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I disappeared(just moved out of the country) for 10 months in East Africa during covid. It changed my life.


Bro, story time :)


added separate long comment with some details


Please take your time and elaborate.


added separate long comment with some details


Bro had did an aadujeevitham


Could you please share. The community wants to know


After being locked down in the room for months during peak COVID times of 2020, I decided to go wherever the International flights started. Flights started to around 20-30 destinations worldwide. According to my budget I decided to go to the cheapest place I could to live long term and took a flight to Tanzania. Plan was to come back in 2 months. Stayed in Tanzania 5 months, and then another 5 months in Uganda. Did long term travel, stayed in hostels, hotels, couchsurfed. Met a lot of awesome people. Had to come back because family was getting restless. While I was very safe and had the best time of my life.


This is so inspiring! 😍


added separate long comment with some details


Thank You!




Bro is dengue/malaria vaccination must in those regions?


Most Indians grow around mosquito bites, we kind of get immune. I did not take any. Just applied odomos when I knew I'll be outside.


Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory. For malaria prophylactic medicines taken.


added separate long comment with some details


Since some of you have been asking about story time for the time when I disappeared. I will add this separate comment with more details. During covid I was tired of staying in my room for almost 3 months, and took the opportunity to go out when the International flights started. Applied for volunteering for places in different countries around the world. Got accepted in Ecuador, Tanzania, South Korea. Out of all these places, I chose Tanzania based on my budget, flight costs, currency conversion rates and freedom of movement. After landing in Tanzania, stayed in a very small village 3 hours away from the nearest big city. That village had so much going on. Everyone was amazed at seeing a brown skinned guy casually strolling around the village, eating their local food. Trying to communicate in their local language or using phone translation to communicate. Left the place after an issue with the school I was volunteering with after 2 months, but had an amazing time overall. Traveled to the nearby island of Zanzibar. Had the best daily routine. Wake up at 8 AM --> cuddle with the cat that started living in my room out of nowhere --> have breakfast right outside my room --> Get fresh, go to a nearby cafe and use their wifi to work through the day while having my lunch and some drinks through the day --> finish work by 4:30 PM --> Walk back to the room , put the laptop and valuables in the room, grab my swimming briefs --> Walk 5 mins to the beach with blue waters --> swim and relax for next 1-2 hours. --> back to the room, get fresh, take a bath --> Out to eat dinner, which would be multiple street food dishes in a street food market in Stone Town Zanzibar. --> hangout with a few people --> Sit on the beach at night for 20-30 minutes --> back to the room and sleep again by midnight and reset. Went back to the mainland, stayed in cities like Dar-e-salam, Morogoro, Arusha, Mwanza each for multiple days or weeks. After 5 months there, decided to do a land border crossing to the nearby Country Uganda. small story, while crossing the land border, I was short of ten dollars for the visa fee of 50 dollars. I had the money in my account but the ATM's were closed and it was already 7 PM and getting dark. The Visa officer gave me the visa, paid for it himself and gave me his phone number so I can pay him later some day. He was very kind. I paid him back in a week's time through mobile money transfer. Now In Uganda. I decided to pursue some hobbies or get new one's . I am a terrible dancer as most Indian intro/ambi-verted Indian kids are. Decided to change that, and joined a Salsa class. When 6 classes got done, the country got into another strict covid lockdown due to the delta wave. Instead of living in hostels, stayed with my Salsa instructor sharing rent while being locked down. Once the lockdown was lifted, did a lot of camping's, adventure activities. Stayed with multiple people using couchsurfing, often cooked for them, and they used to love the food I cooked. most of my time here was spent in the capital city of Kampala. Got dreadlocks and assimilated myself in their way of living and culture. ending the details here for now. **Some takeaways.** - When you disappear, you don't have to carry the social obligations and mentality that you carry every day, you can start afresh without the weights of society/family on you. - For a lot of places and people, whatever we may hear through the media or social platforms, may not be true on the ground. Africa is a big continent and not a country. Many parts of it are very developed, people have a lot more civic sense and very well behaved. - Keep your mind open to trying new experiences, meeting different kinds of people, trying different kinds of food. - Something which is normal or special here, may not be true in other parts of the world. - Outside of the touristy areas, people everywhere around the world are always helpful and very kind. Ending the comment for now. Do consider disappearing or in a lighter note going away somewhere, it will change your mind and perceptions. https://preview.redd.it/b35hgqg8wsyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a6dea642b853eae40a5348f1e278c473df23e7 me holding a royal/ball python while visiting a wildlife rescue center in Entebbe, Uganda


Gives me sheer joy reading your comment.


