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Are you subtly implying you're the hotter one among you two?


Don’t call me out like that! 😭😂


Get a pedestian fan. 2 fans is how my brother copes


Pedestal\* sorry couldn't help it. i dont mean to be a dick


The pedestrian walks while the pedestal just rotates




That's fine


Poor guy don’t be cheap get an A/c, Kochi is hot, but so is the rest of the state.


Can’t afford an AC right now but thanks 🥲


Oru cooler engilum edu, fan wont help . Experience from 2019 summer


Just don't,cooler will make it even worse and you might get cold by the next day. Cooler is not suitable for our weather where humidity is on the higher side.I Learnt it the hard way 🥲


Havuu neither on land nor on water, they said AC is too expensive for them apol cooler paranju , innem entha unniye recommendation kodukka !


Swamp coolers only work in hot dry climates. You need to get the humidity down for comfort.


Yes, jaladhosham pidichu scene aayi.


Coolers dont really work in coastal areas. They work on the principle of evaporative cooling and this is not very efficient with humidity >75%.




Ig it's normal heat. He should eat things like watermelon, cucumber, apples to stay cool and avoid alcohol, oily snacks and stuff like that cuz that makes the body more hot *Not applicable to be hot*😏


Thank you! Definitely replacing his snack to this now sigh


also try to avoid/reduce spicy foods and red meat.


my husband generally likes things warm. I prefer the cold. We have separate blankets, because his duvet is too warm for me, and I’d wake up sweating in the middle of the night. Also, we don’t cuddle throughout the night, we cuddle for a while, maybe talk about life, and then do our own thing while sleeping. It doesn’t mean we’re incompatible or that we shouldn’t be together. people just sleep differently. talk to your boyfriend. It’s you guys against the problem, not you Vs him. idk how your room is/how much you can afford, but I’d suggest a pedestal fan, Aircon, or at the very least a table fan that you can point at the bed to keep him cool.


>we don’t cuddle throughout the night. No one does that. It's uncomfortable. So relax, it's perfectly normal.


yeah I know it’s normal. I haven’t seen anyone who cuddles throughout the night. I think my parents do, but it’s mostly spooning.


Wow. Your parents still spoon each other?! I've never seen my parents even look at each other's faces in bed. They usually lie facing opposite sides and read or watch youtube.


Thank you. So used to hearing we’re not compatible just because of this tiny issue. Plus this problem only started recently. I don’t wanna dump him just because it’s summer 😂


no problem, I hope you guys figure this out :) good luck ✨


Buy a pedestal fan


Kochi has basically become a sauna. I'm in Chennai right now and I feel it's so much better here. (Never in my life did I ever think I'd say this)


Just came back from Chennai and I can confirm this


As of now...But come May and Chennai will also become worse


You just described my husband to a tee. Nothing is wrong with either of you. Some people can cope with different climates better than others (and that goes for cold weather too). And yes, Kochi is really hot right now. We’ve been here a few years now and I feel this is the hottest yet.


Don't you go outside? Its frigging hot and humid these days. The worse part is we're not in march or April. Sweaty people will sweat like pigs during these humid weather. Better buy an AC/ cooler or move to an air-conditioned space. This will be the same or worse atleast for 6 months.


Kochi's high humidity is the major culprit since sweating becomes ineffective at cooling the body. Dry heat is far more tolerable.


Is everyone in a live in relationship now? And yeah, get an AC, it’s getting pretty bad


Some people have less tolerance towards heat and cold. I am also someone who sweats a lot easily. And the climate in kochi rn is bad enough to spoil one's whole mood. It's so so hot. I don't even use a blanket to sleep nowadays. If not an AC buy something else like a tablefan or cooler. Bcz it's going to be more hot in the coming months


Ah okay okay


Bro he might be stressed out in general and probably the heat isnt helping any of us. Id suggest you to give him some time, and give the physical space that he needs. I relate to your boyfriend and this happened between me and my partner. It usually is super peaceful when stress wave passes and things fall back into normal. You guys should definitely try a staycation during the weekend if thats possible. Tc, stay hydrated


Buy a pedestal fan / AC / Water cooler as a gift for him. Every issue will be solved.


Water cooler though will make it worse with the humidity I’m guessing?


We have the same problem. It’s apparently the difference in diet and metabolic rate. I being higher or metabolic rate feels hot, while it’s okay for my wife. Don’t blame him, he is telling you the truth. It’s very tough without AC for us.


It’s a relief to know I’m not the alone one in this, thanks


Cutting down on protein and fat would give some relief. But do you want to compromise on body composition for a summer hug? 😁


It is a lot hotter here now he's not lying. Some can't stand the heat compared to others and your boyfriend's one of em.


Kochi is hot now. Kerala in general too, I think. Government is issuing heat alerts in districts. So yeah, your bf is not crazy for feeling it's hot. I've also noticed that different people have different heat tolerances. But since it's an issue amongst you both, maybe an open, kind conversation could help.


If AC is not helping, get a table fan and place it somewhere near. Also, do mosquito nets on atleast one of the windows and then open that window. That'll also help. This is Feb mid, we have April and May coming. Kidney vittittaanenkilum oru AC vedicho.


>he can’t sleep together cause my body is apparently warm this is true. people get too warm while sleeping, its unbearable. let him sleep how he wants for the time being. tell him to take a bath before bed. use ice or cold water to cool the body.


Kid had cold and doctor has prescribed - No AC I will probably end up getting a heat stroke


Same here man. Ended up setting the AC to 27 and using a humidifier — it worked without aggravating the cold.


