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take it up with the bus company as clearly some of them are confused no legal issue here though


I've tried but they haven't responded.


Ring customer services or their traffic/operations dept. Also raise with a local councillor. Bus stops dont always need a bustop. Sometimes it can use the the path opposite another bus stop as there may be a problem siting a stop. There is not enough passengers using buses as it is without awkward bus drivers putting people off. Good Luck


Hi, bus driver here and former manager. You may have more luck if you can find a local office or depot. Customer services are often disconnected and don't have local knowledge. If you can speak to a supervisor, you'll have more luck. As a driver, if I am unfamiliar with the route and there is no signage it's difficult to know what to do "officially" as company policy is not to stop outside of bus stops. However, more rural routes have a more flexible attitude. I would stop for you anyway and later clarify. Google maps is usually very accurate for which stops are registered with the route. Your other options are contacting the local authority as they license the route to the bus company. The traffic commissioner is another option. Bus service operators have a legal duty to serve their customers and it is enforced by the LA and TC. You may be able to find the council listing for the route registration, which should be public, and will show all the bus stops registrated on the route.


Hello, currently a manager for a bus company. We work with a lot of rural routes and stops and there are registered stops in the middle of the countryside. That being said, on a national limit road, providing it is safe to do so, will operate as 'hail and ride' meaning you can pretty much get on or off anywhere. Personally, as already stated, get in contact with the bus company and raise a fail to stop complaint. They can communicate with their drivers, or clarify with yourself whether this is a valid stop. You might even get a GWG out of it.




If this is a publicly subsidised bus service (most in England are), write to the local council, I can guarantee you'll get a response from the bus company within a few days.


Which council department, I can't find anything appropriate on their website?


In that case, raise it as a complaint using their complaints mechanism. If they do not respond you will be able to go to an ombudsman.


Does it show as a bus stop on the company website; this is the only website that matters for this information.


Most of the stops, even the ones marked that all the buses stop at, don't show on the bus company's own online timetable.


If they’re not on the bus companies timetable, then the company are unlikely to consider them a bus stop. By contacting them, you’re only going to be highlighting thay drivers are stopping at undesignated stopping points, which will likely lead to the company putting a stop to it.


>If they’re not on the bus companies timetable, then the company are unlikely to consider them a bus stop. No, I'll argue against this. Plenty of the timetables where I live only list every second or third stop because otherwise the tables would be too big. The local bus company are pretty good, so they have a decent website and app that lists every stop, but the PDF timetables for the route don't list most stops. But, yeah, there should be something somewhere to indicate what buses stop where. Is there nothing on the stop itself?


> Plenty of the timetables where I live only list every second or third stop because otherwise the tables would be too big. The local bus company are pretty good, so they have a decent website and app that lists every stop, but the PDF timetables for the route don't list most stops. Correct. Also, if it's listed on the timetable then it's a timing point, and the bus should not leave that stop early.


Also, and I caveat with I'm not sure if this is still the case, but these used to be the stop where fares were charged to/from.


A fare stage and a timing point need not be the same. Our bus stops used to have written on them if they were one or the other (or indeed both). Don't know if they still do - not caught a local bus for years.


But the other ones aren't undesignated, they have posts with signs saying bus stop, with the bus numbers that serve them written on them. They just aren't showing on the online timetable.


What does Google maps show? Google is mostly good for showing bus stops. Does the company have an app? The app should show the bus stop


Checking google maps was a good idea, thanks. And it does show it being a bus stop for this bus.


Stagecoach use Google maps on their app, Google must get the timetable from Stagecoach.


I'd maybe print off the actual page online so you can physically show the drivers. Hopefully other advice works, but this might help in the meantime.


If they’re not on the companies bus timetable, then they are undesignated. They may well be bus stops, but not bus stops that the particular company recognises.


What's the basis for this? The vast majority of bus companies will only list milestone locations on their own timetables as shown to customers, but have a much longer list of bus stops provided to drivers. It sounds like this is the sort of urban myth that gets passed around without any real basis?


Basic timetable at stops and at the bus station yes, but the website for my buses at least lists every single stop. So too does the app. They're not limited by space like printed media so checking the bus company's website directly is the best.


What’s stopping anyone updating an unaffiliated website to state a particular bus is supposed to stop at a particular place? Reality is that the bus companies timetable should and would include all expected stops on route; anything else would be absurd and would put the bus company in an awkward position. I wholly expect a conversation with the bus company would follow the same thought process. If we’re really dead set against that; give me a week and I’ll have a website telling you your local bus stops on the moon.


