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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's why zionism has nothing to do with judaism and absolutely everything to do with settler colonialism, fascism and ethno-religious supremacy.


It's also why zionism is *dangerous* to judaism! Zionists will insist and gaslight you and everyone around them that judaism is in fact... "settler colonialism, fascism and ethno-religious supremacy". And then we wonder why casuals (who don't understand or follow politics) can get confused. (And why those of us who know the difference have to be vigilant in making it clear whenever we see that confusion.)


One of the main aims of zionism is for non jews to conflate the two when really they couldn't be any farther apart. Judaism is a 3000 year old religion, zionism is only a 140 year old movement. True jews are very well aware of that and that's why they reject zionism and everything it stands for. Judaism was around long before zionism and will still be around after its eventual demise. The state of Israel does not, never has and never will represent jews despite of what they claim.


I’ve had multiple people bring up the Jewish communities that were kicked out of Arab countries in the 40s and 50s as a justification for Israel’s existence. None of them wanted to engage with the reason why those countries became hostile to Jews: the Zionists working with the British Empire to commit genocide against Palestinian Arabs. They refuse to see that their attempts to carve a European-style nation-state into the region is the exact reason the region dislikes them…


It's sad that the repercussions of this colonialism are felt by people who have and want nothing to do with it, just because it's being branded as being done in their name.


it has everything to do with Jews not being their neighbours or living amongst them, thats what Zionism is. it’s about self-hate, hate to the Jew


It has everything to do with Judaism. But if you come up with you own definition, then sure it doesn't.


>There’s no apology to be made! None! [Israel] is the best $3 billion investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region. -Biden, 1986


Is this from the same year when he was in a meeting with an Israeli official who was a war criminal or smth and even that guy went "whoa Joe let's cool the jets on the whole genocidal rhetoric"? Because he was being too bloodthirsty about Palestine?


Menachem Begin, Prime Minister.


Yep that's the one I was thinking thank you


JFC. He actually used Voltaire to justify supporting Isreal.


I'm sorry--Voltan? I searched for it, but couldn't find anything that helped.


Lol Voltaire, Voltaire! I blame auto correct. Lol


Ha! #stupidautocorrect 😆


Who has been the most left president the US has had? Was it that one that was elected 4 times and they changed the laws so that he couldn't win again?


Yes. And even that guy did Japanese Internment. :( The USA just cannot do left. But FDR came the closest of any of them that I can think of.


Being progressive is about taking big leaps and bold action for progress. Joe Biden fiddles around the edges at best. Richard Nixon was more progressive than Joe Biden. Richard Nixon went to China to open relations and put price controls on a number of goods when inflation started getting out of control, two things Joe Biden would never have done in that position. He isn't even close to being a progressive.


Nixon started the freaking EPA! Brandon wouldn't dream of doing anything like that.


It's interesting because I was reading up on Nixon recently and overall he seemed like a mixed bag. Much more positives than I thought there would be though. A social fascist to be sure, but that was the normative position at the time regardless of political party so it's kind of a wash.


It's not a wash. That "social fascism" was reactionary to the civil rights movement. It set the stage for the community today. There was far more worker solidarity in 1976 than there is today. Also he was a neoconservative, so fuck imperialists. Yeah he setup the EPA, but, that is the groundwork for some neo-liberalist policies. Instead of change behaviors or boldy propose a new path in society, we pretend like we can just regulate these horrible biome killing industries instead of abolishing them.


>so that he couldn't win again well he was dead so I don't think he could've won again regardless


Dunno, if Trump died today people would still vote for him and say it’s a radical left conspiracy.


who are you talking about?




Biden has received a total of roughly $5,000,000 in donations from AIPAC since 1990. That's why he's a Zionist.


He was a Zionist way back in the 70s. I doubt he was bringing in big money back than.


I'd be very surprised if he wasn't at least indirectly financially benefitting back then


He might be, but I think the point they were trying to make is that you don't HAVE to pay many politicians to be shitty people. Sometimes they just are shitty people, and the money is just a cherry on top. Biden has shown me, in all his time in government, that he is 1000% in the latter category.


$8 million if you include his presidential campaigns.




That's a curious username and a curious comment history. You sure are passionate about "Jewish Overlords", "usery" and the "Syangogue of Satan". Also, a lot of your comments are removed by Reddit. I'm curious what they may have been?