Can confirm the weather is terrible (atleast for me).my sleep went downhill from 6-7hrs to 4-5 hrs.Me and my roommates started looking for apartments with A/C for the past couple of weeks unfortunately couldn't find one for the bachelors.


global warming aa bro climate change aayi bro chood sahikkan vayya bro 🥲


Context : we’ve been dating for 3+ years. We’re compatible in most ways. The question was if you guys thing there’s something physically wrong with him or if it’s just normal heat an okay the weird one. Give solutions guys, why you always gotta say break up 🥲


Don't worry it's mostly the heat, my partner and I are also going through a confusing time cause we cant cuddle or sleep properly cause of the heat


I can relate to this being someone who sweats a lot. Kochi is def hotter than before and I had asked my wife not to cuddle recently as well. But it was also because of the clothing and what we had for dinner. We usually sleep bare these days to make up for it. Taking lots of fluids helps too.


If an AC is beyond the budget, look for a cooler then. It ain’t effective as an AC, but it does the job for a single closed room.


Consider sleeping on the floor if the both of you ain’t got any dust allergies.


Give him a hand fan...he deserves it!


😭😭😭, and i feel that its an indirect message that you are 🥵hotter, and he can’t handle it 🙃🙃


I run really warm and I cannot survive in kochi without an AC. At least get a few mini fans to keep around you.


On a related note, which are towns/cities with moderate temperatures and with decent infrastructure in Kerala- ideal for people who work from home?


Check the diet for the night. Take a bath before going to bed. Look at the type of mattress you folks are lying upon.


Ask him to do a thyroid function test


No offense, but ladies can bear more heat than men. So give him the benefit of the doubt as it's just natural. 😊


I'm from ekm dist, near tdpa. Here the heat is okish, but i can't tolerate the heat in Kochi. AC is a must.


oru vishari vangiyekku, take turns and fan each other.


Let him be ... Not everyone like cuddles in the hot weather .. it is what it is.. just bcos you don't feel it doesn't mean he doesn't.. everyone's body is diff.


Kochi has been burning for the past few days.... cant blame the poor lad.


Get a tent Coleman 8 pax 8000 rs get Voltas split 1 ton inverter 28k set it up inside the house, indoor inside the tent outdoor near the window also inside the house, run ac all time when at home cozy cold sleeps power bill 700 per month max that's how did it on top floor of my building two years


Technically speaking buy a fan only. The heat will come down soon as the sun has started its northward journey and by March 21 it will be directly over the equator at that time temperature in Kerala will further increase but when the heat increases we will get mango showers . So humidity will go up and fan can serve the purpose.


We had a similar situation when we were living in Chennai. The heat made me not want to touch my wife or any other human for that matter. Take frequent showers and get an air conditioner. That is really the only solution.


If you're not permanent residents here, try getting an AC on rent. It's quite reasonable and worth every single penny to beat this weather. Also it's normal for people to get affected by weather. You guys will do just fine.


Oh okay. Could you suggest me some places where they give AC for rent here ? I’m looking for them too


I've rented in Chennai but I'm unaware of the situation in Kochi. Try enquiring at AC service centres/cooling solutions. Good luck!


I have a lot to talk about this. I'm a person who sweats a lot even when I am under a fan at full speed. My wife is fine with the heat and I lose my temper when there is heat. In her words, I am a different person in the summer. I'm fine after I started using an air conditioner. The issue with Kerala is not just the temperature, it is humidity with temperature. I used to walk under scorching heat in Coimbatore without much problem, but I can't do the same in Kerala. I've tried to cope with heat in my native and in Kochi and these are the random facts that I have noticed. 1. Concrete is not the best construction material for Kerala. It retains heat a lot. I don't understand why but the commonly seen windows in Flats are plain glass, sliding type material. You can't open 50% of the window and plain glass will allow the heat to come inside the room. If you have a house where there is sunlight falling on the roof or walls for extended period of time, then the temperature will go higher easier and it will stay in the same temperature for a very long time. 2. I started using thick curtains recently to avoiding street lights in the room and I feel like it helps to reduce heat as well. 3. Ventilation is required, but allowing the hot air to come inside in the noon time might not be a good idea. I use curtains in the noon, but I'll let the cold air come inside in the night. 4. In my native, I have tried painting the roof with white cement and fevicol to reduce heat. Couldn't make much difference, but I put some shade-net over it and it was a lot better. 5. Coolers are ok, but the quality is bad and checking the water level and maintaining it is a different headache. Some people used to develop cold if it was used for an extended period of time. Make sure that you drain all the water from the cooler when you are not using it, otherwise it can become a breeding ground for mosquitos. Within an year, cooler accumulated a lot of dust and cleaning it is very difficult. The filter or membrane which is used for flowing water is made of paper in coolers made by Bajaj. 6. I've hypothyroidism, I am not sure whether that affects this problem anyway. I hear that people with blood pressure issues have less tolerance to heat.


Thank you. We’re not at a permanent residence so AC is something I can’t do right now, but I’ll give the rest a try!


Don't dump each other because mother nature is harsh this year.


It’s too hot and humid. And for someone who sweats a lot, it would be a nightmare.


yeah. Big problem. You two are not made for eachother. Breakup and Move on. 😂


You guys are definitely not compatible. Break up ASAP.....




It was a joke my lady 🥲. Buy an AC , drink lots of h2o . Stay hydrated


Fix an AC costs not more than some 30K’s.


Or maybe a cooler, cost not more than 6-8k’s. If he/you can’t even afford it, then you should probably rethink your situation.


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