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There's no experience quite like hearing the crowds disgust during "one for you, one for us"


The rapid switch between disgust and joy in the crowd, is literally one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen


It's so god damn funny hearing the "awwwwwwwOOHHHHHHH" of the crowd


This may be just my own experience but It's a lot of fun when you recognize a clip they've had on the stream!


Don't remind me 🙈🙉


I appreciate the segment because it serves as a hard stop as far as my live show viewing goes.


What do you mean?


Haven’t been to a show since the cast shakeup, but I’d be interested in going again now. The wrestling stuff bored me, so that was like 25% of the show I was uninterested in. Perhaps it’s freshened up a tad?


Paid for the last video one and this was the main problem. Group bit with fastest man over 6ft was funny, H-Bone funny, Dogmeat interesting, but wrestling? I know Kissel is/was a stand up but think he lost the room a lot (and often on purpose) but maybe Eddie has a different energy, he’s always been a guy whose make you feel like you’re on the same side as him.


Saw them in Denver, Ed had much better stage presence than Ben, kept on topic, and definitely filled "the big guy" role despite being approximately the same height as Marcus.


Saw them in Seattle and can confirm. Eddie is much more energetic. He even came down to the front row and slapped our hands like a rock star when they came out on stage


He also told a few jokes that didn't go the way he wanted due to the crowd and he handled it really well. I could tell they were feeling things out but he definitely was really trying so that was more than what Ben was doing as much as I love ben.


He wasn't a good standup, so maybe that's why.


I’ve only ever seen clips rather than a set so can’t deny that.


Totally agreed. And I’m not getting into the pile on Ben thing, not where I wanna go. Just that I don’t think the wrestling bit fit in well with the show.


Same and agree


My wife is a huge fan of the show (I'm impartial) and we've been to a show before Ben left and just went to one a few weeks ago. They were both a good time lots of laughs but I feel like the one we went to in 2021 was much more intimate than the show in 2024. Maybe they're just getting too huge lol


I've been to about a dozen LPN shows over the years. Just saw the Side Stories live show in LA and it was fucking hilarious. Honestly think it was the best show I've seen. Highly recommend going if you have the chance.


It was cool to see them in person but I wouldn’t recommend the live show and wouldn’t go back. That said, my expectations for the live show were wrong- I wanted to see them spontaneously riffing off each other. Instead, got a heavily produced and rehearsed show. I think I was toward the end of the tour and you could tell. They said their “lines” and seemed bored. I don’t want to see Henry playing Henry. It just felt weird and forced to me. I would definitely go see a live podcast recording if that was available. Edit: In case it matters- this was Kissel era, 2022


I saw them in 2019 and these are my feelings exactly


I’ve seen them 2x, pre and post Kissel, and these are my thoughts. Both larger venues and it felt really rehearsed and the jokes didn’t land like I thought they would. Generally it was worse than a live podcast and worse than if it was straight standup. Kind of rides the line between bit show and standup routine, which doesn’t work well live. Looking through this thread, a lot of people seem to have the same experience. 


Sounds like they should reach out to other podcasts to see how they do live. They could easily just do their normal shows live, maybe plan out single episode ones like the dollop


Yep, I just expected to watch an episode of the podcast, but live. Instead it was a “show” which I think is testament to how they all got together in the first place. If you don’t like or watch the streams I wouldn’t recommend the live show. And if you’re curious there’s loads of live shows they recorded you can watch back. Personally I wouldn’t go again, but I’m glad I went to one.


I guess I was lucky. Saw them twice in Dallas and Henry busted out an entire cowboy outfit, including a ridiculous hat.


I just saw them on tour in Seattle like a week or so ago and felt the exact same way


It's a stage show more than live stand-up.


I saw them in 2022 as well & completely agree. On top of everything you said, the crowd was obnoxious, which isn’t their fault but it added to the shitty experience. And like others said, I sorta thought it would be like an unreleased episode of the show & not 30 minutes of wrestling talk. If they came to my city we might go again, I’d like to see Ed, but I wouldn’t travel for them again.