Zionism is antisemitic.


The Haavara Agreement proves this.


Obama, in a speech looking for the Democratic nomination, referred to the capital of Israel as Jerusalem in a speech to AIPAC on June 4th, 2008. This is a proIsrael lobby group. His spokesperson later said that it was a mistake. He graduated in Geography and lectured on Constitutional Law so it is very unlikely it was a mistake. It was a message -as was choosing Biden for running mate.


[And what indeed did Biden have in mind in 1995?](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4827049/user-clip-joe-biden-1995-supports-moving-us-embassy-jerusalem) All kinds of stuff he said, about "Israel's" capital, Jerusalem, the US embassy and recognition, all the signs were long there before he became VP.


That clip is telling. It also shows how much he has slowed down. Here is another summary... [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/i-am-zionist-how-joe-bidens-lifelong-bond-with-israel-shapes-war-policy-2023-10-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/i-am-zionist-how-joe-bidens-lifelong-bond-with-israel-shapes-war-policy-2023-10-21/)


“Nothing will fundamentally change.” -Biden (Edit: I said upon election but apparently it was earlier than that. Whatever. He’s a fucking shill.)


This is wrong. He said that on the campaign trail... and people fell in line anyway


Okay I got the date wrong. Whatev. It really doesn’t matter, the democrat party could’ve run Hitler’s ghost or an out and proud member of the kkk and people would’ve happily elected them because “anyone but trump” and “vote blue no matter who.”


That's the point I was making. I think it's ridiculous that an old racist was able to campaign on nothing changing, and people were like "at least he isn't trump"


But he was gonna forgive our student loans! hE cAn’T bE wOrSe ThAn tR0mP!


In the 80s Biden had such a reputation of being so aggressive against Palestinians that even the Israeli PM was scared of him. If there was one good thing Ronald Reagan did, was that after Ariel Sharon (AKA the Butcher of Beirut) did some massacres and aided some militias in Lebanon to murder scores of people, when Reagan saw the bodies and the stuff televised at the time he picked up the phone and commanded the Israelis to stop... and they did. Israel is in a much stronger position now than it was in the early 80s. If Biden did it now, which he won't, they would have more capacity to tell him to eat shit, which is a major problem.


Aren't the overwhelming majority of zionist in the US protestant evangelicals?


Yes they're trying to force Jesus to do the apocalypse by building the third temple. The apocalypse prophesy they're trying to fulfill was made up a few decades before Zionism was.




Notice how they're phrasing it as a parallel to, "you don't have to be a woman to be a feminist". The idea is to reframe colonialism as a "progressive" cause.


Biden basically admitting he's a fascist and libs still act as if he's a force for good. Make it make sense.




Can you explain to me how someone can have a right to do settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing? Because that's how Israel was created, and it's only been relatively recently that Zionists try to hide that fact.




What do you mean by "exacerbated the issue"? That's a massive understatement considering the Zionist Vision of setting into Palestine is the root cause of this whole conflict, which they couldn't do without expelling the Native population. This was the crux of Zionism, it is a settler colonialist project and has been since it's inception. One of the enterprises concerned with emigrating Jews was literally called [Jewish_Colonisation_Association](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Colonisation_Association)


> The problem isn't Zionism it's BenGurionism. No. The problem is Zionism. Ben Gurion is a *symptom*. Zionism is the *disease*. And Zionism itself is just another manifestation of settler colonialism and building an ethno-religious state. "History doesn't repeat, it rhymes."


While i appreciate the detailed breakdown of the distinction between zionism and bengurianism, I'd argue that its splitting hairs for the masses on what amounts to a technicality. Even if Bibi is the last BGist, he is the outward face of isreal and zionism as we presently know it which makes them functionally one and the same. Id love some more nuance if you're able to provide it.




I know it’s not the point of your comment, but can we perhaps find a different insult to use? There are so many wonderful ways to insult a person and it’s a little fucked up to resorting to using a stigmatized mental health condition to do so.




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.


