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This **might** be reasonable. Some people with shellfish allergies are only allergic to mollusks, some only to crustaceans, and some to both.


This is me. I have a crustacean allergy but am able to eat mollusks. I usually just avoid ordering any shellfish when out though because I get that it can be very confusing. I also have a friend with a mollusks allergy but she can eat crustaceans. It is odd, and other than her I have never met anyone else with not a “full” shellfish allergy. So not sure how common it is but maybe in the future “crustacean” and “mollusks” allergy buttons will be added to food service.


I am also allergic only to crustaceans. It's more of a lactose intolerance level allergy for me though.


Crustaceans make me puke for hours if I eat enough of them. Haven’t done that since i ate a bunch of fresh caught crab in Alaska in the late 80s. I was afraid of eating mollusks for years after but cephalopods were fine so I gave mollusks a go and am fine with them.


i’ve got a friend with a mollusk allergy like yours, the first time it happened he thought he got food poisoning. poor bastard lives at the beach, too, so a lot of the menu is off-limits for him


Lactose intolerance is a spectrum, too. I, for example, get bad gas and might have to take a couple extra trips to the bathroom after eating dairy, but a friend of mine will end up in the bathroom for the rest of the night in significant pain after a bowl of ice cream.


This is actually the more common shellfish allergy than being allergic to both. I can eat mollusks but will go into anaphylactic shock eating crustaceans


Yeah to be fair, it turned out to be just a shrimp and scallop allergy. But it was still a big wtf moment.


Why present them like this like they might be stupid or something? A bit uncouth, no?


Perhaps, but I decided to lead with the stupidity of the ticket.


My wife and I have one server at our restaurant who consistently can't make executive decisions. Every now and then I'll get a chit in the kitchen like "Angus Ribeye - medium no pink". The worst part is that he knows this doesn't make sense, and will acknowledge it to us, but I always have to go to the table to clarify what doneness they want exactly.


No pink is less argument prone than medium in customer speak, so I’d go with that one


Yeah if someone tells me a colour and a temperature I'd always go with the colour they want, but I don't mind going up to ask the table myself. Oftentimes it's a language barrier as we're located in Spain with Spanish servers but we have quite a few UK tourists during the summer months.


A customer who is aware of their own allergy to shrimp, and is aware that they can still eat crab, and ordering the crab, is not stupid. A cook who doesn't understand the difference, and decides to try and post the ticket online, calling them stupid for understanding their own allergy better than the cook, is what's actually stupidity. Congratulations, you got your karma, but you didn't really prove that the customer is stupid, you only outed a bunch of cooks who also don't understand it. Edit: spelling


Exactly, if the patron is allergic to shellfish, but not crab, that means you take standard allergen precautions to ensure there is no cross contamination with something (shellfish) that would cause a reaction. It's standard food safety my dude. Pay better attention in ServSave next time.


Not a stupid ticket. Looks more like a stupid cook. Crabs aren’t shellfish.


Crustaceans are absolutely considered shellfish.




Cool, I can do this, too. [Shellfish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shellfish)


From that link: "Shellfish is a colloquial and fisheries term" It's like the argument about tomato being a fruit or a vegetable. Fruit is a scientific term, vegetable is a culinary term.


I know I'm late to this parade, but that makes it worse! Both shrimp and crab are crustaceans! There is no "to be fair" with this customer and, tbh, I don't think that the server should have sent the ticket.


That’s still super odd though, since as others have said, shellfish allergies tend to involve either mollusks or crustaceans or both. But this person is allergic to just one specific shellfish in each category.


This is probably because the allergy isn't an allergy.


I’ve seen someone who is allergic to everything from the ocean but shellfish. I didn’t know there was a reverse shellfish allergy before that ticket came in. Had to go talk to the table myself before I would even fire the ticket.


Yeah, I have a mild mollusk allergy, but can eat crab all day long. Worth noting, Mollusks include Squid, Cuttlefish, and Octopus, which just adds to the confusion. This can apparently include snails, for those who love escargot, but doesn't include Sea Urchins.


This is a spot where communication is very important.


That's like my son. Allergic to all nuts except peanuts. It's very confusing for people.


