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Ryan and many of the other supposed "young leadership" of the GOP in 2016 turned out to be some of the biggest cowards in American history. This includes other (R)s like Trey Gowdy, and especially Jason Chaffetz. Instead of standing up to Trump in the halls of Congress, they ran away. Ryan and Gowdy simply chose to not runfor re-election. Chaffetz was the worst, though. He was ecstatic that he would be the head of the Oversight Committee that was responsible for investigating Hillary, but then, something horrible happened: Trump won. And instead of being the pit bull holding Clinton accountable he was going to have to be the lap dog who let Trump do whatever he wanted - a fine thing for a serial back-bencher like Devin Nunes but no place for Chaffetz and his Presidential ambition. So he just up and quit a few months into Trump's reign. Said he needed foot surgery and to spend more time with his family. Retreated to the safety of Fox "News" so he could keep his face in Republican circles. They all knew what Trump was when he was elected, and that it wouldn't be good for anyone who wanted to advance their careers down the line. And rather than stand their ground and fight, they all ran away.


Don’t forget Kevin McCarthy—he, Paul Ryan, and Eric Cantor called themselves the “Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders.” Too bad they let themselves get disarmed by MAGA… https://www.amazon.com/Young-Guns-Generation-Conservative-Leaders/dp/1451607342


They should have figured something out when they saw Cantor suckered out by Brat


Cantor getting primaried despite his status in leadership was a canary in the coal mine moment that the “take no prisoners, make no compromise” philosophy of the Gingrich era had fully infected the Republican Party. Guys like Ryan were just to far up their own asses to realize it until a decade later.


I remember Rachel Maddow's show on Cantor's defeat vividly. Like, the winds are changing moment.


Both those assholes were my reps. Brat was worse than Cantor.


>Too bad they let themselves get disarmed by MAGA… They didn't let themselves, they got on their knees and asked for it. They sold out every fiber of righteousness and morality left in the GOP to win 2016. Now their party is a fucking punch line for how stupid someone can be jokes.


Guys like Rubio and Cruz could have stood up against him, but they turned around and bent over for him when it was clear he was going to be the party nominee. ~~Ted~~ Rafael "Ugly Wife" Cruz even phone banked for his orange dildo master after being personally called out with the ugly wife comments and the insinuation that his dad killed JFK. There is no Republican in office with a spine with so far 8 years and counting of sniffing their master's dirty diaper. The ones with any shame or balls have left the party, everyone still calling themselves a Republican are just hand puppets with a tiny orange fist shoved up their asshole.


It’s hard to expect Rubio to be a man of his word. He changes his mind like most normal people change their underwear which is daily, at the very least: https://www.complex.com/life/a/tracewilliamcowen/marco-rubio-backtracks-running-for-re-election


Well there’s Romney but he’s not running for reelection


>Now their party is a fucking punch line for how stupid someone can be jokes. Yet, unfortunately, still disproportionately powerful and still a threat to win all three branches at every presidential election.


The really sad part is all it would take is a increase in voter turn out. It's shocking to me how many people are apathetic in such a turbulent time in our politics where the country's future could really swing hard one way or another.


The really *really* sad part is that our badly outdated Electoral College system has the playing field level when if we went to popular vote, the Rs would never win another presidential election in my lifetime. Imagine, them having to try to appeal to the majority of people! The horror.


They can barely appeal to the minority at this point. Their only strategy is fear mongering. They don't even have an actual policy platform other than fear and banning things they've made people afraid of.


Totally agreed. They've got no long-term vision that doesn't involve societal collapse or dictatorship and they know it, so they just keep jangling the "scary outsiders changing things you're used to" keys to keep out-of-touch country folk clutching their guns and bibles.


Hence attacks on Taylor Swift


To a foreigner like me, it looks like a hundred people trapped in a compound during a zombie outbreak, and 35 people want to let the zombies in. Demand that the zombies be given the keys to the city, in fact. And 20 people aren't sure whether to vote to keep zombies out or let zombies in yet.


