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[https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/sandy-hook-families-bankruptcy-judge-liquidate-alex-jones-110780421?utm\_source=facebook&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=dhfacebook&utm\_content=null&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHU40GAiSsw0cmlILo-xxaD4Ag7BOC0PUbCahCq7nXXWEnTdY95ZSEMqotQ\_aem\_ARXgSsSMp1bC35Zi7ktCQuo6m3hkwSa\_wpp8a-jjxGc0oygEWiFOwZkrcS2D8WGxOMvHGQxJKFplDfoi5-pq0j4N](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/sandy-hook-families-bankruptcy-judge-liquidate-alex-jones-110780421?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dhfacebook&utm_content=null&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHU40GAiSsw0cmlILo-xxaD4Ag7BOC0PUbCahCq7nXXWEnTdY95ZSEMqotQ_aem_ARXgSsSMp1bC35Zi7ktCQuo6m3hkwSa_wpp8a-jjxGc0oygEWiFOwZkrcS2D8WGxOMvHGQxJKFplDfoi5-pq0j4N) From this article: "According to the most recent financial statements filed in the bankruptcy court, Jones personally has about $9 million in assets including his $2.6 million Austin-area home and other real estate. He also listed his living expenses at about $69,000 for April alone, including about $16,500 for expenses on his home including maintenance, housekeeping and insurance." I just don't get how he's allowed to spend 69k a month while he owes the families hundreds of millions of dollars?


He spent as high as $90k in one month (just on "personal" expenses, not counting the business). It's insane. I haven't updated it in a couple of months, but here's the spreadsheet I was keeping: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a0oMlpeb6yLsmDE-BEIZUO\_DStQjJVE9rW41eDasl74/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a0oMlpeb6yLsmDE-BEIZUO_DStQjJVE9rW41eDasl74/edit?usp=sharing)


Alex went on vacation to Hawaii for a couple of weeks... again


Um, that was work. He was researching globalist bunkers


Armoured redoubts




Press X to redoubt


Fun fact, the water table doesn’t exist in Hawaii apparently… according to Alex


Hes not wrong. It's more of an ottoman.


If anything, these vacations are probably *saving* money since we all know that when Alex gets any kind of food in public, people start flocking from all directions to pick up the check.


Alex can’t afford to not go on vacations


"I have good intel that the globalists are hiding at the bottom of this double shot vodka."


And you people are out there watching sports and George Strait!!!


I just saw a picture of George Strait taken recently. Yeeeeks! He looks like “death warmed over,” as my older relatives used to say.


Was his family field reporters?


Well of course he would; everyone loves him there - he said so


He had to shake thousands of hands 


The most annoying thing is he's so spiteful he'd rather go down in flames than cooperate. I wouldn't be nearly as nice as the families have been, and he's still giving them middle fingers.


It’s amazing to me that he’s able to spend that much money in a month when he’s obviously completely blitz about 70% of his waking life…


Oh hey 👋 I realized what the apple/hulu/etc line actually is: any subscriptions form his iPhone get put there. So 2TB of data for backup (for Norm to email out), a fitness app (for all the lifting), and any other services that charge money this way (LinkedIn? Weight Watchers? Ashley Madison?) are getting put together. That would explain the lumpiness of the spend - annual subscriptions hit differently.




Either he's been doing a Brewster's Millions with his money, or there are some secret stashes of funds somewhere. Crypto, offshore accounts, buried gold, I'd believe any of them.


We know he has received suspicious crypto donations. Wouldn’t surprise me if he has some dark money pocket


Damn to be that kind of rich where 50k a month isn't enough to live on. 


I would like to be in the tax bracket that has more than $5k a month to live on. Damn.


If you were wondering, that’s 80k/yr salary. Will net you 5k a month after taxes. Edit: Unless you meant to put 50k?


The wife and I combined are at ~67-68k/year


Hoping for the 2.5k a month


"$40,000 a month isn't enough for you to live on? Fuck off Alex Jones!" - Erica Lafferty on Knowledge Fight


Well once they liquid all his real estate there is a bunch of mortgages you don't have to pay.


