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Oh damn.


Can’t wait to see how much she edits her ass in the Coachella pics


I will never understand editing to this extent as if no one will ever see you in person lol


I also don’t understand. She’s probably constantly saying “I can’t see I’m blinddd”


Most people won’t recognize celebrities lol


That outfit is butt ugly. She looks like she’s serving…..tables at the twisted kilt.


Ikr I was thinking Hooter’s 😭😭


Hahaha Ik 🫢


spongebob vibes


this is psychotic influencer behavior. how does she have the time? does she not have more ugly outfits to piece together for coachella - where she’s attending as a +1 with no invite or sponsor? snapchat influencers are a JOKE


She’s the biggest joke of them all


That isn’t doxing but still she’s lame


Did she try to dox you to others? Because if she just sent it to you I don’t think that’s doxing.


this is what i was gonna say lol sending someone a screenshot of their insta in a message is not doxxing


I feel like picking apart the definition of doxxing is redundant. The point is Alyssa stalked a user as a rebuttal when OP didn’t willingly offer up that info


It’s not doxxing and it’s not stalking.


as if that girl also didn’t stalk her and send her those texts? come on 💀


Come join us on r/AlyssaMckaySnark2 😙


See OP I defended you but that sub is deranged. Maybe the way people are talking about her ass is what makes her photoshop it. We can't complain about influencers fucking up body standards then make fun of their natural body like what do y'all want from these women.


It’s really body shamey over there…


Please go to nearly any other snark page and let me know what you find- it’s a snark page. I think most on there would also agree that there wouldn’t be so much talk about her body if she didn’t contort it on Facetune to look like something completely unattainable.


I’m on a lot of snark pages and don’t see stuff like that. Hopped on your recommended snark page and the first few posts were people saying she has a “sad looking butt” “diaper butt” “granny butt” etc. I get that she photo shops and is probably not a nice person but saying things like that about someone’s body just doesn’t feel right to me. And you seem unhealthily obsessed with her because almost all of your posts are about her. Weirdo behavior.


not condoning any body shaming comments but most people active on the snark have burners for it specifically, as alyssa and her manager have a history of finding people involved in online discourse about her and threatening to contact their employers/friends/family which wouldn’t do much for most of us, but it is uncomfortable to know an influencer has a screenshot of your socials and is sharing them with her 50+ yr old manager while seething at them 😭


Once it gets to making a whole burner and individual snark page to criticize someone perhaps finding a therapist would be the better use of time...


I hope it's a Julia Ernst situation happening here because otherwise this so weird. Just post after post, day after day of how much you hate someone. At this point OP needs to post an unedited pic of themselves because they better look like a model to be posting like this about someone else.


who tf is alyssa mckay


EDIT: OP I take it back you are OBSESSED with this woman and should seek help. Post after post about her for WEEKS. Listen to me: you must log off immediately. Are y'all defending this Alyssa girl this hard because you edit your pics too like what is going on??? No way you can edit your ass that much and tweak like this when someone points it out...on a post where you *asked* for opinions no less.


literally… i’m trying to figure out these people’s perspectives but my mind is drawing a blank 😭 one moment they’re trying to be introspective on influencer empathy the next they’re telling people to take a xanax and suck their dick. what is going on!!!


I don't support snarking on bodies but I feel like a lot of these influencers hide behind "be kind" to keep doing toxic shit like this. Body dysmorphia is at all time high especially with young girls and we're supposed to let these influencers keep lying about having work done and editing themselves to have a completely unattainable body because otherwise, we're being mean...deeply unserious.


isn’t this the bitch that literally just got followers from posting all the time about how she thinks she looks just like dove cameron💀💀💀💀💀


girl bffr why send someone hate in the first place. obviously she overreacted but still. you don’t need to be doing that. snark pages exist for a reason 😭




Yeah well, was this a helpful opinion on the outfit made in good faith? I think the fuck not 🤣💀 OP fucked around and found out. If you are ballsy enough to go right to her social media to personally read her for filth unprovoked, you can’t be surprised when they clap back. I def know I might’ve been tempted too lmao Trust me, we all notice when influencers edit and faceapp their shit, we’re just not petty enough to cling on to that or use it to be aggressive and rude. More people edit their pictures than not these days, it’s sad if anything, that they already feel insecure.


OP did not “fuck around and find out” lol. Public figures will always and have always been criticised which is completely normal. OP didn’t willingly depart private info (even tho alyssa is too stupid to get the right account) Alyssa is just being a bitch end of


Oh no I don’t give a fuck that she did that bc she won’t be able to find me, it’s whatever to me and my full name is on that Snapchat account it’s not really shocking. It’s not really about me that’s what you’re not getting. Just block and move on if you don’t like the constructive criticism. No need to call a witch hunt to try and find me on socials, then call “me” ugly. It wasn’t even me on those profiles she found and I didn’t shit on her physical appearance once or call her ugly. It’s different to edit your pictures when you have 2.1 million followers and a large majority of them are likely young women who are extremely impressionable. Let’s not make young women think the way she photoshops herself is actually attainable- which is exactly what she’s doing by not disclosing when her pictures are edited.


Yall are so weird for commenting on influencers posts, like they are attention seeking (clearly) and you’re taking the bait :/


well let’s be real you’re being a dick. no it’s no excuse to dox, I would’ve blocked you lmfao.


How is telling an influencer their ugly outfit isn’t cute being a dick..? Alyssa looks ridiculous


A person is a person. Have some common decency, and know where to draw the line with your hateful ass! influencer or not, you don’t do that shit. Save it for reddit snarks, fine but don’t ever go directly to their pages and then play victim. It’s not a good look


She asked for opinions on it 😭




So if she asks for opinions and someone gives one??? She needs to not be such a sensitive cunt 🤷‍♀️


You guys are literally on a snark page wtf do u want




She asked for peoples opinions on her awful Coachella outfits?