You are close. The remainder after those two groups can't be arsed about the whole thing.


They are riding the fox news momentum built over decades and are burning it far more than growing it.


McCarthy is the worst, he realized he was in their targets now and has been begging on some weird redemption tour that isn't working.


On June 15, 2016, McCarthy told his fellow Republicans, “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.” (Former Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher earned a reputation as one of Russia’s biggest congressional supporters.) McCarthy added at the time, “Swear to God.”


Eric cantor lmao


More like castrated


No different than their voting base. There are no greater cowards than conservatives. They are afraid of everything by definition, which is why they are so desperate to appear strong and masculine that they often end up looking and acting like caricatures. The world, progress, science, really anything they don’t understand terrifies them and they understand so little.


It’s a party wholly dedicated to the stopping of progress.


All brakes, no gas


As a Cali native and former resident, I can say confidently that Nunes is a piece of shit. If there was a fantasy version of the gop he’d be like one of Draco Malfoy’s sycophant friends. Just enough fainthearted evilness to be noticed and allowed to sit at the cool lunch table.


His parents even moved their farm up north, and oh yeah, still hire illegals there too.


Remember Richard Pombo? He would have fit right in. Central Valley really produces some winners.


poster boy for banality of evil?


I completely forgot about Trey Gowdy until I saw him on an episode of forensic files. (Prosecutor, not suspect lol)


It’s really astonishing that the skull caliper set considers him an ally. I mean, look at that boy’s heed.


In another age he would have been one of PT Barnum's prized attractions.


Garbage knows garbage.


Jason Chaffetz is a dime store Mike Lee with hair. No more, no less.


They're the type of scum Thomas Jefferson was Thomas saw the hypocrisy of making a nation that champions freedom but then uses slaves to build it But because he didn't want to lose favor, or have to work himself to pay off his debt and be criticized by his peers for being an abolitionist, he decided to keep his trap shut and the ball rolling


It could’ve just been the stench that made them run away from him. It’s hard to speak truth to power when you can’t breathe. (I know they are cowards, I just enjoy taking cheap shots.)


Throw Kinzinger in there too. The only Republican with any common sense, turns Independent, turns TV consultant.


I wouldn't lump him in with them. At least he was overtly vocal about his disgust towards trump. Those others just whispered about not liking him


I wouldn’t lump him with those guys in any way. He stood up to Trump and his base. He voted for impeachment twice. He sat on the January 6 committee


I read somewhere that Kinzinger grew up in a super insular, right wing, evangelical way, and actually believed all the rhetoric. Years in Congress shattered the illusion, and he essentially said "this sucks, you guys are crazy, I'm out."


I mean Paul Ryan is a total piece of shit-that he is making any sense just shows how fucked up the republicans have gotten.


Just as they are finally ready to move on Ryan’s plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare, they have a falling out. I hope things don’t work out for them all.


First chance get they will start to cut all social programs. They will probably just deny those benefits to people not yet receiving them, as well as create more red tape and Hoops to jump through and try to set it up so people that qualify do not get it. Meanwhile they are spending money hand over fist and cutting taxes on the rich.


This sounds great to me. I mean, I don’t know any rich people. I’m not rich myself. I might be one day. I probably will be, and if I ever do become rich, I expect these tax cuts. Bootstraps! /s


Ok Fry.


And all of that red tape will increase cost sufficiently that there are no actual savings, just decreased disbursements.


> They will probably just deny those benefits to people not yet receiving them Are these people not yet receiving benefits the same ones who think they're accomplishing something by not voting for Biden?


I hate how they use the words Entitlements in interviews when they are obviously talking about Social Security and Medicare. They want to make it sound as if people should be ashamed for receiving it.


They like to conflate the two meanings of the term. We ARE entitled to the benefits we've accrued, we don't feel entitlement and expect something for nothing. > 1: having a right to certain benefits or privileges > 2: having or showing a feeling of entitlement


They try to say we have to make cuts because people are living longer. Life expectancy numbers went up because infant mortality went down not because we're all going to live to be 150. Like the real issue isn't the size of the boomer generation. Then they mention the deficit without mentioning social security hasn't ever run a deficit. Nor is it allowed to by law.