I am pretty sure he is hiding that money somewhere


$69k is more than a lot of families make in a year. To spend that amount every month is insane and impossible to even imagine. What’s even more insane, is that $69k a month is less than $1m a year. Millionaires live a different life than the rest of us.


Its kinda funny how these pundits always rail against the "elites" when they're all pretty well off themselves 


Just to be able to spend 69k a month like wtf.....


My apartment is €410 a month, so just using one month of his 'living expenses' I could stay here for another 14 years.


>I just don't get how he's allowed to spend 69k a month while he owes the families hundreds of millions of dollars? Cuz Texas.


The bankruptcy court is in charge of this. BK court is federal.


At first, I was annoyed that he was allowed to keep operating until June, and then I remembered we're already in June and that's not a months long reprieve. Where did the first half of the year go?


Succinct breakdown with just enough of Jones’ unhinged whinging to remind people how insane the man is. Pretty good article out of AP


> On Saturday, Jones was defiant, saying “At the end of the day, we’re going to beat these people. I’m not trying to be dramatic here, but it’s been a hard fight. **These people hate our children**.” JFC


The audacity of saying that in this context, yeesh


"Jones ***appeared to cry*** at points." \[emphasis mine\] Heh, the AP gets him, it seems.


I was just sad they didn't say "...appeared to cry and vomit..."


"Scromiting audibly"


but as usual the lamestream media didn't give the full context. They failed to mention that at multiple points he said "I'm not faking crying, this is real".


Another article I read glossed over the fact that he continued his unhinged ranting for 6+ hours on a day that he doesn’t usually broadcast. They made it seem like it was just a portion of his normal show.


Was this why Alex was so pissed this weekend?


Article says they filed it on Sunday, I didnt know you could file on the weekend.


Everyone knows you don't practice law on the weekends. That's common knowledge.


But what about *lawfare*???


Pretty sure there's a clause in the Geneva Conventions that prohibits lawfare between Friday sundown to Monday sunrise.


Friday at noon and Monday before 2pm. Globalists aren’t putting in difficult hours.


Texas isn’t a party to the Geneva Conventions. Just Maga Conventions.


(grabs bag of gummy bears prior to response…)


Can I have some?




I only have enough for one.


Jordan: *oh for god's sakes! hahaha*




This is why I commit all my crimes on weekends. Law enforcement will never catch me!


Okay, well even if you only counted weekdays, you're still well past the deadline to publish a retraction.


Always possible that Jones got wind of the filing a few days in advance. (and with the move to digital filing systems, technically, you can file court documents any time you like.)


You can e-file at literally any time at all. But there's no guarantee that anyone's going to read the filing before normal business hours.


A security guard gave him a "wink" instead of a "nod" His Lawyer doesn't want to worry him His Da says he's an alcoholic Trump got attention and he wanted to emulate it Take your pick or all of the above


Time will tell, but I’d put a couple of bucks on it. 😁


To be fair, that man is in a constant state of rage already. So it’s hard to tell sometimes.


“The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.” -MLK Courtesy of Michael Scott


-Thomas Jefferson


-Wayne Gretzky 


-Chevy Chase


Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar


-Jeff Winger


I like the hope that this quote inspires, but at the same time, it has to be acknowledged that there are people who are putting in work and toil and sacrifice to do the bending.


Preach. Complacency does nothing. It's like the myth of pre-trib rapture: a globalist plot


Can they liquidate IW and also do something to completely lock Jones and his family out of having any business whatsoever so that Alex can't capitalize on victimizing people ever again? As in: Except as employees or from retirement funds, the entire Jones family shouldn't be allowed to go into business, because otherwise Jones is just going to shrug and start a new thing, some form of Diet Info Wars. It's bad enough that this country doesn't have *any* criminal provisions for what he does, since he deserves to rot in prison. The *least* that should be possible is to completely cut Alex off from every possible revenue stream except from ones where an actual fucking adult controls his income.


I don't know what happens if there is a liquidation... We're hearing that the debts may not be dischargeable. If that is the case, then even after the liquidation, they're still going to end up going after whatever portion of his compensation that they can get.


