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When my brother first started League, he literally looked up which champions are most hated/obnoxious and decided to main them. His current mains: Shaco, Teemo, Singed, Swain, Sylas, Zoey.


Hahahah he’s a menace


Wtf is swain doing there 😭


Really long-range piercing root, scaling maxhealth ontop of mega regen/heals. Then when he buys rylais youre super slow and hes super fast meaning you can't get out of his infinite range ult. Are the reasons that one my friends who often bans swain gives


>Mega regen/heals The mega heal: 50hp if you hit a champion with your ult (maybe 100 around late game), 3-4-5% max health heal if you hit either W or E. That's it. That's the mega heal. Unless he's ahead and in a team fight, swain won't tank shit. If you just throw everything at him, all he can do is hope that you miss every skillshot while you get hit by the most predictable spell in the game (his E) to then land the slowest skillshot in the game (his W). Seriously, I don't get why people think that Swain is that bruiser that will dominate every fight by healing immense amount of health. He's a menace only if you've got zero damage, zero mobility, and no cc. Otherwise, you can either dash/run out of his ult, or cc him, or just out-dps him. He shines in the midgame if he's ahead, but he's completely useless when behind and in the late game. His E (root) is incredibly easy to dodge when you understand how it moves and how it "explodes" on contact (so that you can get rooted if you're very close to a target that's been hit) EDIT Also, unlike most of bruisers, his healing is hugely dependant on his AP, since you can't really expect to reliably hit your E/W in a team fight (and they have a long enough CD to be casted once, maybe twice for the E). This means that you're either tanky but with extremely low damage and sustain, or you're rather squishy with some nice damage. While a lot of bruisers can go tank while having great sustain and decent damage.


The average player plays at a ranking where people don't run out of his ult, he's less good in higher ratings where people have functional brains and understand to just run the fuck away Also you're forgetting Conqueror, alongside the malig/liandries damage, you can actually get fairly good healing out of his ult, is it enough to tank 5 people? Of course not, but if you're playing him bot and you have even a slight lead in tempo you can just walk over the enemy bot lane without them fighting back Also kiting a Swain with ghost and proper positioning is a lot harder his ult is a large zoning tool essentially


Old swain used to be a menace 100%


Swain is ass lmao he gets onetapped like everyone else you can describe any champ like you did swain and it will sound good but that doesnt work


I mean yeah I don't necessarily think he's OP, annoying at times but not to bad. Just giving the arguments I often hear from my friends who despise him.


pre-rework swain was an annoying shit


Maybe it was the pre rework Swain that was a point and click degen 1shot.


I think it may be due to old swain. He wasn’t particularly strong but was pretty annoying


Rift Terrorist


The first champ I ever purchased was Teemo.


Have you considered killing him?


Zoey isnt bad.


Zoe upon release triggered a bunch of people, then people realized if you treat her e like a blitz hook she’s nothing special, just another poke / pick champ that’s squishy


Blitz hook doesn't stay on the ground when he misses though.


Thats it, take skill to pilot her effectively.


On release, Zoe without being fed, just on curve, could one shot squishies. She was busted as fuck. You would just get hit over the most random wall by a bubble, and then you would die. EDIT: I just remembered that it was doubly annoying as they had recently nerfed Nidalee spears, and cited that getting killed by a single ability from nowhere like that was unhealthy gameplay, then they released Zoe and she could do exactly that with a max range Q.


Also in a team fight, even if she missed everything she could bounce between 5 flashes and kill you with her w


Yup, but I get why people hate her. Probably not fun getting one-shotted from 2 screens away


Zoe's kit has a fatal flaw, in that almost her entire damage is centered around her q. Probably she is hated bc mains can one shot almost anything if they hit the q right and new players only feed the enemy


Fizz look like he'd win


Fizz would have dodged with his bullshit e.


I really wish Riot would explain how going like 5 feet in the air ON A STICK allows him to dodge my heat seeking death ball magic (veigar R)????


