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The wreck of the Terror and Erebus. Two ships that got caught in ice while searching for the Northwest Passage. Also it inspired a metal as fuck painting that’s supposedly haunted


Ever watch FX’s series about it? Pretty good, as is the second season about Japanese ghosts in a WWII Japanese internment camp.


I enjoyed it but feel like they leaned too much into the supernatural. I get the need to make interesting TV but not when it waters down the rest of the plot and character development.


Which season? Feel like they did better the first season not letting magic get **too** crazy. The cinematography is on point both seasons though.


I mean the first one with that bear just felt like a bit over the top


We'll never know man, that shit might've been legit. /s


The book has all the supernatural stuff in it. I don't see why they would take it out for the show


You talking about the Las Vegas shooter?


The book "The Terror"


Oh, I was talking about how everyone died so no one *really knows*.


Actually a really good idea


Just looked up the painting and it is indeed metal as fuck


Stuff you should know did this one and it was interesting as all hell.


Huh This makes that Canadian folk song all the more intense.


YES. I want a whole Northwest Passage series!


I feel like there's no chance Marcus hasn't read The Man Who Ate His Boots.


you're a genius, this would be incredible


There is also a banger [sea shanty](https://youtu.be/TVY8LoM47xI?si=7IcC0uhkHLEncun8) about it by Stan Rogers


The Unleash The Archers cover is godly imo


I wrote in years back and recommended the Ant Hill Kids off reading a small sum up on them. Regretted that recommendation once they actually did the series. ☠️😂


It was you! You did it!




That is one of the few series that I cannot re-listen to. I felt physically sick. Fascinating and utterly horrific story. 




Same. I listened to I think the second episode twice, but that was is.


Hmmm I thought it was good. I guess I’m just built different.


I personally think it’s one of their best in recent years. But it is very brutal.


You ain’t lying, also I dont think my sarcasm came through with the built different lol


Do you remember what ep# that run was?


434 - 436. It’s awful ⭐️ I’m warning you ⭐️ . . . ⭐️ You’ve been warned ⭐️


Yeah I didn’t even finish that series it was too much.


Harry Houdini


that would be very interesting !


Especially if they covered how he debunked seances


If they don't cover how he was the OG Reddit Atheist Skeptic I'm gonna start writing to my government.


*Get out of the way, Hilary Clinton!*


Remembered this comment falling asleep at my desk and remembered this tidbit: He was also friends with Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock author). Doyle and his wife were big into the trendy spiritualism/mysticism at the time (this included seances), and that was a big motivator/eye opener for Houdini that would set him on a journey to also HEAVILY influence Magician Skeptics like James Randi and Penn&Teller.


Was Houdini an OSS operative? Actually maybe!


Stayner brothers is my main one


You mean the saddest story ever told?


I’ve heard 2 different podcasts cover each brother but to cover them both ins a dearies would be interesting


The Casefile episodes on this were plenty. Fuck. 


They haven’t? Surprising.


The Investor murders in Craig, Alaska.


That one is on my list of wishes! I grew up in Alaska and I feel like the boys' take on the weird people and vibes up there would be great. So really any Alaska story (Robert Hansen aside) would be awesome.


Atlanta Child Murders


Been waiting for this one


It would be short, and Ben’s out for the WI connection, but the story of the axe murders and fire at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin East estate would be good. 


The Marquis de Sade would probably make a pretty good relax fit/single episode. Or do a multi episode on the French Revolution. Even though Cold did a whole series on it I’d love to hear the boys take on the Susan Powell case. Her husband was such a little shjt I’d love to hear them go after him.


