• By -


Xaldin. Dude was a Bona fide badass and I think he deserved a bigger role, which he did get, but I think he should have been even more prominent. He’s got some badass weapons and magic and honestly would have loved to have seen a fight with him as part of the new organization 13 in KH3. Vexen and Demyx were wasted opportunities in KH3.


REAL. He was harder than like.. all the other members combined. And his design is so good. Vexen and Demyx were benched and I'm still not happy.


I think we're gonna get more Demyx stuff


He was probably meant to have a bigger role, the dude was n.3 of the Organization, he had spiky norted ears and there is a Dark Seeker chess piece evoking his weapons (and this piece is named "xaldin" or something like that in the source code, implying it was supposed to be his piece at some point).


dilan was still KO'd in dream drop distance, and had no lines in 3 :( he got an even shorter end of the stick than aeleus did (who actually got a couple of lines in ddd) 😭 something had to have happened for him to get shafted so hard my husbando 💔


Sorry but no I'd say lexaus is a better one at least xaldin has something going with him With lexaus he feels like the least developed of the case oblivion org members


What? Not entirely sure what you are getting at. I didn’t say Lexaus.


Their saying they disagree with you on Xaladin needing more time and it should be Lexaus


If you like him because he was a badass you probably don't want more lore on him because he will not be anymore. If he gets more lore then good guy guard lore. Maybe the worst thing we hear is him losing some girl he loved.


Considering how hard he was crushing on the Beast, I'd actually love to hear what freaky stuff is in the Good Guy Guard's romantic history.


The thing is I don't think it needs to be a really tragic story. They all believed that they have no Heart and worked a lot with Darkness which corrupted them. He knew how love can make someone fall into traps to protect them and just used this knowlegde to play with the biest. After learning he actually had a Heart the whole time I guess he feels very guilty for what he has done to the biest. So the only thing I actually think is necessary for his backstory is that he once loved someone or still does. Maybe it is for examble Subject X and he felt very sad after her disappearance. This alone is enough to let him know how he can use love for his plan to control the biest.


> So the only thing I actually think is necessary for his backstory is that he once loved someone or still does. Maybe it is for examble Subject X and he felt very sad after her disappearance. No please don't make him a pedophile 💀


Oh right...that didn't cross my mind...yeah there is an age gap. Sorry I didn't meant it this way.


Honestly, same. Something seriously intriguing must have happened to give him so much hatred for the very concept of romantic love.


From my most wish to my least wish ranked it would be: Demyx - we basically know nothing about him Luxord - same as Demyx but at least teaser of getting more Ienzo - a little but in KH3 but aside from that very little Lexaeus - basically nothing Vexen - I find him very interesting after KH3 Saix - we see him almost ever as the guy playing a role Xaldin - A lot in days and KH2 so not the most forfront but still the lesser known Xemnas - basically everything from the 10 year gap but we still have a lot Xigbar - We just got more recently Larxene - we just got more recently Marluxia - we just got more recently Axel - already part of the main cast Xion - already part of the main cast and we know almost anything about her Roxas - we literally saw his entire life.


Technically, we saw most of Xion's life too


Thats correct but since we saw everything from Roxas PoV it is not the full Xion experience. We don't know the exact circumstances of her creation just how it was made and there are times where she is missing or not showing up and the game does not show everytime where exactly she was.


Something I'm interested in for Luxord, is what the hell is the card he gave Sora in KH3? The wild card?


>Demyx - we basically know nothing about him *Yet.*


Yes....that's the reason he is number 1 in this list.


Luxord, cause COME ON. What the hell was all that in KH3??? Also I just.... 👉👈


Considering how much KH3 set up Luxord's future involment in the series I think Luxord is very likely to get more screentime and lore. Also, I think I rememberhearing that Nomura said that Luxord was his favorite Organization memeber and he thought Luxord should be able to do more (reffering to KH2). I think he said it in the [character reports vol. 2](https://stray-mikeneko.livejournal.com/3329.html) released in 2007, so he might have a new favorite, but considering how prominent Luxord was in KH3 he probably still likes him.


Luxord has been set up to very likely be pretty important in KH4 tbh


I agree 100% I love that guy


2006, 14 year old me was over the moon for him, now the me today is still over the moon


What can I say? He's handsome, polite and British.




Xemnas. I NEED to hear him speak more. Please


# Indeeeeed


I immediately read this in Xemnas' voice 😂


Go to Yamacon in December (Pigeon Forge, TN) and you can meet his voice actor 💜 he's really nice!


Is his tone of voice exactly as we hear ingame? Or do they modify it a bit?


His normal speaking voice is different, but he can sound exactly like Xemnas. He and Steve Blum are two of the best voice actors I've personally met. They have a great range, and they're both genuinely nice people


Demyx and Luxord are definitely the most mysterious right now, so them




Demyx should get a silly fun adventure


Roxas. He needs his own 4 games. Maybe 5.


LMAO! Love it.


Well we’re definitely gonna see more of Luxord and it’ll probably be in Missing Link I’d like to see more from Aeleus and Dilan ‘cause as Nobodys, Lexaeus barely did much and Xaldin was cool and memorable so I just wanna see more of him Demyx I’m partially hoping is the Master of Masters ‘cause otherwise what’s even going on with that dude?