Ever asked yourself why Fizz cant stand forever on his stick? >!Because he is unbalanced!<


Good one


Stand proud jinx, you are strong (for 0.1 seconds)


Fizz deserves more (hate)


Fizz deserves hate crimes


Fizz IS a hate crime


I'm so glad people are hating on fizz, one of my most hated champs


I swear to god 5 year ago Teemo was still the most hated champ and now he doesn't even make this list


Teemo is a shit champion fr


Teemo is easily the weakest of the ranged tops. No self peel, no % hp damage, no cc, no mobility. Compare that to vayne who has a dash, % true dmg, and a knock back and stun AND invisibility. Or akshan with a revive , dash and invis. Even teemos counter stomp matchups like Garen, Nasus, and Darius are now skill matchups


Shaco doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. He deserves more. Let that rage flow. Show him how much you hate him by flashing to kill him, he's right there at 1 hp


But that was his clone boss... You just got me killed




Found the Sharco main, GET HIM


now you see me... now you dont!


We found the Shaco main, get him boys !


Yeah come and get me. I'm definitely the real one


Jokes on you you got ignites before ulti


Fun thing, talon passive dosen't copy onto clone >:)


Fiddle W follows shaco even when he ults too


That's really good to know


Vayne's w, Kaisa's passive and Yasuo's E target cd indicator are also giveaways


Another fun fact, kindred’s mark only appears over the real shaco


Shaco needs his dance to be the twerk. That way you can have your Shaco clone twerking at the enemy to truly set them off


Banning every game for 2 years, that walking "how to not design a champ" tutorial doesn't exist in my league... invisible hard CC traps that can only be disabled by ranged champs. Just send us an image lf your microdick you don't need to use code.


Skill issue.


I dont have to hate the champ to Flash for the kill tbh. But i will never flash to kill shaco. Bcs I ban him every game. No shaco and me in the same game


He’s annoying both when he’s on your team and on the enemy team be cause his kit is designed to annoy people but he as a champion is kinda dogshit


I’ll never understand it. People hate him not because he is strong but because he is annoying. I’d gladly sit through a miserable 20-30 min game if I knew it was free lp.


Where is teemo? I hate when i play versus one and hate when have one in my team


I think he is here, just stands still


Teemo is not bad at all compared to yone, k'sante, and fiora


still an annoying prick


Yes, annoying but not dreadful. I personally hate fighting a Darius and flora on top. Rather, fight a teemo


They look like they’re about drop a really racist diss track


A lot of these depend on how fed they are that game, except shaco, let him relish in his hate.


Shaco wants to be hated. If people don’t despise him, he’s just a boring clown. It’s the hatred that makes him so potent.


Ap shaco wants to be hated even more, if people didn't instantly jump on shaco at the first chance they have or overextend to kill him and by that running into boxes, he would have 10% less winrate


fizz is perfect here, fker can literly be 20% winrate with 30k games and i will still ban that shit becaue of how toxic his lane phase is


Where is Akshan


Dodging nerf atm




Found the aram player. I agree though.


And the midlaner


And toplaner.


On botlane, though I definitely understand why you hate mr. Revive Double Hit. That said, I am firmly in camp "He'd be peak design if you were to remove the double hit from the passive and turn W into a passive which only gives the movement speed and mana regen when chasing scroundrels, with only the bonus gold on kill". Sure, I get that an ADC with mobility is an issue, but he's genuinely fun to play.


Yuumi facing the camera remember me that cat PTSD meme ![gif](giphy|2zUn8hAwJwG4abiS0p|downsized)


Vayne players as long as they aren't toplane variant are rather cool people.


The one Vayne JG player I met was an absolute chad, she managed to fast clear all Drakes with her Max HP True Damage and ended with a good ol’ WPGG


Nah bot vaynes fine


I'm pretty sure it's Vayne top that the post is hating


Unless you play cho’gath or sion or rammus or ornn or maokai or sejuani or skarner or zac


Unless you play rammus???? Hello? We play the same video game? Zac too!???? Hallloooo! What!? WAaaaaAAAAaat?


True but also stfu Vayne player


Those champs absolutely need counters




Somehow, all people who used to hate K'sante(that I know) usually changing their minds about him,when you force them to play a few games in a row. Usually at this point they realising that soloQ isn't proplay and here dude is almost trollpick, unless you put a lots of effort into it.(but then you can main more constant champ in soloQ)


Feel like ksante became just a meme and most people shit on him due to the collective idea that he’s broken rather than him actually being broken (at least not in soloq where even chall are having hard time to be at 50wr ) and given that I’m pretty sure most of us here aren’t playing proplay the hate is more than a joke than it being real, come on guys have you seen a ksante truly carry a game in the last months ?


happens quite often in the league community, you just need a slightly hated champ to make a pro player (or streamer) get tilted and go on a rant about how op they are and voila


Honestly in solo queue he was never that bad to begin with. Annoying and overloaded as fuck, sure, but he was not completely dominant, unless in very high elo. Now he's completely shit, borderline unplayable. Except pro play, of course


Not even in high elo he's dominant, he's a shadow of his former self.