In the same vein, while nothing could ever beat Your Own Backyard I would absolutely love to hear the boys shit on Paul Flores for a whole episode or 3. I think they’ve mentioned it on a side stories when the trial was happening possibly


Lisbon Earthquake of 1755. It’s got a lot of the general horror chaos they dug into for the plague/salem witch trials episodes and in some ways comparable with the plague in terms of effect on European politics, religion, science, etc. and has some quirky historical figures that would make great characters to play with. ETA: Quick summary if people don’t know, huge earthquake struck Portugal/Iberian peninsula area on All Saints Day which almost leveled the city, followed by huge Tsunami that also leveled more of the city, and then all the All Saints Day candles also led to a huge firestorm blaze that…burned the leveled city. Marked a turning point for the Age of Enlightenment as people tried to use both science and religion to explain what happened with varying degrees of success, along with the commercial/political implications for Lisbon as a major port city, and is commonly highlighted as the birth of international humanitarian aid in Europe.


Will have to go down the rabbit hole on this one! Any recommendations for books/documentaries?


I highly recommend “This Gulf of Fire: The Great Lisbon Earthquake, or Apocalypse in the Age of Science and Reason” by Mark Molesky, but there’s a ton of really good podcast episodes about it too (just search Lisbon earthquake and they all come up on top!), if you’re into that. There’s also some really cool simulations on YouTube worth looking into as well. Enjoy the rabbit hole, it was so wild to discover a few years back when I was visiting Lisbon, it was such a huge piece of history that explained so many questions I had always had. I was embarrassed to have never learned about it so I’m always infodumping about it on my own lol.


Thank you! I will definitely take listen to some podcasts


The music cults made…. Jonestown, Waco, The Source, The Manson Family, Scientology, and those are just the hits. There is a TON of awesome outsider music made by cults, so maybe a relaxed fit listening party?


I love the Manson Family stuff, but The Source Family has put out some really good psych rock - like what you wished a cult's music was like. They're still doing music, too - they decided to keep the band together even after the cult shut down. They seem pretty nice.


Oh man, would LOVE this! Collaborating with NDIS/Carolina in this endeavor would be especially amazing.


I’d love a dive into the history of surgery, grave robbing and organ transplants. The Lewis and Clark expedition, or some of the other guys who helped “fill in the map”. Famous Wild West criminals and gunslingers. The Isabella Stuart Gardiner Museum heist. The disappearance of English Settlers at Roanoke Island.


History of OBGYN on it's own would be gnarly.


Behind the Bastards did some fantastic episodes on J Marion Sims in this vein!


Points two and three are topics I’d never considered but now want them to cover as well. Thanks!


They did Billy the Kid and it was really boring.


I actually really enjoyed the Billy the Kid series. I guess to each his own lol




Man I’d love an episode on your first point. *The Butchering Art* and *The Facemaker* are some great books I’d recommend too on Victorian era medicine and surgery (Butchering Art) and plastic surgery during World War I (Facemaker) 


Art Bell.


I would have loved an Art Bell episode maybe 5 years ago, but with the current landscape I don't think they would be able to do it without being bogged down in nonsense. I especially saw this with the David Icke series; I love the subject matter, but the way they went about it became completely uninteresting halfway through the first episode. Anything conspiracy adjacent is so politically charged that it's almost impossible to cover AND make entertaining.


I think they did a good job with the Icke show. The fun nostalgic haze of my 1990s late night coffee, cigarette and Art Bell listens may be crushed by today’s reality of him, but I would still listen to a podcast.


Idk if they’d be willing to talk about how much of a right wing shithead he was is the problem


farmville horrorcore rapper murders


Looks like I just found the next rabbithole I'm gonna go down


there’s not a ton of in-depth info but it would be a fun one-off episode


Could also add in Big Lurch, the horrorcore cannibal.


I googled this thinking it would be the video game FarmVille


John Wayne Todd. He was on the same "reformed servant of Satan but now totes a good Christian" 1970s fearmongering circuit as Mike Warnke, but he managed to scam Jack Chick (yes, THAT one), and also spun up fears of the illuminati that we're still dealing with today.


Yes! Are you listening to Cover Up: The Conspiracy Tapes? Just batshit crazy


Yes, I am! I was aware of him back in the 1980s, but then he fell off my radar once he went to jail. I was wondering if he'd ever get attention again with the rise of Q. I had about six people send me links when Cover Up started the series because everyone knows those fauxvangelists are a special interest of mine.


Yuba County Five for sure. 




