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I think OP meant 17 and 25


Why do so many men have such a casual predator background


I’m barely an adult and younger teenagers look like children to me. I don’t get it.  It gets more disgusting the more I think about it. 


no literally, even as a 20 year old looking at older teenagers. people are disgusting idk


I’m 24 and I couldn’t even FATHOM getting with someone who could still be in high school…I mean what the fuck?


My bother is 19 and his girlfriend is 18 and about to graduate so I make fun of him for having a girlfriend in high school


That's pretty dumb, ngl


Why? They're in completely different stages in life


Ok but be fucking fr, they're likely months apart. Trying to Present it the same as a 10+ year gap is ridiculous. You sound like a terrible friend.


It’s a joke


It's insane and tiring. It adds up since most women have had an experience with predatory men when we were younger


It's awful. And the amount of teens, especially teen girls, who got exposed to such insane shit on sites like omegle is gross and honestly normalized. Like i swear every one of my friends, including guy ones, had some fucked up shit they saw on those type of sites. So gross


Omg seriously! I was 12-14 when me and my friends thought it was fun to go on those sites. Every. single. man. on there was fine knowing we were children and wanted to push the conversation into sexual activity


Well what normal man would willingly wanna visit that app, makes sense every creep ever is there


I am more surprised when a man doesn't have a casual predator background than when they do at this point




No pedophila


Those things are not mutually exclusive and definitely go together


How tf you getting downvoted? Most pedophiles are MEN


For real


because they are predators.




It’s the whole charming charismatic persona they play. I am always thinking it’s a red flag when someone is constantly charming/charismatic I am like what are you hiding.


This coming from someone who went to school with a lot of weirdos…..


because most are predators


I can’t imagine hooking up with a 17 year old at 25. Like that’s a CHILD, what do they even have in common


me and my bf are 22, i told him to imagine himself in 3 years hooking up with a senior in high school… there is just no way that happens in the real world. just goes to show how the weird mixing pot of ages in LA can blur lines. I think a lot about how a 16 y/o Charli was with so many 21+ aged people in the 2020 days… even now that she’s 18 it’s still weird energy


Sadly no. It is relatively common for guys that just finished highschool or just got into college to "date" young girls in highschool and maybe last year of middle school, in my experience. When i went to school it wasn't rare for girls that were about 14 to have "boyfriends" (in reality just groomers, abusers, etc.) that were 18-20, this applied to every single secondary school in town. It wasn't even fucking reportable to the police because age of consent here is conditionally 14, that condition is met by the guys being under 21 and not being in a position of power (outside of age)


Yes this! I grew up in chaos and had been to easily 13 different schools by the time I was 17, and this was definitely a thing in every school I'd been enrolled in, from small town Canada to the US. In fact, at one school I attended in Texas, one of the 15 year olds was pregnant, and it was pretty widely known that the guy she was with was 21. I remember us being jealous lol whenever one of the girls our age (13+) was dating a college boy! And then, when I was 16 and had the opportunity to sleep with one, I couldn't go through with it because it felt gross!


My first boyfriend I lost my virginity to was 19 while I was still 14 turning 15. I felt gross then!!! When I was 17 almost 18 I dated a 22 year old….. definitely not a 25 year old. Yikes. I thought my situations that I was in were gross & yet still Cody being 25 is still worse. Cody should not have been a 25 year old thinking she was a menu item, period. She is an actual child until THE DAY she turns 18. The day!!! Wowwwwww I just. My whole day has felt like someone told me something devastating about like a distant cousin or something lol.


Really. What sucks is how kids that age are often socialized to feel flattered at attention from older partners but once you become that older age, it’s like impossible to imagine


> there is just no way that happens in the real world that happens all the time in the real world...


i just meant that 25 y/os are not often around 17 y/os often! bc post college vs in highschool don’t really mingle often but yes of course it *does* happen, just not as often as people dating in HS or college (same ages)


girl i was 17 “dating” a 30 year old it 100% happens in the real world what is this take 😭


Just bc you can relate, doesn’t mean this is the status quo, nor should it be.


