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Passport bros come in all colors


Wait til they hear about Thailand


They prefer Philippines more then Thailand


ladyboys take asscheeks


Asians don't like black people, they are very racist. And those are facts.


Southeast Asia is better than the other areas in this regard


I think in general american dudes have “a toxic and creepy obsession with Latin America” not just blacks


Yeah, this feels really targeted and a bunch of anecdotal hyperbole. I think some American men get like this and it’s Black American men who are this way. Hell this describes a large segment of Latino men who live in the US.


Not hyperbole at all. Latina fetishism has been present even in hip-hop for decades. Also just look at most of the wives of most black atheletes and you'll see that they're either white or light skinned Latinas . YouTube has a bunch of channels dedicated to black American men making vlogs about hookers and "good quality women" in Colombia, Dominican Republic and Brazil.


Idk you could swap the combination and still find some alarming behavior. These starterpack memes were made in a batch. It had white men and asian women, indian men and white women, and one other combination. Creepy men gonna creep,


We indian men get no love unless we look like model bruh


Is what it is. The real winners are those who are proud of who they are, regardless of skin.


It’s the “don’t give a fuck” attitude women love, not in a malicious way, but in a genuine “I’m living my best life regardless of what others think,” sort of way.


The overwhelming result is that most of them end up with their own kind outliners do not represent the majority the biggest black American athlete for example LeBron James is with a black woman and hip-hop fetishizes a lot of things Asians to white women too and black women black women get it the worst actually


The ones with a specific racist fetish for Brazilians and Caribbean Latinos are mostly black men from my experience.


The Germans, Dutch and Italians sexpats in DR have something else to say about that.


This is really anecdotal as in my (anecdotal) experience it’s been wealthier white dude with Latina and Black woman fetishes. This is all anecdotal and can be warped to fit different POVs and locations.


But it's specifically black dudes that have the obsession come from their own internalized racism.


Not really, I mean have you read the history of slavery in LatAm? While there may be some less overt interpersonal examples of racism just look at how Afro Latinos are depicted in LatAm media and systemic racism leads to severe discrimination of Afro Latino and Mixed Black/ White and Black/ Indígena mixed communities. A basic breakdown of demographic data shows this. Hell, look how hard Argentina tries to pretend that they never had a Black population or that mixed race Argentines exist? Look at the Parsley Massacre in the Republica Dominicana and Trujillo, a mixed race man, killing off Haitians namely due to racism — it was so bad that the fucking Americans of all people told him to chill. Let’s ignore his systemic attempts at Blanquimiento….


I'm gonna be honest with you most people here in the US don't even read US history, if you asked them what happened in California, they would probably say "the gold rush built Los Angeles and San Francisco", and not the Indian wars and massacres that happened there.


Yeah but they don’t know that. They don’t know that Latin America is incredibly racist, colorist, but also very xenophobic towards Americans. I’ve seen Black people from other countries be treated better than Americans, and that’s because Americans have this sense of superiority and they feel like they deserve everything and they’re doing women a favor by coming to creep here. I don’t know why nobody has told them that the American dream is dead and ain’t no body praying for a green card! If women want to immigrate they do it alone. Some of them even cross all of Mexico by foot. They don’t need a creeper who will treat them like a sex slave and a maid.


I honestly believe that life is too short and people to try to get with whoever they like. There are a lot of different people who love latinos and latinas and I don’t get are black Americans are vilified for this. I am an Afro Latino who was raised in Latin America and now live in the US. Anytime I have ever heard my black friends talk about Latinas it have been in complete adoration for their beauty and not because they are think about them as sex slaves our to take advantage of their immigration status. Of course, they know there is racism everywhere. No matter where you are from, all of us who are black in the Americas understand that, but none of that matter when we are talking about attraction and they know that we (Latinos) are inclusive people and so maybe they have a chance. Black guys also love Indian girls, but they hardly feel like they have a chance been accepted (into family or society). I really think you are making some very broad assumptions and generalizations about how a group of people feel. I am sorry that you maybe have had some bad experiences and yes There are some messed up people..but to think that they are only black Americans..Mami que será lo que quiere el negro..🤷🏾‍♂️


Trujillo killing Haitians wasn’t without precedent, the Haitians had invaded and massacred Dominican Criollos and Castizos it didn’t happen in a vacuum.


Most of them propose/ask for marriage any latin woman ...


