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Well thats better than i had hoped fro when this whole thing started - and at least 2 things : 1) He's not going to Brentford... 2) Ipswich get their 6 little fingers off Rodon


Guessing I'm mistaken but hasn't the deadline for the psr thing passed now that it's July, so regardless we have broke the rules and get punished so then archie doesn't need to be sold now surely? What am i missing?


So there's a lot of conflicting reports. Seems this sale, although helps PSR, a lot, isn't to do with the need to sell but rather the non-promotion release clause in his contract put in in January. However, if deals are proven to have started before July 1st you can submit them into the previous seasons account.


Just waiting for the dust to settle and hopefully we'll get some clarity over the next few days. I suppose you could argue that (ignoring PSR) getting £30m + Rodon for Archie is a good deal, just makes me curse our playoff jinx even more!


None of the reports really add up to be honest. If it was nothing to do with PSR, then why was there a mad scramble. Perhaps from the other side? i.e the buying clubs wanting to book the transfer in this 3 year window rather than the next?


Could be that. Could be his release clause expires today like some of the loan clauses? Could be PSR driven too. We might never know.


Yeah we may never know and given its such a delicate situation for all I suspect we never will (i.e who demanded a release clause, who pushed for the transfer etcetc). 49ers may protect the Gray name and the Grays may protect the 49ers - who knows. Either way Archie will sell a lot of books in the future Edit: I do think something may have gone on in the last X months. I suspect the agency managing the Grays has become frustrated with someone at Leeds (they manage Cresswell and Shacks too)


I think agents are probably not too emotionally driven so I wouldn’t worry about how Cresswell was treated; just about getting the best offer for their client. I think our best bet of getting a partial truth will be from Kinnear on TSB if they ask the right question.


I believe Creswell and Grays dad are part of the same agency so probably more emotionally driven than normal agents [https://blueskysports.co.uk/team/](https://blueskysports.co.uk/team/)


It’s not a hard deadline


35m and Rodon is good business if true. Is Archie going to double in value playing one more year at Champo level? Of course not. It matters less how much potential Archie can realise down the line. In the here and now we need players like Rodon to get us back up. Sad to say Archie is the luxury we can't afford. 30m to spend does a lot of damage at this level. Off-load Meslier to Marseille for 12m plus and we are laughing.


Summerville and possibly Gnonto going too. Bamford is made of glass. Joseph our only hope?


Painful to hear but I agree.


Well it's better than we hoped. To get Rodon back is a nice salve for a painful transfer we all didn't want to happen


Interesting that Ben Cross is reporting that it was actually release clause that was activated by both Brentford and Spurs. Don't understand how the Gray's and Farke can be unhappy when there's nothing Leeds can do?


Club propaganda machine in full flow.


Can’t see Ben Cross being on the clubs books personally but you never know with American owners lol


if i understand it correctly can't Gray still refuse even if the release clause is activated?


That would be my understanding; can’t make someone sign something they don’t want to. But, would be weird to put in a clause you have no intention of activating. Not that I think Gray is anyway pushing for a move. Really just need to let the dust settle on this one; too many people saying different things and the 49ers run a pretty tight ship.


The stories about the Grays and Farke rang of bullshit to me.


Yep. People putting 1 & 1 together and getting 3. Unless you were a fly in the room there’s no way to know how individuals feel.


Yeah I saw that.. like with everything dust will settle then we may get some (never all) clarity That’s why I tend to not jump up and down with all the “news” that gets put out there


All sounds super odd. Lets see whats said when the dust settles. Phil chose the worst time to leave us hey


Well, we’re unhappy, and there’s nothing we can do. But on your point - how can the Gray’s be unhappy if the release clause was in the contract in the first place.


Exactly, seems like Leeds' hand were tied in this situation. The rejected bid was due to the structure from Brentford. The 49ers got a lot of shit (myself included) for the situation on Saturday but to get the release clause and Rodon when prem clubs were snooping around it's good business. Obviously still gutted about him leaving, naturally.


the 49ers should still be getting shit for putting a release clause in that's arguable low.


Agents can demand release clauses too. Gray would be entering his final year of his contract with us in the championship this season if we didn’t offer him a new one in January. Would maybe put us in an even weaker position?