It shouldn’t be but it is. So many people have this same experience, it’s not just me? obviously.. look at the replies. older men often want to be with girls under 18, don’t know why that would be hard to believe considering all the pedophilia that plays out in the public eye with celebrities.. if it’s happening in plain view what exactly do you think regular people are doing with less to lose? I’m kind of shocked anybody seriously believes this isn’t common.


Maaany of my female high school classmates were dating men in their 20’s. With like 4-7 year age gaps. A close friend of mine was dating a 24yo at 17. And that was rural Midwest. It’s super common and super gross


I’m 26 and i won’t even hook up with a 22 year old 😭😭😭 it just feels weird all i can see is myself at that age


You don't need anything in common for a hook up lol but I get what you mean.


well, i think you need to have the fact that you’re both adults in common


I think what she means is that there is no excuse, no “we just clicked” or anything like that


But give it 365 days and its cool?


They were both social media stars who have the same job and same group of peers. Weird yes, but less weird than some random guy in middle america who's 25 hooking up with high school seniors.


Bro why r u even bothering to defend this?? 😭😭Its a fully developed adult w a minor


I'm not defending it. Can you read? I said it's still weird. But to act like they had nothing in common is disingenuous.


What exactly did they have in common that would override the age gap between them?


Who's saying anything about over riding the age gap other than you? But, at the time they pretty much had their entire lifestyle in common. They were both social media influencers/youtubers. They did the exact same job and hung out with the same groups of people. It's a lot different than some 25 year old going to the local high school parties to hook up. Still weird but if you can't understand they had lots in common you're a moron.


I'm tired of people being so ridiculously dramatic on the internet and needing to take something already bad and try to make it sound worse. Like this situation is negative enough, you don't have to make comments like "What could they even have in common" when anyone with half a braincell who knows who these 2 people are should know they had a lot in common. Again though before you spin this, it's still weird whether they had anything in common or not.


Good for you for recognising it's weird, but your take on this being "dramatic" is entirely on you not caring. Cody has a massive influence and has been popular for years, his content is largely focused on calling other people out for problematic or weird behaviours, yet he flew under the radar despite his own predatory actions. I think one reddit thread critiquing his objectively shitty decisions in his adult life isn't exactly blowing it out of proportion compared to the fame he's enjoyed.


Stop assuming I don't care just because you're too stupid to read. I literally used to watch Cody daily and then when I found out all this stuff yesterday I unsubscribed from all his channels lol. I'm allowed to argue with specific points and still be against his actions.


I guess the person is defending Cody because they are a fan of his.


think they meant 25


yes & i think she might have been like 17- 18 with jc caylen but he was like what mid 20s if i’m not mistaken


Celebs at that age always get into shit and nobody cares. Like there's this story, cody will probably be fine. There's kylie jenner who was getting messed with at 17 with tyga, he's fine somehow. Hell, fergie dated a 16 year old justin timberlake and nothing happened. It's gross


yeah i’d say the fans that would know about this *and* care about this enough to stop supporting him probably stopped supporting him when they found out about his groomsman


Tana also mentioned Tyga before.


One, Tyga and Fergie are musical artists. They can pretty much get away with anything. Like Todd in the Shadows said, "the only cancel in music is R Kelly". So that's a completely different situation. But also, this is commentary youtube. He collabed with Drew Gooden and Danny Gonzalez. That's a completely different audience, and the persona is more linked with the content than with a lot of music where you just listen and dance. People grow up with creators and often aren't aware of the various pasts. So yeah, Cody will be fine, but not because "nobody cares". People would absolutely learn about this and drop him for it.


It’s because predators like them know their limit. The age of consent in most states is 17.


For a reason.. its less than a year but you guys act like he dated a kid. Lmao.


Tyga was messing with Kylie at 15. Literally 15 years old.


https://preview.redd.it/ja5hcg9weo4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2f82ef45f0c0f12273e7bb0e773e3cda5ae533 a cody ko fan defending said rapist


What the fuck?? "Guys it's fine! I think she was into it he just recorded her secretly. It's totally normal to still be friends with this absolute creep!"


