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If you do not, you will be assumed the registered keeper and it will proceed anyway. If you do appeal the PCN (Which, from your other thread, I think you will) you will most likely lose the discounted rate if your appeal is unsuccessful.


I AM the registered keeper, they already know that and said I am not liable. I refer you back to my original post, scaremongering tactics used by parking companies are not appropriate for this thread thank you.


Seriously, at this point you are just being obtuse. Numerous people have tried to help you on both posts. Your friend stopped, in a no stopping area. You are not obligated to provide the details by law, however this will not stop the PNC process. You will appeal, they will say no and add many additional charges. No one is trying to scaremonger you, it's a shitty situation, but that's it. Pay the fine, don't pay the fine, but please have a little more tolerance when people are trying to help you out? Edit:spelling


I made it EXTREMELY clear what I was asking for, and you and a few others on this forum persist on monopolizing these threads with scaremongering posts that have explicitly been told are not welcome, please go elsewhere, it is clear exactly who you are trying to help, and it is certainly NOT me.


You asked if you are obligated to provide the details and have been answered numerous times. But then proceeded to argue whether it is a contravention or not. Over and over again, berating anyone you felt didn't "answer" you. I bet you are a blast to hang around in real life. I also love that you think people are Big Parking shills. Okay you got me, I'm paid by them to report offences like this, that was my van. I even put the signs up.


I've read your previous thread. I'm not scaremongering. You think there is no benefit to providing the details of the driver within 14 days, you are wrong. The benefit of it is you pay less when/if your appeal loses.


If it has to it is going to court, no payment will be made as no contract was entered into, a company cannot invoice someone for entering a contract they had no way of knowing they were entering


Do you want advice regarding PCN Notices, or are you going to refer me back to your original post or accuse me of scaremongering? Take it to court, lose and pay your fine. Or take it on the chin, pay the fine and move on with your day. Doesn't matter to me.


This is exactly the method adopted by parking companies, making the assumption they are in the right when they clearly are not, please do not post any further on this threat, I made it quite clear at the start that scaremongering tactics like those used by parking companies are not being asked for or acceptable here




How many times do I have to repeat myself?


For a private ticket if you fail to identify the driver then you are held liable as the keeper. Your choice if you want to give the details but if you don't your stuck with it.


So there is no benefit to providing details, he was doing me a favour anyway


The benefit is that the driver would pay IF they lose the appeals and get taken to court.


The benefit is that if you pay the fine, you will save yourself a fair bit of money, if you appeal and lose almost all private companies remove the discounted rate.


Again, I refer you back to the original post, please do not post using the same scaremongering tactics as the parking companies as it is quite obvious.


Which makes no difference, as it will be appealed either way




I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, it seem there are a number of accounts here poised to respond to and monopolize posts like this one due to the repetitive responses that mirror those sent by the parking companies themselves




That is not the argument, you and your associates are not providing good legal council whatsoever or in fact any advice that has been asked for


You came to a legal sub and seem annoyed the law isn't within your favour?




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It looks like you're asking a question about a parking or speeding fine! You may benefit by posting on the relevant [PePiPoo forum](http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=23) or reading [Parking Cowboys](https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/), which specialise in these matters, in addition to LegalAdviceUK. *We aren't affiliated with the above and they should only be used as informal guidance in advance of speaking to a legal professional.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*