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What is it that you *want* to happen? If it's simply to know where she's living then she's not going to be obligated to tell you that. Even if you had PR she wouldn't have to tell you her address.


Does a father not have the right to know where their child lives? How would they send birthday or Xmas cards? Presents etc? What would happen if I’m asked for the child’s address and don’t know it? What happens if court agreements are broken and I need to apply for orders etc? It seems odd to me if a father has no right to know where their own child is living


> Does a father not have the right to know where their child lives? No. I appreciate that's not a palatable answer, but there's no automatic right for either parent to know where the other is living with the child. > How would they send birthday or Xmas cards? If you don't know the address then you can't send them. You either give them in person when you see them, or send them via a relative, or don't send them at all. > What would happen if I’m asked for the child’s address and don’t know it? Then you would say "I don't know the address". > What happens if court agreements are broken and I need to apply for orders etc? It's not particularly unusual for one party not to know the other's address in child custody matters. It's not going to be an obstacle to actioning breaches of any orders.


Ok, thank you for the detailed answer.


Contact your Solicitor immediately and see if there is a way to file an emergency Temporary Order that would prevent her from taking your child that far away without first setting up some sort of visitation schedule.


Thank you. I did exactly that and the courts are now doing an urgent without notice hearing for a prohibited steps order and an interim child arrangement order. Your suggestion is very much appreciated and hopefully it will allow me to actually be able to meet my son sooner. Again, thank you


Awww - Good for You! I’ve been thinking about you all week! I’m a family law paralegal in the States, and this is how we handle a lot of our cases. I’m very happy that my “wing and a prayer” suggestion translated well with the British Family Court system. So happy for you! Good luck, keep focused on what is good for your children, and you all will thrive. Big hugs from Across the Pond! 🤗


Thank you ever so much for your kind words 😁