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It's nice to feel "done" with champ levels, so maybe random quests can pop that require you to use a specific character with a bonus if they're level 30.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/s/YUW30YKUNB There was a post about champion mastery a couple days ago that seems relevant


Ah I missed that, that is a really good idea! I'd love that so much


I think that experience gained past level 30 should give either a new resource that can be exchanged for experience on other Champions or cosmic blessings.


That feels hard to balance where it is still worth it but it isn't strictly faster to just blast asol with something like Nidalee for xp on something else


I feel like just having it give you 1/5 of the experience in some kind of currency would be balanced and better than nothing. So, if you complete lissandra or something, you get 1K experience for any champion that you want.


Let's say this is introduced as you say: what if all champs are at lvl 30 eventually?


I was suggesting that it give a currency that can be redeemed for experience on a champion of your choice, this was intended to mean that you could do it whenever you wanted. Presumably you could abuse this and have so much Banked experience that you could level 30 whatever champion comes out. They could put a cap on this experience to prevent you from doing that though.


Yeah but then we're in the same situation as right now again. Essentially 'wasting' exp since you can't get more exp for your champs since they're all capped. Plus your experience of new champs is even shorter since you theoretically don't even need to play them at all to get them to 30 lol.


I do agree that we are just kicking the can down the road but I feel like if players have all of their Champions at level 30, they won't feel bad about missing experience which was the main concern. Whenever I get a champion to level 30, I just stop playing them... Also, with all of the new forms of character advancement, I don't think that you care as much about levels as you used to


I'm homing in on all champs at lvl 30 (right now around at 70%) and it starts feeling weird having my roster being 'restricted' that much but maybe that'll change once I get to lvl 30 on everyone.. we'll see


Then it stores the XP until the new monthly PoC champ gets added


So the new champion is lvl 30 right away and you're 'wasting' exp playing them. With so many pearls my personal enjoyment of new champs is extremely shortlived too since they are at lvl 30 so quickly. I should stop using the pearls tbh


The guy mentioned 1/5th xp stored. There is no way in hell you're earning enough XP *monthly* to lv1-30 a champion without pearls at a 1/5th rate lol


Right now I don't, that's true, but I also have champs to level still, so I'm using these most of the time. Once you have only lvl 30 champs that would add up very fast


It is 51k XP from level 1-30, and at a 1/5th rate, you would get like 1k xp per Asol/Liss/Swain run. If someone is clearing 4-5stars 50+ times a month, every month, they deserve to immediately max level the next champ and obviously have no issue with playing while capped lol


True that, the pearls really give a lot of stuff.. and I don't know what to do with them lol. Made me forget how many runs it took to bring a champ to 30 before them


I agree. I find that when I get a champ to 30, my motivation to play that champ drops dramatically because of the empty rewards screen and how I'm "wasting" champion XP. I get that the fun of playing a maxed out champion should be "the reward" rather than extrinsic stuff, but why not both! I think even something like every 50 adventures you clear with a level 30 champion, get a cosmic blessing would be enough for me. Which is very slow and grindy, but I just want to be getting *something* instead of a blank screen and the feeling that I traded champion progress for "fun". Or even just gems, but I think there's a divide between how I see them and how the dev team sees them. I find them pretty unappealing, but they seem to put a lot of value on them. Anyway, for me these are probably the things that I'd be wanting from something like this: 1. Getting some type of reward from completing adventures as a lvl 30 champ to offset the loss of champion XP. 2. Would be nice if it was exclusive-ish 3. Would be nice if it felt like it was "worth" losing champion lvl progress for other champions.


Giving gemstones (probably with a very slow rate, based on how much they seem to value them) sounds like a good idea since those generally give region vide buffs so it kind of naturally leads into this idea that grinding with this champion will strenghten the others in its region, because this one is already max That would be a decent direction I think


We need champion mastery like in pvp, that should do it


I would like border upgrades and cosmetics, i.e. for Noxus champions, if your champion is already prismatic then instead of a gold border it turns into a bright red, each region should have their own unique colour.


Remove the limit on levels, no rewards, just numbers go up makes my brain go Hihi


Low amount of champion fragmets would be cool


Nova shards or crystals for a full rank 30 would be nice, even if it's locked to that champs specific region.


Why low when could be high


This is somewhat related to lvl 30 champions and OP but how about level 30 champions can appear as support champs pool with their current relic load out.