He is a pos.  His big dream was to get rid of Social Security and Medicaid and food stamps and any other program that helps working people on Hard Times or old age. Meanwhile they are shoveling money out the door to all of their contractor Buddies and further cutting the taxes paid by the rich which are already lower than what working people pay, i e Jeff Bezos paid 600 bucks in 2020.


And he himself received SS survivor benefits after his father died which he used to pay for college. Yeah, typical "Fuck you, I got mine" Republican.


> He is a pos. And the voters who supported his ilk are also pos.


A lot of these people might not even be considered Republicans strictly speaking—they’re Trump/MAGA loyalists first, Republicans second, and America third


They are the republican party now






No, Donny, these men are cowards.


They are the Republican party of 40 years ago. Only difference is they are saying the quiet parts out loud.


Their base got less sophisticated. They had to start saying the queit parts out loud. Honestly I think there's also the fact that people who lived through Jim Crow and segregation had made their opinions clear. They spoke out, they voted, they lost. When overt racism became less tolerable, they quieted down on it, but their base still knew who was who. And as long as memory persisted and their personal history mattered, associations were enough--eg, endorsements from people who spoke out against integration to identify the good old boys. But as those people died and retired and the voters no longer had a memory of those times, they didn't have a history to run on and prove themselves. So they had to go back to saying everything out loud.


They are the Republican party, so they are definitely Republicans. The parties change over time. When the Democrats embraced the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, the party was irrevocably changed. All the racists left for the party of Lincoln. The old Democratic party was no more. The Republican party, with Nixon's "Southern strategy", was on the path to where it is now. I'm sure there were plenty of people at the time saying "those aren't real Democrats" and "those aren't real Republicans", but those are just the bitter words of people who feel stranded by change.


Well said


Trump is rhe GOP. Being an anti Trump Republican now is like being an anti FDR Democrat in the 30s. The party has left you behind.




Trump first Republican Second Hate Third Self Interest at any cost Fourth I wouldn't even put American as Fifth, because their actions almost exclusively harm America to serve the first 4.


>they’re Trump/MAGA loyalists first, Republicans second, and America third And yet they claim to be America First....which was the motto of the American Nazi Party.


Hey now I was told Paul Ryan was a *policy wonk* and that he was just about to unveil his ACA replacement as soon as he could find the pants pocket he left it in. It was in there somewhere, check back next week. And the week after that. We'll unveil our signature legislation any day now we double pinky swear promise. When people think "Paul Ryan" they think "policy".


Yeah, he was a policy wonk who didn't understand how insurance worked. That's the best the R's had to offer for brains.


Throw the Cheney's in that pot too. If they think the GOP is fucked, you know it's bad.


Paul Ryan is *the* reason I left the Republican Party in 2016 after 35+ years. I’m old, I was raised in a conservative religious family. I was attending a catholic university, studying Political Science, in 1980 when I was first eligible to vote for President. I voted for Ronald Reagan. I’m one of many who consider themselves to be fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I’m *so* old that it was considered weird to vote straight ticket- for either party. It was considered a good thing to expect compromise and bipartisanship. In fact, it was the goal. We understood that no one can get every single thing they want- nor should they, because a significant portion of the population wants something different. I always used to split my ticket, although I kept my registration as a Republican. I knew I’d be voting for Clinton in 2016, but did participate in my state’s closed primary, and felt like voting for Kasich was a last gasp for sanity. I watched and listened to TFG in horror. As the Speaker of the House, Ryan was the putative leader of the Republican Party. He stood by silently during TFG’s worst antics. For me, it was his attacks on the Khans, the Muslim Gold Star family, that did it. Surely, Ryan would condemn the attacks against the people whose *son had been killed while fighting for America.* He had hit the trifecta- racist, anti-Muslim, and sexist (he said that Mrs. Kahn had just stood there and let her husband do all the talking because, as a woman, she wasn’t allowed to speak). Crickets from Ryan. I waited for about a week, thinking that once the dust settled, he might gather the courage to condemn those attacks. When he finally did issue a statement, it was so full of nonsense that I can’t even remember what he said. All I do remember is going online to my county voter registration office and changing my registration to Democrat (in my state, you can only vote in primaries if you’re a D or R). I also remember vowing to never vote for a Republican- for any office, in any election- again. As an aside, this is what I find to be so infuriating- when the flying monkeys in Congress keep talking about ‘what the American people want.’ No, MTG. No, Bobo. This is what a tiny fraction of fringe lunatics want. But, good job burning the whole country down and obstructing every piece of decent legislation and wasting our time and money on your impeachment inquiries.


