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I have the m6 TTL. My repair person told me when the electronics that control the light meter go, they cannot be replaced. I explained I am the original owner and love the camera. She was very much in favor of me dumping it. ​ She swears the original M4 is the most reliable M series camera ever made.


But having an M4 is like having an M6 with a broken light meter?


You got me there.


No, it's like having an M6 with a *repairable* light meter. You slap an MR-4 or VCII or whatever on an M4 (or in my case, M4-P), and it's barely slower to use than an M6's meter. But if your shoe meter fails, you can repair it (MR-4s are often easy to repair) or you just get a replacement meter (most shoe meters are much, much cheaper than the rare parts needed to repair an M6 meter).


Excellent point


Sounds like a good m6 argument. You have an internal light meter until it fails in X years. Then you can use a hot shoe meter and keep going.


If you're happy with a VCII, then sure. Except you'll have spent a LOT more on your M6 than an M4 + meter. And an MR-4 won't work on an M6 because the shutter dial isn't designed for it.


I’ve also heard questionable things about the electronics of the TTL.


Sounds like Sherry.


Reliability wise I would pass on the TTL and go for a classic. Leica have mentioned that they are looking into the possibility of repairing classics. So that is a bonus.


I’m pretty sure they said they’re looking into a solution for both


I went with the Black TTL. Super happy with it. If repairability is something you’re worried about, go with the Standard. My understanding the current MP/M6 use the same components as the M6 classic. I will say I don’t think the bigger dial on the TTL is much of a game changer. I think the smaller dial is fine. Black/chrome? Personal preference. 28/35 - again personal preference. I’m a 35 shooter but plan on completing a 28/35/50 setup eventually


those all sound like very personal questions that you should ask yourself and not others


I would go for black, ttl, with a 35mm lens.


I had a silver TTL with a 35mm summicron asph and it was my favorite camera setup ever.


Exactly what I have for the last 2 years. Only problem I had was the frame lines wouldn’t show for 28mm lens so sent it to YYE for its first ever CLA. Totally great camera.


How often do TTL meters really go bad? I doubt that often.


FWIW I just had my early classic M6 meter repaired by DAG. It required no parts. Not all meter failures will need electronics replaced.


Standard or TTL… I’d look for the best price to condition ratio you can find. Black or Chrome… I prefer Chrome with a black lense. Gives you a beautiful and functional camera. The lense for me is easier to read the markings and just a little more stealthy. 35 or 28… maybe think about what your second lense will be. My combination is 28 and 50. If you’re only looking for one lense… 35. Best advice is go to a Leica Store and see some of these differences first hand. It will make things much clearer than in your head. 😎


I have an M6 TTL I purchased back in the 1990s. I've never had a problem with it. It seems whenever the "reliability question" arises on one of these forms, someone is always willing to say "oh, I've heard the light meter may go out and Leica won't fix it." I'm not going to worry too much about the accuracy of that statement unless and until I have a problem. If you're worried about purchasing a feature that may not last, buy a camera without that feature. You could always buy a Leica MA which has no meter to begin with.


I vote TTL because larger dial, fixed rangefinder glass’s flare, and film really love to eat light especially in low light. Black or chrome is up to your luck. Best wide angle? Depending what aperture type you want, I find TTartisan 28mm f/5.6 is unique and slightly sharper than Leica counterpart. As for 35mm, if you want the clinically best, Summilux/Summicron or Ultron ver II. If you want old school feel, Steel Rim or Nocton Classic.


I opted for the black TTL in August 2023, and I still love it. The larger shutter speed dial and its rotation direction make the experience pretty seamless too.


Black or chrome.. really? How about you decide for yourself?