Could I speak with you on a personal level, then? I’m not asking you to change out of ‘political correctness,’ I’m asking because I *have* a stigmatized mental health condition. And my closest friend growing up was incredibly damaged by schizophrenia. He confided in me after we were friends for a long time that he was being raped daily by his hallucinations when he tried to sleep, and the PTSD from this *still impacts him and his ability to function in society to this day.* It just hurts me to see people taking conditions like this and using them to demean people. This shit causes so much hurt in life and then some rando just goes “lol look at this schizo.” How do you think that makes people who are close to those with schizophrenia feel? How do you think that makes people *with* schizophrenia feel? I just would appreciate it, on a person-to-person level, if folks could avoid equating defense of genocide to a condition that destroys lives of no fault of their own.




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.


Firstly, Go fuck yourself, secondly: 7. No bigotry. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or classism. The respect for readers who are subject to these forms of bigotry takes priority in this subreddit over your right to speak freely. This subreddit stands against hate speech. We are not open to "brocialist" downplaying of these issues. 8. Be nice to each other. Be respectful towards other socialists you disagree with, but also non-socialists who follow the rules and participate in good faith. Feel free to dunk on trolls, bigots and bootlickers to your heart’s content. So as you are clearly not a socialist nor a member who exists in good faith in this sub. GO FUCK YOURSELF.


You will literally never attract real working class people by being a repugnant little scold, people can't stand this shit and nobody acts like this outside this internet bubble that lets you act like you're some moral authority.


I feel like most people I’ve talked to offline aren’t so cold, either. I replied to you above, but the people who I worked with when I was at my window installation job were pretty understanding. I’d just say “hey, that hurts me because of [reason].” And because I tried my best to be kind to them, they tried to be kind to me. I’m working class. They’re working class. I think it’s presumptuous to say that “real working class people” “outside the internet bubble” have no sense of decency when someone says how they are hurt. Maybe your friends don’t. But I seek people that do. I only didn’t start with that approach because I assumed that a leftist would understand how much it can suck to be stomped down because of immutable characteristics.


Well let me put it to you this way, I am a paranoid schizophrenic and when you use -my disability- that many others suffer to label a dumbass who's apologizing to genocide guess what, you're not attracting me to your side jack ass. "Nobody can stand this shit." yea I can't stand being lumped in with genocide apologists just because -you- are too fucking lazy to use your brain to come up with an original insult instead of MY DISABILITY THATS RUINED MY LIFE. Is that easy enough for you to understand? Am I being too repugnant for you because I'm standing up for myself against your ableist bullshit where you ignore that this is a place where I should feel welcome? So fuck you for your idiotic take that I'm attempting to be some "moral authority". Jackasses like you would've gladly been calling people the N word if you could get away with it then go "Well telling me not to say the N word is never going to attract real working class black people by pointing out that I'm an asshole for saying the N word! Just let me say the N word in peace!" So again in case I wasn't clear the first time, go fuck yourself for your position on schizos, go fuck yourself for being an ableist, go fuck yourself for making apologia for your craving to use other peoples' disabilities as your insult of choice. Go fuck yourself. Oh and the jackasses upvoting you can go fuck themselves as well. We don't need to attact bigots and racists and ableists to join us just because you want to insult us for being different.


Redditors are the only internet users I can think of that will write a whole ass deranged screed over some minor conflict.


Clearly you've never been on 4chan or any other internet board. Clearly you still need to go fuck yourself.


We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.




You're a terrible historian then. If Isreal has the right to exist, then how about context around Native American extermination. Does the U.S. have to give them Oklahoma? Or if they took it by force would you defend it? Does Russia deserve the Donboss? Should white people leave Australia


This comment’s being downvoted because you brought actual consideration to the situation instead of simply picking a side. Don’t you know you need to feed the enragement = engagement machine?


The comment is being down voted because it's ahistorical. Zionism is an ethnosupremacist ideology founded by racist Europeans who happened to be Jewish. Theodor Herzl believed that Arabs were less than Jews and could only "be civilized" by the Europeans.


You can also be jewish and anti-zionist.


It's pathetic how libs refuse to do better than this POS. Same mindless obedience as trumps worshippers smdh


Fuck 2022. He said it PROUDLY on Seth Myers a month ago. During a genocide. That he knows is a losing issues with millennials and younger voters. I am still convinced neither side really wants to win. Like Trump needs to so he doesn't spend his last years in jail and Biden has just wanted it for so long he wants to die in the Oval


Who the hell said that? Biden is center-right all damn day. Obama and Clinton trying to give us reformed national healthcare and Clinton balancing the budget through military budget cuts makes them way more progressive than Biden in my eyes. That’s just the modern era.