Peanuts,of course, aren't nuts.


Botanically, no. But there's a high degree of cross-reactivity between peanuts and tree nuts. My son actually used to have a peanut allergy, as well as allergies to other legumes: lentils, green peas, and chickpeas. But he recently outgrew all his legume allergies, as per his last allergy test and subsequent (medically supervised) food challenges. Peanut allergy also has high cross-reactivity with seed allergies. My son still has allergies to sesame seed and sunflower seed. He's also severely allergic to egg but that, to my knowledge, isn't specifically correlated with peanut allergy. Still, it's hard explaining to people that my son is allergic to several proteins that are commonly cross reactive with peanuts. But not to peanuts themselves.


I'm very specifically allergic to scallops. Clams and oysters are fine, no issues with crab and shrimp. If I have scallops I get violently sick, and spend hours wishing for death.


Ok, but you should expect that, in a kitchen that handles and prepares seafood, there might be a chance of cross contamination from one seafood to another. If I were to have a "severe allergy" to a food item, I would entirely avoid a restaurant where this item appears on the menu, much less go to one that serves it and ask for a dish that is in the same family as it. Utensils in the kitchen might be reused for both items without washing in between. Do I really want to run the risk of getting a severe reaction?


My coworker is only allergic to shrimp


What is this crab off the cob you speak of?


It is a dish where I'm KM. It's crab cakes with roasted corn pureé and other accoutrements.


It sounds good but not $38 good. I'm also cheap as hell though so more power to y'all!


Unfortunately this price tag is pretty standard assuming it's a nice place and the cakes are fat.


Yeah, and if they're using NC crabmeat it's costing them a fair amount too.


Cakes are fat you say ?


> Cakes are fat you say ? I am also here for this man's fat beef cakes.


MMM god damn look at him caked up on the line man should be a baker instead


Caked up on a gotdang Sunday afternoon


Where I work our crab cakes run like 45$.


Yea, crab cakes aren't cheap. Especially using good crab meat along with the labor of prepping them.


I'd like to know more about crab cobs personally. What species of crab is this?


well, when a corn cob loves a crab...


I was thinking crab meat wrapped in blanched corn husks, kind of like tamales?


I read crab on the cob and imagined something like a crab kebab.


Shellfish allergies are strange... because there are 2 major categories of shellfish: crustaceans and mollusks / bivalves, and it's extremely possible that many people are only allergic to 1 type or the other. But not only that, it's also entirely possible that some people with a shellfish allergy to crustaceans might be allergic to something like shrimp, but still be able to eat crab. So, long story short, a customer may have a severe shellfish allergy to shrimp, but it's very possible that they may still be able to eat crab. I'm surprised by the number of people in this career that don't know anything about allergies, considering that's something that chefs have to deal with.


Front of the house says hey they want crispy soft bacon. Yeah I want to kill myself


Steak well done but pink inside?




At my last job I had someone who came every month or so, usually high and reeking of weed at like 2pm, order a "Small Large Flat White". When asked to clarify what size he wanted he'd say Medium. It was by far the funniest long running joke I had there.


I’m allergic to bi-valves (pursuers, clams, scallops) but not shrimp or crab. That being said, if that’s the case they need to specify that and not say “shellfish.”


Just today I had a server tell me her customer has a shellfish allergy, but she wants steamers, and she was worried about cross contamination. I told her to tell the customer I highly suggest she reconsiders. But she wanted the steamers. I just hope she had an epi pen ready


Order fire: one steamers, one epi!


When this kind of ticket comes back, I refuse to serve them anything with that allergy. While I realize that they maybe allergic to only certain kinds, I'd rather play safe then sorry. Plus, there are tons of people that say shit like "I'm allergic to garlic, but as long as I don't see it, I'll be ok". Never, in the history of allergies, has that ever worked that way If you are going to state that kind of allergy to your server, then I'm going to do my duty as an ethical chef, to avoid making you ill....and if you're going to say "well, I'll be ok as long as etc, etc." doesn't matter to me. I'm going to follow your allergy notes, period. And for those that will argue the "but that's not hospitality" line....yes it is...I'm doing my job keeping you safe. That doesn't mean I have to remake the Gordian Knot in food because you state you have nightshade allergy, but came into a Latin/Italian/Greek restaurant and want us to change everything to suit you. Be a responsible diner, and don't go to restaurants where the majority of the cuisine can make you sick.