Do not give Shaco and Fizz the hate that they deserve. They actively seek it, they feed on it, they are like vampires sucking your blood.


Nah, fiora after nerfs are non-existent, yasuo just got powercreeped by yone and yuumi is also non-existent after rework


You're assuming the Yuumi hate is all coming from the enemy team.


Personally as an adc main, I hate yuumi more than any other support


If I get a Yuumi support, I buy Cull and play for late game instead.


I don’t think you have met the irelia support that does not have a supp item so you have to buy one or don’t get gold at all.


That's not irelia support then, that's just a troll forcing YOU to play support


Yasuo just gets hate because it's tradition. I don't mind it, it's a nice throwback to when his kit with his stupid windwall and infinite dashes used to be one of the most annoying things in the game.


Fiora feels more relevant than K'sante, which says more about K'sante than Fiora


Fiora is still good though.


I agree with all of these, but I'm a bit iffy on Ksante. If we're talking about pro play I get it, but If I see one mf even try to say that Ksante is op in their games I'll actually lose my shit He's actually dogshit in soloq, if you lose to him you deserve to lose that MMR


Where is quinn top


On the bot lane killing your adc


I look at Fizz and all I can see is "Nah I'd win"


i've got nothing against ksante, but yea the rest are toxic as fuck


It's alright, my hate for him makes up for your non-hate.


Honestly, hot takke? Yasuo shouldn't be on this list anymore. He was so good in earlier seasons because he had high mobility, introduced damage creep and had an ability that shut out half the roster in the game. Nowadays he can't compete with the damage creep and gets turbo blown up because everyone else has damage creep aswell and everyone knows how to play around windwall so it's not as impactful in most games as it use to be. He has fallen off quite abit.




I-Illaoi? You guys hate Illaoi? Of all top laners? The lane with Darius, Aatrox, Quinn, Teemo, Gangplank, Skarner and Camille, you hate Illaoi?


Illaoi is incredibly frustrating to play against because it’s one of the most annoying mini games ever. With grasp and W on such a short cd she can just spam that and if she ever hits E you basically just lose. Even if you have traded better up until that point and dodged E’s if she just hits one you’re forced to take a terrible trade or walk the entire lane away before coming back but even then you’re spawning more tentacles and slowed. I would absolutely rather play against any of these more than Illaoi with the exception of shaco and Vayne (top)


If Illaoi is spamming her abilities she will run out of mana fast. Let her spam and go in when she is low. Bad Illaois will just push her wave constantly and get herself in a bad position wo any mana...


Illaoi? Get hit by E, and fight, you badly lose the HP trade. Get hit by E, and run, you badly lose minions, prio, and EXP. Really unfun how one ability can fuck up your entire lane phase, and by extension, your tempo for the whole game. If Illaoi has 100 haters then I am one of them. If she has no more haters then I am dead.


Sounds like the Blitzcrank of top lane.


Just like Blitz, fighting against Illaoi is more like praying to God that you manage to dodge that one ability


Yeah If Blitz's hook and was one of the slowest abilities in the game in terms of cast time and animation. made him do less than 50% damage during laning phase and didn't apply CC. Oh Also doesn't do any damage itself. Merely creates a target for her other abilities to hit that transfers less than 50% of the damage it takes to you. Illaoi is easy to deal with unless you're playing a weak early game champ/weak laner. You just fight back and don't stand on top of the clone so she can't amplify her damage. If she can't hit both you and it then she's down an entire ability. She goes for the clone she's doing no damage. She goes for you then her E doesn't mean anything.


It's a hard to land skill shot with a long cooldown. You can hide behind minions and easily avoid it.


And that’s the problem. Nearly her whole power budget is on that E skillshot. Also its easier for her to land it than you think when you consider Toplaners are 90% melee champs and are encouraged to trade. But let’s say she misses it, then the enemy can run her down 100-0. It’s just super one sided for both when it lands or when it misses. Bad champ design is what it is


I love a good Darius or Aatrox 1v1 unless they counter my champion. Those fights are fun. It's like being in a dark souls boss where you're tiny frail dude vs a slow telegraphed titan.