The media said that. During the campaign and early on in his presidency the media loved to call him the “most progressive president since FDR.”


Lmao, guess I must have missed that. Or I heard it and my brain dismissed it as hogwash and purged my memory of it.


You could probably argue that every Democratic president since FDR and probably even some of the republicans were more progressive than Biden. I mean when the governor of Arkansas tried to use the national guard to prevent desegregation, Eisenhower nationalized the national guard and sent airborne troops to walk the Little Rock 9 to school. Despite repeated calls to do so and multiple ignored ultimatums, the admin hasn’t nationalized the Texas national guard over the border yet


Imagine conquering people and stealing their land. As an American I find the thought abhorrent.


You forgot the satire tag


It’s how america was founded. Genocide of the people that lived here before and then just never talking about it.


Zionism is a Christian concept. It stems from the nonsensical belief that Jews need to be centralized in one place so that "Christ" can save them all.


And which side of the aisle is filled with more religious zealots? Pretty sure it would be the conservatives.


No it isn't. It's a political idea made up by Jewish atheists in Europe a few centuries ago. Just because some Protestants with bad theology currently adhere to it doesn't mean it has its origins in Christianity.


There’s nothing worse than outright Nazis. But god damn do liberals fucking try.


I heard that if you scratch a liberal...


"Progressive" in American politics just means you attend one union picket, rename a street "BLM Boulevard", slap a rainbow flag on your Mercedes and go back to taking bribes from billionaires and stomping on the less fortunate.


Unfortunately, this is correct, at least since Carter. These foreign policies have been in place since Israel has been in place. While I too criticize Biden for this approach, it’s more of an indictment of our long standing government policy towards Palestine, not so much him and certainly not when comparing him to his opponent.


“But you have to vote for him!!! He is better than Trump!!!” I feel like this one outlier community on Reddit is the only place not drinking crazy juice. We are told we either need to vote for a corrupt, unstable, sociopath… OR a demented, bought and paid for, politician that is actively aiding a genocide. Am I missing something here? WTF is going on?


It's a two-party system, not necessarily by intentional initial design but due to the eventual consequences of that design. Unless there is *serious* organization for reform or one party shits the bed so hard a new party can take its place, at the end of the day you get two real, viable choices. So yes, it really does come down to which of the two you'd rather have at the helm come early November. Anything to change that calculus has to happen well in advance. Ultimately, which of the two would you rather have managing the country's responses to these wars and mustering aid, nominating justices to the Supreme Court, having veto power, and setting the policy agenda for the country?


Let’s say you had Hitler and Stalin running against each other… at what point do you say “you know, I think I feel better about the Green Party”. If any swing states, even one, went for a third party candidate, you would see a major shift in how the two parties present themselves and what they try to get away with.


Ross Perot didn't do it. Jill Stein sure as fuck isn't going to either. The Green Party doesn't even qualify in all states; Libertarians have a better chance but still minuscule compared to Ross Perot's already extremely long odds from a much less polarized era. Just looking at the 2020 presidential results in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia (all of which are swing states) the only party to break 1% outside the big two was the Libertarians. Green wasn't even on the ballot in PA and got no votes, they were write-ins with less than 0.05% in WI and GA, and in MI where they were actually officially on the ballot they got 0.25%, less than a quarter of what the Libertarians got. 13,781 votes compared to 60,381. Biden won the state with 2,804,040 votes. There is simply no way that any third party is going to even come close to winning any state this election without some sort of massive upheaval in the coming months, let alone actually winning a swing state. If you actually want a third-party to win any major office, start organizing for voting reform that makes it possible. It will not happen in the current system without one of the other parties completely collapsing and that won't happen before November. And even then it will require either an already robust third party that already wins minor offices, or a new party forming with a ton of energy and funding. The time to start organizing, either for voting reform or for a specific third party, is several years ago.


Most Realist Post 2024.


Don't fucking compare Hitler and Stalin.