Spiritualism movement! They’ve touched on it but I want a full ep


Maritime history disasters The franklin expedition Ss. Atlantic, the arctic Edmund Fitzgerald **TITANIC PLEEEEEASE**


Movie accidents/injuries. Twilight Zone, John Wayne and crew getting irradiated, Rust, Crow, stunt workers dying. I think it'd be a good relaxed fit and also highlight how little regard Hollywood has for the people who make movies possible.


Drew Peterson - Bolingbrook IL cop who confirmed killed his 3rd wife and likely his 4th as well. It was all over the local news when I was a kid and is what got me into true crime!!!!


Weird War Stories, like supernatural events etc during major wars.


I always thought the Shankill Butchers in Northern Ireland during the Troubles would be a great episode or two but it's possibly too much history the guy's wouldn't be aware of to get into it. Those guys were real pieces of shit.


Don't think they'll touch anything Troubles related. Seems like too fine a line to walk between getting it right and offending someone.


Yeaaaa... A guy can dream though!


Thought this myself. Literally a gang of serial killers. Stakeknife would be cool too, but that’s a fucking can of worms


Yeah they were truly monsters - leaving people up on meat hooks...


Bad boys of Art History- Caravaggio murdered a guy, there’s a girl on tiktok who has been talking about a theory that Degas might’ve been Jack the Ripper (mostly he was a confirmed awful person)….Salvador Dali was a fascist, Picasso was an asshole…. Michelangelo didn’t like to bathe and distrusted everyone. Raphael died of syphilis… even Bernini was sleeping with one of his assistants’ wives and sculpted her into one of his more erotic works- The Ecstacy of St Theresa.


My great grandfather was a surrealist painter, and he fucking despised Salvador Dali. He is on record somewhere calling his approach to surrealism "imbecillic." They once had some sort of public debate. (I'm hesitant to share his name because my family is super small and the last name is very uncommon, but if you're really curious i could dm you--my grandfather was also followed around by the FBI for his affiliation with the american communist party) Picasso was... complicated. I have only read one of them so far, but I cannot recommend John Richardson's biography series on him enough, it's probably the best biographical stuff I've ever read (although my therapist has recommended Irving kirtsch's book on Michaelangelo to me, but I still haven't gotten to it). For some good, really wild stories, I also super recommend Hayden Herrera's biography of Frida Kahlo (Diego Rivera was a fucking nut). Edit: correction: that Michaelangelo book is by irving stone, not irving kirsch


I would really be interested. I have my degree in art history lol and now just a casual enjoyer of art history.


I enjoyed Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling. It is by Ross King, shows how paranoid Michelangelo was.


John Orr


Second this one


Just listened to Casefile’s covering of this guy. Messed up


A channel on youtube called Real Horror did an excellent episode on this guy (and his stupid fucking book).


There's a great podcast series about him called Firebug.


Hurricane Katrina and all of the strange and tragic stories that came out of it


Yeah… if they can do 9/11 as well as they did, I’d appreciate their take on this fucking nightmare.


Yes there’s the Zach Bowen and Addie Hall murder-suicide, the Danziger Bridge shooting, the government conspiracy theories, missing prisoners, ghosts, and next year is the 20th anniversary. There’s so much to cover and it’s so rarely discussed for such a massive tragic event in recent history.


The Eyeball Killer in Dallas Several dead sex workers were found with their eyeballs removed and leaving their eyelids intact, which the medical examiner said was “with surgical precision.” The killer operated in the late 80’s and early 90’s. They arrested and convicted a local sex pest/convict, but could only get him convicted with 1 of the murders, which included hair evidence the prosecutor and expert witness said matched the suspect. When DNA testing came around, they found out it was dog fur. The person convicted died in a prison psychiatric hospital. It is of my opinion that they never caught the real killer. I would love to see Henry go full conspiracy on this.


That one sounds insane! Can you provide any links for sources?