I feel like every >3 star adventures could give like optional clear bonuses, like aside from the required clear rewards, beating the adventure with any champ afterwards give like tiny small amount of something.  Not sure what others do, but whenever a new champ is released I cycle them through adventures beginning Viktor (2.5s) and work my way up to Liss, both as a way to learn the deck and also keep the game fresh That could add replayability if they add difficulty toggles too. Aside from that they could also like add custom challenge milestones for each champion to clear, like “win a 3 star or above adventure with more than 50 cards in your deck” or something general like that.


imo the main reason to play a maxed champ is monthly challenge, so adding to that would help probably


when path of champions was first presented to us. it was marketed as a "rogelike" experience. they shoud actually make a rogelike mode where u start with no stars or levels and u go gaining them up as u progress. im not saying to reset the champ progresion, just for this mode they will back to 1. the figths must be random but keep getting harder and harder. every victory gave 1 level back and every 5 figths u go agains a champ, and u get a star back. in the end when u reach level 30 u figth a final boss.


I love this idea!


This is the reason Monthlies exist


Champ Mastery, New Champ Campaigns (guy can dream), and maybe something that specifically favors using LV30s, sort of like how 5 Star Adventures favor Champs with constellations.


Not to bury the lede too far, but this is one of the core pieces of content in a big suggestions/wishlist post I've been working on for a bit now, so I've put a considerable amount of thought into it! The power level at 30, feels good for a baseline, if deck levels were going to be extended beyond that point, I don't feel like they really need to add too much incremental power. What I personally think is more interesting, is additional Lateral power, I'll refrain from getting too deep into it now, but expanding your decks versatility is a really cool reward... I don't think you'd need to attach too many auxilary rewards like constellation materials, forges, etc. You could flesh out an entire second level up track fairly easily without them! Totally uncapping the level is a really great idea, I'm surprised they haven't publicly looked into doing it, or said anything about it. Right now it does feel really lame to play my maxed level 30 champs, like I'm wasting time and XP? This is obviously a huge miss by the dev team, and I'm sure a lot of people share in that sentiment. Exactly what to do about it though is a lot more complicated of a problem.


not sure if yall playing MFF but there's this game mode where i think this problem would have a solution it's called ABX/ABL. alliance battle normal, then extreme, then legend. they have their own restrictions every day. an example of restriction is you can only use a superhero but a female one and have an ability of paralyze say Rogue. the requirements go on and on but what makes the requirements flexible are the tagging they have on each character which is well-established. on LoR, it's only very limited. say champs can only enter this game mode as long as they are already on max level. we could have a restriction of bilgewater champs but only female ones you can use illaoi in here. another restriction are champs from any region but with stats equal to 12. with this, we can use relics on boosting the champ's stats or something like champs that reduces the enemy's attack/health. we can make use of nasus or vex on this one. this sounds like monthlies but instead, we put conditions on the champs that the player will be using so that the champs that deemed to be useless (like nasus) might have a niche value


oh they are myriad of ideas that could improve lor endgame content, but riot basicly either don't have anyone left in lor or just too incomptent to think of anything decent I mean a simple solution would be able to have a randomize adventures like weaklies except you don't have to wait weakly or maybe allow you to replay monthlies so player can test different solutions to problem without seitching account. or maybe just add a small inifinte level that give some resources with a weakly cap but no, riot doesn't do this, because all they really have time to do is coble up a old adevnturr and add some stupid broken modifyers because they broke the game way too far with powers and now they don't have any clue how to fix this broken mess


I'd like the ability to "master" a champ and drop the down to lvl 1 and you get some sort of upgrade each time, but each time it doubled the amount of xp needed to level


custom starter deck.


That is why they decided to make constellations I think is because they believe that is the best way to solve max level champions. Think about it each node in the constellations acts as a level for your champion like a Paragon level. The legend level cap needs raised though but I think giving you incentive to play champs is still a good idea. The time will come if it hasn't already where we will get lost in the amount of champions to choose because we can't do anything about their constellations. For example I wanted to get a champion to their 6 star but I couldn't afford the other one in the same region because I'd lose my stupid nova crystal. The release Swain and I 3 star him now I can't get either! Levels that give resources as rewards would help alleviate this.


They are different things though, you don't even have to touch the champion to get it to 6 stars. The champion xp from playing is still wasted after lvl30. So while you can still keep making your champion stronger, the reason to play it is still "gone" in the sense that I outline


Constellations don't really solve the core issue with champion levels being capped. It isn't a question of increasing their power, it's an issue with players getting the feeling of "wasted" progression. That kind of progression doesn't even need to be too tangible, which is nice, because it means they don't really need to add potent rewards for it. Just number go up


I know that I'm saying I think that is why they decided to however