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Park and ride is probably the easiest, even with the cost. The whole area around the stadium gets jammed up before and after the match, so even if you find somewhere to park close for free (or low cost), you could be stuck in traffic for a while. Having said that, because of the traffic, often the park and ride busses take a while to get to/from the park and ride. I appreciate that’s been zero help, sorry. Not much to get enthusiastic about as a Reading fan at the moment.


A lot of people park at the P&R then just walk - it's not very scenic and quite a hike but it is free


Don't let the Wycombe owner know or he'll try and buy it and start charging!


Park at Mereoak Park and Ride and walk from there, it's only a two mile walk.


I’d recommend Kirston Farm Park near Reading Green Park Station. It’s free and about a 10-15 minute walk to the ground. Lots of people will park and there and walk to the ground so you should get lost. It’s much closer walk than Mereoak put a tad further off the Motorway.


Thanks very much. Is it quite new? I can't seem to find it on Google Maps or anywhere else really.


Lmao sorry I got the name wrong it’s Kirston Farm Road - I’ve been up since like 4am and apparently can’t speaking English today. I was gonna say I’ve been parking there since 2011 put it’s just I’m dumb. Edit: just fyi the roads near here are prone to flooding but it should be fine this time of year Also, you’ll kinda know where to park because about 100 cars will just be parked in seemingly nowhere - don’t worry about how in the middle on nowhere it seems on maps because on a match day half of the road essentially becomes on street parking.


Aaaah okay! Thank you! Yes I saw that road on maps but couldn't see any sign of a park :D Is that accessible via Flagstaff Road near the stadium? It looks like it's all under construction.


We actually use cut through to Longwater Avenue which is found here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CGMYUK8PWg1ji4CG6?g_st=ic. There’s a gate but it’s always open on a match day so don’t worry about that. Google maps says it takes 27 minutes it goes a strange way around green park and ignores all the paths within it - everyone cuts through the business park and more like a 15 minute walk. Like I said, provided you get there at a normal time they’ll be people walking to the game you’ll be able to follow


Ah yes I saw that - makes it easier to find it off the M4 but I wondered about that gate. Thanks very much that's extremely helpful!


No worries, as you can see by the other answers here it’s not too well known as it’s not an obvious place to park. It’s much easier (and safer) to get to and from the stadium with than Mereoak. The only the disadvantage is that it’s not near any good pubs but then that’s true of the stadium as a whole. If you end up trying to park there on the match day and get lost just PM and I’ll try and help!


It's been a while since I was last in Reading on match day so this may have changed. However, access to Longwater Avenue (and by extension Flagstaff Road) from the A33 is restricted on match days unless you go via Kirtons Farm Road / Kybes Lane. The stewards stop people driving onto the business park unless you work there.


Yeah you have to walk from Kirston Farm Road but you can walk through Green Park (which Google maps doesn’t recognise for some reason). Especially with the train station now lots of people walk through


Honestly, go park and ride and get the group ticket.


Sorry dude, as others have said, traffic is a damned nightmare around the Mad Stad, it's quicker to hike the walk from the P & R, or even the (main) train station.


Park in Blandford Road. This is about one mile from the ground. There are about 30 roads nearby which are all unrestricted.  I've been parking there for about 20 years with no issues and many people do it and just walk down. 


Just to say Blandford road was a winner on Friday (unlike Northampton), so thanks again. Will remember it for next season.


Excellent, thanks for following up and glad it worked well. Shame about the result for you guys. You've got a really solid team though and there wasn't much in it at all. Good luck for today!


Looks like a good option - thanks!


We parked in the official car park. Stuck there for 1.25 hours. Up there with one of the worst away days in my time.


There is a Tesco distribution centre near the ground, can park there for a fiver, not really advertised or every game so could be hit or miss ??