Shellfish are not crustaceans.


Shellfish fall into two different groups: crustaceans, like shrimp, crab, or lobster. mollusks, like clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, octopus, or squid.


I have a shellfish allergy, but I can eat snails, octopus, and squid. I can't eat lobster, bay bugs, shrimp, prawns, crayfish, or crabs, whether soft shell or not. I also can't eat anything with a hard shell, like mussels, clams, scallops, geoduck and conch. I have tried all of those things once. And every one has given me the same reaction: red ears, intense migraine, and general nausea until they are fully processed by my body. I've tried them because my allergy is weird. Sometimes I can have 2 or 3 shrimp (especially if they are farmed), and I found out my love for octopus and squid.


Tako nigiri, pulpo stew, and fried calamari are some of my greatest pleasures. I am glad that your allergy lets you partake.


No, but crab and shrimp are sold as shellfish not crustaceans. By that I mean like section of stores, category of order guides, menu placement. That sort of thing. A seafood restaurant wouldn't have a section for crustaceans, they would have a section of shellfish that would likely include shrimps crabs oysters clams scallops and the like.


Believe it or not, they might be able to eat specific things but it’s still wildly risky. I mean, you’re basically putting your life in the hands of whoever is cooking your food and just hoping they follow health and safety standards lol. My son’s mother is allergic to specifically soft shelled animals and white meat fish (so think shrimp and albacore tuna). I took our son to get tested and come to find out there are four types of seafood allergy and each of those has a subcategory of severity and how they are triggered. Was honestly fascinating but also terrifying, like, imagine you eat the wrong species of tuna and your damn throat closes on you and you have no idea why


I honestly wouldn't risk it. Crabs are likely to be processed in the vicinity of shellfish. Unless you're in those boat to table joints maybe


I would clarify what they mean before hand.


I have a shellfish allergy, but I only am allergic to Shrimp and Scallops. Crab has never given me a reaction.


I want the cob left in


can you uncrab the crab please?


My aunt is severely allergic to shrimp and lobster, but has no problem with crab. My mother is allergic to pistachios, but no other tree nuts. It's the idea of a broad allergy (nuts, shellfish) vs a specific allergy.


I’m allergic to lobster (causes me to itch like crazy for hours) but I have no such issues with shrimp. I’m also fine with crabs but often they’re cross-contaminated with lobster (especially King and Snow crab legs), so I usually stay clear unless I know it hasn’t been packed in with lobster. I’ve not been able (for fear of reactions) to see if my allergy is strictly to Maine lobster or if other varieties (langastinos, crayfish, etc) also cause a reaction.


I understand that there a nuances... but this is where i draw a line and say that i cannot guarantee safety. If an allergy is managable i trust a customer to order accordingly- if it is extreme i treat it like a peanut in a square mile might kill a kid....i will always serve as ordered but that ticket requires a visit to the table b4 firing


Hello may I introduce you to our door. Good by




Your server is a dipshit


No, she's not. She came back and clarified it all, but we were still shaking our heads about it all.


As culinary professionals are knowledge of allergies and food borne illness is really only 10% of what we think it is.


Simple. Don’t serve them. That’s what I’d do- suggest an alternate restaurant.


If you gonna die, die Happy


They wanted to go out this way


Soft shell?


Crab cakes.


This is when you get back to the table for absolute clarification. Preferably in writing lol


Who wants to tell him... Lolz


It’s like people saying they are gluten intolerant but then proceeding to down half a dozen beers with no trouble.


French Onion Soup NO ONION


I cooked in a healthcare facility, doing the special diets and allergies, and there was one patient with an "onion allergy" for *months*, until one day they actually ordered the French onion soup with no onions. I went and had a talk with the dietician, and discovered that they didn't *really* have an allergy, they just didn't like having visible pieces of onion in their food.


That is on the server for actually ringing it in.