Here is a now unfortunately paywalled good Texas Monthly investigative story on the case https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/see-no-evil-3/ Here is a summary by a University with timelines and sources, noting that the person was likely wrongly convicted http://maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Psyc%20405/serial%20killers/Albright,%20Charles.htm Crime Library also has a good timeline. Here is the link to the citations, but you can click through to the first chapter and go chapter by chapter to see the full (and very long) story https://www.crimelibrary.org/serial_killers/weird/charles_albright/23.html Here’s a local story by Dallas news radio from when he passed, noting the DNA results https://www.audacy.com/krld/articles/news/dallas-historys-notorious-killer-of-prostitutes-has-died I try not to mention the person’s name, because I don’t want him associated with the killer, even in death.


Tony Alamo. Dude was straight up trash. There's a documentary about him and some podcasts have covered it but I feel like know onw knows about him.


This would be great. If only to hear Henry describe and criticize the jackets.




BTW they're available on ebay if you are okay with the fact they were made by kids.


Also, the Zack and Addie story out of New Orleans. It would only take one episode, but it would be a good one.


katrina in general would be an interesting series


Clifford Robert Olson, also known as the Beast of British Columbia. I grew up with him as a boogeyman adults would use to keep us latch key kids in line. He’s usually overshadowed by the pig man himself, Robert Pickton. Another great Canadian story of our cops doing fuck all to catch a killer


So not super niche, but I still want it


This is a good one. He killed little white kids, the most dead. Then arranging to sell the bodies locations back to the cops.


Plus there’s a comic book angle. He was in Sandman volume 2. At least the character of him is.


Otto Warmbier


Deep dive on Bob Lazar


John Alexander Dowie, a spiritualist huckster of a preacher who introduced pentecostal religion to the U.S. during the Chicago Worlds Fair. They reject science & medicine and believe in faith healing. He had his own **publishing** house. [John Alexander Dowie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Alexander_Dowie) invented religious tracts. He founded a city north of Chicago called Zion. He was the mayor and owned the bank. The city was a theocracy & he was also the head religious leader of the town. Zion Pentecostal Religion is the biggest religion in south Africa, with millions of followers. Anytime you see a Zion Pentecostal church, it's due to Dowie. Bonkers to think that one huckster preacher, much like Joseph Smith, had such a profound impact (negatively, imo) on society world-over. The boys mentioned him briefly in one episode...I think manifestos. Yeah, he's got one of those, too.


The Yahweh Cult in Rulo, Nebraska.


The Bloody White Baron. He was a weird German noble who lead an invasion of Russia. Horrible story, but he’s a fun character because he was such a lunatic.


The Varginha ET from Brazil, there's a lot of weird stuff and even the military was involved


Old asylums like trans Allegheny


They touched on this a bit with Burke and Hare and the Harvard body parts ring, but I'd love a series on the history and current state of affairs re: the global market for human remains. There's a few good published sources on this, including the book [The Red Market](https://www.amazon.ca/Red-Market-Brokers-Thieves-Traffickers/dp/0061936464)*,* [this Wired piece by the same author ](https://www.wired.com/2007/11/ff-bones/)about where most of the world's medical teaching skeletons come from, and [Reuters' horrifying 7-part investigative series](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/section/usa-bodies/) on body brokers in the US. They could also talk about the controversy around [Gunther von Hagens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunther_von_Hagens#Controversy) and his plastination fascination. Tl;dr some people's bioethics get a wee bit bendy when there's profit to be made


Nova Scotia Mass Shooting. Guy was dressed as a cop with fake cop car, killed 22 people and lit 5 fires along the way. Might have been involved with a biker gang and possibly an informant for the cops. Smuggled guns across the border. How the cops messed up and started shooting up a fire hall that was a muster point for locals. How the guy was caught by pure dumb luck


George Adamski


Kermit Barron Gosnell - Philadelphia abortion doctor.


Tarrare the Freak.


They covered him on The Wild World of Polyphagia


The Gemini Crew, a gang of mobsters who worked under the Gambino family and specialized in murder for hire.