something something broken clock


Trash calls rubbish "garbage".


Here's the thing, that particular piece of garbage, Ryan, used to be the GOP golden boy. They absolutely treated him like the sun shined out of his rear end. If it hadn't been for the insanity of MAGA, Ryan would have been the GOP nominee for either 2020 or this years elections, without a doubt. It _really_ highlights how crazy the direction of the GOP has gone.


Romney was their candidate in 2012. His positions didn't really change but by 2016, he was a RINO in their eyes


Exactly. They've turned on the old guard of GOP and opened the floodgates for the likes of MTG, Boebart and Trump. Along with the tail tuckers from the old days who got on their knees like Cruz and Graham.


He's not wrong in a way--Paul Ryan, the ZEGS (Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver) was not a good guy--but this fealty to Trump thing is getting way out of control.


I'm good with anything that hastens the GOP's much-needed death and transfiguration. Then we can get to work on the Democrats.


I think the RNC becoming a Trump entity has sealed that fate.


Some idiots on the left want to work on the Democrats first before the GOP's much-needed death and transfiguration. They seem to have a failure fetish.


Less failure fetish than inability to play the long game, which is something GOP is pretty good at. The fetish is for candidates that pass their purity tests on every single issue. Like the right, the left has lost sight of the fact that the ability to govern stems from the ability to compromise and nobody's coming out with everything they want.


I remain optimistic that there'll be a break of the republican party, with most staying with the maga crowd but the rest, the Bush, Cheney, Ryan types forming a new republican party. The old guard has to recognize that it's over for them.


He is garbage but so it the person calling him garbage.


Troy Nehls is worse than garbage. Troy Nehls would let his wife be fucked in the ass by Donald Trump if it meant that he could lick the shit off Don’s pole afterward.


*”Paul Ryan, you’re a piece of garbage. You’re a piece of garbage. And you we should kick you out of the party. For Paul Ryan to say he’s not voting for Donald Trump – that’s the problem with some of our Republicans. It’s guys like that,” Nehls told CNN’s Manu Raju, in an interview that aired early Wednesday.* https://thehill.com/elections/4717651-gop-rep-calls-paul-ryan-piece-of-garbage-trump-remarks/damp/?nxs-test=damp


Freedom of choice: "No no no! Not like that!"


Of course Troy nehls threatens to kick Paul Ryan out of the party, years after Ryan left congress.


The one time Paul Ryan does something right, he is called garbage by the maga crowd. But he does deserve to be called garbage for everything else he did


“It’s guys like that” Yeah, all that common decency and courage and back bone, even if they just found the shit buried in a desk draw recently, that shit don’t fly in the GOP! Nothing grand about having a backbone at all!


Paul Ryan had not one ounce of common decencywhen he was in congress. The fact that he can't hold his nose and vote for Trump is a surprise.


The Republican Party sure has gone full Red lately.




Troy Nehls…you mean the Troy Nehls who: [https://dccc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/20200901-TX-22-Back-Up-Fired.pdf](https://dccc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/20200901-TX-22-Back-Up-Fired.pdf) and is currently facing campaign finance charges?


Fascism is a helluva drug?