I did not really think it was worth it. I love the boys in Audio, but I didn't really feel like the live show was the best way to experience them. Was happy to give them my money regardless!


I've seen them twice, and have to agree. There are some really good moments, but also a few where you think "this would be the moment I start doing the washing up" Ben was definitely the weak link and the wrestling killed the energy in the room on both occasions. That said, I don't regret it and was surprised about how tight some bits were


I have also seen a live show and it was awful. Glad I went, but wouldn’t do it again.


Ben bombing a joke that turned into an extended back and forth is genuinely all I remember from seeing a live show.


Those were all rehearsed. They did the same bombed joke into a riff at every show


Out of curiosity, when did you go? I went in probably 2019 or so. It was okay, but it sort of didn't resemble the podcast. I think I was expecting it to be more of a live taping of the podcast, and instead it was a way different stage show. Because of that, I declined some friends who went a month or two ago, and their experience seemed wildly different, much more like the podcast. Curious if either of those experiences are outliers.


It was around that same time. I saw them at a casino in PA. Marcus did a weird crabwalk across the stage that went on a bit too long,lol


Yeah. They're pretty fun. Def suggest hitting at least one up.


I went to the last UK tour in 2022. Saw them in Manchester. Although I think it was worth going and seeing them I wouldn't go again. I did enjoy the show but it was more for the novelty of seeing them in person more than anything else if that makes sense. The show itself, if it was a relaxed fit episode I'd have probably skipped it. The queue was fucking huge (I know we Brits love a queue but it took the piss) merch was also pretty expensive.


I was at this one with my husband. Oh god rhe queue to get in!! It just went on... and on.... and on....


We were at the part of the queue where it split across the road. People were walking to where we were and we had to tell them , sorry this isn't the back and pointed them over the road 😅


Would have loved to see them live, sadly travel anxiety makes it a no go for me. Also I would expect the merch to be quite expensive, given they now live in one of the most expensive areas in the state, and country (I think they forget that).


I have seen them live (pre-Covid when Ben was part of the team) in Australia. I will be seeing them live again in August of this year. It’s not at all like listening to the podcast - if you want a preview of what a live show is like, watch their streams on YouTube. The live show is a produced show with videos, sound design, lighting etc and feels more polished and less spontaneous than the podcast. This is not always a good thing because I love the boys best when they go off the rails and end up on strange, tangential topics. A live show has no room for that as they have the same planned, produced content to get through every night with no time for random tangents. I will probably always buy tickets to a live show in the rare event the boys come back to Australia. But it’s more to feel the energy of the show and see them live in person rather than the show itself being ‘unmissable’ or something super special. It will be interesting to see how Ed’s presence shakes up their live show dynamic, that’s for sure.


What happens at live shows anyway? I know most live pod casts are just same thing except in front of an audience but clearly LOPTL does not do that, so what kind of show is it?


It’s more akin to a stand up show then a live podcast, they have a set script and videos to go with it


I went to a show a couple years ago and had a great time. If you're a fan, it's worth the experience.


I went to the Seattle show a couple of weeks ago and it was more of a single cohesive theme rather than the segmented sections of the previous tour.


I went to one in 2018 or 19 with a buddy and ended up walking out. They could be better now though


I find it curious to read the opinions. A lot of people say it is a blast, though a couple of years ago, on the same subject, the majority reckoned it was definitely not good. Maybe the old line-up was lacking? Maybe they have learned from performing onstage? It would be interesting to know which period or year are the reviews from.


