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They should start banning cutters. It seems to be a major problem at Knotts.


it's been against the rules for as long as I can remember. The problem is, who is going to enforce it and be able to tell who's telling the truth?


I assume the security would enforce it. If someone gets accused of cutting, security could watch their CCTV footage to confirm before placing a ban on a guest. I used to do mall security and we used to ban people for stealing and stuff, I assume they can do something similar.


Knotts doesn't have enough workers anymore to do anything.


That's because their pay is crap. People will make more money applying for the McDonald's across the street, and it's easier than knotts... I mean I like knotts still, but they need to pay more and hire more if they want the park to be close to before. 


I don't think it's a pay issue. Sure they need to pay more, but they also need to have more workers. A lot of places they are trying to get away with only scheduling the bare minimum even if it still isn't enough.


I agree they need more workers, but pay definitely has to do with it. Less pay=less work. You don't try as hard with less pay, and less workers means it's too demanding. 


More employees = more people getting paid. Also, a more attractive workplace (in most cases higher pay helps) gets more applicants. Either way, it is a pay issue


No more Mickey d on beach blvd


I'm pretty sure you meant McDonald's, but since it's about theme Parks in Southern California I chuckled.


Yeah. “Mickey D” for McDonald’s 😅 but they completely demolished the building on beach so now the nearest one is on knott avenue


Damn, they tore down the train McDonald’s? Lame!




It’s been nine days…


Dang my hs classmates and one of my friend’s cousins just got a job at Knotts


But how can mall security actually monitor potentially hundreds of banned people from entering, without some type of tech?


It's become norm for everyone to think part of their group in line means the rest of them can catch up later. It seems like it's becoming norm nowadays. It's not just the kids on this trip or even just kids. It's adults as well.


I see this in parks across the country every now and then, but it’s definitely the norm in Southern California parks. All ages do it. Disneyland is the worst offender IMO


Disneyland??? Comic Con would like a word.


Imagine being yelled at by the celebrity you're paying for a photo with for cutting in line...


I saw someone cutting in line for ghost rider. We told security, I think all it took was one other person in the line to be nodding, and they kicked the cutter out of the line. Easy.


It’s a major problem everywhere. Employees have been so depowered and demotivated that they can’t do anything. 


There is literally a sign in the entrance saying that line jumping is against the rules and will result in ejection from the park.


Yes, worst on Ghost Rider, but it's worse at Knotts than any other park I've been to.


Not all heroes wear capes! 🙌🏼


Not all heteros eat grapes




Knotts “berry” farm I presume.


Not sure why this was down voted so much. It made ME giggle. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Line cutters need to be embarrassed. Next time take a photo of their face and ask them what school they go to so you can tag them. Watch their face drop off. Works well.


That sounds a bit creepy…how many kids have you done this to? Lol


This is a tactic used to get the school ban for future trips. If these kids want to be dicks, well let’s screw them over for being one.


Our school was gonna go to California Adventure Park this year, but we couldn’t, because last year a couple of the students brought fake ids so that they could buy alcohol. I was quite peeved after hearing this. I absolutely hate when everyone gets affected by the actions of a couple of people.


I would do this in front of anyone without consequence, because there's nothing wrong with it. I would guess you don't have kids. Get your head out of your ass.


I never said you’d get in trouble, I just said it sounds creepy lol. However, if a random dude at a theme park was taking pictures of my kids and asking personal questions like what school they go to, there’d definitely be consequences.


Maybe teach your kids to not cut in line then?


Yeah, line cutting is a great excuse to speak to random kids.


It is, because they should be told not to cut.


Again, if you think it’s ok to take pictures of random kids and ask them personal questions, that’s weird. Go tattle on them and let the staff do their job.


How do you not say something?


Whenever you call someone out for line cutting it goes 1 of 2 ways: 1. The scenario OP described 2. Line cutters try to convince you that it doesn’t matter since everyone gets to ride eventually in the most annoying way possible When dealing with kids it’s usually the 2nd option


3. They tell you some story about how they had to leave the line for some important reason, and they are now rejoining their friends who are always "just up ahead/right around the corner".


4. They get in your face and assault you.


I don't mind it if it's just like 2 people that needed to get out of line to use the restroom but when it's like 10 kids, it's really annoying.


For me, it's because the cutting is fairly constant at Knotts, and it would ruin my day trying to police all of it. Also, kind of feel like the park should have some responsibility here.