Nobody is calling illaoi busted, she's just obnoxious to play against. I'd rather go against every champion you listed than illaoi. So yeah, we hate illaoi.


I would rather play against any other top laner. Illaoi is so unfun to play against.


Well, she can build full tank and still burst almost anything if they get caught by the tentacles. I only hate her less than the rest of the list because her mains use to be nice people. At least by my experience.


Fighting vs Aatrox: You play a mind game of predictions and cooldown management to dodge his Q's and win Fighting vs Illaoi: Whoops, looks like you got hit by her E - time to lose 30% of your HP. Good luck in 20 seconds when she has it up again!


illaoi 1v5's better than any other top laner, darius can be poked and trundle spanks him, aatrox is just a matter of dodging, quinn can be beat by anyone with a shield, teemo should be on the list i agree, gangplank can be out maneuvered pretty easily and ranged handles him well, skarner was and still is a matter of poking till he dips, and camile gets no diffed by udyr, pre and post rework


Wtf are these protraits? Fizz and shaco look horrible


Hating on champs is for bitches. I hate my life.


Right on the money


you can add yorick too


Where is brand?


Fizz 100% deserves all the hate


I'd debate Yasuo People are super delusional about him and hate him because its "trend" to hate him. Even people who never played him, never really had this notorious "0/10 Yasuo" hate him, and at this point its just ridiculous.


When the trend has been there for years and years, I don't think it is a trend anymore. I do get those 0/10 Yasuos quite often


A huge part of the 0/10 Yas thing was that he used to scale giga well. Once he got Shiv + IE he had so much damage, that it didn't matter how behind he was, he could blow up a teamfight if he got a good engage. That is not true anymore and hasn't been true for a long time now. He used to be a ranged lane bully (As in he bullies ranged champs) that hyperscaled. He would buy his 2 core items, then buy BT, Frozen Mallet and full tank. For a long time now he has been a ranged lane bully, that does well in the midgame when ahead, but lategame and if he's behind, he's worthless unless you're Pzzang. Everyone hates him, so everyone watches him, and focuses him just like Darius, and if you touch him with a single CC, he explodes. They've also released tons of 200 years champs, and he can't compare to their kits. At this point, he's just a snowbally shitty assassin, that is really annoying for ranged champs due to windwall.


He is just super unfun to play against, as a mage it's hard to poke him down because of his passive shield and windwall, he never runs out of mana, after berserkers he can match your wave clear and even if you push him in he can dash onto you, trade and then dash back to safety. Also if you make a mistake he can run you down. It's not a super hard lane if you dodge the tornados and don't stand too close to minions but the champ is annoying and really overplayed in low elo (where most players play)


I think the main source of hatred is playing against a good yasuo. In lane, he can dash a bunch and has a shit ton of dps which most mid laners can't match. Also, windwall is incredibly annoying. While he has counterplay, one misstep can lead to a bad trade or straight up death. He also has a lot of tools to get out of bad situations if you're smart about it. No matter how well I perform against him, he annoys the fuck out of me.


he presses W and I have to wait 2 to 3 business days to join a teamfight


I'm pretty sure that people can play agaisnt Wind Wall and arrive at the conculsion that he's annoying without consulting any "trends."


I would play Yasuo all the time if I wasn't handless af. Actually one of the coolest champs in the game. And I honestly don't mind laning against a Yasuo even as Ziggs or something similar. I might be down some gold in lane because it's a counterpick but I won't lose my fkin mind. I truly don't know where the hate comes from. Projectile senders can cope and seethe.


Where's Lux?


I’m gonna defend illaoi by saying it’s only her E that’s the big issue. It has no counterplay once it lands unlike previously where it had a force confrontation aspect. It is still BS though. It is effectively a max hp true damage DOT if you think about it hard enough, it just takes a lot more input from illaoi to get the full effect than say vayne.


League players the only community that would hate on a champion that's been at 44-45%wr ever since their release for reasons that they don't even understand their selves Imagine if any other champ than ksante was 44wr for 3 patches on their main role, how fast would they bitch on here xd


Finally not on one of these lists *smiles in Teemo*


Imagine hating illaoi, she's best girl


I wouldn’t know about K’sante because I haven’t played against him, but you could replace him with morgana for sure. Otherwise absolutely. Nice list


Did people used to hate blitzcrank, in the older times?


