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S1 > S3 > S2 Season 1 is imo the best and most cohesive, especially in terms of the story/plot. The music, artistic style and direction, and the characters were fantastic. Thematically it was the most focused. Lenny was a real highlight. It set a solid foundation for the rest of the show. Season 2 I really enjoyed, too, but is where I feel the story started to get away from the writers a bit. The pacing is a bit off, and the plot started to take leaps and turns that seemed half-baked and thematically confusing, particularly the events of the season finale with Syd, David and Farouk. I could see what they were going for but I don’t think it was executed very elegantly. I was also pretty disappointed with what they ended up doing with Ptolemy’s character arc. I did really love John Hamm’s philosophical intros to each episode, and Amahl Farouk of course. Season 3 has my favourite aesthetic and style, much more 70’s than the earlier seasons, and some of my favourite music. I really enjoyed David’s villainous cult-leader role, and his dynamic with Switch and Lenny, as well as the time-travel storyline with the Time Eaters. The first episode of the season is one of my favourite episodes overall. However, it still felt thematically clunky in context with the earlier seasons. Syd was not developed (well) enough for the role the narrative is trying to frame her as, even though I greatly enjoyed the episode focused on her. I also loved seeing David’s parents, and how Charles first met Farouk, but the resolution in the finale was definitely not as well executed as it could have been. Again, I could see what they were going for, and I greatly enjoyed individual aspects and story arcs, but the inconsistencies in the writing really added up over the seasons and affected the overall plot and thematic consistency. A show with similar themes and story beats that I felt was much more tightly written and had a more satisfying ending is [Undone](https://reddit.com/r/undonetv). Highly recommend people to check it out.


Idk they're all pretty even, so I'll rank their soundtracks just for kicks and grins. S1 - best ST S2 - best OST (the dance battle theme lives rent free in my head) S3 - my most listened to ST out of them all Sorry I didn't answer the question


I enjoyed your reply regardless!


Season 3 is nothing to scoff at like a lot of series have trouble keeping things engaging. S1>S3>S2 S3 has the most re-watchabilty for me. Such a bold premise changing the past and everyone's reality.


S1………..a big gap……S3 > S2


Definitely 2 > 1 > 3. Seeing Farouk in action during 2 was amazing, and he remains one of the greatest live action Marvel villains. The horror and suspense of Season 1 was amazing, and really left me on the edge of "what the fuck is happening??" (in a good way). And seeing David/Legion as an unhinged antagonist was done very well, and it left me wanting to see more of him as an antagonist. Overall, I loved them all. But Farouk steals the lead and makes S2 the best.


1 > 3 > 2 There were no bad seasons, but one and three were definitely the most entertaining for me.


While looking back, in concept I liked season 1 the best BUT, big fucking but... Both season 1 and season 2 has zero fucking restraint when it comes to screenwriting and it makes it really hard to watch and guves me a headache most of the time. Every other scene is either constantly flashing bright lights, or dark scenes where the lighting is so ass to create suspense that I may as well be looking at a black screen. As goos as the acting, the story, the music, and everything is, it was genuinely headache inducing to watch at times, both s1 and 2 and I lowkey hate it. S3 is the only one that didn't do that, so I'm probably gonna go with s3. (Than season 1, than season 2)


I cant rank it by seasons but my favorite ep is S3 ep 4 (correct me if I'm wrong). Where David and switch(?) Land back in 'reality' and time is spiraling and the time eaters show up. That shit was sooooo good. Excuse me if I'm getting ep numbers and names mixed up, it's time for a rewatch.


S1 > S3 > S2 for me. I did love Season 3 so 1 and 3 could be interchangeable for me.


I know this is old post, was scrolling down as I finished watching whole show. For me favorite is 3, followed by 1 and then 2