I've heard £40m and a separate ~£10m deal for Rodon. Don't think that's too bad for either side.


The Rodon deal being separate will be because Leeds won’t be paying the full £10m upfront unlike Spurs paying a decent amount up front I imagine.


At least it's not a Phillips Gyabi scenario


Still wild to me that for just a few million more on our side we could have gotten Lavia instead of Gyabi, who would ultimately end up going to Chelsea for more than City paid for Phillips.


Our fans happily claimed we got the better player at the time.


Still pisses me off to this day 




There better be a buy back on Gray ;) Still gutted but maybe Charlie Crew will be the phoenix that rises from the ashes (still remember the not so long ago days when spursy were in our shadows)


Crew looks like he’ll be a great player


He's my new favourite toy


This could be another Jack Clarke situation. Sell him, use the money. Archie won't start many matches. Wait for him to get frustrated, we get promoted and then buy him back for less than we paid.


Doubt this very much Archie is streets ahead of Clarke. Clarke wasn't even starting games for Leeds when we sold him (he was mainly coming off the bench for 20 mins)


Short memory he was our starting winger it's just that after he had his incident he struggled to get back into the team




You my friend have a short memory lol. He was in the starting lineup 4 times and played 90 mins once. We mainly played alioski and harrison on the wings. Clarke was an impact sub (a deadly one) [https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/jack-clarke/leistungsdatendetails/spieler/559794/plus/0/saison/2018/wettbewerb/GB2/verein/399](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/jack-clarke/leistungsdatendetails/spieler/559794/plus/0/saison/2018/wettbewerb/GB2/verein/399)


Rodon x Struijk we are so back


Losing Archie sucks but gaining Rodon is pretty crucial to the season ahead. Hopefully a good deal comes of it and opens up a few more transfers before season start


I hate everything.


Fuck football... I'm with you. We have to sell our best and brightest, for what!?!?! A chance to play in the money league? Where we would have to sell more and more just to stay up. Fuck football right now.


Players like Gray will leave even more if we are in The Championship though. We’re damned either way.


If losing Archie is a (heartbreaking) given, then Rodon + £30m is about as a good as deal as we could realistically expect, given clubs know we need to sell him ASAP for FFP reasons


Rumours now that FFP-wise we're fine but Gray had a release clause which activated when we didn't get promoted.


That explanation seems a bit fishy to me, if there was a £35m release clause, why would hard-negotiating Tottenham agree to £30m + Rodon, when they would've definitely gotten £10m for Rodon on his own Maybe it's the case, but sounds like the club trying to save face for selling Archie


To ensure they got him over Brentford? not sure. Rodon's a player they just want to get rid of now.


But we had already rejected Brentford's deal (which idk how we could've done when they met the supposed release clause) They could've bought Gray for £35m and still gotten rid of Rodon to an Ipswich or Leicester for £10m I'm just not buying it, plus it's a very convenient time for this clause to be leaked- after the club have received so much stick for letting Archie leave


Its actually a pretty superb deal for us. Rodon on a permanent would be brilliant and that kind of money for a player who has had one season the championship is about as good as you'd ever get. It is very sad to see Archie leave though.


Obviously not thrilled about any of this, but if this is the way we get Rodon I guess I'm on board in the absence of any choice.. have to be pragmatic and realise the only important thing is we go up this season, because if not it's all for nothing anyway as we will lose whatever we have left of decent players... There's no romance in it, but until we're in that money grabbing league, we have so much less power. I've just seen Newcastle sell 2 players I've not even heard of for 33M & 35M, yet we're only getting the same sort of fee for a player that genuinely looks to be a world class prospect, even if it's on little evidence.


Any substance to this guy or is he just drip feeding the news vacuum since the last update on it?


He's not 'the' spurs guy tbh


Nah I think he's meant to be alright. Can't see the Rodon detail being reported elsewhere for now so hopefully he's correct


[Graham Smyth is reporting it now too](https://x.com/grahamsmyth/status/1807716671852835190?s=46&t=UtxYn3ilXWdMIlCnTjsocg)


Struijk + Rodon CB partnership with Ampadu in midfield. We are so back


Until Struijk gets injured in September :p