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If you are at a signal then there are high chances that you can find cctv cameras there.. find camera and use it's footage to give to police as a evidence..


They found our car using that cctv only, and it's clearly visible that she fell on her own, then too as the fir is filed they want to proceed with the court proceedings


These policemen take women's word as a writing on stone..


NAL but pretty sure they are required to. Let them take it to court.


Lawyer here. What is the evidence in hand you mentioned?


First things first did your car get damaged? If yes contact insurance company & tell them what happened if you have the lady’s vehicle number mention that to the insurance company now about the FIR file an counter FIR if the police is letting you to file if he says he is going to handle it by calling the lady then let them handle, you can also file an FIR against her for filing False FIR (do so only if you wanna destroy her) get a lawyer


Can you please explain what will the outcome be, how will this destroy her?


It’s your choice idk what kind of a person you are if you want to fight back & make her regret false allegations against you then Countersuit for harassment & if car is registered to your grandpa as you say elder abuse & many more cases can be filed if you want to that is, you would have her visit court for many days in further years & she might even pay for damages caused + you’ll also get insurance claim plus plus


Bhai destroy karo and post success story


Legal fees handling capacity hai ya family/friends me lawyer hai tho sure.👍🏼


depends on the roi, and if the lawyer isnt a scammer


Yes lawyers will turn out leaches 80% of the time


Just contact your insurance provider and share the dash cam footage with them. They will take care of everything


Welcome to Indian laws.


Yeah where men are fked right and left


I just meant that the laws and their implementation needs effort here.


that is the reason why you have dashcams and 360* car cameras


This is the whole and sole reason I installed dashcam in my car.


I too installed dash cam as soon as I bought my car and my dad's car, that the first thing I did, and installed everything on my own :)


First take video evidence from police as keep it for future use. And if the cost for her treatment is not much, pay and escape (suggesting this because otherwise you will lose more in legal proceedings) If you don't want to pay and there is no other option than legal fight, you have no other option than lawyering up. Sad state of affairs in this country. If police is deliberately helping her even when they have proof of her fault , you can't do much rather than fighting in court and they may not provide you video evidence.


Thanks so much for the advice, will surely follow it, will try to wash my hands by paying her medical bills.thanks again


do only online payment, no cash and get your FIR quashed, there are chances that police is only trying to get her treatment amount from you so in this case , they may not have filed official FIR , so it can be settled from police station only, no need to go to court.


Force the police to get medical done of the lady from government hospital. If there aren't any grievous and serious injuries then let the case go to the courts and fight it out there. There should be no arrests as there is no fatal casualty, but still do get a legal opinion. This seems to be a clear case of extorting money from a situation and in all probability, it's the police Or some lawyer who in the ladies family who would have advised to take this step, talk ot Aapda mein avsar. Don't bend and in fact push the entire case back on to the lady. Ask the police to check her papers and license. Also maybe get her eyesight checked. Hazaar things that you can do if you think objectively and stay focused. This is a frivolous case and wont last long if you play with an aggressive yet balanced approach.


Indian police - 🤡, Indian laws - 🤡, Indian judiciary - 🤡🤡🤡🤡


For peace of mind call that lady and negotiate. Tell her you have the CCTV footage to show in court and have a lawyer friend who will drag this case for a decade. But since you're a good person you are willing to pay 10k for her medical expenses. It's very cumbersome to get a fir quashed.




Been on both sides. So I know.


Inform your insurance provider about the accident and ask them to pay the cost. That's the job of third party insurance provider. Don't talk to the lady directly. Only talk to her in front of the police.


Lawyer here, try to get FIR number from police, once you get that we can trace a FIR copy to see as to what allegations and sections are present in it.


Get a dashcam people


But even with a dashcam, what help will it do, all my cars have dashcam, and if the fir is filed in this situation with a dashcam involved how would it help with the police, I guess it will only help us in courts


Police has taken a bribe from her. They will most likely ask for money from you too to "settle" it. Don't give in. Hire a lawyer and file a case against the woman for harassment, defamation and perjury. Get the CCTV footage and also make the PS a party in the case for filing a fraudulent case.


If any accident victim wants financial compensation, they have to approach the motor accident, claims, tribunal and file a claim to recover the money from the third-party insurance cover of the vehicle that has caused the accident. The police can take only criminal action where punishment is as per the Indian penal code. There is no provision whereby the police can recover money as compensation for the victim.


But in this case how did the police file an fir dear mahyur?


The FIR of the first information report is the preliminary investigation of a complaint. Even if the information in the FIR points to the accused being guilty. The FIR is only to ascertain whether the driver is guilty of negligence. Under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code, any individual who is driving or riding a vehicle in a negligent manner, thereby endangering human life, will be punished by law. The punishment under this section is imprisonment up to six months, a penalty of ₹1,000, or both. there is no provision for compensation that would be a separate civil case in the court.


Ok mahyur Bhai, but the problem is if someone files a fake fir against you, and you have to spend a lot to hire a lawyer, spend time roaming around courts, so we need to shell out both time and effort for these first filed against you? What is the situation if you can't afford a lawyer(not asking for me but asking in general)?


NAL. Can’t just take ur word for it. Something made her unbalance and fell. Maybe acceleration or swerve. The CCTV footage will clear up whether the car was responsible for making her lose balance or not


Seems like bro has never driven on Indian roads or dealt with police in India.


Be happy that she did fall on his bed


Wtf you mean on the bonet and not under the car ?