Look, I voted 3rd party in 2016 and 2020. After Trump tried to overthrow our democracy on Jan 6th, salutes the insurrectionists during his rallies calling them hostages, and says he wants to be a dictator on day one "for a day"; I will vote Joe Biden. I won't try to shame you if you vote 3rd party, but the stakes of this election are serious.


1. We haven't had a democracy to overthrow since long before Donald Trump was elected 2. Demonizing the Jan 6 protestors to that extent is falling for one of the biggest intelligence agency psyops in recent memory






Wtf are you all on about. Conservatives are more pro-Israel than anyone else. Trump literally named Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. So what are you bitching about again? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel#:~:text=On%20December%206%2C%202017%2C%20President,from%20Tel%20Aviv%20to%20Jerusalem.


Well he's made his stand clear.


So then criticizing Zionism is *not* inherently anti-Semitic after all?


Wonder what he's saying now.


This is why I hate these ghoulish libs more than the maga nuts, at least the republicans are honest in their evil but the democrats will gaslight, lie, and guilt you into a supporting a ideology as evil as Zionism through a leader as geriatric and uninspiring as Biden.


Fucking gross people would defend him. More so for those who claim to be left leaning.






Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


Most excellent post comrade!


He is whatever suits the audience he is addressing. He is a Zionist one day, the most pro-union president the next day, a pro-business president in the morning, and a pro-consumer president in the afternoon. The only position you can really count on is that he is whatever his major donors want him to be.


I love when he and the shitlibs say he is pro-union, you know, after breaking up the railroad strike and siding with the bosses. Also, his past record ... > Nor does Biden have a public policy record favorable to the working class. In 1977-1978, during unions’ big push for labor law reform, he vacillated for months and sabotaged the proposal with public criticism. He voted for Nafta and supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He authored the punishing 2005 bankruptcy bill, a reward to creditors and punishment to debtors. Worse still, he has been one of the main legislative architects of mass incarceration, a regime that has devastated the heavily policed and punished American working class.


I laughed out loud when he said, with a straight face, that he is the most pro-union president ever. This just put the tin had on it!


And that is sadly not the only issue he pretends to support. All you have to do is look at his past voting records and positions. A leopard doesn't change spots just because he tells you to his face there are no spots.


Nobody says Biden is the most progressive president we’ve ever had. What is OP talking about?


Liberals love to talk about how "progressive" Biden is, the title is meant as a jab against those liberals.


What liberals? Literally never heard anyone claim Biden is progressive. He’s a centrist, obviously.


[Biden literally said it himself](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-says-hed-most-progressive-president-history-tells-bernie-sanders-disown-1487567) lol


Heard anyone else say it? Lol


You don't think people are going to repeat what the president is saying? Are you braindead?


Maybe they would, if it resonated. I’ve literally never heard anyone else say this. Have you?


Correct…. The US is a crony capitalist country. I think think anyone views the US government overall as a very progressive institution. We tend to do better on social issues. All that said, Biden is by leaps and bounds, still the most progressive US president in decades.




"I'm okay with a genocide as long as I am not marginalized"


What is he progressive about? Progressive policies apply to both domestic and abroad. There is nothing progressive about being the wallet for genocide, for not saying anything about it, for lying out of your ass about the genocide not happening. There’s nothing progressive about what him or anyone else in the DNC has done. Roe v Wade was taken away and all we got was a few months of lip service and nothing done at the national level to bring it back or protect it beforehand.


While his comments on Israel and Palestine are despicable, he might actually be close to being the most progressive US president ever because the sample is filled with Imperialists and Neoliberal bootlickers. FDR is the only one who stands out from the others. Lincoln was forced and took the progressive route. Maybe LBJ (while he passed civil rights legislation, he continued the horrendous foreign policy of previous presidents and worse, started the official invasion of Vietnam) might also have been better in Domestic policies.


The sad thing is that despite being a genocidal maniac and capitalist shill he's still probably up there as far as US presidents go. They all pretty much suck


Even so, he is still the most progressive president we have ever had. The bar is just so very low.


I'd say the most progressive president we've ever had was FDR




Zionism, any defense of the state of Israel and/or similar is not allowed.


He’s extremely progressive, he’s not left-wing which is another thing. He also can’t just not support an American ally in favor of a U.S cataloged “terrorist group”. He’s pro-trans rights, aboriginal, criminal justice reforms, higher taxes, social welfare and government overreach.