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I was kinda sad that they leaked the kids real names on TMZ..she did so well hiding it. But I hope a smooth divorce for the kids.


She has kids?? How old is she?? She looks no older than 22


She originally went viral on tik tok because she called her infant Richard and everyone thought she was serious for a long time


Richard and Concrete šŸ˜‚ the good ole days


One of my favorite genres of influencer trolling is saying that your baby is named something itā€™s not. Like when that one influencer convinced everyone her child was named ā€œPootā€ (itā€™s real name is Piper or something like that)


After Poot Lovato hahaha


ā€œitā€™sā€ is sending me šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Poppy lmao


Piper??? I hardly know her


I hate that this was my first thought too when I typed that out


Wait why Iā€™m a teacher and know so many little kids called Richard lol


It was funny because she had a baby girl


I think she called the other one Concrete


Little richards


that was her???? that shit was hilarious.


i think sheā€™s around 25 or 26


2 actually, iirc she's 26


she shared their names in her early tiktok days but i guess she deleted it? I always knew her oldest daughters name bc i was following her a few years ago. Iā€™ve since blocked her bc sheā€™s insufferable


she deleted all posts that included her daughter in them and stopped using her real name a couple years ago. She said she wanted to protect her child's privacy and not post private details about her since her child couldn't understand/consent


Yeah thatā€™s what I thought. Didnā€™t she start calling them those other names around the time maia knight started joking about ā€œscotch and vodkaā€




Why would you want to know?


I honestly do not think her and Drake ever hooked up etc. However, I think the attention the interviews have brought her and her not mentioning him much or even defending the rumors about her and Drake must have contributed to all this.


Someone on the Bobbi snark page said that the TMZ article says that theyā€™ve actually been separated since July of last year. I looked up when the Drake interview actually happened and apparently it was that same month. Not to go conspiracy theory on the allegations of them hooking up *but* wild timing on that. https://preview.redd.it/tyyicujse9hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c993c785a6b8b47651de8ed89e13abd73cf1b7


pretty sure the interview happened in June- Bobbi mentioned missing her daughter's first birthday to fly out to Drake. I don't think they hooked up, but I wouldn't be surprised if the timing wasn't a contributing factor. At the end of the day, they knew each other for what? a year? by the time they were married with a newborn. How often does that work out?


This would still support the conspiracy theory if she slept with Drake in June and they split in July. Basically just coincidental timing but yeah thereā€™s a bunch of other red flags in their marriage/relationship.


Missing your child's first birthday to fly out to do an interview is wild. Idc who the guest you're interviewing is - clearly her family wasn't the priority.


Idk man. If you were attached to your child for 20 hours a day for the first 364 days of their life, after them living inside you for the precious 9 months, do you think someone becomes a bad parent for travelling for work for 1-2 days after those 364 days? Knowing that youā€™ll also probably spend the next hundred days with your child? And a career move like that is basically an investment in your childā€™s future. It sucks for the parent to miss it but seems pretty likely a shitload of dads have missed first birthdays for work, and it was never held against them, not to mention all the people who have no choice about work or travel.


> have missed first birthdays for work, and it was never held against them Ask the kids if they held it against their parents for missing birthdays or important events. People become adults and forget how we felt as kids. The disappointment of not having one or two of the most important people in your life show up for something that matters to you is on a different level when you are a kid. At the end of the day it comes down to making a choice between competing priorities. Crappy parenting habits shouldnā€™t be excused. Itā€™s not cool when the dad does it; itā€™s not cool when to mom does it.


Trying to defend it sure


They said it was wild, and then that it shows family wasnā€™t her priority. I get you feel strongly about this and nothing exists in a vacuum but youā€™re the one that jumped to ā€œbad parent.ā€ My dad missed plenty of my and my siblingsā€™ childhood birthdays which was both wild AND showed his priorities. Which I let him know all the time!


i think a key factor to me is that itā€™s the kids first birthday. Her kid would never remember that she wasnā€™t there and would be just as excited to see her a couple days later where she could shower them in gifts and attention. Babies have no concept of time. This is very very different to a parent missing the party of say an 8 year old for example.


Yeah, they lost me with the "bad parent" and "dads never had it held against them". In what world are fathers not viewed as selfish and committed to everything except the family when they miss their children's birthdays.


The kid is not going to remember their first birthday.


The baby doesnā€™t even know what a birthday is, let alone when it is. A lot of people celebrate birthdays on different days that make more sense for the familyā€™s work schedule. And how can you say that this particular decision means she isnā€™t prioritising her family? I would say that taking a high paying gig that could boost your career is prioritising your family because those kids will benefit from her income.