As if a fucking 3rd party can determine consent


https://preview.redd.it/91c57etdav4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c76c5978743d9d76c3cbd4155612b65a73efc8 another rapist defender


yeah because if a person says there was rape then there DEFINITELY was rape, right? /s You people are so easy to counter lol, just apply your own standard objectively to you too and suddenly you're in the exact same boat as those you try to criticize


Seriously, wtf?! It's crazy cuz u know if a friend or relative was in the same position, they wouldn't be out here defending them, like they defending these influencers


Nah they could b doing the same if it were one of their own. Had a lot of bffs surprise me w their takes when it happened to me lol


Recording without the other knowing is still sexual assault and not consensual sex !!!


Oh no fucking way


Can you explain the situation more? I tried to find it on the internet but all I found is a judge dismissing his friend's case. I fully believe that Cody Ko is a shit human being but I just want to understand exactly what happened


the article pretty much covers it, what else do you need to know? cody is guilty by association


Which article?


google colby leachman


Oh. The one on Colby. I thought it was about Cody.


I'm pretty sure I saw a Tiktok the other day that he had a rapist as a groomsman in his wedding and if that's true then....birds of a feather flock together


what ages do you actually mean? bc i’m assuming 15 was a typo?


pretty sure they mean 25


Yes and for some reason people think you can’t call out anything that he’s done because he’s married to a wholesome, average looking woman and has a baby


“average looking” 😭😭😭


Yeah dude if Kelsey’s average looking I don’t even wanna KNOW what I am 💀


… she is, sorry! It’s ok to be average - most people are!


literally lol she’s not beautiful nor ugly - people getting offended are projecting


She’s very average


Kelsey looks like a female version of Nash Grier.


It's cool to criticize someone but it's so strange to bring up his wife and then just casually take her down a peg.. very odd.


I know... Jesus Christ. Cody Ko's a scumbag for this but, hate to say it, some of these people are just bringing unrelated things into it cause they wanna hate


Now why is Kelsey catching strays rn 😭


Cuz she’s married to a dirtbag ?


they also love to pretend like they aren’t rich and don’t have as much money as they do and its so frustrating. cody will make comments like “this rich person” and im like YOU are the rich person 😭they sold their last house for 4 million fucking dollars


didn't she confirm this long ago


She never confirmed it and still hasn’t because of psychos like this tbh, it was JC Caylen but she’s not gonna rat out fellow influencers


i swear she said it on her podcast over a year ago...


she said is on the old cancelled podcast


I’ve scoured the videos, watched the clip, she doesn’t say one name.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwuWLny/ clearly you didn’t look hard enough


I’m just not buying it. Sorry. 😂she said “17-18” unclear and I’m the same age as her, have hooked up with dudes in their 20’s underage, Cody Ko and Tana do not give me the vibe what so ever. If they did hook up it’s %100 after the fact she was 18 period. This type of shit with so much attention and fame and influencers, CODY KO a MASSIVE influencer isn’t going to get away with STATUTORY RAPE in that scene-it just isn’t gonna happen!!!! Huge story to whoever spills the beans and influencers don’t miss a chance to make a dollar. Get pissed all you want, Tana was hot knew how to flirt hella attractive, had hella chemistry with and was attracted to Cody- if she got him at 18 she got him. Get over it. PEACE


A 25 year old dude pouncing on a girl the minute she turns 18 is so fucking creepy, it's weird you don't see that?


i thought this was well known


it was never officially confirmed, she had originally said she might of just turned 18, but it was obvi that wasn't true


Let’s boost this. As soon as I found this stuff out I blocked him on all accounts 


can someone crosspost to r/youtubedrama ? i would but don’t feel like opening myself up to that comment section today


done and done


how noble of you LOL


you people are so weird... it's like you can't WAIT for this kind of stuff to happen


Um yeah…I can’t WAIT for predators and rapists to lose their platforms. Found the rape and predator apologist guys^^^^


When I was 24 I had a mild work crush on a 19 year old coworker….but the age gap made me so uncomfortable that the thought of anything coming from it besides some ribbing here or there was not even conceivable in my mind lol


When I was 19-21 I was ping ponged between a 27 and 33 year old. The psychological damage I received took years to work past. I’m 28 now and I cannot fathom ever looking at anyone under 25 to be fucking honest I thought I was mature for my age, only later would I realize I wasn’t. They were immature and fucking creeps


What the fuck? I'm sorry but a 27 year old AND a 33 year old? I'm 31F and I never saw myself date a 21 year old, let alone a 19 year old boy. Gross. WHY would a 33 year old go after someone who's a decade younger than them? Seriously. When I was 27, I would never date someone below 25. Not only they are immature, they are downright predatory. There is a power imbalance.