95% of passport bro in Dominican Republic are New Yorkers specifically MTA workers lol




Obsessed with latinass* Those guys who are black and they are looking for woman in Dominican Republic or Cuba, are just looking for big asses woman who aren’t black


This was exactly my thought. It's the big booty exotic (to them) girls they are after.


If I can be blunt, these fellas just wanna fuck redbones/white women but not feel guilty about it. So they'll slap 'Afro Latino' onto some Anya Taylor Joy looking chick from the Caribbean or Colombia so they can pretend they don't hate black women.


Also, you can pull their hair and live to tell the tale


Very true. Also, they can probably cook too.


A lot of women in these countries are actually black also


They also think Latinas are submissive LOL.


Latinas…. Submissive….? LOL


They be watching to many YouTube redpill videos lol , shit is the opposite


Sweet on the outside, spicy on the inside.


It's colorism and obsession with mixed race people. It's really weird to me how these types dismiss West Indians, Haitians, actual monoracial black Latinos. Too many fixate on multiracial Latinos like Dominicans and Puerto Ricans and biracials like Meghan Markle and Drake. There's this fetish towards light skin and "good hair" in their community and that look is overrepresented as the beauty standard. And don't get me started on the crazies who claim heritage from nonblacks like Israelites, Native Americans and Egyptians. Phenotypically black Americans see themselves more alike Latinos of African ancestry. It reeks of self-hate and Africans from Africa find it pathetic too.


I agree. Black people in particular seem to want to claim every other heritage but their own. I especially hate it when I see a very small (but vocal) minority claiming the original Olmecs/Mayans/etc were black. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Most Dominicans are black. Also, a sizeable percentage of Cubans are black.


Most Dominicans are mixed race with black ancestry. If most Dominicans were just black, black Americans wouldn't be traveling to DR like that. It's not popular for them to travel to countries like Jamaica, Barbados or other Anglo Caribbean countries because they are not mixed race as a majority.


I been to Santo Domingo and they looked pretty black


I actually live there. The vast majority of people in Santo Domingo are mixed race/ mulatto looking. You have a lot of haitians and some black dominicans walking around but they arent the majority. Let's be real, these black Americans aren't traveling to the Anglo Caribbean because they aren't mulattos as a majority. They have a fetish for mixed race people with black ancestry like mulattos and tri-racials.


Skin tone does not equal race, just because someone is white or dark doesn’t automatically presume their race based on skin tone alone


dominicans are black no matter how much they deny it


lmao no one is denying it but your obsession with us is beyond ridiculous 😂 like y’all can really hop off with that


when did i say i was obssesed with dominicans 💀💀💀 i see i striked a nerve though you're probably one of those self hating afro dominicans "i no black papi" 😂


You are talking about another race you probably know nothing about and putting them in a black checkbox, so yeah I can see why you being obsessed makes sense here, don’t even know why people waste their time arguing with 12 year olds online with an anime pfp 😂


We aren't, we are a mix of different races, for us a black person it's only a skin color, but u think it's a culture and that shit. Here nobody cares about your culture and no one calls people you barely know "brothers" just because they have the same skin tone.


Always funny how these same dudes criticize Latinos for "Mejorar la raza" but you never see them dating black women. It's always light-skinned Latinas or blonde blue-eyed snow bunnies.


They all date white women whenever they can. They talk so much shit about Black women, so the minute they try to hit on me by being anti-black, I call them out on their shit. Not on my watch! Idk why nobody warned them that families here can be very racist and they won’t be accepted in most households ESPECIALLY when families learn that they specifically came here to find a wife. Nobody will approve. I have actually seen families approve of relationships with Haitian refugees. They are very hardworking and decent for the most part. But a creepy passport bro who came here specifically to creep on young women and try to take one home? Never. They will never be accepted by the families.


That's how we know they're full of crap. They hate white people, white people to them are the worst thing on this planet, but they love white women, they can't live without white women, they need white women. Women of color are cool and all, but they want a white trophy wife to show off.


Every minority in the west except black women by and large does that though. It’s called marrying up, and it’s a fundamental thing that people have done throughout time to secure a better future for themselves and their children. It’s why even within communities, people tend to seek out lighter skinned partners. It’s also the reason for so many white man-Asian woman and white man-mestiza couplings here. And these women will just as quickly go into the “we’re poc, I hate white people” routine.


