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Second rewatch is fun. Subsequent rewatches are a mixed bag depending on how annoyed you are about the things you didn't like the first couple times around.


As someone who loved everything the show had to offer, my 8th rewatch was still just as awesome!


Yeah I always skip the two Syd-centric episodes every rewatch. Boooooooring


I've rewatched the whole series about 3 times, and it's just so detailed, that I've learnt so much more each time. Such a masterpiece


Some details that stick out in my memory: all of season one, before we understand what’s happening to David, we see pairs of lights watching over him. Later we come to realize they represent the eyes of the Shadow King. The technique is used again to hair-raising effect in season three. Also: season one is full of circles: the architecture, the aforementioned lights, the earrings on David’s ex-girlfriend in the real estate agency. They’re everywhere. But when we get to seasons two and three, they become another shape (I can’t remember what in season two) and then another (it’s hexagons everywhere in season three). Not sure if there’s any intentional symbolism there aside from it being a cool design feature, but I find it fun to watch for the shapes.


In my experience, I have noticed new details I totally missed the previous watch-throughs. I have watched S1 4x, s2 2x (currently on 3rr rewatch), and will soon be rewatching s3 for the first time. Legion is one of my favorite shows to rewatch, I highly recommend it.


How did you end up rewatching season 1 4x before seeing season 3?


I mean, if you love season 1 and just kept rewatching it before the other seasons had come out…it’s not so crazy to do 😅


Same. Did a rewatch of season 1 before season 2 came out, then rewatched both before season 3. Now I rewatch the show just about once every year or two.


I’ve already seen s3 once, just haven’t rewatched it yet


I still love it. It actually made me apreciate season 2 even more, to the point the first season is my least favorite.


I thought I was the only one! I still think s2 has some considerable pacing issues (especially on a first viewing), but it has some of the best moments in the whole show. I find myself rewatching it the most


The narratives interspersed with the storyline are some of my favorite things ever. On their own, they are brilliant. But they really add an interesting dimension to the rest of the story because they sont explicitly state how it relates to it. You are given a lot of leeway to draw connections in the small stories and patterns within them and where there is overlap or similar things happening within the main story. All of the stuff on contagion and social interaction are interesting because no direct conclusions are drawn so there is a lot of leeway to make connections that might not have been explicitly intended by the writers.


It's a great rewatch tbh. You can enjoy the weird turns a bit more knowing what the overall shape is. WISH there was a blu ray. Bastards.


I've seen one of season 1 at a local used book store ,but that's it.


Never released s2 and s3 on blu ray. Didn't even get dvds for them here in the uk. Utter scum, lol.


That really sucks. I legit want physical copy of this fine show.


4th rewatch so damn good. Each season has its own vibe. And all is cohesive 🤌🏽🤌🏽


People seem to have weird feelings about season 2, but a lot of the episodes in that season are near masterpieces to me and definitely worth the rewatches. I really liked the extra surrealism of it though, which is probably what threw most people off. I think my first time watching the show I rewatched a few episodes of S2 and the opening episodes S3 before watching the next episodes because they were just on my mind constantly


I think it's difficult because they really don't leave you many traditional storytelling cues as to who the hero is. I remember a lot of anger and heated debate over who was the villain, but I really think the narrative asides laid a groundwork with a very open interpretation as to what was going on. Everything was muddled because the world is just a patchwork of grey areas. It was kind of the chaotic middle of the story and with so much of TV conditioning people to know who to root for and where everyone stands, I think it easily upset a lot of people because it wasn't clear what the show wanted the. To think. I love that about season 2.


I was a lot less confused on the second rewatch.


You'll know what it means if it's red or if it's green.


So why is it always blue?


I have rewatched it three or four times now and each time, I get subtle foreshadowing that I had missed previously, or double meanings in the lines that aren't as easy to pick up. For example, the scene with the green blimps in the background usually pointing at David texana an entirely different meaning when you consider the scene with the boy being taught green is red and red is green.


Syd is somehow even worse...


Yeah s3 was difficult at times bc of her


Slightly less confusing


Better than first time.


I don't think I'd watch it again. I was disappointed that the one character wasn't Mojo and that they didn't do the Age of Apocalypse timeline. I have all of the comics of that series.


I don't understand concept of rewatching tv series. Well, you can rewatch something after few or more years if you stumble upon it, and you have a strong urge to see it again, but that short period between (re)watching(s) is just too short in my subjective opinion. Just watch something new. There are lots of good stuff out there.


Reincarnation is another rewatch over and over again, until you see something that makes it allllll worth it. Rewatch my friend


I rewatxh the show at least once a year. It's better every time because of its surreal and reality bending nature of it. It's an abstract depiction of reality and truth and how we perceive our own reality and truth. There's always a dreamlike, otherworldly aspect to the show, where you're never quite sure what's real, partly because of David's (and Farouk's) power to alter the state of reality with his mind. Because of this, I always see some way of interpreting things differently. I get something new out of it each time i watch it because you never get the sense that the story attaches itself to any one character as a sole protagonist. Everything is grey and what things you conclude from it is more your own imposition or juxtaposition of yourself into the story. For instance, iremember a huge divide between people hating Syd or hating David for being reprehensible, but really they were both justified in their actions and reprehensible in other actions. Same with Farouk. No one character is wholly good or bad, right or wrong and that really opens up endless interpretations on what is depicted in the show. Probably my favorite show of all time...


Third season is just painful for me. First two seasons I loved re-watching.