• By -


1. LingoDeer - Very very good app for overall learning (i recommend paying for the full version - i’ve used it alot and it’s amazing!) 2. Teuida - amazing for practicing speaking 3. Cake - fun app that teaches you with examples from clips, vlogs, etc 3. Talk to me in korean website - Its a pay monthly service but goes over everything. I originally had their first book and since have been using their website instead 4. Anki - Flashcard application. You can download flashcard sets, import them into Anki and learn them. YouTube i recommend Go billy korean, he has an entire free course teaching the basics


I see so many different Anki Flashcard apps - which one is the original?


https://apps.ankiweb.net Has links depending on your device :)


Thank you so much :)


"Teuida - amazing for practicing speaking" Do you speak with an AI here? or other learners? never used it before, but i want to become better at listening and speaking, so that sounds interesting!


Videos and AI!


Hi. I am currently using the TTMIK books (their main textbooks, workbooks and vocabulary book) and am considering LingoDeer. Do you think this is unnecessary? Thanks!


A lot of great suggestions here! I’ll also throw in HowToStudyKorean.com. The website is 100% free and has grammar lessons with vocabulary, audio, and practice exercises. They also have an app where you can pay $20 for all the lessons that are available for free on the desktop site. It’s a great option similar to Talk To Me In Korean


The King Seojong Institute. It is the Korean government paying teachers to teach you Korean for free. You can take it at your own pace and you are being taught by native speakers. https://www.iksi.or.kr/lms/main/main.do It can be easily accessed from your phone.


Anything but duolingo. Their English is wonky and Korean is stilted. My wife often says "this sentence is really strange". I hope you find some wonderful resources.


I’ve tried various languages on Duo, and I’ve never quit a lesson as fast as Korean. 😂


I was using duo to learn Korean, but I also found their courses strange and frustrating for me. I didn't like how it felt as though they were trying to trick you on some of the pronunciations when going their listening and select whst you hear portions. Also, repeating the phrases back with the pronunciation always got me a wrong answer. Lastly, the app, in general, became a chore to use because it felt more like the main feature was just to try and push you to get high scores or you get demoted super quickly from the rankings/leaderboards and that became more stressful than just having the ease of learning amd completing lessons at your own pace without worrying about if you'd lose your spot in the diamond league or whatever, or if you missed a day and lost your freeze streak. Even the lessons seemed somewhat repetitive in nature of the way they were structured and the order the listening exercises would repeat in the character learning mode. Maybe that's just me, but after a while, I couldn't even bring myself to open the app because it just felt too much like a chore to even get through a lesson.


1. **Lingory** - *made by Korean natives*, great for grammer and vocab. Any lvl starting from very beginner to advanced.You will take a lvl test at first and it lets you start at your current level. It’s very interactivr, teaches you like you are a little kid. It’s my favorite and it does the “heavy lifting” for me. I’m studying for 1.5 years (I’m advanced beginner/intermediate) and it’s still my main learning tool. You can do almost everything free, and premium is very cheap. 2. **Teuida** (also *made by Korean natives*) if you are in the beginner stage, helps immensely with pronunciation and speaking, as you can speak “live” in k-drama like scenarios. Very fun, they have a limited free version (a couple things you can do free dialy) but it’s cheap and for me it was 100% worth buying premium for a few months 3. **Busuu** - also great for grammer and vocab, free with ads, very useful. You practtice vocab, writing and sometimes speaking. Also have a learners community and can ask native speakers to correct your “assignments” at the end of each section 4. If you are at the beginner stage (still learning to conjugate verbs kind of thing) **Lingo Legend** is and RPG language learning game, very fun and the free version is more than enough 5. **Beelingual** for reading . They have stories that can be sorted from A1 to C2 lvl. They have some free stories and keep adding to them but premium is cheap and if you like reading/find it useful, it’s worth it. Helps me with vocab. 6. If you are advanced beginner and need to practice speaking, or simply want to focus on speaking already, **Rehearse Langauge** is a very useful app/website (also made by a *Korean native*). It’s still in the beginning stage as an app, but it’s the only app FORCING me to speak (which is the hardest part of learning a lamguage) 7. For reading again, **TTMIK Stories** (*made by Korean natives*) It’s GREAT for reading and vocabulary, from very beginner to advanced beginner/intermediate, but it is expensive :( They have a 7 days free trial and I suggest taking full advantage of it haha 8. **Migii TOPIK** if you plan to tlae the topik test (from TOPIK 1 to TOPIK 6) helped me study and get topik 2 with maximum score in a couple months. Has a free version for casual study, but if you *do* take the topik test, premium is cheap and 100% worth it. All of these apps are *interactive* and it’s the only way I can learn because I have ADHD. So if this is your style of learning too, you’ll find them very useful :) I never bought more than 1-2/month, I subbed to them one by one as I finished the content on one app or simply I was overlevel for them at some point. Pic with [1st page of my learning folder](https://i.imgur.com/twKnqse.jpeg) (some of the mentioned ones are not here bc I finished all the content on them)


I tried Lingory, but didn't get any level test. Is that a paid feature only?