You, me and op all know there’s a much kinder way to say you don’t like someone’s fit if you hate it that much to the point of saying something. And to comment on someone’s body?? Ew. it’s really just cringey to me, I can’t imagine speaking like that to someone


You’re literally on a snark page, what do you expect 💀You’re cringey for snarking on a snark page


snark ≠ openly being an asshole


If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen <3 it’s the internet


and Alyssa is a real person, those comments affect her real feelings. idk why y’all are so fine with being mean to people. It’s giving bully! <3




By all means block me sure but do just that, block me and say nothing else lmao. No need to try and find my socials and then call me ugly


so you can call her ugly directly in her inbox, but she cannot call you ugly back? What in the fuck


I never called her ugly baby


Oh sorry… you told her that her ass looks awful in real life and nothing like her photos, which again has nothing to do with the question she asked about her CLOTHES?? like…… do you need a xanax


I mean she truly does edit herself beyond recognition which is harmful. Do you expect people to not call her out on that?


Okay… but is it a crime? Is it hurting anybody?? Do you have anything going on in your own life this weekend like 🤣💀


Yeah it kind of is hurting people? Young girls will see the photoshopped images and think “wow I don’t look like that” when in reality Alyssa doesn’t even look like that. I was a young girl when FaceTune was just starting and I remember having the same thoughts! “Why doesn’t my skin look like this?” When in reality their skin didn’t even look like that. But this is so much different because she’s photoshopping the shape of her body and changing it entirely.


i wouldnt say its a crime but she prides herself on being a “big sister”-esque more “real” influencer on snapchat and as an adult woman sure i can recognize she’s lying but the fact of the matter is she’s editing her body this way with a following base of young girls, so in that regard i do think it is harmful. she shows herself with a latent lifestyle and poor eating habits then edits her body as to look like someone with a more healthy relationship with food


Well.. maybe it’s time for us young women to be a lot more wise with whom we follow, pay attention to and look up to. Nobody is forcing them to engage in her social media and content, they choose to do so on their own. I doubt she’s calling her followers fat and telling them to crash diet or get like her either. Is editing your body into an entirely different shape not very cool and probably says a lot about the persons body image and lack of confidence, sure. But shredding her over that to me is very dumb and non important like you try to make it out to be.


i mean sure girl 😭 let’s tell 11 year olds with unrestricted phone access to be more wise instead of reprimanding content creators who are peddling this content to them


I actually didn’t say that either, I asked why her ass looks nothing like her thirst trap pics. I didn’t say it looked awful at all. Context is key!


I can’t with these people LMAO do they not realize this is a real person with real feelings?


No because apparently based on their jobs of being “influencers” they are now open to constant criticism and bullying even when they haven’t done anything wrong on that level to justify the nature of their attacks☹️🤣🥴 Imagine what half of these people would say to the commenters faces if they tried it in real life??? It would be crickets lmfao


No seriously though. people are so brave to shit on other people behind a screen, imagine if everyone they knew saw they were making these comments?


It’s very brave on their part to comment such vile things with the thought that they could never be possibly found out, and trust me there are ways that people slip up and get called out publicly for being a crazy bish! Lmfao. People should try to behave on the internet with that exactly in mind- if my closest family and friends saw everything I wrote would I be mortified and would they see me in a bad light??


Perhaps get off the snark page if you can’t handle it ?


Perhaps (and I mean this in the rudest way possible) suck my dick ![gif](giphy|xT0xevG0qQg4jcNgJ2)


Dick riding for influencers 🤣


Back atcha babe


y’all i found alyssa mckays reddit account lmao


I don’t know wether to be sad for you or concerned ![gif](giphy|84pHTnUPATYPe)


OP loser behavior you’re so weird for this


How? Alyssa asked for an opinion on her awful outfit and OP gave theirs


Ever heard of constructive criticism vs unprovoked bitchiness? Let’s not pretend this person said those things to her in an attempt to “help” her. Please.


I really can’t believe people are defending Alyssa with this lol


You sound kind of unhinged, so it checks out. Also, you seem like one of the only ones here with that opinion


She called someone ugly because they said her outfit was ugly lol


Good! Now Op will think twice, or she won’t think about her at all since ya know… she’s blocked


Justice for OP after looking at these comments. Influencers that edit pics 100% should be called out directly. Shit is awful to put in developing minds to see and creates body image issues


Yeah these comments are NOT it at all. We love OP 🥰


This. She knows she has an audience of growing girls/women and she continues to morph her body into big ass skinny waist deforming her ribs and making herself skinnier in general. What message is that sending? Why is it so bad for her to get called out on it??


People are misusing the word “dox” as of late


You didnt have to say her outfit wasn’t cute. If a stranger said that to you in person how would you feel? Its unnecessary grow up


she asked on snap if her outfit looked good and op replied?


I didnt know that she didnt say in the post 🤷🏻‍♀️


She literally asked what people thought of the outfit but ok LMFAO that totally justifies trying to find my personal social media accounts and then call me ugly!




celebrity?!? that’s comical. she’s a tik toker, and what she did.. yikes!?! she asked and sorry it wasn’t the answer she wanted 🤷🏻‍♀️




… you can’t be serious


doesnt warrant her trying to dox a stranger either 😭


This wouldn't be doxing even if it was OP's profile


still weird


do you even know what doxing is?! that’s not doxing. instagram is public information.


You’re obsessed with her. Really weird haha