Bro, can you tell how much was your total expense after entire journey!


During the journey I still had my Indian remote job. So basically I was spending my salary every month, beyond it I had some savings of around 1 Lakh rupees, which I spent frugaly while I was there. I did not keep a budget but most stuff was similarly priced as In India, sometimes even cheaper. Except Indian food. Indian food outside India is expensive.


That's my retirement goal




Any location in your mind? I am hoping to find some isolated place.


Yup it’s not isolated per se but beautiful. There are few villages in Kodaikanal.


Yea actually I have thought about it multiple times.


Yeah...when I wear my shoes to go to office.


Bro don't be delusional, stay in reality. MFs posting random reels has no intention of changing or improving their viewers, all they want are likes and followers. They themselves might be jobless brainrotted D*ckheads. If you are suffering mentally talk to people who really care about you or seek professional help


Not everyone who travels this way posts about it on social media, some do it genuinely for the experience. Talking to someone doesn't always help from the daily trauma one might be going through.


Wow judgemental much


I have done this, in India and in Europe and other countries in Asia. Life as such is a fantasy, it’s worth living as a tourist for a few months. There’s the freedom, the peace, everything. But it’s only enjoyable if you’re exploring yourself more everyday, rather than letting the exploration stop and settling for the comfort. Like, learning a new skill, doing new creative things with it, etc. And definitely money is a very important factor among all these. If you’re in some remote place and is okay with getting paid local salaries which can be peanuts, it might hinder you from going beyond from that comfort zone for other explorations. So the idea is to set that larger goal initially and enjoy life as a tourist, rather than immediately making decisions to settle.


Thought about it but convenience and accessibility will take a hit.


Watch the movie "Into the Wild (2007)".


The kothuku kadi is gonna be worse off than Kochi and the sheer heat. Duh. You'll be back in 2 days I swear.


https://preview.redd.it/1ovdns0buuyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f49f34ff659c49e43c0f5cca474cd01ff20f45c Ippa kandathe ullu 🙏🏿


Universe is giving you a sign


Already moved out from the country 🙏🏿


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Yes, I have thought about it several times. And I plan to do it when it makes sense financially. The destination is somewhere in Mongolia.


Sounds fun to romanticise. Reality hits differently.


Watch 'Into the Wild' if you haven't




i fantasize about maybe some place like himachal or jammu.....


Like in Japan this thing is huge, it's called Evaporating Men, like there's this excellent documentry about it!




Yes, all the time.


Is this the reel life? Is this just fantasy?


No. Some guy left everything behind in the USA and went toboutskirts of a Europeon town he did not stay. Bought a piece of land and erected a small cabin and farmed there. Like with some chickens and daily veg, cattles too. He did not have notjing much to show, but man did he looked happy.


Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.


Go to Willingdon Island if you need immediate escape from the madness of Kochi.


I want to do this in Kerala. Never actually lived there. Potential options?


Maybe idukki or wayand if you're looking for that peaceful vibe


As an introvert, this whole concept feels funny to me. The same society who tells me to get closer to it is trying to run away from itself when they get a chance. Also i never felt the need to run away from my life to be invisible 🫥


Looks more like Stardew valley


Do you wanna dissappear together


Bro don't run/disappear, face the reality like a warrior. The more challenges we face, the more stronger we become. I know it's not an easy job but we must force ourselves into it. We must break our inhibitions.Chaos should be your new comfortability🔥. Foreign people are very sensitive. But we Indians are built different. Don't embarass our ancestors by becoming a fckin puzzy. People will destroy you like hell but don't give up....Rise like a Phoenix, again & again🔥


If you have the money, you can try this. If you don’t, it’ll just be called begging in some form or the other.


Ohh I think of it often.Far away from all this rush and noise somewhere peaceful. A small home , cattle and pets.


Same pinch Pecepul from this piece piece life


This is my dream. But I need to achieve financial freedom first.


I been thinking about going to some remote place in mangolia


Alexander supertramp y'all 🛐


Always wanted to, somewhere in south east asia