It's a family celebration. No wonder her husband is leaving her. "Mommy/daddy was out making money" has never been a great excuse. I'm sure Drake would've been like "Yo, it's your kid's first birthday? I'll reschedule, that's cool." Well... Maybe Drake wouldn't have but any respectable human would've.


Kids truly have no idea what's going on or why people are eating cake when it's their first birthday. They'd have no concept of their mom missing it, or celebrating it early or late. They're still babies at that point.


My dude, it's about more than just the fucking kid.


i mean having them do the interview in bed together doesnā€™t really help the situation though


I thought they had 2 kids together?!


Yeah it was her second childā€™s first birthday. The older one is around 4. But first birthdays are kinda a big deal to moms, itā€™s an insane amount of hard work that first year when theyā€™re so dependent, so it would be a horrible decision to have miss it, even if just partly.


what is her snark page??


Iā€™m curious as to how close her persona she puts online is anything close to whatā€™s she like in person, she comes off so careless and low energy so who knows if she even cared to defend herself and fight for her own marriage at the time of all that heat. But still no less offense to her husband as well bc I donā€™t think many people even thought she was really married, so he definitely deserved a serious conversation with her. Curious as to how long they were together


I agree. I canā€™t imagine marrying someone normal and then a few years in their whole life blows up to extreme amounts of fame and social influence. Iā€™m sure her life has completely changed since her popularity which will, obviously, change a relationship dynamic


Yeah I think this is a huge component. Not everyone wants a spouse with that kind of attention and profession. I totally get it.


The people who think her and drake hooked up are completely ridiculous


She 100% fucked drake .. itā€™s wild. She literally let him hit without ANY effort. Heā€™s not the only too.. I canā€™t stand her


How tf do you know lol


The industry is TINY.. and she has confirmed it and was not shy about bragging about it in group chats but .. šŸ™Š


Group chats?? Receipts please


I would get in so much trouble but remember my comment in a couple weeks & come back to it. U will find out who the other rapper was


If youā€™d get into trouble posting receipts then youā€™ll get into trouble for this comment šŸ˜‚ you said it yourself, the industry is tiny & youā€™ll get done for exposing this. If itā€™s even true šŸ¤£


If I posted receipts I would have to black out names & numbers and then iā€™d be accused of making it up either way


Youā€™ll get in zero trouble babe. DM me


Lmfao is this how deuxmoi is getting her ā€œsourcesā€ now


What group chats?


I mean right after the drake interview everyone was saying she was getting a divorce because of drake sleeping with her but everyone was saying not sure well hereā€™s the proofā€¦ interview happened in late June ,interview gets put out in July , Cory says says they been separated since July. Itā€™s obvious she did how else would everybody know they were starting to divorce before Cory announcing it? People just want it announced before they believe it. She bragged about it multiple times about sleeping with multiple rappers to other girls behind doors. Idc about what people believe or who she smashes, I just wanted to help you connect the dots


Because that person wants to fck drake and wishes it was them


I remember her making a tik tok awhile ago about how she has no friends and it's just her man and her baby and that was all she needed.


She also got married young, after getting pregnant quickly after meeting her now husband and has spoken about how she was barely working and didnā€™t go to college. Sounded a bit like an identity crisis as she described it.


Wow knowing this only adds to my assumption that her new found success probably really disrupted their life. Going from having an uneducated stay at home wife to an influencer bread winner wife is quite the jump


Her now ex husband lol


announced the same day of drakeā€™s leak. coincidence?


Almost felt like it lit a fire up his ass to go to the courthouse. Like rubbed some salt in the wound.


What leak?


Snake on Drake leak


Well idk if she hooked up with Drake but if she didnā€™t this isnā€™t gonna help the narrative that she didnā€™t if anything itā€™s gonna make it worse.


The reason I think they did is bc soon after their interview he placed a copyright claim on it having the vid deleted. He also supposedly sent Yachty & Offset on their to shade her. Offset dragged her appearance saying she looked frumpy etc. Drake is known to use women & discard them & he has a pattern of humiliating women publicly. Iā€™m not a fan of her but TheShadeRoom has been digging up the tea abt this situation for a while now.


šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” but if he slept with her wouldnā€™t it be the opposite? Why would he be weird and throw shade after? Am I missing something ā€¦ā€¦


Drake and Rihanna dated and he shaded her plenty of times. Even now, he shades her because of the babies she has with ASAP Rocky. That situation is messy because allegedly Drakeā€™s baby mama was messing with Rocky, James Harden and others around the time she ended up pregnant. That led to Drake denying the child at first and having a paternity test done to prove the baby was his. Rihanna and Rocky being together is also messy since at one time Drake was friends with Rocky.