>Reality is that the bus companies timetable should and would include all expected stops on route; That's not reality though, that's your perception of how things should work in an ideal world. Practically speaking, many many bus companies only provide an online timetable which shows a handful of key stops on a route, despite there being many more stops that are officially marked, and contain posters and local printed timetables placed there by that same bus company. There is also a nation-wide agreed repository of bus information, administrated by the department for transport: [https://data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/](https://data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/). In order to modify a company's routes on services like google maps, you need to be that bus provider. Not just anyone can modify the bus service's information. What I've asked, and what you haven't provided, is the source of information you're basing this belief upon. I'm not asking for your logical reasoning for why you think it should work one way, I'm asking if you have an actual documentary source for the belief.


A timetable is just to give a rough time of when you should expect busses, it's not generally a comprehensive list of every single stop on the route. Most people can use that information to extrapolate when they would need to be at their own stop. I've used busses quite a lot in the past and only ever seen a list of the major stops, I usually check the time for the closest stops either side and assume it will arrive between those times, but still get there early just in case.


That's simply not the case. Look at your local bus company timetable. They list milestone stops that can be used to judge timings. I just verified this with a route I used to go almost the full length of when in uni that route has atleast 30stops. The timetables show 14. bus timetables and train timetables are not the same but I can understand why you could be confused if your approaching it from that angle.


Timetables often only show the major stops. Doesn't mean other (properly marked) stops somehow aren't "real" stops - the timetables just aren't comprehensive.


Usually it's the timing points that are shown on the timetable (for obvious reasons) - stops between timing points may not necessarily be on the timetable.


Bus timetables do not show every stop. The map will show the route and the timetable will show enough stops so you can get a good idea of timing. Especially in urban areas where a route could have 30+ drops.


I don't think any bus company lists every stop on their timetables


Do they have a twitter account? Making it public sometimes gets you an answer faster


Sometimes they can take a while to respond. A manager at my depot was being chased by the commercial director to respond to complaints that were a couple of months old. But, as I said, send in another one even if you haven't had a response to the first, but reference the first complaint, and widen the distribution list as I instructed, and show the video you'll have taken by the next time it happens to the local councillor and news reporter, and put it on social media for good measure. Be rigorous and determined, and you'll win. Don't give in at the first obstacle.


This is one of those odd sort of issues that fall between various stools of the bus company and local authority. What about taking it up with your local councillor or even MP, they might be able to apply a bit of pressure to get it sorted.


MP will be pointless until after July the 4th because no one is allowed to do constituency work.


That’s not that far away though - absolutely write to them after the election!


Local Authority Solicitor here, there is no legal definition of a bus stop. The only legal requirements are technical ones which dictate road markings etc these would be dealt with by the transport authority for them particular roads. Unfortunately, there is no real legal recourse. You should contact the bus company directly and raise a complaint. If you are not satisfied, you can contact the Bus Users UK who are meant to represent bus users. The other option is to contact the Council, some bus services are commissioned by the Council known as de minimis or supported bus services. Essentially these are where there is a passenger need but the private bus operators deem it not commercially viable to run a service to them locations so the Councils pay the operators to run a service to them locations. It may therefore be worth contacting your local councillors as well just in case!








Had this issue when I was a teenager. The bus driver was refusing to stop and there was no other stop for 1 mile out a main road. He eventually did after giving me an earful for not sitting down. We complained and they removed the stop. Not the solution I wanted but at least it stopped other customers having to fight to get off.


Even if they remove the stop, at least it will then have been clarified and I can try to find alternative arrangements instead of trying to use this conveniently located bus stop only to end up miles away at an inconvenient location when my ringing is ignored.


In Scotland that’s known as a ‘hail and ride’ stretch of road. They stop if it’s safe for them to do so


This is a thing in England too, as there's a road close to me like this. I don't understand why they don't just put stops in because it always stops in the same locations, but there you go.


Aye the places I’m talking about in Scotland are predominantly hail and ride on country roads or single track. Not always possible to stop. Glasgow or Edinburgh isn’t the entirety of Scotland 


No legal issue but if you're having issues with it then you can speak to your local authority who are responsible for issuing licences for routes. NAL


Local authorities don't 'licence' routes. That's the job of the Traffic Commissioners, who act something like a magistrate. Local authorities subside some, but not all, routes. (This in England outside Greater London and Greater Manchester)


If no luck, report it to the traffic commissioners. All bus routes are registered with them, and if not stoping, may investigate.


Is it a bus stop for that bus company? Where I am, we have 2 different bus companies. They will only stop at their own bus stops, so skip many on their routes. There's no legal obligation for a bus to stop at a particular stop, though.


This is the only bus that goes along this route, and both google maps and [bustimes.org](http://bustimes.org) show it as being a bus stop for this bus.


