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just find it really confusing and ridiculous. I know that’s why both grays and rodons deal were completed together but financially separate so that we can declare grays deal as pure profit so it reports better. Not certain how we will do with incoming transfers as it’s all a bit convoluted


Everyone who knows what they’re talking about says that we’re completely fine. It’s just tabloids chatting bollocks.


Dunno but given we just made £40m this surely puts us in a really strong bargaining position regarding Summerville and Gnonto? They are arguably more important to our team *right now* than Gray was so keeping one or both of them unless a fat bid comes in (and we can now spend a decent amount to replace them) bodes well for our lineup next season.


The financial year end for this was the 30th of June. As of 1st July it's a new accounting period. Archie got us out of the hole I didn't know we were in. More players will go but not because of PSR/FFP/ABC123


Fuckin ABC123 is destroying football!


According to some reports, now we are not obligated to sell anyone, if any other player leaves it will be because the fees will be way too good to turn it down combined with the player wanting to leave. The positive is we will hold the cards and won't get lowballed by any team.