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What will I learn? Biden is old and trump is old and insane. Do t really need to watch the debate to learn that.


It’s going to be a really nuanced policy discussion.


Will trump elaborate on his nuanced policy of electric boats vs sharks? Maybe he’ll add the details of the boat zapping the shark. Ha!


I was thinking I'll start watching and then switch to a live thread when the cringe factor gets too much, probably by minute 2. I'm watching the pre game on MSNBC and am already considering tapping out. I'm sure Biden will do fine and I just can't bear to listen to the bozo speak.


fuck yeah, i've been looking forward to it all day. it's historic, and could go horribly wrong in any direction. *edit* 30 minutes in, its going horribly wrong in the direction i most feared.




Biden sounds like he is going to lose his voice at any moment. He sounds so old. ugh Trump is just making shit up and avoiding saying anything bad about Jan 6th. All I can hope is that more moderate conservative don't vote than far left dems.


I’m going to watch but I’ll also be playing Xenoblade 3 on my Switch. I’m only watching because I have so many discussions with my conservative dad that I need to know what is actually said and not what he was told was said. Fighting an oppressive regime in a video game while listening should keep me from switching to see what’s new on Dropout.


It’s like watching drone footage from Ukraine… I know I am going to be disturbed when I see a man blown in half but I watch it anyways.


I’m not. I’ve made my decision to vote for Biden and Trump certainly isn’t going to change that. I value my mental health. I’ll watch highlights if needed.


Biden looks and sounds awful. I fear for our country


He has a cold, and it shows. What was the point of the moderators?


I will watch it.


They are going to mute the microphone of the person who is not permitted to speak. This will be interesting.


Not having an audience and Trump not being able to interrupt will probably work in Trump's favor. He will seem less unhinged.


It did not help. Still waiting for Trump's pants to catch on fire, though.


My spouse lasted about 2 minutes, then turned the sound off and just monitored twitter. I am pretty upset and I didn't even watch the damn debate. omg.


I watched it and then I couldn't sleep. I'm sad for Biden, but that person debating last night was not the Joe Biden I've stood behind. It wasn't just his voice-- he was scattered and sounded like he was searching for random thoughts and grasping at whatever he could find, and constantly lost track of time. I'm going to vote D, but I'm genuinely worried that Biden may be starting to fail. This is not how we regain disaffected dem voters or convince independents.