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I’m gonna stuff you into a locker for saying sportsball


That really seems to make people's panties get all in a wad.


The University of Tennessee defeated Texas A&M in the College World Series (baseball) to win the National Championship. It was the first time since 1999 that a no.1 team won the whole thing, first UT men’s national championship since 1998, last national championship period since 2009. It’s a great day to be in Knoxville, GO VOLS!!!


Doesn't the football team win national championships of some sort? And doesn't the basketball team do pretty well? I remember something about Pat Summitt (sp?) 2009 is a long time ago! Wow! Can you explain why it is that the number one team doesn't become the champion? I thought that was axiomatic, as in, you're the best team, so you become the champion?


I’m going to pretend like you don’t have access to Google. In the south, collegiate sports have a shit ton of funding. The last time UT Vols football won the SEC championship was 1998, the same year they won the NCAA championship. They won a division title in 2007. So, no, they are not the best team. Pat Summitt coached the Lady Vols basketball team from 1974-2012. She also led the US Women’s basketball team to a gold medal in the Olympics. With a .841 win percentage, she’s one of the greatest coaches of all time, across all sports (Sir Alex Ferguson only had a .581). The best team through the season doesn’t always win because American sports use a playoff system.


I thought that the point of the championship was to figure out who the best team was? That seems like a flaw.


It’s just done by different methods depending on the sport/league. In a playoff, you have opportunity for upsets and drama. If you just use a league system, like in European football leagues, the team with the best record for the season wins the league.


Okay, that makes sense! Does UT often have very good baseball, regardless of championship status, or is this a new phenomenon? Obviously, Vols football is unavoidably popular. What's the fan base for this other sport like?


The baseball team is good, but this is their first Championship. Tbh, I don’t like American football. But, like any fan base, there’s alot of rabid supporters and even more who just like the team. Game day atmosphere is gonna be wild, but it’s fun.


Being ranked number 1, doesn't mean anything. The games still have to be played and teams have to win them to be a champion. Ranking is just a way for others to gauge the potential of a team until the games are played.


That makes sense! Thank you.


Think you’re getting crossed up with a league/conference championship. Last night was the college baseball equivalent of the Super Bowl/Stanley Cup Final (which was also last night) - the entirety of the sport competing in a bracket style elimination. There’s always a chance of the underdog Cinderella story in these things so it’s not guaranteed the #1 team will win.


So much to learn! Umm, I seen to recall that the Super Bowl is professional football. So are you saying there is not a championship for college football?


No there is a National Championship, TN specifically won that the last time in 1998. TN college sports are in the SEC conference, and that conference rolls into the NCAA league. NCAA also oversee smaller bowl games depending on how the teams playing in them have performed through the year, but I don’t understand enough of how that works to explain it to someone else. I was like you once, albeit when I was younger and the internet was less accessible. I picked up basically anything I know by going to someone’s house on a Saturday because of the free food/social time that people will put on for UT games and just ask questions when people react to what’s happening on screen. I know several people that can rattle off the entire rosters full names, stats etc but I keep my investment pretty surface level.


Is the national championship for college football just called the national championship, or is there some other term? I have heard of the Rose bowl, and I think there are other bowls too, though for all I know, they hold cereal.


The football team hasn’t won the national championship since the 1998-1999 season, Pat Summit and the Lady Vols had lots of success but the last national championship was 2008 and our 2009 championship was in women’s track and field (I think). The reason why the no.1 seed hasn’t won the whole thing since 1999 (and this year) is because it’s a tough championship to win, you have to get through two mini-tournaments before you get to the College Word Series in Omaha where the hottest teams are all playing for the same title. The no.2 or no.3 team may be just as good as the no.1 team. So you could be the no.1 team and not actually play for the CWS, like in 2022 when Tennessee was the best team in the country, they had a bad couple games and didn’t make it to Omaha, and a lucky Ole Miss team ended up winning the whole thing instead of the best team on paper


I see! There's only one space at the top, and competition is keen between teams that may not be incredibly different in their ability. Makes sense.


The hot young coach led his team of Volunteer men in defeat of those dastardly Aggie Texans on the ball diamond in the sweltering heat of Omaha, Nebraska to become the College National Champines.


Is this especially rare? I know that the University has a lot of sports teams that are relatively well funded. Are there a lot of other teams that might have won this championship? People are mocking me because I don't know this, but I really am asking in a sincere way.


They aren’t mocking you because you don’t know this, they’re mocking you because of the smug arrogant way you asked it.


I admitted that I'm ignorant and don't really know very much about sports. I don't see how that ignorant or smug. People are all about projection these days.


Because the only people who use the term “sportsball” use it in a way to act like people who enjoy sports are somehow ignorant or stupid. Every single time. Just say “sport” or use the actual name of the sport instead of a phrase specifically made up by people with median IQs who want to feel superior to people who enjoy things.