A billion-ish of the 1.5 billion is non-dischargeable, since it's from a civil suit where he was found to have intentionally harmed someone(s). (If it was negligence, it may have been dischargeable.) Alex Jones the human(ish) person is jointly and severally liable, along with Free Speech Systems, the company wholly owned by Alex Jones. So even if FSS disappears, AJ would still owe the money from any income stream he manages to get, even as a greeter at Wal-Mart, until the full billion-ish is paid in full. So it's not like he'd be scot-free if he just shut down FSS and opened a new company called Liberated Orating Structure. That entity wouldn't be subject to the judgment, but he, personally, would. But it does seem that he's shifting income and assets over to his father, and planning to just live off of daddy's money and having nothing in his own name, but hopefully the bankruptcy courts catch onto that... The families have already found evidence of bankruptcy fraud (documents "signed" a year or so prior to the bankruptcy, but notarized AFTER), so hopefully it gets brought up in the hearing on June 14th.


The human(ish) guy is smart(ish) but also, as Lisa once referred to Homer, he’s a “big, fat loudmouth.” The courts are already onto his game and that he lost, so I doubt even shoveling money to daddy is going to keep him from greeting folks at Walmart. He is now his own worst enemy and I’ve corn futures.


This is why I was saying it should encompass the entire Jones family, so Alex can't play "cute" games with his money and expect his dad to pay for his lifestyle. I think if he tries that, then it just means Mr. Jones will wind up seeing his own money getting garnished. Frankly, I don't give a shit if the judgment was just on Alex, the fact his dad is a demonstrably willing participant in this fraud should be more than enough to make him subject to the same exact damn restrictions as Alex. Mr. Jones may not be the one owing 1.5 billion, but at this point he should be considered just as much a source of the money since he's part of the shell game. It's so frustrating, and I am glad this is not likely to fool the BK court, but I do think there should be consequences for anyone who helps Alex squirrel away money that, by all rights, is no longer his.


I'd love to see them leave the debts attached and wait for dear old dad to kick the bucket. Living off of dear old dad's gifts has a limit as well.


He’ll still be a big fat loudmouth, just slightly redder and living in a divorced bachelor motel-converted-to-long-term apartment.


I want to say for the record that Liberated Orating Structure would be a fantastic death metal polka fusion band name.


Given his legal woes, Alex is going to have a hard (pretty much impossible) time sourcing conventional sources of start-up funds. Maybe there’s a white knight investor out there for Alex. Rich assholes love investing in restaurants and media companies. I’m not sure IW is the kind of media company a super rich dick flute would get as a vanity purchase. Info Wars is not WaPo, fuck, it’s not even Gawker. It’s most likely, IMO, that Jones ends up a salary player at some media company. At least for a while. Not sure how or if Jones is capable of being told what to do by a boss. And a chunk of that paycheck will be going to the SH families until the Tito’s and Marlboros finally do Alex in.


I don't see it, personally. Alex is poison for pretty much any media company at this point. Even just having him as a guest is dicey, and only really big-time shit-shows like Crowder and Rogan can do it without worrying about what happens. But to actually hire him to be a personality or part of the editorial process is just begging to get one's media network sued into a crater. Even OAN won't touch Alex.


To be fair to OAN, I don’t think they’d consider hiring anyone who’s also been successfully sued the fuck out of for defamation.


The sad thing is, Alex doesn't even have to be in business to continue hurting people. Peter Thiel could give Alex $1M a year to keep doing his thing with no return on investment and not even feel it, and he's incentivized to do so because fascist propaganda helps his bottom line in the long run. Alex can spin up Infowars 2.0 and 3.0 and keep operating at a loss indefinitely as long as there are still rich fascists who want to keep him afloat. Prison is the only thing that can stop him (crossing my fingers that the whole bankruptcy fraud deal lands him there)


I think the best they could do is garnish his wages to a degree that it's not worth it financially for him to try and start something new.


