire game using cheats on actual original hardware!!) but when they ported them over to pc/ps3/4, it felt lackluster. idk how to explain it




It’d have to get the re chain of memories treatment cause of how the DS is. Most ds games that were ported to other systems had to be remade in some way


I’d really love if this game got the crisis core reunion treatment. Unlike recoded which I feel like nothing of value was lost by turning it into a movie, days has so much going on in the game that gets skipped like more organization XIII development that it really does need a proper port


I'm sure they just didn't want to go through the trouble of having to remake the game from the ground up with better graphics. It's impressive what they were able to accomplish on the DS, but 358/2 is like night and day compared to something like DDD. Like comparing a PS1 game to one on the PS2.


Same?! Hopefully some Chad out there mods Kingdom hearts 3 into 358/2 but I would do a back flip for a remake


I know! I was so excited to play with my niece since it was one of my favorite games but it was just the movies, I was so heartbroken. 😭


Why can't we play it im OOL. I just bought the Kingdom Hearts mix


I played it on an emulator on a phone like 8 years ago. Shitty option but an option. Maybe possible on a tablet so there's more space? Idk lol


I don't mind it just being cut scenes since the cut scenes are the only good part of 358. The gameplay was bad but the multi-player was fun; even if the game was ported the multi-player would have been cut like how BBS was.


I'm currently playing through it on a DS emulator for Android.


Honestly, you could play the entirety to Days on a single screen. With emulation, it's more than possible. Can you imagine this game being online again, with the PS2 graphic style... man, that would have been cool. I know the game wasn't for everyone. But I don't think anyone complained when you could start the game fresh and have access to playing as ALL the organization members. If that happened today, half the members would need to be unlocked, and the other half would be locked behind some arbitrary paywall/battle pass. Shit sucks man


>Can you imagine this game being online again, with the PS2 graphic style... man, that would have been cool. good news , those are currently planned for the melon mix project


I was just checking that out! Melon Mix looks awesome, I heard it would even work on Steam Deck, which is great


My wife just beat 1.5 and 2.5 for the first time. She was excited to play this but sadly found out that it's just cutscenes and she decided not to watch them. They really should have re-made these and delayed KH3 another year or two in order to do it. KH3 sucked anyways lmao


I loved re coded and 358 when I first played them. When I got the epic bundle, I just assumed those were playable games rather than just the story. Frustrating


Just get a cheap 3DS and play it as intended, its a handheld game and shows it in its mission structure and simplified controls. 


I’ll never get why they didn’t, I know making a game isn’t easy by any means, but most of the assets they needed were already available, it really sucks man


I think they were just too lazy to do it in my opinion


People defending the guys who released this like gta 5 fans with Rockstar lol of course it could be done if they just spent the time and money to do it which they also have just like Rockstar


I sat for probably about 30min, and went wait, where's the gameplay? ?? I bought the PS bundle years ago, but I still wish they were was more upfront about this one being no-game.


To be completely honest it was only fun if you played multiplayer?? I forget if it did, i think it did. Other wise the graphics where really bad and didnt add to much story wise.


It was the first KH side-game to actually play like a regular KH game, so there was that charm of being able to play that on a portable system.


Ya but instead they made recom which is strictly worse then the gba one that would've been better as a movie days and recoded are both 10x better games.


ReCoM came out years before Days originally launched on DS though.


That's not the point it's still a handheld they completely remade.


Your statement was "instead of Days remake we got CoM remake" That's the point you made. I'm simply pointing out that it wasn't a one or the other situation, because Days released three years after ReCoM. I don't hate ReCom but it definitely needed a remake the least out of the handheld games, but I'm pretty sure the point was to put all of the games up to that point on one platform; the PS2.


Ik it came out be4 days. And recoded. I'm just salty cause the gba version is just a better play experience. But just upscaleing days to ps2 engine and remapping it wouldn't have been that hard. There's a fan out there doing that very thing in there free time.


Unfortunately fans are typically more passionate about the product than corporate is. I know for a fact at least a functional group of devs would have loved to remake days, but for whatever reason it just wasn't meant to be. If I had to guess it was probably because they had to rebuild KH1's source code from the ground up for 1.5 and just couldn't get the playable Days remake out on time for launch.


They'll remake DDD but not Re-coded and 358? Cringe


Isn’t it crap tho?


u didn't miss out on much it never played good, if it it was substituted with re coded gameplay it probably be better than 2


Wydm? The play button is right there


It’s just all the cut scenes that play in that game. No actual game play to be made here


I think you missed the joke


Don't be lol, I personally feel like it didn't age all too well


It was waaaaay out of date. Hadnt aged well so no thanks. A movie tells everything way faster anyways.


Go buy a ds


HOLY SH/T CAN WE PLEASE STOP REFERRING TO SYSTEMS AND TITLES AS ACRONYMS? KH IS CONFUSING EHOUGH WITH 1.5 2.5 BBS DDD DM FM, YALL REALLY WANNA ADD IN SYSTEMS LIKE DA, DSA, PSP, GBA, 3DS+ Like cmon, WE KNOW how this series goes. Can we just, not? And have it be a little easier to understand?


This is going to be SUPER SUPER tinfoil from me. Honestly even borderline insane, but at one point they thought about completely reworking this game for this bundle but ran out of time so they never made it. It personally I think if the money showed enough for this as a whole they could maybe invest in reworking 358/2 into its own full complete game and then full rework Chain into an actual game and not a card battler. Put those 2 in a bundle and sell it for 60 and I’ll be buying it day 0.


Chain was always a card battler though, that's like asking to remake KH1 into a FPS