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Yeah dont change your routine. It's just another routine practice test. You'll fuck yourself up more making weird decisions out of the ordinary.


Ok, so I’ve only been taking one practice test each week on friday mornings for the past three weeks, with 3 full sections’ worth of work each day monday-thursday. Do you think it’s better for me to stay at this same schedule or try to do more practice tests leading up to the real thing?


That's about what I've been doing. Week prior I just focus on drilling like half work load and day of do some warm up problems in each section. If you feel confident take it, if you don't don't take it, if you just want a damn score to make it official, eh do that too. Just remember right now you're playing with monopoly money and it doesn't matter, but on test day it's the real deal. The anxiety is different and you're gonna second guess yourself. Just dig deep into why each answer choice is explicitly wrong and why this one is correct. I've made it a point to focus on accuracy rather than speed. Seems to work for me.


Ok sounds good thank you!


You bet. We're gonna do better this next time ;).


I would say be kind to yourself in the final week with regards to studying. Obviously keep studying, but trying to cram will probably do more harm than good. Trust that you’re as ready as you’re going to be and try to relax even though it’ll be impossible to fully relax.


Thanks for the advice!




that’s a terrible strategy