I'd love to see it go further. I want Alex to have to account for every penny he spends to the courts. This way even shady crypto donations don't fly under the radar, because the instant Alex tries to actually use any of it the courts will become fully aware of yet another source of income and seize it. No paycheck or investment should ever go directly to Alex for the rest of his life. Hell, his entire family should be forced to ask the court for their money. I'm almost to the point that I think that the 1.5 billion should be a burden on the whole family. Alex's *great grandchildren* should be stuck paying for this. Extreme and unpopular opinion, I know, but considering the damage he did to all those families, I no longer give a shit about being fair to Alex Jones or his family.


Well, I hope none of our great grandparents did anything super fucked up, because that's taking this in a bit of an iffy bloodline debt, someone-has-to-be-punished-and-I-don't-care-who direction. A bunch of whole-ass different people who are not in any way responsible for Alex's actions (and in all likelihood stand to see no tangible benefit from it assuming he dies in severe debt without anything to pass on) should not be on the hook for it, especially when we have no way of knowing who they even *are* or what their situation is. If we're going after any third party, let it be his rich dad, or his shithead lackeys, or the people who have platformed and goaded him on. You know, *the people who actually bear some responsibility.*


He should be made to live off 50k a year like his audience does.


50k/year is too much. He should be forced to live on minimum wage. $7.25/hr @ 2000 hours/year is $14,500/year. That's what he's allowed.


And.... nothing of value was lost.  


Soon he will have to find other means to tell people about frogs and how they may become gay. Nobody in all this has thought about Andy in Kansas. I really wish they could be found and interviewed


Plot twist: Alex stomped her guts out.


But he loved her


Just like he loved Nonk, but had to do what he had to do.


He's gonna have it unfortunately. There will always be someone willing to bring him on now. He'll become a martyr and probably live off cash for appearances on shows or special reports or whatever. But this will still be a huge blow to him and worthy of pursuing.


There's a difference, though, between having him on as a guest and hiring him on as part of their network of shitheads. Alex has been sued and found liable for defamation more than enough times that even other grifters have too much standards to take on Alex. They're all pretty sure he'd get them sued.


So was he just making up the whole “they’re shutting us down today, I faced down men with guns” thing out of whole cloth? I mean I wouldn’t put it past him but that’s also a pretty high level of gaslighting


It seems that it was triggered by something filed in the bankruptcy case. It, of course, never said that the feds were coming to knock down his doors and shut him down, but I guess he was feeling the roosters coming home to roost, finally. They said in the hearing today that they wouldn't have payroll this month if PQPR wasn't paying it. Not sure how true that is...


His unholy 4 hour tirade was triggered by alcoholism and grifterism and general late stage cult leader paranoia. I sincerely hope that they take every penny and every piece of equipment and this asshole is relegated to posting videos from his phone in the drivers seat of his car.


He literally lies about everything all of the time, so yes.


Melt it down into colloidal silver.


Those tears are delicious




I hope they get what they deserve, if states can void your passport, send you to prison and garnish your wages for missed child support payments, they can do this. A few thousand in missed child support payments isn't anything compared to 1.5 billion judgement. Take everything from him, let him keep selling his limp dick supplements to his moronic listeners so they can start taking it.


Deadbeat dads skipping out on child support are absolute saints compared to Alex.


IIRC, Mark Bankston said during the deposition two years ago that Free Speech Systems LLC was like $50 Million in debt... so they probably won't get any money out of the deal. No more InfoWars, though, so that might still be a win.


It’s in debt to PQPR, which is also owned by the Jones family. It’s all shell corporations


Alex's right pocket is in "debt" to his left pocket.


And Dr Jones naturals!




I hope you’re happy Mark Bankston & Sandy Hook families! Alex Jones was live on air crying like a little girl while drinking Tito’s Vodka, and chain smoking.


A longer noose is never a better noose. But I want the maximum pain for him.


Normally I'd have some sympathy for a grown man crying over the loss of his livelihood, end of sentence.


It looks like the request will be looked at on the 14th. https://apnews.com/article/alex-jones-bankruptcy-sandy-hook-shooting-infowars-e2aa4dde1277b5cd7c179e409e7bcf80


Wow Free Speech Systems employs 44 people that’s more than I would have thought


The \[alive\] kids you mean?