Right?! At my age now if I had a friend doing that I’d fucking go ballistic on their ass. I’ve grown into a very nurturing personality and perhaps part of that was why these men flocked to me because in a way I made them feel better because they were sad and pathetic. Whenever I have like younger coworkers tell me about talking to someone older I get protective of them. I try to not antagonize too much because like I know at that age you don’t want to hear it, but I try really hard to be like siiiiister why don’t women his age want him? It truly breaks my heart to see my girls go through shit like that because I was there and I did it alone. I’m Latina, and it’s very normalized for our parents to have large age gaps. I wish my mom knew how painful it was to have these “boyfriends” when I was so young


I'm Filipina and large age gaps are normalized as well. My dad is seven years older than my mom. They dated when my mom was 18 and he was 25. My Latina classmate said that her mom was 15 and her dad was 30 when they got together. That is unacceptable.


A 23 year old had a crush on me while I was 19. At the time, I was dating my first boyfriend and we are the same age, with him being only a couple months older. I wasn't interested in the 23 year old for other reasons. The age gap isn't weird, but I'm surprised that a 23 year old was attracted to a 19 year old girl.


While 25 I met a girl in the book section of Walmart. We had a conversation about romance novels/BookTok & she asked for my number & we planned a new friend lunch. After going out a few times, I found out she was 21 & I felt so weird about it even though we were only casual friends. Slowly had to distance myself from her.


Girl what? That’s a little too much. I’m 23 and my best friends are twenty-seven + twenty-eight respectively (around the same age gap between you and this girl) distancing yourself from a romantic/sexual relationship, I get sure—but a pure platonic situation??? The internet has poisoned some people’s minds 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol are you serious? How old are you now? I'm in my late 30s and at this point I see no difference between a 21 and 25 year old. I see no reason you had to feel weird about that, unless you felt you needed to feel weird because you were worried about how society would have felt about it. But dude ask anyone beyond their 20s, 21 and 25 is all the same to us lol.


You’re the one that’s being weird in this case.


Perhaps the MATURITY gap gets to you, but 21 and 25 are both adults. It's only a 4 year age gap. It's not like she's 11 and you're 15. 11 and 15 have nothing in common, but 21 and 25 CAN be friends.


Disgusting to think 17 and 25 is legal in some states (mine).


Trying to imagine how Cody's wife feels. I don't know if she already knew and maybe doesn't care but, if I got confirmation that my husband had sex with a 17 year old when he was a whole ass 25 year old- it would change everything for me and I wouldn't be able to get past it. Not to mention his friendship with the rapist. Good god.


She’s friends with that rapist too


Oof. Cue her making excuses in her head why it's totally okay her husband did this when he was 25.


Yeah she has to be doing crazy mental gymnastics in her head to try to justify with herself why that’s not that big of a deal


I wouldn't be able to get past it either, it changes how you look at someone and can't be undone


Tana has said multiple times she was 18/17 and she really needs to clear up which age she really was. Like there’s a huge difference there


The difference only determines if he broke the law,hes a creep either way


Yep! This comment is the winner here. Fuck the rest of the other noise. It’s just waaAaAayy too young.


She said recently she was 17.


