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My parents are weirdly upset about the existence of trans-athletes despite having no minor-aged children living at home, no family who regularly participates in any kind of organized sport, and never setting foot in a gym. So, I've started labelling all kinds of shit they do as "gender affirming" and it makes the absolutely insensible with rage. That's a beautiful gender-affirming dress, mom. That sure is a nice grill, very gender affirming, it just screams 'masculine dad' energy....


My dad took down my “Protect Trans Kids” and “We Believe” signs from my yard. He owns the house I live in and was worried it would make other people think he supported it. He owns the house. I can’t do anything about that. I, however, paid *cash* for my car. And the bumper that comes with it. Guess who has like ten bumper stickers that are all pro-LGBTQ+ and plans to add more~?


You could still hang signs in your windows, depending on local laws and the arrangement with your dad and so on. If he owns the property but you pay to live there that makes it a rental and he can't legally tell you what decorations you may or may not have in your private spaces--even if they are visible from the 'public' spaces of the property or the public at large. Personally, because I have a little extra room in the budget, I'd design and print a bunch of signs with pro-LGBTQ+ images and phrases that all had a large visible asterisk at the end. Then I'd have a HUGE asterisk shaped sign printed, like make it several feet across, and have it simply say 'These are the personal views of the tenant and do not represent the opinions or interests of the land owner'. That way, even though no one assumes the decorations of a house are representative of the landowner rather than the person who lives there, it will be absolutely clear to everyone exactly who believes what.


Unironically most recipients of HRT are cis people. Think how many post menopausal women take estrogen and how many older men take testosterone...


I support gender affirming care for everyone, including cis people!


cis girl gets a boob job: transphobes *i sleep* trans girl gets a boob job: transphobes: **REAL SHIT**


Honestly not enough of either. They don't have to go through nearly as many hoops as we do, but they do have to go through more hoops than necessary, especially if you're going through insurance. My mom's going through menopause and keeps talking about how miserable she is but docs keep dismissing it as "normal menopause".


My bigot stepfather turned beet red with rage after I told him Viagra was gender affirming medication.


Lmao that's petty as fuck and I love it.


I love this. I'm going to do it.


I love this energy.


Don't forget the overcompensatig coal-rolling pavement queen pickup truck with scrotum dangling off the hitch - that is some extreme gender affirmation for incels.


To be clear, these are mostly cis boys who are getting surgeries to reduce unwanted breast growth. Not like “kids who weren’t really trans”.


I honestly forgot that condition was a thing until seeing this article but it made a lot of sense when I saw that.


I know multiple trans women who got a Headstart because they had the condition as teenagers


I resemble that remark.


I got my top surgery done by someone who primarily treats gynecomastia. Worked out great.


To be conveniently ignored until the end of time.


Yup. I am not expecting much in the way of major reporting, or at least any that certain groups would believe.


WelL tHaT's NoRmAl


No shit.


Shockingly exactly what trans people have been saying for what? A decade?


The irony is that intersexed children have sex assignment surgeries imposed on them by people who make false claims that trans kids are getting surgery


And often before they are aware


Can confirm. Mine was when I was 10 months old and i had several followup procedures by the time i was 4 because among other things my urethra had been rerouted and kept closing up. My parents made the wrong decision. It fucked up my whole life. :-(


We've been telling them that but because it doesn't fit their hateful narrative they ignored it.


Let me state that I do not have kids. I am on the fence with regard to gender affirming surgeries. Have of me thinks anyone who is under 16 is too young to decide. The other half thinks parents know what is best for their child and that includes allowing gender affirming surgeries. Again this is a right to choose and I support anyone’s decision. I am not going to judge anyone.


A 14 year old cisgender boy starts developing breasts due to gynecomastia. He expresses massive discomfort with it and pursues surgery. This is not fundamentally different from a 14 year old transgender boy expressing massive discomfort with his developing breasts and pursuing surgery. And yet, millions of parents would accept one but not the other. This is the heart of the issue, really.


Besides that according to the study that surgery with transgender boys is very, very rare. Matter of fact any surgery is almost nonexistent for trans people under 18 in the US.


The thing is sometimes it’s natural and other times it’s hormonally adjustible. In the case of a cis boy or trans boy(boy is goal) developing breast growth is preventable by reducing estrogen or varying testosterone. Both prevent the need for surgery. Not available to the trans boy in many states however. Just as a trans girl or cis girl can get breast growth by hormones or by surgery. My trans gf had surgery and I don’t plan to. One of my cis girl friends had to have surgery to reduce hers as a teenager. Many scenarios where options are important. Many examples of why politicians should stay out of the medical decisions of parents and patients


Parents don’t know what’s best for their kids when it comes to being trans. If some parents had their way, their kids would be in the closet forever.


Probably why most trans people come out late in life when they’re free from the financial and emotional control of their parents.