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Vayne, percent health true damage should not be a passive.


Vayne, percent health true damage is unhealthy, and even though flora exists, fiora actually takes skill and there are ways to outplay her.


Yeah, even tho Fiora is my permaban I think Vayne is worse for the game. It’s combo’d with ranged champ and cc + disengage and chase, not fun.


Believe it or not, Vayne is bad adc. Her only use it to bully top lanees


Her lack of waveclear matters a lot more down there, and she can’t deny an all in then run them down all with a superior neutral when there’s 2 enemies sometimes each with longer range than her. She’s not horrible bot, but her kit is made for 1v1’s especially against toplaners. But if she’s top, well then there’s also a Teemo effect where it hurts the comp. awesome, you are 2/0 as adc, shame you have a vayne too so you won’t have any frontline at all.


Don’t sup or jg in that case go frontliner?


Jax so that I can ban other stuff


Yuumi. She's not a champion. She's a playable buff.


Yuumi is an extra playable item that shields you, buffs you and very rarely tanks for you. However she steals xp and sometimes gold to scale and has the disadvantage of enemies having a high chance to get double the gold if they kill you I'm not even joking, it's literally the best description I can come with


Yuumi is a legit champion and a has a good concept. Only the implentation we got is lackluster. I will die on that hill. (Coming from a former Heroes of the Storm: Abathur hard main)


Irelia. Follows your for 5 screens, lifesteal insane, w to become megatank, build complete with bork..


This is my answer


One for each role Top: Fiora - unreasonable poorly designed "counterpick" champ that practically auto wins against her counter matchups. Jungle: idk, I don't have super strong jg opinions. Maybe Bel'veth I guess, she's annoying Mid: Ahri - stupid ass point blank charm 3 times the size of the hit box animation. Mage with true damage and 4 dashes, no fun. Bot: Smolder - let's make an adc with percent health true damage that scales off a stacking mechanic that's basically impossible not to stack, then let's give that champ a dash that goes over walls. That's a great idea. Support: Lulu - I would like to kill lulu with a large rock. HM: Teemo - blind is extremely obnoxious into kled. No matter how bad you beat him early, he can shut you out of the mid-late game once his blind has permanent uptime.


A few weeks ago I would have said Yone but I haven’t played since the removal of Lethal Tempo so I can’t say, I’ll have to go with Vayne or Fiora because %health true dmg isn’t something that should exist as a core mechanic.


gragas, and i will never change my answer until he is reworked/gutted


Actually lowkey the right answer. When fiora fucks you up at least you can pretend to play the game. Gragas has a 0 counterplay combo which bursts and disengages you at the same time.


Fiora, bc I just love getting one shot in late game bc shes got %hp damage and once she hits a certain point she goes from a fighter to a burst assasin


Garen, too much sustain, mobility, and an execute on top of it all


Most champions after season 7 or 8. I've been from the opinion there's way too many champions in the game and there's no logical need to add more




Riven or Kaisa. Most uninspired champs of them all.


Garen or Illaoi Champions should not have no counterplay just for existing


Personally, illaoi is just awfull to play against. I'd rather play vs a counter like fiora instead of playing against illaoi. Busted tentacles her E is BS! what happends if you leave her E? You get a massive slos and more tentacles. What happends if you stay inside the sone? She kills your soul, and more tentacles. With some tentacles she can easily 3v1 a fight with her R. Tentacles hits even if she is stunned, ult tentacles cant be killed in ult. I genuinly hate her with every inch of my body.


Whenever the enemy picks Illaui, I pick Quinn. I don’t even care, I just want her to suffer.


Why Quinn??? Illaoi is ranged


Barely. If her tentacles are in range, just auto them and she can’t do anything except hope to land her e. And when she uses it just all in and it’s a free trade.


So, it works against teemo and hiemendinger and vayne too?


Hell no, illaui’s damage is reliant on hitting one skillshot, as Quinn those other champs can outtrade you from further away.


So What do you recomend me to meant the shi out of those Pieses of shi?


Please tell me if you find out tbh (probably irelia but good luck getting good enough) But get decent with Quinn and you can stomp illaui at least. Just kill her tentacles the moment she places them within range. Also you can e her when she’s placing a tentacle and it cancels her ability since it’s a windup.


You, brother, are the only ranged top player main that i don’t hate


:) for what it’s worth I don’t play her unless it’s a matchup I hate (like illaui or Darius). Otherwise I usually play Udyr or Rengar cause they’re more fun


Darius and maybe vayne. I always ban Darius ..








Yone, I just hate that stupid piece of shit BS champion.




Yoricks ult minion. I’d be fine with it if it didn’t heal itself when he backs but the fact it sticks around forever and regents health I have hated it for so long




That is answer i was looking for








Illaoi. Laning against her is just a dodging mini game. She has ridiculous lane pressure the whole game and can still destroy you while behind. If they changed her E, she might be more fun to play against. Also Yone. Even with lethal tempo gone he is kinda ridiculous. Hard to lane against him in top and after he gets botrk to counter you it doesn’t matter what you build. I’m in lower elo so he just stops my team that group for his ult every time. He’s a bloated character with a safety net button that says you don’t have to learn positioning. Yone mains cope all the time… “he’s balanced”


Fiora. Idc who I'm playing as on top lane; I'm banning her every game


Illaoi pls


Illaoi, poorly designed and very straightforward champ. One ability (E) lands and you’re not playing league anymore.


Camille, her q and passive are bs.


Yasuo so he can't feed enemy team




Yuumi has to die. While she isn't really much a problem anymore, conceptually she is just wrong. Unfun to play with, and boring to play against. And while there are alot of champs who are broken or with mechanics I heavily dislike (like anyone with % max hp true damage) those could be fixed reasonably enough with a few tweaks


Delete illaoi, I hate fiora, but she is manageable. Illiaoi becomes a god no matter what you do. She can wipe your team in a team fight even when's she's 1/7 and 2 levels down.


Sometimes I’m like man I should just work for riot, must be so easy coming up with these champs who you literally need to 5v1 like it’s Thanos. Illaoi I can only kill as kled if I bait her close enough to tower or if I get mid/jg support