Fizz and Shaco


One of them is not like the others


I play all 9 of them


Teemo and Sett are on a break I guess?


Shaco is just a funny guy.


Where is teemo?


As a fiora, vayne and yone main, i can agree. Although yone isn't nearly as toxic as the other two. Usually whrn i play one of my favorite bs max healt true damage tank melt lane bullies, my opponents tend to leave the game every couple matches


Ah Fiora,the late game hypercarry that also shits on most champions early game. I love her.




Shaco is loreless to the point of not even being aligned with any region.


Where's Sett with his 4,5K true damage ?


Where is master Yi?


Teemo not on there?




Wrong why isn't the whole Ionian chamipon pool here


don't talk ab my precious vayne


enemy Shaco and enemy yasou are fine. One is weak and the other has counter play. Not going to defend the ally ones though


imo fiora is not bad at all compared to those others imo


yone isn't even bad to play vs after removing LT


Nervously laughs in mastery 20 Teemo.


I shocked there is no teemo. Or brand. People hate the shit out of them


The yi.


Irelia too. Basically just a less cancerous version of K'sante imo (but still cancerous enough to be hated on)




We need one of these where when you pan out it's just a collage of champions forming teemos face


I'd argue Yasuo and Illaoi if I knew I wasn't talking to a league player


shaco is bilgewater???


I dont see lux and they 100% deserve to be there


You forgot Hwei, Briar, Nilah, Bel'veth, Akshan, Viego and Sylas.


At least Illaoi and K'sante have kinda wholesome voicelines.


Probably shaco. As annoying as he can be you have to respect a good shaco, so I cant bring myself to hate the champ.


ok im a bit out of the loop but why is illaoi there? is she such a menace? last times i played against her it was somewhat fine. is it because im low elo? not criticizing the post just want some clarification


Illaoi? She's a noob stomper, her counterplay is as clear as it could be, she isn't obnoxious at all (balance issues don't count, they can happen ok every champion).


Illaoi ? It's such an easy champ to beat


Sylas, Master Yi, and Viego should be there. I would replace Illaoi with one of those.


only 2 of those deserve their hate, yuumi and shaco, now i get what you're thinking "downvote this R-word into oblivion", but if a yasuo or yone or illaoi or vayne or fizz or fiora are 0/10 what are they gonna do? but a behind yuumi and shaco and teemo or any support is still useful, the true menace in this game are champs who are still useful 0/10, which is kinda why yone deserves some hate but not all the hate he gets because he has that ult that still makes him useful when behind, but like it's not the end all be all


Where the fuck is Irelia


Why K'sante bro


I feel like there’s some champs that should be in there Like Yorick or irelia Definitely irelia instead of fiora Also akshan, this champ should not exist




I understand the hate for Yuumi but I don’t think she’s in the top 9. Sure she’s annoying as hell and makes her mount buffed up, but she’s basically a free double kill if you kill the adc. Teemo, Akshan, Sylas, all deserve equally as much or even more hate


Not featured and at least as bad: Aatrox, Rengar, Akali, Viego, Ekko, Vlad, Karthus, Master Yi, Riven Also bad, but not quite: ASol, Bel'Veth, Eve, Irelia, Kayn, Lillia Not comprehensive


Why isn't garen on there lol


Where My Viego


bro put illaoi in here instead of zed?


Fiora switched with teeto and illaoi with lulu or zed. Reason why teeto is self exiled. Reason why lulu because she is super annoying to play against with her poly shields and ult a lot more so than illaoi. And zed still has a 25% banrate with 48% winrate. Fizz switched for Zoe she is harder to lane against and avoid later in fights than fizz.


Vayne switched for Nilah everyone is bitching about nilah having a jax e as an adc.


K'sante was strong in the past but now he is so weak poor k'sante why is he here


No, not my wholesome Illaoi with IBG first item


Nah replace illaoi with irelia lmao


Take away yas imo. He isn't even that bad to play against. Put garen instead 


All champs with invisibility deserve more hate than they get, Illaoi deserves to be taken out, Pyke deserves to be added to the top of the list


pov draven in this post:


Okok, but where is yi?


It's crazy that I hate Yasuo the least, he's obviously annoying but at least doesn't have flash with invisibilty every 10 seconds, or simply isn't ksante


I don’t see Akshan there