I mean this is the story of colonialism and colorism


black men and asian women rarely date their own race atleast in the US LMAO


Black men overwhelmingly choose black women there is no stat that says otherwise






Cabrera/rio san Juan are amazing Playa caleton. Dudu lagoon, playa grande


Gringo é assim mesmo, eles acham que mulher latina é fácil igual prostituta, ai quando não querem ficar com eles é racismo, xenofobia ou algum outro problema. ass:🇧🇷


As someone learning Spanish I think this is the first time I’ve seen a Portuguese comment on Reddit and I felt like I had a stroke


Blacks guys like to “mejorar la raza” too 😂


they only like white girls and light skin latinas im shocked whenever i see a black guy with a black woman cuz its so rare


The vast majority of black people date each other there are thousands of black babies being born everyday lol


Black men in California and NYC definitely mostly date Latinas and white women.


Babies out of wedlock


maybe in africa but in america i rarely see a black guy dating a black woman


Lol I'm Black and live in the USA. Most Black identified men, this is including biracial men, marry other Black people. Statistically we've seen this to be true. Only around maybe 20 percent date and marry out


ive literally never seen anyone date outside of their race as much as BM and AW do 💀 im talking about DATING here not marriage! theres nothing wrong with interracial dating ofc but maybe your state is the exception cuz its not like that here idgaf if im downvoted im just speaking from my observation


I've been around the country. Most Black men I've seen and know prefer other Black folk. In areas where there's not as many like in the West Coast, there's gonna be more interracial relationships. We don't have dating statistics because legally they're single but most Black men marry people of their race. I would assume they'd have to date that person to marry them. You're clearly not Black so you don't have much insight into the community


Most black Americans live in the south and date each other


You circled puerto plata instead of puta cana


Americans just see everything through a filter ofracism Regardless of what it is. They grew up listening to blacks comedians with tons of stories ofracism therefore the rest of the world must be that way,right. There’s no nuanced or other factors. It’s black or white.


true, but the majority are white.


Guys from the passportbros subreddit ain’t gon be happy with this one


100 percent true I’ve seen these kinds when I had to Work in Peru. Disgusting but they don’t realize they’re just picking out the shallow ones


This genre of gay black man exists too, I know more than one guy who “made a friend in Medellin/Cartagena”


Haha. I agree! They all seem to call any Hispanic/Latina girl "Spanish". One of my pet peeves. Like, read a book.


Passport bros suck, but the reason black passport bros are into women from PR, DR, and Brazil is because those are blacker populations in Latin America. This is obvious.


PR has way [higher Euro admixture than SSA](https://www.cienciapr.org/sites/cienciapr.org/files/oleksyk.jpg), DR has high SSA but look visibly mixed not exactly black and Brazil is probably more heterogenous racially than the US. Black passport bros/sex tourists just insist they're black countries just to get away with their race fetish.


We should start welcoming them the way the Han Chinese do at the Beijing Airport. Jk…


Most of those women date black men too especially in New York


Not all Dominicans are black


Most are


I am Dominican and I am not black, it is how I say that a black is European or that an Arab is Asian.


Disagree. Im obsessed with the Spanish language and all culture associated with. Black and proud More concerned about voseo in the subjunctive than lusting over a foreign woman. I want to see the rainbow mountains in Perú and Uyuni Bolivia Real love. Passport Bros got it fucked up which breeds racist memes like this one Nosotros no somos los mismos




Nah the meme is accurate. Black Americans in general have always been obsessed with Latinos. They try to make Latinos "black adjacent" and assume we all align politically even though there is a Grand Canyon gap of differences between both groups.


Nah, never heard of this obsession you speak of. Usually when I hear black and brown people grouped, it usially when someome is giving statistics about poberty, crime and poor education. Besides, nothing on that meme talks about what you just spoke on. Nah, I think you just want to have a hot take. Feel better?


I've seen it a bunch of times lol. But you can keep denying it. The fact that you're in this sub proves it.


So we all just have this infinity complex and our obsessed with Latino people the only Latino people that we would be in similar to are afro Latinos I don’t know where you get this from


Found the butthuet Americunt


It ain't racist to call out toxic sexist behaviour from certain groups of people. A lot of people in this sub call out racism and machismo from Latino cultures all the time and white men and even Asian men get called creepy if they approach women the wrong way. Are black men extempt from this criticism? gtfoh


Coming in hot I said what I said. It's a blanket statement that doesn't apply. So I spoke up. Seriously, chill out


This is such a weird post. I got a feeling OP doesn’t get out much to have this weird and specific perspective


Feels like it’s been a slow dissent into racism from r/LatinoPeopleTwitter I mean shit there’s people from every race that fetishizes other races and coming from a true melting pot, black people aren’t worse at this than any other race. The casual racism here is crazy


You might need to get out more if you’ve never met a person like this or maybe even just go on down to r/blackpeopletwitter whenever the DR is mentioned.  Being charitable, maybe you are just a guy. I’ve absolutely been called racist for rejecting a creep when it had nothing to do with his race. 