I will say that I had a bad experience because the people next to me were extremely casual fans and talked through most of the performance. I heard one of them say before the show “I put on this show while I study and then I realize I’ve listened to five episodes” so I’m not sure how much they actually were excited about it. I asked them if they could keep it down and the girl just basically leaned into the guy’s ear and just whispered to him for the whole rest of the show. Basically, I just enjoy podcasts for the medium they are and don’t try to make it into an experience


Lots of videos of people shitting last time i went


Looks like I need to buy a ticket


I went a few years ago and mostly had a blast. It's more of a sketch show with bits and video stuff they riff on. Ben's stuff I felt was the weakest and I got tired really quickly of how "edgy" and sexist his stuff was, but it's probably much better now with Ed. Def worth it, it was a great time.


Just saw Ed at the Seattle live show and can confirm: he killed it. 👌


Ed was the best part of that show imo!


I've heard that if it wasn't satisfying that The Boys In Person aspect, it would be a fairly average but enjoyable comedy performance of the type that you might see randomly at the Edinburgh Fringe.


I’ve gone twice and it was a great time. The second time the only downer was they were in a club rather than a theater and the club was being managed very poorly. But the guys were on fire. I dragged my super Christian dad along to the second show to see what would happen and he laughed his ass off.


I’ve been to two. Not going to a third. I had a good time the first time and felt bored the second.


Depending on where you’re at on the tour they can be quite stiff and ridged in their performances as it’s all mostly scripted but either way it’s a fun time I’d imagine Ed will bring a lot to the show cause he a stand up


YES it is so fun! I saw them live when Ben was still involved, around 2022 iirc, and it was a fucking BLAST. my experience was them each having their own fun and hilarious powerpoint presentation to go through, about the topics they relate to most; Henry did UFOs (He showed a pic that got everyone including me to GASP all at the same time), Ben did talked about the Owen Hart tragedy and Marcus did cryptids. It was soooooo worth it and I would love to go and see them again with Eddy!


Not really no.


I’ve seen them twice and I’d say no. I’d go again to a weekend show if it was < $50, but spending more than $100? I don’t think it’s worth it. Fun seeing them in person, but I found a lot of the jokes forces and meh. And one of the shows I saw had a segment at the end of them just showing gross/weird videos and reacting, and I’ve never liked the stream and found it pretty stupid.


Do it. I saw them in a beautiful theater in Charleston, two old women sat in from of me I was baffled by their presence. They leave wuarter of the way through. Girl next to them tells me they thought it was going to be a Mamma Mia performance, the tour was called Mamma Mia here we go again. They listened to them talk about big foot’s dick lol, a priceless memory


I saw Henry, Marcus and Ben live in Minneapolis. It was pretty good. I'd probably do it again. The people watching was on point.


Hell yes they’re worth it.


It's a fun experience, but it's usually like 2 hours and depends on how much you think that time is worth. It's communal and fun, but honestly, I prefer them being their more natural selves on the podcast and stream. The live show is very rehearsed and can feel like a stiff slideshow at times


glad i’ve been once, don’t intend to go again unless the show dramatically changes.


No, not worth it imo. I mean you’re asking a subreddit dedicated to the show so of course all these folks are going to say yes.


I went by myself in October 22 in London and I loved it. I would have enjoyed it less going with someone who isn’t a fan or doesn’t get it. I’m going to see them again at the Hackney Empire this year, which I think will be a much better venue for them - location wise.


I went to one in 2021 and liked it just because it's fun to see them in person. It was mostly rehearsed off of a PowerPoint. I didn't do VIP because COVID meant no one could talk one on one. I'd definitely go see another one with Ed, but I wouldn't drive to another state to see them.


I went to one that was post-Covid so it was cancelled by the pandemic. It was broken into three pieces one for Henry, one for Ben and one for Marcus. Henry discussed Aliens and UAP and Marcus made fun of his “proof” photos. Ben talked about Cryptids but it was during his “little toes” phase and I don’t remember much. Marcus was setup to go deep on the Son of Sam murders and David Berkowitz. However, during the pandemic, they released a big documentary on Netflix about how Son of Sam was a massive multi state plot and the “Sam” story was Berkowitz just trying to save his ass without mentioning any of the other details. But Marcus was pissed and just kinda mentioned it and moved to a q and a. They later mentioned that they said the word cum at Graceland more than anyone else and that the staff had a different look on their face after the show than before the show. My wife and I thought it was hilarious and the doc about the Son of Sam is still on Netflix. It’s called the Sons of Sam or something similar. Check it out.