Barry Switzer still active?


Wow he does resemble switzer 😮 


Damn. You could have put that photo with an article about Oklahoma football and I wouldn't have even thought twice.


Holy crap! Next they will elevate him to a deity. Wait! They already have……


Golden Trump idol displayed at CPAC 2021


It's a cult.


To be fair, Ryan was always garbage. Eh. Stopped clocks etc.


Pot meet kettle...


Garbage can meet dumpster fire.


I appreciate Ryan publicly announcing he won’t vote for Trump, but I also appreciate the schadenfreude of the GQP tearing itself apart over Trump allegiance. I will be delighted when it finally thrashes in its death throes and splits into the Money Party (the Kochs and DeVoses and their disgusting oligarchic ilk) and the brainless God party (which denies science and evidence, and is manipulated by the Money Party people to vote against their own self interest by hot-button issues).


I could not agree the more that Paul Ryan is the piece of garbage who paved the way for Trump.


Oh…Troy Nehls, the guy wearing an U.S. Army Combat Infantryman’s Badge on his lapel that he didn’t earn? He’s calling someone garbage?


Garbage... for refusing to vote for a convicted felon. The Republican party is well and truly fucked beyond all hope and reason. They need to get rid of Trump, do some serious introspection, and rebrand/rebuild. There are no other options to bring them back from the fractured and broken state they've been in since bending the knee to Herr Drumpf.


Hilarious. For all their crying about cancel culture, no one cancels harder than Trump and his MAGA ball-lickers.


Some of the old guard in the GOP don't seem to realize that they've lost their party. It belongs to Trump now. 


You don't live a sane country if your refusal to vote for a rapist con man who stole national secrets gets you attacked. Push back on this bullshit and bury this hateful ideology once and for all America! Trump killed thousands of your fellow citizens alone with his covid lies. He shouldn't be allowed to show his face in society much less demand any loyalty.


That tiny chunk of hair left on his head makes him look like a cartoon baby.


I thought Ryan said he *would* vote for Trump? He talks out both sides of his mouth though so who knows. Either way he's a grifter that took a revolving door job at Fox News. He doesn't disagree with Trump on anything, Ryan's just worried Trump is gonna grift money he wants to grift. Trump is sucking the GOP dry. Virtually all small dollar donors are giving to him.


Yesterday he went on Fox News and said he would not vote for Trump after all. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6354824422112


You've got to think like a low information voter. They won't hear both things. That's how talking out of both sides of your mouth works.


So anyone who doesn’t gargle Trump’s balls is a piece of garbage? Got it.


If that's what makes a person garbage, call me Oscar the Grouch.


Yes, Rump is garbage


Totally not a cult, nope.


I think most people can agree Ryan is a piece of garbage but not for that reason.


Nehls is such a cuck.


Is anyone else starting to think that maybe the people who are voting for Trump are the actual garbage?


Paul Ryan is garbage. And the people calling him trash a worse than him by a mile.


Paul "My Favorite Band Growing Up was Rage Against the Machine and Yet I Somehow Missed All of Their Very Explicit Leftist Messaging and Became a Gigantic Right Wing Douche Bag" Ryan. His parents sure hated him when they gave him that middle name. 🤷🏿‍♂️


You all might disagree with Paul Ryan on a lot of things, but going against your own side for good reasons is one of the bravest things one can do.


Gonna go ahead and spoil it right now for everyone: He's a coward. He'll fall in line and do as he's told come November.


Trump fucking a porn star and paying with campaign funds isn't POS behaviour to these people though. That's just a day ending in Y. That's not even getting into the fact his wife and new baby were sat at home while he did it, and he didn't use protection either. People who want as as president likely do or want to do the same.


This is very weird. This is story with the GOP and Paul Ryan and I agree with both.