Just wait until they have a driver’s license, they will do the same in a car


This is the true comment. People feel entitled to cut and it turns into someone pulling up on your right side at a light and trying to cut you off when the light turns green.


Yes! People think just because they’re anonymous in their cars, they can merge at the last instant into a line of cars at an off-ramp or interchange. This causes the line to go even slower.


Knotts needs a complete makeover with staff and vending. It’s a hot mess. Why are so many young kids still getting dropped off to roam free all day when this got banned already? Why isn’t there any hot dog carts? Why does the person who’s pressing the ride controls have to come out and do all the other work? So much needs to be revamped there.


It’s easier to drop their loser kids off and not parent them all day


There was a group of the band kids and they kept weaving IN AND OUT of the line and held up the ride 😭


This is why we can’t have nice things


Edgar’s ?


I don't understand why people even go to Knott's any more. They have constant problems with shitty teenagers, to the point that it's a regular local news segment.


Because I'm too poor for Disneyland


Ok, I understand that's been a constant issue at Knott's but it's not like it's the only place with shitty teens. There are shitty teens everywhere, dude. Believe me. I used to be one of them.


Sure, but usually they're properly dealt with before the whole place goes to shit.


Disney has the privilege cutters, they cut because they think they are owed it and don't care, they know all the camera blindspots and play the "I'm catching up to my family/Friends" game.


this post got some attention, I want to point out that most of the kids were awesome, these werent some punk teenagers terrorizing knotts, they were band kids. it really happened because of one kid, they motioned for the group behind them to cut and the group behind them didn't want to but they pressured by the one person. it was really because of one person, it seemed the other kids knew better but they were literally peered pressured into it. furthermore they were basically let loose on the park, I am not sure what the ratio of teen to chaperones but it was not enough


You know what's funny about this? I used to be one of the kids who got yelled at for cutting in line at Knott's. I was 12 years old, trying to ride Voyage to the Iron Reef. I got my ass handed to me that day. You can imagine how embarrassed I was! XD


I was at Seaworld San Antonio this past weekend and while in line for Steel Eel (running ONE train so the line was painfully slow) there was a pack of 14-16 kids in cheer/dance outfits about 10-12 years old all trying to push their way up the line to their two friends that were way up ahead. I put my arms out and told them "all of you are NOT about to cut this line, if you want to ride with your two friends they can move back to where you are. You're not cutting in front of anyone." They all got really loud and started flipping me off, calling me names, said "who do you think you are talking to a bunch of kids like that?" No parents were with them. I didn't back down and they stayed put. This kind of crap has to be stopped by all of us waiting in lines, because the parks are not going to do anything about it in most cases, and if lucky they'll have security nearby that will take action but it's not always easy to make that happen.


This happened way too much when I went, there was a point where someone cut and she was asking me to move and I just ignored her and planted myself where I was and didn’t let her through, she wasn’t with anyone in line and her friend was behind her. I had already had a group of 7 kids cut in front of me at ghost rider, thank God that was the first ride and I was only waiting for five minutes but I definitely wasn’t about I give up my hour wait for some girl to get on before me 😭


The kids are assholes the parents drop them off for the day and let the park be their babysitter


i remember when i was in line for ghost rider, i look around the line and see these two heads bobbing through while leaving behind a trail of disgruntled faces. i had just worked a season at great america (never going back lol), and in our training was when i finally learned about the line jumper rule... after so many years of visiting knotts😩! so anyways, i knew in that moment what i had to do: the two teens finally made their way towards me and tried to pass by. when i told them "nope!", they tried to plead with me saying that their friends were in the front.. i didn't see any friends, so i simply told em to fuck off and get to the back of the line. they still kept trying me, so i told em to refer to the rulebook😎i even told em if an employee were to come by, they'd be on my side so they could keep goin if they want.. they knew i wasn't going to acquiesce, so they let out a sigh and left! those in my vicinity, who were patiently waiting their turn to ride, were sure to express their gratitude immediately after lol


Not recommend but I used to flash my employee ID at line jumpers and threaten to have them kicked out of the park. It worked and luckily nobody wanted to throw hands.


I had young 20 something’s ask the group ahead of us in the line for the rise of the resistance at Disneyland if they could join. I turned into a Karen and said very loudly that my group minded and everyone behind us minded as well. They headed towards the back of the line.


Omg yes some group of kids kept constantly cutting the line with the excuse they their school bus is about to arrive to go home. One would hold their space and then the rest would jump in, like a group of 20 people 😭