I regret that you don't see it as humorous or self-mocking. Humor and tone sometimes do not translate in a written medium like this one.


Agreed. Everyone I know that says "sportsball" does it as a funny catch-all word. It's not condescending or rude. It's how we identify other people who just aren't into it either. I don't get butthurt when people refer to "nerd stuff " instead of my specific fandoms. It's just a catch-all for something they aren't interested in. And that's ok.


>why does it matter? >can someone inform me because I can’t otherwise be bothered >I don’t see how this is smug


It's not smug. I just am not able to motivate myself to figure it all out and I'm asking for help. Perhaps if I were a better person, I'd take a deep dive into sports? This lifetime, however, is getting spent on some other things at the moment.


>perhaps if I were a better person I’d take a deep dive into sports Rookie deflecting, fake humility, playing innocent and victim while continuing passive aggressive comment and a lil gaslighting. Very low-IQ bait. Posting a thread like this then trying to gaslight everyone into thinking they misread it and having everyone see through you must be humbling. I bet the hit to your ego put you in a state of denial and you’re actually trying to convince yourself that “*everyone else* is the low-iq douche bag, not me!”


You could have simply googled the phrase "tennessee vols" and hundreds of news articles explaining what happened would have showed up


Rare? There is only one College World Series winner every year. So... Tennessee baseball has never played in a CWS championship game. So... Tennessee hasn't had a team, in any sport, win a National Championship since Women's Indoor Track in 2009. So...


So I know that there is a football team and that sometimes they win games. Do they not win championships?


Are you familiar with Google dot com?


In general terms, yes. I find that having an interactive conversation sometimes provides a better overview that's more to the point of what I'm after. That is why Reddit is useful sometimes. I find that Google is pretty good for facts. It's not always good at constructing meaning behind facts. In this case, understanding why this particular game, which I now know is baseball, is important and special is not something necessarily that would be readily apparent to me because I just don't tune in to sports enough to understand the importance.


Not since 1998.


This is probably the most annoying type of post I could imagine on this subreddit. Even worse than the constant “wanting to move here” shit from out of towners. We get it. You don’t care about sports, but others in the area do. Wow, what an interesting aspect of your personality that a Sporpsball happened and you were unbothered. Don’t feign the “I’m just being lazy and asking around here”- it would have taken less time to simply google “Tennessee sports” than to write this smug juvenile post. These posts are always just someone wanting to signal how disengaged they are from The Popular Thing, and they always simply make the OP look like a fool. Oh, and if it’s a troll, congrats on waking up this morning to provoke people on the internet. Must be a really fulfilling life you have there.


I only care enough about sports to feign interest during small conversation. I am looking for enough information to do that effectively. I want to do that effectively because it seems polite. If I lived in a place that was Muslim, as an analogy, I would do well to know what Eid was, even though I'm not religious. It seems that sports are important to people, so I am asking questions to try to fit in even though it's not something that really drives me.


Just ask those people about it during conversation. That’d probably be more genuine than learning from strangers on the internet and then acting like you know and care about it to your peers.


Okay! But here are some facts I've gleaned from this post that are going to help: It was college baseball, they won a national championship that they haven't won in a long time, no UT sport has won a championship of this level since 2009, football has conference championships instead of national championships.


All information available with a quick google search. This link is the top search result for “Tennessee sports” and has all of that information, and I didn’t even need to know which TN sportsball happened- just googled “Tennessee sports”. I understand the internet is hard so maybe it’s better to come here, and get yelled at by strangers instead of using a search engine though. https://utsports.com/news/2024/6/24/baseball-national-champions-1-tennessee-baseball-wins-2024-mcws.aspx


My impression is that Reddit is a forum for having a conversation about things of mutual interest. I may have been mistaken.


This isn’t about mutual interest since you aren’t interested in sports. Obviously this is a troll, so I refer back to my comment earlier: congrats on waking up this morning to provoke people on the internet- must be a really fulfilling life you have there. And before the “well ackshually I do have a great and fulfilling life, and I’m Simply Asking Questions, and I’m shocked by this unwarranted aggression” I don’t care. Have a great day.


It's not of your interest and you know that.


Again, you could have googled and found an article without acting like a smug 9th grader who read Goethe for the first time.


[Just letting everyone know how much smarter I am than everyone else, coming through!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/519/289/3d0)


Haha this is the guy i see virtue signaling on so many posts. Truly a superior being. Behold his virtue and intellect! His critical thinking and deductive reasoning skills has led to the conclusion it is not football; pretty impressive. And before you say “he’s just a bored neck beard”, consider *why* would someone keep indirectly reminding us of their superiority if they weren’t actually superior? OP might actually be Jesus.




Perfect! Very helpful. I did notice more traffic last night. Was that also part of this occasion?


You should ask on r/IHateSportsball, I'm sure they would know


Good idea. I helped him.