Ok but this is about Drake and Bobbi. What does this have to do with Rihanna? I get that the Rihanna situation is messy; it seems messy but how does this pertain to Bobbi? Youā€™re saying he just shades all women he hooks up with that are in the public eye or what?


Pretty much that if Drake would shade Rihanna publicly- a woman whom he has publicly claimed to love and be in love with. What makes you think he wonā€™t shade a ā€œgroupieā€ or someone heā€™s hooked up with? Drake has also shaded the mother of his child and other women heā€™s had relations with. Bobbi wouldnā€™t be the exception.


Because I think itā€™s worth it to waste his breath on someone as public as Rihanna, especially if they hooked up more than a few times and ā€œdatedā€ vs someone like Bobbi who, as you say, is a groupie. What would he gain from doing that to Bobbi lol. I could see he did that towards Rihanna because there was some weirdness between them how it usually is in situationships, but Bobbi is like a smash and say byeā€¦ why would there be bad blood lol


Unfortunately thatā€™s Drakeā€™s reputation. He doesnā€™t care if youā€™re Rihanna or a random hook up, he airs out his own dirty laundry in lyrics. Thatā€™s why itā€™s not a surprise. As someone else mentioned, he has a pattern of humiliating women and not giving a damn about the aftermath.


Iā€™m actually pretty surprised by this lol, thatā€™s why I kept digging deeper. He just comes off nice and unproblematic. Surprised he would stoop so low. Like he has a reputation to lose


He isn't nice and unproblematic; he has a well known tendency to put women down in his music. He shaded Ice Spice as she was blowing up in 2022, he shaded Rihanna countless times because she rejected him, and he shaded Megan saying she is lying about getting shot in the foot by Tory Lanez. Plenty of other times he's done this, but these are just the first few examples that come to mind. Drake is a washed up loser who stoops low any chance he gets.


i meanā€¦ do men like drake really need a real ā€žgainā€ in humiliating a woman?


Men like Drake donā€™t care how humiliating women makes them look. Thatā€™s the sad and cold truth about it.


yes!! exactly! i was losing my mind thinking that someone would assume men like that needed to have a good reason to treat women like crap


Yeah but itā€™s like just a bad look for him, if anything. I get if heā€™s kind of fighting someone of the same caliber with Rihanna, but BOBBI?! Please. Itā€™s almost laughable that Drake would care to do that. Thatā€™s giving HER clout


Seems like you just made this shit up


Yeah people love drama lol making up stories just cause she interviewed a guy even tho she interviewed tons of people since itā€™s kinda her job. I think the only reason for it is cause of the drake leak so itā€™s in peoples minds rn


Isn't Bobbi too old for Drake?


Surprised me, she seems like a joy to be around šŸ˜šŸ˜/s




Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.




bad bot


Aggressive ass bot šŸ‘€


Bot that needs a straight jacket


damn really canā€™t have success AND the family


unless the other person in that relationship is also successful


thereā€™s a difference between fame and traditional success i feel like


He is though


what does he do?


Tech bro šŸ˜Ž And some other stuff. Go read the tmz article lol


lol maybe the drake allegations are true


She also missed her daughterā€™s first bday to do the drake interview maybe her husband didnā€™t like that.. who knows though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


what ?!? she missed her bday???


To be fair, I donā€™t think her daughter is going to remember whether her mom was at her first birthdayā€¦ or any part of her first birthday for that matter. But I do still think thatā€™s a bit wild, I donā€™t know why you wouldnā€™t want to be with your child on the one year anniversary of pushing them out of your body




this shows your priorities lmao


Yes she mentioned it in the drake interview. Her youngest was born around the end of June so she filmed the drake interview before July when she put it outā€¦


I think that was a joke. It was part of the entire schtick. I highly doubt she missed her daughterā€™s first birthday. Iā€™m definitely not a fan but Iā€™m nearly positive that part wasnā€™t true.


She talked about it as herself without the schtik because she was getting heat about it. She said she celebrated a few days after and that her daughter wonā€™t remember it..