She’s said 18 multiple times as well. She needs to sit down and think about what age she was and make a statement bc there’s a huge difference between the 2 ages


When did she say it multiple times? She said she was “17 or 18” once and then confirmed that she was 17. Dawg your going to bat a little too hard for a ex frat bro YouTuber


I’m not defending him? I just said she needs to make it clear what age. Tana is literally the biggest liar on the planet. She said on somebodies poscast that she was 18. You’re being an asshole to everyone in these comments weirdo lol


Came here to remind everyone that Cody ko got dragged for saying the nword, and he put up an apology on patreon.... like wtf?! weirdo behavior


yo when? never seen anything about that ever and i feel like it would come up


he’s disgusting and exudes it. gross


in certain states the age of consent is 17. not sure in their state. but yeah i still agree it’s gross


It’s 18 in Cali 😬


OP got the age weong she meant when he was 25 not 15


makes sense thanks


Still legal but morally wrong


how is 17 and 25 legal?


Age of consent laws. It's most likely not legal in this case, though. As another commenter said, CA is 18


Cody exerts total frat boy energy so im not surprised unfortunately :/


This came out before. Cody & his then GF ( a former/PT pre-K teacher) both just went into hiding until it blew over. They came back engaged. I got banned from the Cody Ko subreddit for bringing it up.


https://preview.redd.it/vy946ai2uu4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeee156667ece63375cfa584b700aa0f5b55352b Called someone out for supporting him and this was their response… “womp womp.” Cody Ko fans are truly sick in the head


"womp womp" means they're probably under 18 and don't even understand what "grooming" means


He’s so nasty 🤢


There's something similar happening to an actress but she's kinda going through “pick me” phase. Her mom is her manager but at least since she was 14, Xochitl Gomez has been dating much much older men & at least two older women. Also her IG page, she highlights stars she's very fond of & met on the red carpet, & about half of them are deeply problematic.


who has she dated that’s much older? i know some people thought she was dating her dancing with the stars parter


Her dancing with the stars partner is married with a kid. Highly doubt that they are dating


Is there a clip of this? I’m curious as to see how this unfolded. Edit: I found it. The @ is @self.detached on TikTok


Genuine question bc I’ve only seen 1-2 clips about this since YouTube and TikTok’s search makes it tough to find information, in the clip that she mentions cheating on her partner with him and some other guy via HU, she says she was 17/18 so I’m just a bit confused about the specifics also, while the age gap would make ME personally very uncomfortable as someone that is the age Cody was then, it’s not a crime or anything like that I don’t think (I’m not American so I am not familiar with their laws that well, sorry). It’s not like he was in his 30s, and being two well known people in the YouTube space at the time and while not SUPER close in age, there’s hardly a massive age gap between them and they both were legally consenting (once again, not American but I’m fairly certain that, while not morally good, its not that he assaulted her or groomed her). I don’t understand what it is that people are the most upset about here and I am really curious about why people are jumping on this so strongly. Is it that she was still technically in her teens while he was in his early-mid twenties? This isn’t me trying to play devils advocate or anything like that, I just don’t understand what the big upsetting factor here is. Also from what I’ve seen it’s not like Tana herself is saying this as though she’s a victim or anything like that, she was just saying “yeah I cheated on my partner and hooked up with him when I was 17/18” I don’t understand why people are freaking out about this.


if she was 17 she wasn't capable of consent - she was a child, and that makes this a crime. if (and this is absolute best case scenario) she had just turned 18, she was still a child, but by a technicality it's not a crime. that doesn't mean it's not a disgusting thing for him to have done, though. he was 25; he was by every definition and law an adult, and she wasn't. if at that age she'd been in relationships with kids her own age, that's a different thing because that's two people of a similar mindset, who are at similar stages in their lives. but someone of high school age should be of absolutely no interest whatsoever to someone old enough to have completed and graduated from college and then some. that's a predatory act no matter what way you cut it. i don't know anyone who wouldn't be appalled by this age gap when one party is a child, except predators of course. 6 or 7 years age difference is nothing once both parties are consenting adults, but even at 18 and legally considered an adult, no one can say that anyone of that age has the mindset of an adult truly.


This has been common knowledge for years I thought. We don’t like Cody!!


Has Tana Mongeau ever told the truth though?