I’ve never seen an official LPOTL show before, but I’ve seen both Ed and Henry live a few times and it’s always a good time.


I'll be the dissenting voice here and say I didn't enjoy the live show I saw a couple years back. I think that's because it was mostly scripted and had been performed before. It just didn't feel as fresh and I don't love gross-our videos. It was nice meeting other people there. I didn't hate it but probably wouldn't go to another if I knew it was a story they had done several times.


I recently attended my first show and persuaded my wife to join me. As a fan it is 100% worth it. Different dynamic to the podcast with more jokes in comparison to narrative being presented. However, it was not my wife’s cup of tea. Honestly, if she isn’t into the pod, you’re better off travelling with your wife and spending the money you would on her ticket doing something else the evening before or morning after. London is full of things to do and I’m sure she could entertain herself whilst you’re at the show.


I saw them in Seattle a few weeks ago and it was sooooooooo much fun! Could not stop laughing, they were all on point. Last time I saw them we literally left because it was weird so I was so happy for the full turnaround. You should go.


So, I don’t want to come off as a “back in my day” guy, but I feel like there are two distinct eras with the live shows. The earlier shows were in smaller venues where the guys would come out before the show and chill (Ben bought me a beer at the show I went to) and stay after to talk to everyone. Now that they’re a lot more popular the venues are bigger and I don’t think they circulate through the crowd after as much if at all. The format is basically the same, but if you’re hoping for a chance to chill with the guys I think that moment has passed. I compare it to seeing a punk band at a dive bar versus the rock band at an arena. Both are great but your mileage may vary.


I loved it. I wish they came to tx more often. I found myself at the live show listening while staring at the curtains cuz I was more use to listening to them then watching them so it was surreal experience being in their presence.


Saw them on the Mamma Mia tour a couple years back and enjoyed the hell out of it. Brought my partner at the time who was not a fan of the pod but also thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


Yes. I’ve been listening since 2014, and just saw my first live show in Seattle a few weeks ago. I had an absolute blast. The show was hilarious, and it was great to see the boys perform live. 10/10 would highly recommend.


it’s sooooo worth it man. do it


Saw them once in Ireland and it was loads of fun!! Meant to see them last time they played Ireland but I accidentally booked a holiday for the same date and completely forgot I had bought tickets, so I had to sell my tickets :( but the first gig was loads of fun!!


Yes! I had a blast when they came to my town.


I had a really good time when I went. The bit at the end was pretty gnarly though. It was cute videos of baby elephants sliding down hills mixed with clips of people cutting their nipples off and ripping out their own toenails.




I was stuck with Holden and Jackie standing in for Marcus. Not exactly ideal but eh.


I saw two shows on the same tour, now granted this was when Ben was around, and even though they had the same general base material, it felt totally different with Henry and Ben riffing off each other making on the spot jokes.


I went to the 2018 and 2019 show. It definitely is rehearsed, but at the same time, has the general feel you get from listening to the podcast. Some jokes land while others don't, but depending on your sense of humor, basically expect to laugh at the stuff you would normally laugh at from the podcast or even the stream. If you're a fan of the show, it definitely won't hurt you to go at least once in your life. Word of caution: the final segment may or may not traumatize you. You've been warned. 🫵


My wife does not listen to the pod and came with me and she was laughing out loud. Obviously I loved it too. And now things are so much better with Ed I cannot wait for them to come back to my city.


Honestly not really. They can be truly hit or miss and ticket prices like that shouldn’t be a roll of the dice.


Never been to one, but I just got tix to see Side Stories in Philly. Kinda pricey but what the hell, I’ve been listening for years so why not support the boys live




Does anyone remember Henry’s ufo/uap steps/criteria?