The Bloody Espinosas. It's very under the radar but is right up Marcus' alley with history/old west stuff, and up all of our alley in regards true crime. It's about a group of brothers on a revenge mission committing an insane amount of murders across Colorado. As a Coloradan I always thought it would be awesome! https://www.legendsofamerica.com/outlaw-espinosagang/


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! The North Hollywood Shootout https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_shootout?wprov=sfti1# Probably a difficult topic to make entertaining, but it’s such a wild and fascinating ^fascinating event


The “Battle of Nuremberg” that happened in the 1500s with the UFOs.


Maybe not super niche but Colonia Dignidad


My hometown cult, JZ Knight/Ramtha


The Acid King. I don't even think there's enough to fill a whole episode. I guess it's not really niche, just another murderer, but would still love to hear it.


[the soap maker of Correggio ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonarda_Cianciulli)


Holy fuck! I’m voting your way, dude. I’ve never heard of Antrovis, but I want to now!


Mostly I'd just like to hear Marcus take on the theory that the axe murders that took place from 1898 - 1912 were possibly committed by one man, including Villisca. I just finished Bill James book about it and it is a pretty interesting theory.


Is this the same guy who was involved (allegedly) in Hinterkaifek?


The Wah Mee massacre


Something circus related.


The Hartford Circus Fire


Jim Rose Circus? I’m in lol


Wayne Nance of Montana. I could see their retelling of his *final scene* being epic 🎸


The murder of joey fischer. Its a hometown case but it involves a curendera, hit men on the run, and a whole lot of court shenanigans. Its a wild story that I think the boys would love


The miracle of Fatima


The Oakland Child Killer. Murders, possible police cover up, and a sex abuse island.


I'd love a deep dive into the Mountain Meadows Massacre, I believe they touched on it in the mormonism series but I'd love an in-depth episode (fun fact: my coworker is one of the people who found one of the mass Graves from the Massacre)


They should read the two books by the Qanon shaman. He learns shamanic magic from Bigfoot, who is an alien. 


Vegas shooter. Doesn't make sense. Also in general, COVID (How the fuck have they NOT covered COVID and the absolute melt of the world it brought about, it's a goldmine)


That’d be an awesome one if ol’ boy had left any kind of info behind besides bank shit. Pretty sure I’ve heard there ain’t much out there on him.


Except getting 3000 rounds down with an AR which clearly doesn't sound like an AR and then only about 59 casings in the hotel room


Never said it made sense. Though, maybe he just wasn’t a fan of people with poor taste in country music. It’d be really fun if they can find some sources though.


Phones and laptops of witnesses wiped, gotta be a source Used employee only elevator Shooters home was broke into Shooter wrote about zodiac killer and conspiracy theories My tits are jacked it's almost writing itself


Oh, stories wild for sure. Their government conspiracy killer eps are awesome.


I miss Ben to be honest, I haven't listened too much since he left. My favourites are Alcatraz, 9/11, John Holmes and probably Blackbeard. What's yours?


Carl Panzram, easy.


Sweet, I've not listened to that one. Up next!


It's a for sure classic. Has one of my favorite improv bits where Henry turns into Randy Savage.


It don’t know how niche it is but the indigenous schools in the americas


Paul Stephani (weepy-voice killer) Ruby Ridge Gary Ridgeway redux (not niche but I just had to mention it!!)


A LPOTL/NDIS crossover: the occult imagery and symbolism of the classic rock band Blue Öyster Cult


Boone Helm: an American maintain man, gun fighter, serial killer, and cannibal. And I share a birthday with him. Yay!


Shadow Government


For the last time, stop talking about the Shadow Government. We don't exist.


I know we don't, but I want to hear the funny takes on it!!


Stanisław Szukalski!


The Darien Scheme


Henry’d have field day with the accents.


The Krugersdorp Cult killings.


Something something the Dog Star, Sirius, dog days of summer... Dog aliens. There's dog aliens, right?


Honestly I'm just along for the ride, the boys have kept me entertained through thick and thin and I know they have a list of things yet to be covered. I don't really have anyone in my life that I can bounce dark humor off of so this pod has been Satan sent for me.


Ordo Templi Orientis.