Between your "niche" requests here and this post: we get it, you're quirky. Now, act like a human, please.


I'm being lazy and not wanting to delve into a pastime that I'm not really interested in. Isn't laziness pretty human?


The laziness isn't the annoying part.


If people are annoyed that I don't know very much about sports, that's a them problem.


Correct, it would be. However, quirky internet losers use "sportsball" as a way to position themselves as being above watching sports, when, in reality... no one gives a shit. "Hey, what sports thing happened that everyone is excited about?" Would be how someone who wasn't insecure, self-obsessed, or socially stunted would ask.


You're popular https://www.reddit.com/r/IHateSportsball/s/997AB09QYo


Aww for fucks sake.


If you had chosen any other path but "everyone here must deal with my insufferable condescension", you wouldn't be getting clowned.


You’ve spent how much time posting and commenting on this instead of googling “Tennessee sports news” -_- and annoyed handfuls of people in the process. Laziness is human, being insufferable typically isn’t


[OP with this weird condescending crap](https://imgflip.com/i/8v0be8) It’s fine if you don’t like sports, nobody cares. If you want to make small talk ask people to fill you in. If you want talking points, a 10 second google search is your friend.


This is without a doubt the worst post i've ever seen on reddit! and to think it came from my local community is amazing. Keep it up bro


Says the guy paying 35.9% apr on his financed waterbed.


This is the most disgusting post ever and for *your* sake I hope it was satirical lol. If this was a *genuine-you* post, that’s brutal


I have attempted to learn the sportsball lingo in order to communicate with my coworkers, as they are vehemently opposed to Warhammer and other nerdy pursuits. Ostensibly, it is the local college baseball team who has recently emerged victorious.


Edgelord alert!


There's nothing edgy about admitting that you just don't know about a particular domain of things, much less admitting that you're just not going to spend time to find out. If you want to take a deep dive into folk music in the United States, Robert's rules of order, the history of third wave and second wave feminism, or several other things that I care passionately about, I'll be glad to explain these things to you. But sports are not my thing, unless I'm playing them. I just wanted someone to explain the hubbub so I can pretend that I fit in with everybody else.


I agree but the phrase “sportsball” is a condescending dig at people who like sports. There’s no innocent nerd behavior here.


It's good to know that people may see it that way. In my case, I just make jokes about how I don't know much about sports by calling it sportsball. The original XKCD comic where I picked up the term seemed to have that sort of comic tone. Some of us just don't have a background in any of this. I don't think I could really explain to you how to play ball sports or puck sports. I know a little bit about competitive cycling, whitewater boating, and ultra long distance hiking, but only because I participate in non-competitive versions of those sports. I know that football is incredibly important to people around here. I try to understand so that I can be polite and show interest in people. It's like being able to have a conversation about the weather. They probably are going to ask about my interests, so go Vols, am I right?!!!!


The nerd has become the bully


This. 100%.


Hmm? I can't quite understand your argument? I am eager to have polite chitchat about stuff that interests other people, despite the fact that I am (sometimes willfully!) ignorant about those interests. I don't think that turns me into a bully.


But it isn't condescending. It's just a catch-all for the realm of sports for people who just aren't into it. My partner enjoys some sports, and he thinks it's cute and funny. I don't get upset when people say something about "nerd stuff" instead of a highly-specific fandom. I don't know who is perpetuating the idea that people who aren't into sports look down on people who are, but that is not who I am, and I don't know anyone in real life that is like that either. I would assume that people who are passionate about sports would enjoy relaying info to someone who doesn't have that knowledge base.


Sigh.  Just say “I don’t like sports” then


Other humans are telling that it is. Listen to them. Turn the autism down and listen


Lmao. This is a great copypasta. Glad you save your big brain for such intellectual pursuits as grasping parliamentary procedure. You’re very intelligent.


Nope, really a nerd. I'm a 40k cosplayer, MTG jank deck Commander deck builder, isekai anime geek, and devourer of trashy urban fantasy books just trying to fit in a small office of uber sports fans. Go team.


I’m a nerd and I love sports as well. It’s not the sport’s fault your coworkers don’t take interest in your hobbies, they’re just lame


Agreed. I love when people have passions. Everyone is a nerd about *something*. I don't care if people like sports, it's just not my thing. No animosity. I'd just rather be playing some survival box game on Steam, upgrading my Commissar coat, or reading.


You don't think nerds like sports as well? You definitely are a cosplayer...of a 90s Nickelodeon stereotype.


I'm the one that doesn't care for sports, but I put in an effort to relate to my coworkers, despite their refusal to do the same.


You can be both. I enjoy every thing you mentioned but also like watching sports.


Yep, I have several friends who are into sports and WH/tcgs/anime/etc as well. Kinda why Blood Bowl is so popular! Sports is just not my thing (and it doesn't have to be). I try to learn a few things in order to relate to my coworkers, but that's the extent of it.