What I'm thinking. It's alleged and we haven't gotten proof yet, but we should keep in mind 1) it's Tana we're talkin abt and 2) until there's proof we shouldn't treat words like evidence


Tana IS problematic, but why would she lie about this? For once, she could be telling the truth.


this is why i will never watch him or noel ever again, i don’t care how long ago it happened and i don’t care that they’re married and cody has a new baby he’s still a disgusting creep


Will Cody ever respond to this?


Only if we blow up his comments so his hardcore fans find out too.


unfortunately no, he’s yet to respond to being friends with a rapist. both of these things have been public knowledge for years


Am i crazy or is 15 and 17 normal and legal?


I think it was a typo and she meant 25? Cody Ko is 33 yo currently and Tana is 25. So 8 years ago approx when Tana was 17 Cody would’ve been 25


Ope sorry, yeah that is def fucked and also i don’t know who Cody Ko is/was before anyone tries to say i was being obtuse


Oh my gosh no worries!! It’s so hard to keep all these influencers straight. It feels like everyday a new one pops up with 10 million followers and we’re expected to know what their favorite color is Lmaoo


Oh my


Welp just started really watching Cody's videos after ignoring him for years and now I'm finding out how gross of a human he at least *was* (prolly still is). Time to unsub.


Oh my god what


I cant even watch him anymore, and he’s been my comfort youtuber for years. Tana mongeau i grew up with, and I had similar experiences with people in their 20s when I was 17… looking back I’m horrified. I’m only 20 now and can’t even imagine getting with an 18 year old. They’re babies


he’s a weirdo


my jaw is on the floor. any proof?


Check the r /canceledpod sub. Someone posted the video from a live show. Also she's said it before on a deleted pod episode that she hooked up with JC Caylen and Cody Ko when she was 17.


No way, I can’t even envision them together omg


Isn’t there a movie about the duke university case… because I swear I’ve been a movie that is exactly like that. Very good movie would recommend lmao


Did she supply proof?


It’s Tana, she says anything for some attention, so of course she didn’t




I remember Tana saying this years ago and nobody believed her. Not surprised in the slightest but I'm pretty disappointed. I used to LOVE him and wanted to go to a live show during their tmg tour


Cody Ko is born in 1990 and this happened in 2015 because he was 25 at the time. Tana is born in 1998 and she was 17 years old in 2015. They must have hooked before he met his now wife Kelsey. I can't remember when Cody and Kelsey first dated, but sometime around 2017-2018.


did she confirm it on a NEW podcast? im just wondering because the only mention i still have seen is from that podcast two years ago or whatever where she said "17 or 18" (still weird regardless but she said it so briefly)


He never addresses things. He said the t slur on an old episode and when it was rediscovered, Noel took the heat for it and apologized


t slur? am i dense?


Transgender or tranny, I guess.




Not surprising when it involves Tana Mongoose😂


Yeah men are awful. You’re just figuring this out?


Wow this comment is so helpful!


Some of these comments... Imagine getting so riled up over something that has no proof. I mean come on, we're talking about Tana here..


Nobody’s really questioning is Tana is even telling the truth. I mean sure, if it is true then of course that’s a fucked up thing for Cody to do. But isn’t she sort of a notorious trashy drama queen scumbag herself? It doesn’t seem that far fetched that she would make something like this up for attention and to stir up some drama


I bet everyone watched and LOVED her video of her talking about “being fucked by a toothbrush”. News flash people. She was 17 so you’re creepy as fuck for enjoying the video of a child talking about her sex addiction. She’s nasty. She’s a liar. I love how everyone forgets the type of person she is. lol. You guys are lame. She agreed to sleep with him. She’s just as wrong so if youre going to hold anyone accountable, it should be both AND Tana’s parents because I will be damned if my 17 year old daughter is filming videos with a 25 year old. Shame shame. Still don’t believe a word that girl were to ever say.


I don't care if it was consensual, if you'd trust a 25 year old who slept with a 17 year old, especially if you have a daughter, you're weird


I'm not trying to be that guy but did she provide any actual proof or just say it on a podcast, not trying to be mean or insensitive just wanna know if there's any validity to the claims.


Dub Cody honestly that shit would of been tight


Your Reddit consists of begging for Nudes. Time to look in the mirror and consider ending it all, it’s more respectful than what you’re going now.