It was great to see them back when I did (Pre the Kissel Whatnot) and I enjoyed it, and do not regret going, and they were funny (especially Marcus), but it wasn't an episode, it was just like the stream or an extended side stories. The second time, my friends and I bought tickets, we were all tired on the day and just ended up not going, and I have never gone since. TBH, I'm glad they don't do live episodes, I always skip live podcasts, even ones Ive actually been to watch being recorded, so I don't know what I'd actually want from a perfect LPOTL live show, haha. Maybe Eddie is the secret ingredient?!


Oh completely - I've loved every minute of the two times I've been - looking forward to the third!


After reading this, I am both excited and worried about taking out a few vacation days to fly to Iceland...


LPOTL is my most favorite thing in this world. I literally cried to my therapist when Ben left. I've been to the shows, and please don't come for me... it was just aight. Would I go in the new era if they came to my town, probably. It's kind of over produced. I think it would work better if they litterally did a round table relaxed fit case and you can see how they riff off each other. That's kind of what I thought the live show would be. Like I said, LPOTL is the only media bringing me joy in the last 15 years so please don't take this as bad review. I just had different expectations. No San Diego show this time, and although LA is just a hop skip and a jump, the person I am under the influence of road rage just can't do it. If you havent been, and it's close to home, then def go at least once. But if youre thinking of flying or braving the 405 freeway, it can wait until they're close by. All my love to my boys, and my fellow squares who stay home 😘👽🔪🩸🦴💀




We saw them in Denver for the the first show of their tour this year and we had a blast! It was informative, hilarious, cool to see them in person, great crowd energy - would 100% recommend it, we loved it!


It is so worth it! Next time they are in Detroit I’m going again


I honestly thought it was a bit of a let down the one time I went in 2022 but I know a lot of people enjoy the live show too.


I went to one show that was great. Fun but respectful crowd. Went to another show that was all rowdy edge lord drunks that just shouted random bullshit during the show to the point that I couldn’t hear the guys. I’m sorry— I love the guys and love many of you but the “edgy” marketing of this show attracted and retained a lot of assholes who think being irreverent and rowdy is an inherently noble trait and it really makes the rest of us look bad. I wouldn’t be surprised though if a bunch of those guys left with Ben. So— that said, maybe it’s about the venue? Because the well behaved group was at a nice theater. The disruptive and unbearable crowd was at a bar venue. So, I got tickets to the JK Ultra tour, but its venue played a role in that decision. It’s another nice theater so I think it’ll be a good time.


Yes yes yes! I’ve never laughed so hard. And it’s magical to see the boys on stage. Henry’s body movements alone pay for the ticket.


Dude I've gone to two and they are so much fun!!


Saw them live with Kissel a couple of years ago. He went on a tangent about periods and menstrual products in a sold out venue in Chicago. I was with my girlfriend. It was ROUGH, actually turned us off of the pod for a bit because of the cringe factor, not even the topic. I’d call it a one and done for me, even if Kissel hadn’t made it uncomfy. Podcast is free, $50 to see one live (and unedited) isn’t exactly worth it to me, I’d rather go to a concert tbh.


I went once back in 2019 and it was fine. Marcus and Henry were funny but Ben (who I loved at the time) seemed very rehearsed. So much so that he was cutting off the other guys’ jokes before they were finished with them lol. That being said, I would like to go with the shake up and see them with Ed


My fiancé’s head hurt from laughing so much. It was great to be there with a bunch of other fans


Saw them here in San Diego last October, was a hoot and a half


I saw them the last time they were in the UK. Manchester. Was really funny but Ben's bit was a lot of wrestling chat which I didn't care for. He also didn't contribute a lot in the other sections but he was clearly worse for the drink. Overall, they are worth watching live as they do put a lot of effort into making a good show.


If you can't see why you might enjoy it, then don't go. It's a bit of a privilege to have them live in your city, so if you are unsure, don't buy the ticket. Leave it for someone who will appreciate seeing them live