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Get a second opinion from a reputable piercer. I had flat nipples (like no visible rise between nip and areola) and they have been pierced for 5 years now with no issues.


Same here! Over 5 years pierced with little to no irritation since healing. I get crusties on the right one from time to time (ew) but no pain, no redness, nothin


Yup! I still get crusties regularly on the left one (it’s had a handful of trauma, including being kicked square on by a toddler) but that’s it.


I was so happy to read this, with my recently pierced flat nipples 🥹


Well, sounds like he was honest that HE can't do those. But that doesn't mean they can't be done. A skilled piercer will do a thorough anatomy check on you to tell you one way or the other.


i’ve heard that nipple piercings can reverse the inversion so it’s possible! if they can’t, they’re just simply not experienced enough. good luck in your search for a good reputable piercer!


Its true. Worked for me. Not only corrected but gave definition.


Definitely go to another piercer. I had flat nipples and got them pierced. The piercer said that usually, just cleaning the area with isopropyl alcohol gets them out. They also used forceps, which I believe is standard practice for any nip. Also, one big tip, wear a bra when you get them pierced!! I made the mistake of not, so I felt every movement. The drive home was more painful than the piercing.


I have flat nipples that "rise to the occasion" 😅 When I went to my piercer (who I absolutely trust with any piercing) we had a detailed discussion about the nipple, it's height, the length of the bar when the nipple was flat etc... I don't know what the deal was with the guy you went to, but there should have at least been a discussion. I forgot to mention I've had my nipples pierced for 3 months, my favorite piercings so far!🥰


My nipples sound just about the same as yours, and I've had my piercing for over a year and half. I'd say ask another well known piercer and get their opinion. Hopefully you can get them!!! I know it really helped my confidence when I got mine!


I have one inverted. It has now corrected it. I enjoy it. I say goto another piercer. Only problem was he had to like dig my nipple out with the clamp. Kind of hurt but well worth it.


Mine are similar, mine got so infected they sunk in and made craters. Now I have nasty scars


I would personally search for someone that specializes in more risky piercings as they more then likely have a few tricks up their sleeves. But with some of the more difficult ones iv done. Dropping the gauge to a 16 and using implant grade materials as well. Being able to measure the nipple when it is flat verses when it is erect makes a large difference. You will be in for a longer healing process as your nipples change from flat to erect.


I just got my nipples pierced and I have the same thing. It was not as painful as I heard it would be and I think it’s because she pierced right behind the nipple instead. It looks normal though.


Ooooohhhh….. I’m not so sure they are supposed to go behind the nipple into the areola. Of course, my piercer did, but this was 23 years ago with a 10g needle and pepperoni nipples…. Piercing has come a long way since then.


I have flat nips and I got mine pierced about 2 weeks ago. I recommend going to another piercer as well. Hope all goes well!


We have an implement that is made specifically for assisting in piercing people with inverted nipples. It's a suction cup type of thing and if your nipple stays out long enough to be marked and put into a clamp we can usually do them. They are difficult.


I would do your own research a bit more, as you said someone recommended him? an APP piercer would be best. I highly doubt the guy was an APP if he responded that way. If on the off chance you can't be pierced they should explain why to you, not just "nahh can't" I have very flat/ inverted nipples as well and plan to get mine within the next few weeks, my regular piercer told me she could definitely do them, but if I was uncomfortable or hesitant then I could go to the more "advance" piercer (my regular one is fairly new) I would go and see if there are any APP piercers in your general area, and then look for their portfolio or call and see how much they do nipple piercings etc.


Lmao you know this piercer could have belonged to the APP right?


Ya, but either way sounds like the piercer wasn't great if they just brushed the person off so quickly


Yeah. Exactly my point, not all APP piercers are great.


To add to this, a inverted nipple can be difficult if it does not stick out from the areola enough for the piercing to sit properly, and/or if the nipple wants to "retract" too much causing piercing bumps, rejecting, etc. ^ this is all from my own research so take it with a grain of salt


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