That subreddit is a bunch of white folks.


OP needs to touch some grass


Not weird. These men are daily posters in r/asklatinamerica


Of course it's a Blackpeopletwitter user.


“American women aren’t submissive”


What is a passport bro


I did not know this person existed, tbh


Calls them “Latin women”


“Spanish women”


thats how most black people refer to latinos in general


I don’t think I’ve ever meet a dude who comes close to meeting this stereotype…


I like “Spanish” women But they don’t actually mean women from Spain just Puerto Rican or Dominican or anywhere where Spanish is spoken


Yeah this isn’t just a black person thing, many other nationalities are like this when they want a Latina gf 😐


100% true. No problem if they go for Afro-Latinas though. ;)


Who cares


IDK about all that, but I know they use the racist card when a woman rejects them. My sister was tired of black dudes asking her in a Medellin disco, and when her actual BF showed up, they got mad she didn't choose one of them, annoying af.


Why is that creepy? I'm white and I don't prefer white women, is that creepy? Is it creepy if a woman prefers men of another race?


no and i see your point but we r talking about a gross and harmful obsession with latina (female specific, although there is the opposite phenomenon), not a normal and simple preference. one based on racism and not a well-meant fondness for particular race/ethnicity of people. also its just a meme.


If they want to be gente, fuck it. ![gif](giphy|3s4lT38H7yM4ZBbSm0|downsized)


I seen more white people do this but yes


Sorry, but why are you singling out black men here? And I find it highly suspect that you didn't just post this once (you also posted this in r/2latinoforyou ), and you say that America has a race obsession when you're hyperfixating on races yourself.


Works both ways but definitely me i guess 🤣


i think it seems more logical then creepy. creepy if you're a racist, i guess. this is just a microcosm of the aggressive colonial mindset. survival of the fittest, kings and queens wanting empires of their own. it's all unsustainable anyways.


Literally my father i thought this was just him. He’s a creep


Can someone explain the X over Bolivia, Guatemala, and Peru?


Most of these men don't really like Latinas as a whole, they just want to bang the ones that look biracial or "Mediterrenean". Bolivia, Guatemala, and Peru have a Indigenous majorities so these men aren't interested in visiting.


But I do see a lot of passport bros go to Peru


Sounds about right


This is definitely targeted. The person who did this probably listens to drill rap, hangs with black people, and watchs a lot of world star. He hides his distain for black people. He has never been to Dr or Pr. Passport brother come in all shapes and colors minus asians.


Those are the prostitute spots so makes sense. They can use them for cheap.


Majority of Latin America prostitution is legal. They choose those places for more than just being cheap.


It's always black American dudes but why though why are they obsessed with the carribean


Sex pest


I'm Dominican and I don't see a problem with it. Nowadays is DR and Colombian it used to be Cuba, then it was Jamaica and Certain places in Mexico. Whether in the past these travelers married, or left a child a lot of the times these women wanted an exotic child. Prostitution has been around for centuries and as long it keeps the economy thriving and they're not killing women, honestly who cares? Who doesn't appreciate beauty from any country? "Para el gusto los colores" I myself prefer black women with nice bodies regardless of what country from west, central and South Africans to Panama, I love those features so some women might feel like I reject my own for being only interested in more Nubian phenotypes. Does that hurt my feelings? Absolutely not! Everyone should be entitled to their preference and Everyone is responsible for their own triggers. To each their own, so this post sounds like a triggered OP... and that's okay, but they're just playing the blaming game from where I stand




Y'all think every thing said about blcaks that doesn't make y'all look good is racism


I’m not black pendejo. Yall keep showing your true colors tho. This community is getting too racist and for no reason too.


It’s not getting that way, this has always been a dark under current in Latino culture, I mean look at a lot of our pejorative put downs and disrespectful nicknames? Usually something about adjective “Indio” or Negro/ Prieto, or something about Asians and how they look