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100% this was something I've been wanting for ages. I need to manually go through my shards for my shatter filters. Not sure if it's possible but maybe they could add some sort of shard quantity filter criteria. Eg. "Show items where user has < X shards" to be combined with other filters, like classes. So you could show items for shards you are low on that are relevant to your build.


Having shard count in loot filter would be great. Also, can there be a way to hover over and see which affixes are allowed on which item type. I have to keep going to my crafting inventory to double check if an affix rolls on certain gear, or check online. Small annoyance and I’m sure eventually I’ll learn what goes where but it would be nice!


I would LOVE if you selected a rule to show a specific item type it would only show you the affixes that are able to be placed on it.


yes PLEASE. I'm glad this has been mentioned, would be such a huge QoL boost. I've had my affixes on different item types messed up for a while and it took hours cross-referencing them today to see what goes on what


Bit of a workaround as I'm sure this will be a thing they add eventually. If you use last epoch tools to build your filter it functions this way. A little annoying to have to go out of game but it's super easy to import/export.


Yea I definitely use LE tools and it’s fine but having it in game would be even better haha


Something like having a rule that shows all items with affixes you have X shards or less of would be nice as well. There are items I'd like to get to break but if I have a good supply of these shards already it's not as important and having to manually sort which affixes shard you have and adjust the loot filters in real time can be a pain. That might be too computation intensive however since the system wouldn't only have to consider the mods the items have but your stash as well.


Yea that would be nice and sounds simple enough. I was breaking down crit chance and multiplier and then noticed I had over 100 of each already. Loot filter rule, affix shard < 10 recolor or maybe we can start getting crazy and add underlines, italics, or special characters haha. !!!BOOTS OF THE GIANT!!!


I wish for the affix list to adjust according to the pre-chosen items. For instance, if I'm selecting only boots in a specific filter rule, there's no need for the affix list to include options for helmet shards. It would be more efficient if the affix list dynamically adapted to the selected items, providing only relevant choices.


All I need is to only see the affixes that can fit in a helmet when im picking affixes for a helmet. Have to look it up on lastepochtools for every item im adding to the filter. Please tell me that I have overlooked something and that it is actually much easier than I thought.




What do you mean shared minion damage is under damage and doesn't let you search by shared or minion? Pfft. (i agree)


A trick If you're in trade, the bazaar shops pre-filter the affixes to their items.


The last epoch tools version is a lot easier to deal with affixes. It filters out affixes that cant drop on a certain peice and gives you their rarity. I want the in gsme version to filter by gear peice. If i cjrck to show wands it should filter affixes to wand affixes.


Good tip, thanks!


cool idea! One step further, I'd like to make rules against my current shard count i.e. Show Bleed on Hit if I have <= 50 Bleed on Hit shards banked


I'd like to see the filter have an option for multiple affix filters for a single item. I'd like to be able to highlight daggers that have the exalted mod I want that ALSO have at least one or two of the other affixes I need. I don't think there is anyway to do this at the moment.


I never knew I wanted this, but now I do.


Lootfilter adaption on shard count would be an awesome option.


Do a few Soulfire Bastion runs and you'll get so many shards you won't care anymore.


Sounds. Sounds please for items that drop and pass my filter. I'd love customizable Sounds by category but I know that's asking a lot


Honestly, just going back to the pre-1.0 version of the Forge would be nicer where you had a quantity column so it was easier to visually scan quantities in the forge. Though being able to "favorite" affixes that are important to you in the forge so they appear at the top so you can quickly see the ones you are about by just opening the forge would probably help a lot more. Both would be better.


I want this EVERYWHERE when i press ctrl + alt


Brilliant idea.


Better yet add a rule that shows based on a threshold of shards. So show anything under 50 for example.


Honestly this seems like a waste of development time, and potentially buggy/difficult to implement as you can edit your filter whether you're logged in or not. It only takes a single playthrough to learn what shards are so rare that you want to pick them for shattering as there aren't many. The common ones are so common that there's never reason to specifically filter for them. If you want real improvements to the filter, it would be the filter only showing affixes that can appear on the base type you have chosen, so you have less scrolling and you can't accidentally pick affix combinations that can't exist.


Are you guys sustaining rune of shattering and removal ? I barely sustain and I only have 3 affix to target


would be better to give option "Show this affix only when have shard less than 10x in my bank"


If this is too time consuming/technical from a coding perspective at this point in time, **simply allowing us to sort the Affix window with Highest/Lowest obtained mats would be huge** as well. It'd be MUCH easier to eyeball what affixes I have 0 of if I could sort them all next to each other.


This is a great suggestion. I didn't know I needed this feature, but now know I do.