Also likely not serious lol


lol no. She was pretty serious about that. And itā€™s truly not a big deal. To me at least. Brb babe Iā€™ve gotta launch my career by interviewing one of the greatest artist of our generation. I think I remember him recording a birthday voice memo for the baby during the interviewā€¦ which I mean come onā€¦ pretty iconic for the tot. Concrete will be alright lol






Her ex husband and filed for divorce back in July when she first interviewed Drake


Men tend to get very insecure when women succeed and get a lot of attention, because they feel they arenā€™t in control of her anymore. She is still very young and coming into fame and money, which means her schedule is probably becoming busier as well. She canā€™t be that stay at home mom anymore and sheā€™s probably realizing thereā€™s more to life than that and she still has so much more time to pursue a great career. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with the Drake allegations. Bobbi seems to be a very smart and classy girl, so I think she may be realizing that marrying too young might have been a mistake, especially now that her career is taking off.


I was about to stay this. Everyoneā€™s commenting blaming her and saying she was probably hard to be with but I have a feeling her husband didnā€™t like how successful she was becoming. He looks like the type who would want a housewife.


i think thereā€™s a middle ground where neither are in the wrong. her ā€œhard to be withā€ is a shtick that isnā€™t in the relationship, just an online persona. and he could just be a private person, that didnā€™t like the online fame. that doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t want your partner to be successful and be some tradwife sitting at home.


He came off like he didnā€™t want the attention or fame. I can see that being an issue .


If they filed for divorce in July and the Drake thing happened in July (exactly when she blew up) then how could it be about her success?? That would mean she wasnā€™t even successful for all of 5 minutes before filing, just a small tiktok following thatā€™s it




sheā€™s 26. Heā€™s actually _eight_ years older.


What the fuckkkk that's gross


You said it perfectly






So nice of you to judge her husband. Her husband is definitely at fault, how dare he marry someone 6 years younger?? How dare he file for divorce, he is a man, a woman should file for divorce. Have you ever thought maybe he was tired of rumors of his wife having an affair with drake??? Let me get this straight if it is a man who files divorce, it's his fault. When it's a women who files for divorce, it's still his fault.


Lol bro u wont be heard in this echo chamber. Not even worth trying.




She isn't leaving, he is. And by the looks of it(captions and her latest tik tok). She is very much on love with him.


So many anecdotal- "I feel" "in general" "I've never seen" First off 22 is an adult, it's not 18, not 15, it's def old enough to be responsible for your choices including getting married. So put that BS to bed about him being "creepy", if anything he did the right thing and married her. I've seen plenty of women in my own anecdotal experience cheat and/or leave good men, it happens all the time. Speculation that "he can't handle her success" is just that, speculation. Fame is a very difficult thing to make a relationship work in, celebs treat marriages like prolonged dating for a reason. If anything, maybe he just didn't sign up for that lifestyle? Rumors, busy schedules, unwanted attention and scrutiny on ANYTHING you do. But saying she's some kind of victim of her dweeby husband just doesn't track at all. Maybe he's no angel but I'm sure she isn't either. How about Not dragging the guys name through the mud on your own bad experiences with men.


This makes the most sense




Exactly! He deserves better than someone that doesn't have the time or emotional capacity for a partner.


And she deserves better than someone who canā€™t handle her success


Tbh Iā€™m not surprised. Idk how to articulate what I mean but thereā€™s this weird like almost sexual energy in most of her interviews. Nothing about how she comes across communicates sheā€™s a married mother idk. It seems like she comes across like a single 19yo in the beginning of a weird porno or something? Maybe Iā€™m projecting or being weird but I donā€™t think Iā€™d be comfy if my partner was the guy equivalent of her


u nailed the energy


That drake leak was the last straw


Her interview with Rick Glassman on his podcast was the first Iā€™d ever heard of her, I immediately decided I hated her based on that interview. Sheā€™s insufferable to watch even if itā€™s all an act (which I doubt).


What do you mean ā€˜itā€™s obviousā€™ and then you mention how you actually have no clue whatā€™s going on between them? People come up with a whole story based on nothing.


Because she posted on TikTok about trying for a 3rd child ? Like last summeršŸ˜‚ thatā€™s why I made that assumption. Itā€™s a snark 80% of what people talk about are assumption. I made sure to announce that Iā€™m not entirely sure instead of spreading misinformation purposely.


she did post about potentially trying for a 3rd child so youā€™re not lying. Iā€™m in the Bobbi subreddit


I get it, but this poor guy is not a public figure, so itā€™s not fair to say he OBVIOUSLY wanted a SAHW, or he was upset over her popularity or he wanted her to have another baby. Heā€™s just living his life and then there are strangers on the internet making up his whole personality.


people here want women to always be the victim and never have any agency. it so pathetic. taylors feminism.