From a *legal* perspective - NAL; as a local authority we follow the road markings set out in TSRGD and Chapters 1-8 and probably more I'm not aware of and don't deal with; but Chapter 3 and 5 are the relevant ones in this case so depends on how legalese specific you want to get. Ultimately, it sounds more like a driver issue as some do/don't; however your question is "what constitues a bus stop" - See TSRGD, Chatper 3, 5 https://tsrgd.co.uk/pdf/tsrgd/tsrgd2016.pdf https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/362/contents/made https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/traffic-signs-manual




As far as I know there is no legal definition of what is or isn’t a bus stop also there is no law on bus drivers stopping or not stopping. You might have grounds to complain to the bus company but wouldn’t have any legal avenue to go down. Bus companies likely decide themselves where bus stops should be with some input from local councils. As bus companies are private businesses the local council might not get much say in it. Probably varies from area to area depending on how much council subsidy the bus company receives. From what you have described it might be that there used to be a bus stop there hence why it’s advertised online but the bus company removed it so that’s why there is no road marking or a post. Could be that the drivers that stop there are older drivers who remember the stop so will still pull up but the newer recruits don’t know about it so don’t stop. Obviously this is just a guess. The only people who can give you the answer is the bus company or your local council.




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Until recently, bus driver and part-time duty manager for 20 years. The bus stop itself is maintained by the council, not the bus company. The traffic commissioner oversees the performance of the bus company in terms of lost mileage and so on: basically, are they fulfilling the published service for which they are the registered operator for the route? It might be a partly council-funded route as well. Overall, drivers have to have a good reason for not stopping at a designated bus stop if someone is hailing the bus, and there are multiple interested parties in ensuring they do, including the bus company themselves. You could start by complaining not to the driver of a bus that DOES stop, but by going through the bus company's formal complaint procedure, being precise about dates and times. These are usually taken seriously by the bus company because they know that only a small proportion of people actually complain in the proper manner instead of whinging to another driver who can do nothing about it. I would also video the bus approaching using your phone, showing your arm outstretched - do that *every single time* until the problem is resolved so that you have video proof when it does go wrong. If you don't get a satisfactory response from the first incident, for the next complaint copy in the traffic commissioner and also your local councillor(s), making reference to the fact that it's the second complaint. If it happens again, you may find the local news or social media is your friend, especially when you've been videoing every single bus arrive that should be stopping as I've recommended. That will likely galvanise the bus company to action if they haven't taken it seriously up to now. Be rigorous and disciplined, and you'll win.


It's not that the bus won't stop to let me on, it's that the bus won't stop to let me off.


Oh, sorry! I read the original post on my phone in the dark without my glasses. In that case you can ask the driver when you get on if he's going to stop there because that's where you want to get off. If he says 'No', phone the depot immediately and see if the duty manager will talk to the driver, either on your phone (not while the bus is in motion of course), or via their own communications route, ring the bell at the right place, video it as I advised but from inside the bus, and then follow the same procedure as I recommended.


You definitely need to do one of two things contact the bus company and or contact your local council, if the bus company doesn't respond you can go to https://bususers.org/ and use them as a third party


there isnt any legal recourse. I've always wondered whether having a disability might change this but as far as your post goes there isn't anything you can do. Sometimes the online information is wrong anyway, theres a bus stop near me and stagecoach app says this one specific bus stops there, but it doesnt. There are 2 other buses that stop there and the bus that doesnt stop there stops at the previous and the next stop but for whatever reason not that one. No idea why but hey ho.


Write to your parish council. We had similar locally and the parish council were like a dog with a bone when it was highlighted.


It’s usually at the discretion of the bus driver, if they deem it not safe to stop for your sake or whether they don’t stop for fear of causing an accident from another unsuspecting road user driving into them. Don’t make your problem their problem, contact your local MP and if it’s justified and enough demand for a bus to stop here they can install a temp bus stop.


But this bus stop actually has, I don't know what you call it, when they cut a space out of the hedges at the side of the road for the bus to pull in there. It couldn't be much more safe, it's clearly designed for a bus to stop there even if there are no markings or signs.


Nothing to do with the legal system. Contact the bus company. Why would you think it was illegal? Do you honestly believe the police would be involved in something like a bus not stopping at what you think could or could not be a bus stop? Can you imagine the number of busses full of passengers just sat there in the middle of the road, without a driver because they got nicked for missing a stop.


Who said anything about the police? Do you realise not all legal matters are criminal, there are civil cases too? I wasn't thinking of calling the police or even suing them. I just wanted to know if they're legally obliged to let me off so I could inform them of this.


Always used to be the case that every bus shelter has a pole next to it with a square marker on it: Some were marked bus stop, some were marked bus request (think stops are white, requests are red). Buses had to stop at a stop and would only stop on a request shelter / stop if requested.


Alongside those, you also more rarely had the situation where there was a pole on one side of the road, with text something like "Buses stop both sides".


And in the countryside in the south east anyway there are often neither, and a bus will stop pretty much anywhere if requested and safe to do so.


So, no markings, no bus stop sign on the road or by the road, why would the bus stop there? Maybe some drivers just stop to be helpful?




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If it’s a request stop you have to flag it down.


OP is **on** the bus, sailing past the bus stop.