First off, what kind of stupid is the server to take a order for crab after the guest said they have a shellfish allergy? Second off, as someone who has a gluten intolerance it pisses me off when stupid people order like this. I feel it makes servers and chef’s/kitchen staff not take allergies seriously and it affects people who really have allergies. I cook and serve and it happens quiet often when I’m serving where someone will say they have a allergy ( lets say gluten for instance) so i tell them the dish they just ordered has soy sauce or the fries they ordered come from a fryer where gluten is present and they then say “oh well a little bit is ok”!!!!!


100% I can't stand people who say they have a gluten allergy after eating a big bowl of oversized pasta in a rich butter cream sauce... ANYONE WILL GET A #$%@ING STOMACHE ACHE!!!! But no. Their fatass indulgence means they are now celiac. But they can eat bread fine, nice. That little bit is fine triggered me lol. I'm not in kitchens anymore but I managed 15 years. Jfc. I hate people. I remember one time some 'vegan' wad adamant about what brand we used during service. I went and got all the details. Turned out they weren't vegan, they were just curious after making a scene. They ordered a cheeseburger with normal cheese. Not many people I wish bad things upon.. that lunch service I hoped they got hit by a bus lol Edit: another one! 'I'm allergic to bell peppers' 'green peppers are pureed in the sauce' 'oh that's fine, I just can't eat chunks. Pureed is fine' Edit 2: ran into an old chef told me a customer said they can't eat colored vegtables. They accommodated but was curious as this was new. 'OH I got my teeth bleached and I can only eat colorless food for a week, I say allergic so I know I'll be accommodated' I couldn't even imagine lol. Okay I'll stop I could go Edit x 100 lol


JFC kill me. Color-less foods, no way.  So, you want some transparent rice noodles, and I dunno, some aspic?


It was one of the most insane requests I've heard. Including the chef. So he was curious and had to go out to the table and ask. When I asked 'how did you respond?' He said he just smiled and nodded then went back to the kitchen and had a shot LOL. Kept him from making a scene..


So what did Chef send out? I gotta know op!


We clarified and verified that the customer could, in fact, eat crab. The server knew it was a bullshit mod as well. Like, just say you can't eat shrimp or scallops. Those 2 ingredients are not on that dish nor at risk for cross contamination in our kitchen.


So, they got the fucking crab after all that Bs drama?   ou Edit;  Also, oops I thought you were u/cynical-rationale talking about the bulkshit colorless foods drama lol I'm a bit sozzled, I can't drink though, alcohol makes me make bad choices, must be an allergy


Lol yes they still got the crab.


I'll have the color less crab and a gluten free vegan beer, but I want a wheat beer.  And white crab meat. 


Lol it was months ago I don't remember all the details but it included peeled pear, jicama, halibut, and something else sorry I can't remember all the details as I didn't make it or work there. Just thought the story was hilariously bad.


That sounds pretty good actually. A little buerre Blanc on there maybe?




If I ask if something is gluten-free, and they ask, "What's gluten?", I just walk away. My fiancé worked in food service, and some people just do not take allergies seriously, partially because of people who exaggerate.


Yall killin me with the lack of caps.


If it's a real allergy, the fo sho gonna have a dirty south!


Some people are just stupid. It’s actually about 50% of the population.


You mean the stupid people that think that crab are shellfish? Because they’re crustaceans. They aren’t shellfish.


No just that 50% is lacking common sense. By technical definition, they are meat from the ocean contained in a shell. Which can cause allergy.


Spiders and snails are not the same thing. Crabs and clams are not the same thing. Flounder and cows both have spines and bones. Not the same thing. If you can’t understand this then you don’t belong behind a line.


[sure buddy](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/shellfish-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20377503) I went from behind the line to school. Where I learned that shellfish allergies can be triggered by you guessed it, crab too.


Eating seabugs, no thanks


Isn't the crab meat usually imitation?


If it’s imitation it should be on the menu as imitation crabmeat, krab, or surimi. Even then, some imitation crabmeat does contain some shellfish for flavor and/or color. If you have a shellfish allergy of any kind you shouldn’t order imitation crab without verifying that it contains no shellfish.


Simply put YOU don't decide other people's allergies. You don't know them but I'm pretty damned sure they know their own allergies. Smh.