Lexaeus. He's the only org member who has nothing going on for him. The others have either some really cool backstory, motivations or are still a mistery to us. However we already know everything about Lexaeus' past, he doesn't seem to be motivated by anything and he's done nothing of relevance in the series. Seriously is this guy anyone's favourite org member?


It says a lot that he has so little to work with that even the manga struggles to have him stand out. Dude just has his mechanical puzzles and thats it. And he's built up to be this walking tank with his enemy card in CoM, his boss mechanic in 2FM, and his "Silent Hero" title. Nevermind being an unstoppable monster if properly built in Days. But we only see Lexaeus as this living weapon, and not as a person. Too much Silent, not enough Hero.


My answer is ALL of them, except for Xemnas, Xigbar, Roxas, Axel, Saix, and Xion (I love them, but they got a decent level of screentime). So... really half of them. The rest of the apprentices though? And Luxord? My wife Larxene? Demyx? Marluxia? Gimme more screen time and lore for them.


Cute Larxene is your wife. You have fun taste,I like that


I'm a sucker for strong, sadistic, and beautiful women that can kick my ass.


Larxene is the perfect choice for that and my personal favorite as well.


Man of culture spotted. I truly think Larxene is one of the sexiest characters of all time, so underrated.


Larxene: *kicks Sora across the room* Young (and current) Me: It should've been me, not him!! It's not fair!!


Xaldin, marluxia, and lexaeus. All badass, all got like no screen time. Even marluxia as the big bad in com barely got anything


How do you figure Marluxia has no screen time when he was a major character in Union Cross?


Maybe that's my issue, I don't know anything about ux 😂


Someone's gonna shoot me, but I will always want more Xigbar/Braig.


As much as people might disagree, I’m with you. He just seemed like standard bad guy who joined up with the big bad early and just hid it the whole time. Then the reveal in KH3 that he’d been around since the Master of Masters and the form we see isn’t even his original form?




Goddamn Luxord, felt like he’s probably the most underrated member. Especially when he gave the wild card to Sora in 3.


#Where's the fun in this?


Two of them are literally amnesiac keyblade wielders. Should've focused on them and their amnesia, as their lack of memories is likely why they're so sadistic as Nobodies. Elrena something and Larxlene? (I don't know if Not sure about their names, haven't gotten to that point in the story yet. Edit: The names of the Nobodies I'm talking about are Marluxia (Lauriam) and Larxene (Elrena).


Luxord definitely needs more screen time. He just exudes the, "I'm built different." Energy.


Xaldin is my favorite and playing as him in 358 on mission mode always had me wanting to see more of his character in the series. The short conversations you have with him in Days and his role in KH2 made him one of my favorite characters in the Organization. Maybe one day we will have a remake of Days with more to each characters back story.


Dilan and Aleus should be party members in a spin off game starring Demyx.


Demyx but I get the impression after how he was in KH3 he might be getting more lore in the next game.


Demyx because I like my sitar while watching the folks dance water dance and sticking to the beat.😏


Vexen..always needed more


I mean if they're going to do anything mind-blowing with Demyx they really should've done more with him by now. If he's just going to end up being a character in Missing Link and he's just there then that's fine I don't care as much, in that case id say either lexaeus or more probably xaldin


Several of them from KH2 like Luxord, Xaldin, Axel, Saix, Vexen, and Demyx


Zexion. He always felt like he was being set up for something that never came about. “You just found out way too much”, “isn’t it time you told me about Xemnas’s secret?”, and even that time he looked at Xehanort and Braig during BBS’s ending. What was up with all that? I love his appearances in CoM, but I would’ve liked if the Cloaked Schemer did a little more scheming






Saix is my main man give him some more love


Marluxia is the only answer


Honestly, they all look really cool and I am speaking as a long time fan, but all of them. All of them needed a little more to their stories. This series needs more side quests I swear. If they think it would derail the story have side missions to find out more of their lore.


Larxene 😍😍😍


larxene and marluxia have got something going on i wanna know more about never played 358/2 so idk if it explores it there, but i just like larxene anyway, and since she likes marluxia, they're bound together in my head saix is cool, def. more saix and i've always liked demyx, like idc if he has any lore, he's a goofball and i love him, he could just be up to some zany side character shit as always and i'd still be there for demyx


Demyx for sure.


Whoever got them all posed and took this shit from atop TWTNW




I'm conviced Demyx (or rather Edym) is the Master of Masters, so it'll be inevitable that he gets more screentime. Feel free to laugh at me if it turns out I'm wrong tho


Lexaeus and Xaldin


Well we know xemnas, Axel, saix, roxas, and xigbar have loads, so I'm gonna say either luxord, luxerene, or xaladin


I'm gonna say the ones that basically haven't had any screen time devoted to them. So either Xaldin or Lexaeus


Gimme my dude Demyx, hes funny, and a bit annoying at times, but… wait hold on is this sounding like Tommyinnit???


dance water dance


I mean Xigbar has really blown up (since he is also Luxu) but Id like to see his story arc come to light and expanded more, but we are probably gonna get that already


Lexaeus or Xaldin.