No, i never paid for lingory. I signed up about a year ago and I got that test before I started lessons there. Maybe they changed that in the meantime? Hmm


i just signed up for lingory! you can find the level test on the profile page ('my page') - just scroll to the bottom


drops is good for vocabulary!


I love the drops apps. The 5-minute sessions are great for when I watching my dogs or waiting for my kids at the bus stop. I have the full version and it’s totally worth it.


I just discovered Memrise and I actually really like it! It has audio and video where different native speakers repeat certain phrases, making it really easy to learn them!


For YouTube recommendations I really like this one channel where it’s basically a kids show but with Korean and English subs. I only watched one episode and can’t remember the name but if you type in bilingual language learning Korean you’ll probably find it


are you on the updated version? i was tryna revert back to one without all these ads


I downloaded it this week, and I haven’t had any ads so far except for the ‘update to premium!’ ones


Perhaps thats why, i think mine are all community/custom courses and it forces me to use a web browser instead of the app. Maybe its different now (again) who knows, guess I'll try


If you have a lot of time to customize and gets joy from doing your own flash cards with plenty of features, I'd really recommend Anki! You can also just download from the internet since there's a lot available online. You may even import from other apps, if I remember correctly :))


Teuida is very good and helps you practice conversation. It's a little temperamental but I think overall it's worth it.


From my experience : - Teuida is the best of you want to practice for travel in Korea (plus it’s fun!). The coaches are great and make you live real life situations, so it’s great if you like learning by speaking - Duolinguo is basically useless (unless you want to learn stuff like « this apple is not round ») - Linguodeer is good if you want to learn Korean more in depth, like a native Other than that learning from good manuels is great as well. Depends on your objectives


Anki with making your own sets improves vocab really fast. People hate duolingo but it helped me understand korean sentence structure a lot better


Lingory is free and is actually really good for learning grammar.


I've recently been using TOPIK ONE. I'm happy with it to test myself. It doesn't really teach anything, though. It's just a test prep app


Please look at this thread for Eohwi: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Korean/comments/1dh62ni/korean\_flashcards\_on\_apple\_watch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Korean/comments/1dh62ni/korean_flashcards_on_apple_watch/)


[https://www.ulala.app/](https://www.ulala.app/) Me and my team's been building this app. Check it out and let us know what you think!




Please do not encourage piracy in r/Korean. > ► Piracy and promoting piracy are not allowed. Posting a small excerpt of copyrighted material (for citation, questions, etc.) is okay.


The book was written and published by the author as a free resource, I only have the actual file and not the source of the file


Feel free to post the link if it's still available as a free resource online anywhere, or at least please post more info about it besides simply "a PDF" as that can sound like it's a pirated resource.


Thank you, sorry for the trouble


[Professor Yoon](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6D-YTosvGYpU2sCGuahJ9wRYag4YiXUV&si=Q7MebLu-lyhKL8q1) has really great content!


Drops is very useful for vocab


mirinae for sentence split. note - it's not 100% per my experience


Any ideas for Hanja study apps? My speaking is pretty solid but I'm a bit of a vocab nerd and really want to just have some daily Hanja instruction


[https://koreanhanja.app](https://koreanhanja.app) is an option, but yeah, not a lot of Hanja resources. 🫠


Go BIlly on youtube


Lingodeer is extra good for grammar based learning, and also the facility to click on any word to find the meaning is very helpful


My city’s Korean cultural centre has free Korean classes and I think there’s also a online site for the curriculum https://nuri.iksi.or.kr/front/main/main.do


At the moment I’m using Busuu (I’m a beginner) but I have a few more apps lined up and I often watch YouTube videos when I’m struggling I also use Aniki Pro for flashcards!


I just do anki for actual learning and duolingo for lower motivation days when it comes to apps. But doing only apps is not that useful. I learn grammar from youtube videos and even in beginner level I can watch dramas and youtube videos to learn korean. I like short comic videos and such on youtube alot of them have english subtitles too. Few channels I watch are: 랄랄 ralral, kiu 기우쌤, runandrun 런앤런, jjaltoon 짤툰, jonathan 조나단. Those are more entertaining but I love hailey your korean friend and learn korean with GO! Billy korean for korean lesson videos and live stream lessons.


To practice reading I recommend StoryKorean it’s free


I just wanna recommend you 1 vocabulary apps that can help you learn korean since they have word set for each TOPIK level. The name of the app is "Naver Dictionary". Owned by Naver, search engine no 1 in Korean.


Mango Languages




If you're looking for an app to study grammar, I'd recommend Bunpo. Initially, the app focused solely on Japanese, but I also used it for Korean grammar after preparing for the JLPT exam. The explanations are excellent, and it offers many useful features like dialogues and an AI tutor. Plus, you can access a lot of information and lessons for free!