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Yes, that is perfectly legal - essentially without qualification. You can do that, and you can use the footage in civil proceedings to reclaim the cost of the tools, or give it to the police for use in criminal proceedings.


Thank you for the quick reply. I thought it would probably be ok, but it's best to check. Cheers.


It is your toolbox, so yes if nobody else should be going in there. If they spot the camera they may take it, but that's a risk you'll have to take.


If they take the camera I'll go straight to management as that will definitely be theft. Hopefully I'm just being absent minded - tools do get lost after all. But it's unusual behaviour for me as my tools are expensive and I'm pretty careful.


Have a look on amazon or ebay for an item called a rape alarm. It's essentially a small box with a tag attached. And when you remove the tag it emits a very loud noise. Glue the alarm to the bottom of your toolbox. Attach the tag to your camera. If anyone removes the camera it will set off the alarm.


I like it. I like it a lot. Just have to make sure I don't set it off myself.