Okay now youā€™re stating your assumptionā€¦see how that works? lol I can admit Iā€™m wrong and will retract a statement but I never did I act like what I was saying was fact which is why I announced in the first place that these are MY ASSUMPTIONS and you have to right to disagree with them. Iā€™m not making up rumors about bobbi for fun this is what gathered and shared in the comments so I can have a discussion with other peopleā€¦thatā€™s it and itā€™s never that deep.


???? You literally just went on to make up a whole bunch of assumptions also lol


And what assumptions did i make up?


He wonā€™t see this! Itā€™s fine!


I sawwww it coming. I canā€™t imagine that someone like him would want anything to do with an influencer vibe either. Iā€™m sure they just outgrew each other


There's only so much a man can take in a relationship. And the wife sleeping with and missing out on youngest 1st birthday isn't it.


I donā€™t think she slept with Drake tbh, but I do think it was probably the fact that she started making money and by default started acting different, got more confidence, started being away more, and in general just changed to where he maybe I could see started losing her respect a bit in a way. I mean, he works in software engineering, I think? Or IT? Amazing field, respectableā€¦ but now his wife suddenly goes on to make all this money interviewing celebrities. I could see him feeling a bit off about that, which is understandableā€” theyā€™re no longer a match.


No one is a match, one has to make it work. Ones money and fame gets to the head, people start forgetting with whom they started. Looking at the caption and her latest tik tok, she is very much in love with him. It's not common for people in entertainment industry to leave their partner once they get famous. Morena Baccarin kept her ex blindsided while she dated Ben Mckenzie. He was with her from the beginning, she chose someone else in return.


Why does everyone hate her so much? I donā€™t find the character she plays funny or entertaining but I didnā€™t mind or see anything wrong with the content as herself. I also havenā€™t seen any videos from that account in a long time so wondering what I missed


From her interviews it only seemed like she took the hostile approach with black guests. People were upset with that.


she saw the drake leak and needed to clear the air b4 she tried hitting him up again


I honestly think itā€™s because she wasnā€™t willing to try for another baby yet. Plus her popularity is growing. Also I have no idea how old he is, but sheā€™s 23 which surprised me. But itā€™s obvious he wanted a SAHM as a wife. Idk idk Iā€™m speculatingā€¦Iā€™m not really that familiar with their situation because she never talks about him. But according to the article they started having issues in July of 2023 which ironically is when she interviewed drake and it really took offā€¦.Oh Bobbi idk if you beating the the hooking up with drake rumors. Edit: sheā€™s 26 not 23 my bad


She is 26


Ooop my bad someone told me 23


Heā€™s quite a bit older than her. They met and got married really Really fast. He was trying to wife her up and make her a mom and back in the day thatā€™s what she wanted too


Ugh and heā€™s 34






Why are you getting downvoted for this


Sheā€™s was probably so annoying to have as a wife


He obviously chose to marry her, couldnā€™t have been that annoyed.


Smelled this from a mile away


Damn I thought it would happen eventually just not this soonā€¦


I live in LA and I have no idea who either of them are. At this point Iā€™m too afraid to ask.


I think her schtick got old real quick. Funny Marco interview was her peak. Now it's just very whack.


Funny Marco highlighted how much more funnier he was than her


Totally. Well he's also a real comedian.


everyone is worse off camera what does that say about her


Who cares sheā€™s an industry plant doing anything to stay relevantā€¦canā€™t believe someone whoā€™s as cringe n has no personality actually has fans of this magnitudeā€¦society is doomed


I have not given this woman any of my time but I will be honest I had to do a double take bc to me her husband looked like Eminem for like a half a second LOL


makes sense, they had a courthouse wedding because she got pregnant. probably wouldnā€™t have gotten married otherwise.


Do we really think this is about Drake? Theyā€™re saying the dates match up


Itā€™s kind of funny that this article comes out right after his nudes got leaked and have been everywhere lol šŸ™Š


Is every body getting divorced now?


Plus if that interview occurred while they were still married, whether they hooked up or not, she still did that whole interview literally in bed with Drake šŸ˜‚




We all kinda did. Theyā€™ve been separated since last summer


Apparently sucking Drake off for an interview has consequences...


Maybe because of that leaked Drake video?




NFW!! Yikes


Why does a married woman do an interview in bed with another man?


Because she doesn't respect her husband, obviously.


whomp whomp


Got famous, cheated on her husband and immediately got caught. Occamā€™s razorā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Right haha


Bruh literally every American woman is unfaithful trash.


Whatā€™s the Drake leak??