They would butcher it, just like they did Crowley and Parsons, because they’re incredibly uninformed with esoterica. Also, it’s a lot of research to go through. I assume you know this, I see that 93, but imagine them trying to follow Reuss to Crowley (whose name they can’t even pronounce correctly) to Achad then Smith. That’s a lot on its own. Then bring in Germer, Grant, and McMurtry and up through Beta. Motta would need to be covered too. It’d be impossible for these dudes. Plus, there’s a lot that outsiders wouldn’t know or care about, like Cornelius proclaiming himself to be the Caliph not too long ago. Don’t get me wrong, I live and love the subject matter, but I cannot stand when Marcus and Henry pretend to know anything about it. Their understanding of magick is “smash letters into a sigil - Spare style (although they don’t know who Spare is) - then cum on it.” I can’t imagine the fucking mess they’d make of OTO, SOTO, & TOTO. My two cents. If it looks like I’m attacking you for your suggestion, that’s not my intent. I’m just sick of them botching occult topics.


I see it as a comedy podcast and not historically accurate so I actually enjoyed the Crowley and Parsons episodes. I was mostly just joking to myself with the OTO suggestion. It’s something dear to my heart so I actually wouldn’t want them to do a series on it lol.


Maybe the Doddleston Messages? Not sure it's dramatic enough for them.


Starved Rock murders


The Falcon Lake Incident


I would personally love them to do a segment on faith healing organizations. Specifically the Followers of Christ out of Oregon City. There is a personal connection there but would love there to be more chatter about them and their horrible ways.


The Church of Unlimited Devotion


Ned Kelly! “Edward Kelly (December 1854 – 11 November 1880) was an Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police-murderer. One of the last bushrangers, he is known for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly


There are so many horrifying Indian serial killers. Indian true crime is having a boom period !


The MOVE bombing and Gary Heidnik - Philly has some stories.


I think an episode or series about Mark Hoffman, the antique Mormon document forger and mail-bomber of Salt Lake City would be very cool


Ilse Koch. The bitch of buchenwald


Not really niche at all, but I would love for them to cover Wayne Williams! Fascinating story that I would love to learn more about but am way too lazy to actually research myself.


Phantom islands!


Riley Martin the space cowboy


I’d love a deep dive on Ivan the Terrible!


I never thought that they would cover the bodies in the barrel story, it’s from my home town. I knew it was a big case but never thought they would cover.


Spiricom device built by Bill O'Neil. Most likely bullshit


Not ultra niche, but I’ve wanted them to cover the “boys on the tracks” murder/coverup case for a long time. I’m hopeful!


They have covered so much!! I'm excited they are getting back into ghosts.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Reveal the truth, not this story she’s made up to get out of trouble, and to get more money. The evidence is all there, Marcus.


THE TRANSATLANTIC AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE!!!! Not niche but I have never heard any podcast like lpotl do a history of what the shit was like.




Murder Ballads. Specifically the ones about true crimes, like "Stagger Lee." Steven L. Jones wrote a great book about them called *[Murder Ballads Old and New: A Dark and Bloody Record](https://feralhouse.com/murder-ballads-old-new/)* and I think Marcus would have a field day with the topic.


After reading man eater by Harold schecter I’d like to hear the boys do Alfred packer


The 1980 Norco bank heist and shootout. Basically, a group of dudes armed to the teeth, but with no real expertise, tried to rob a bank to fund their Doomsday shelter (the leader was a religious loon who subscribed to the "California is gonna fall into the ocean" theory like Herbert Mullin). They were interrupted while robbing the bank, which led to an hour long shootout/police chase across the Inland Empire that began with the death of their getaway driver and culminated in the death of a police officer. The police were hopelessly outgunned and underequipped, and this incident actually led to the beginning of the militarization of the police. Three of the five robbers survived and were put on trial in a hilarious, almost farcical courtroom drama that involved the leader seducing and banging his lawyer and various other insane shennigans. I feel like it would totally pique their interest with the religious Doomsday aspect and the general weaponized incompetence of a group of men who exemplify the "No plan survives contact with the enemy" mantra better than any other group I've ever seen.