Demyx, (dance water, dance water,) because how kingdom hearts 3 teased that he was connected to the key saga in some way. Maybe missing link? Demyx was definitely paired up with Marluxia and Larxene. Which we know they’re both connected to the new union leaders.


Demyx. I love the sitar boy and curious how he got into the organization or at least why


Luxord, if its truly Noctis and pals then we need a whole game for them.


Demyx. That mf was gone in like 3 seconds


Any of them, really, but Luxord especially.


Luxord and Demyx. Luxord in particular is the Organization member with the most potential and interest after KH3 for me.




Xigbar and Demyx, love the dudes




Xaldin & Lexaeus 🖤🤎


Demyx and Luxord We know the lore for pretty much everyone at this point except these two


Demyx is the only one we literally know nothing about. While we still don’t know Luxord’s real name, but at least we now know more about his backstory.


Saix and xemnas


I like the idea of Xemnas reemerging but without any of Xehanort's will left driving him so now he has to work out who he is and goes around trying to learn about emotions.


Isa he's a bro now he needs a new arc


For me it's an easy pick. Demix is nothing but pottential right now. Whe don't know anything about the dude. And some times he seems like the "faking fool". When he gets serious, he can be a real threat. Also in KH2 his interaction with sora is just out of the pocket. How Saix, Axel, and other to ranking members didn't know at the time they had the capacity to "sprout new hearts" and Demix just delivers a "Oh! We do have hearts. Don't be mad!" And how his face expression and voice tone just shifts entirely to deliver "Silence Traitor" We don't even know who was his real name, or where he came from. I remember watching a video essay, on how the book that inspired George Lucas to create Star Wars, prooves that Jar-Jar was ment to be the ultimate Sith Lord, but the bad reception of the character, made him drop out the idea. I think is not absurd to think that this Jester Trope is also being utilized here. I wouldn't mind if Demix was actually the MoM. Even his mannerisms are uncannily similar to MoM.


Demyx and Luxord feel like the obvious post kh3 answer. We know they have SOME connection to keyblades and union x timeline (I think? I can’t remember exactly what it was) but we never found out WHAT. we know the somebodys for every other member so like who ARE THEY?




Unless I'm remembering it wrong; did anyone find it weird for Demyx to help Ienzo with some getting a body for Namine (I think that's what he did)?


It was Vexen's plan. Demyx and Vexen were both benched, so Demyx went along with it.


But why though? And why not snitch?


Demyx knew he was on a sinking ship and wanted out(the bad guys always lose) or he wanted to make friends with Vexen.


I'd really love a game where you can play as at least some of the members like Demyx, Luxord, and others. Honestly the only member I don't particularly care for is Larxene because she annoys me, but I'd still like to see more of her and Marluxia because of her parting comment in KH3. I think their story and dynamic could be interesting. It would be neat to see events from their POV and give us some character development and lore for each of them. They're an interesting group, and I love seeing the differences between them and how they change from CoM/KH2 through KH3


We know NOTHING about Larxene.not where she came from, what her real name is, where that psycho brat was before the organization


Play the mobile game.


Just watch the cut scenes of the moble game on YouTube it will help fill you in on some of her story.


Demyx. At least give us his official Somebody name!


For Darkness is Everlasting


Lexeaus. We know literally nothing about him. Personality, motivation, his bond with Zexion he appears to have in CoM, there is almost nothing to this guy. He's hardly a character.


All of them tbh. They're the most underused enemy ever.


Except maybe xemnas and the like. 2 leaders. And axel maybe. But always more axel.


Luxord or "It's Demyx time!"


Luxord obvi


I think Xaldin, Zexion, and Luxord deserve more lore. At least we got a teaser of Luxord's somebody as well as hints towards who Luxord really is. Hope they'll reveal how Ienzo was taken in by Ansem the Wise. And I wish KH3 had got Dilan dialogue instead of having him be mute.


Eh, tear it all down for a more practical story.


I want novellas for all of them tbh. Backstories or even a small side adventure


Demyx Time!


I'd say Dilan (Xaldin), there is barely anything on him, if not him, Demyx would be next contendor, and Luxord next Speaking of which, does anyone know the name origins of all the members, just cant wrap my head around the unscrambling proscess Xemnas____Ansem Xigbar_____Braig Xaldin_____Dilan Vexen______Even Luxaeus_____?????? Zexion______Ienzo Saix_________Isa Axel_________Lea Demyx______???? Luxord______????? Marluxia_Lauriam Larxene___Elrena Roxas______Sora Xion________No.I


I wouldnt say luxord because Im pretty sure he is going to be important in kh4. But honestly asides from him I would love to see more of Isa or demyx


My Demyx boi! ^~^ No. IX coming at ya


Xemnas his voice was cool


Axel cause he’s one of my favorites in the entire series. From a non-biased view Luxord and Demyx. They didn’t have much time in 3, at least Demyx didn’t, and they clearly have way more going on.


I would love to see more Axel