You know your party is totally a healthy, reasonable one when any difference of opinion and choice is met with name-calling, insulting, and derision. Definitely a cult


Remember 2016 when trump ran saying he would fix the budget and fix Healthcare because the Republicans (led by Ryan) had plans ready to go? Then Trump wins and Ryan says, just kidding. My plan is to cancel Obamacare with no replacement and balance the budget by fucking social security and Medicare and Medicaid and let's cut corporate taxes and eliminate state and local deductions! Pretty sure Trump just said, what the fuck? What have you guys been doing for the last eight years? Then because all Ryan got done was nothing after all that bullshit talk, they got creamed in the midterms and he quit. And Nancy took over and she was pissed...


Another Republican slimebag who has intimate first hand knowledge of just what garbage is, having been a Republican for a while.


Paul Ryan is garbage, but not for that.


more orange ass kissing from these clowns. cant say anything that might offend the orange snowflake.


Nehls was in LE and there's video of him confronting J6'ers who had breached the Capitol. He USED to behave differently. He is utterly and completely compromised, 100% working for Trump/Putin. A disgusting, corrupted disease hiding in plain sight. He also openly grifts for corporate campaign contributions and has used his appointment on committees to scuttle worker/labor issues (railroad). He's a bad guy.


Well he is but not because he called out the piece of shit trump


This is avid ass play enthusiast Troy Nehls. He is the Texas politician who begged Congress not to support the GOP-authored bi-partisan border security bill.


Ryan is a smarmy sack of shit for many reasons, but not for refusing to vote for Trump.


I think this counts as a No True Scotsman logical fallacy. All Republicans worship Trump - Paul Ryan doesn't worship Trump - therefore he's not a real Republican. It's just proof at this point that their party stands for absolutely nothing, except defending Trump, and trying to make him king. Every single other priority or agenda-item - has been jettisoned. Like they've all been lobotomized and have lost every ounce of free will they ever had.


nope, not a cult.


Well, they are not wrong Paul Ryan is a piece of garbage.


Paul Ryan doesn not plan on voting for Biden, so he is planning to vote for Trump. He will just vote for him indirectly.


Trump demands loyalty from every Republican. This is what happens because of that.


Well, he's not wrong, just his reasoning.


Flashback to 2012 and I never would've guessed that Paul Ryan would actually not vote for the authoritarian.


Yep. MAGA mentality, you're either with them 100% of the way, or you're the enemy. There is no middle ground.


One piece of trash calling another piece of trash a piece of trash. Trash all around.


The litmus tests started when Cheney and Kinzinger stepped up and joined the Jan 6 inquiry, if you don't bend the knee and kiss the ring you're out of the group.


He’s definitely a piece of garbage, but not for this 🤷‍♀️


The whole party is garbage.


He is garbage


I mean, he _is_ garbage, but not for the reasons they think he is.


*"How dare you have morals of your own and not fall in line like the rest of us! We have ONE moral here and we share it and it's about shooting dogs! One moral, that's all the room we have for such silly things. If you expect to be one of us, you must learn to share! Annnnd also fetishize old orange diaper-wearing felons in dirty diapers... Cuz, you know...."*


To be fair, Paul Ryan *is* a piece of garbage, but not because of his criticism of Trump.


There is still room in politics for people making principled decisions that make them unpopular. We have to make efforts to make sure that door remains open, for everyone's sake. In spite of our MANY political differences, credit where it is due, he showed some goddamned backbone. That should be encouraged.


I mean, I agree. But for very different reasons


Smelly trash, white trash, pedo trash, etc. All GOP are trash and have been for years now. That's what happens you worship the trash king.


I mean he's not wrong. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.


talk about makin muRiKKKa gR8 with kind talk like THAT!! YAAAAY gopeee


If I belonged to a group who called a former leader a piece of shit for merely exercising autonomy of thought, I’d leave that group.


He's not wrong though. Just another rat fleeing a sinking ship.


Paul Ryan came to my highschool and setup the most liberal teacher there for a surprise photop when they shook hands. Put it in the paper the next day. My teacher was disgusted and so was I. Paul Ryan is a terrible human being but even terrible human beings sometimes make the right decision.


Well, he’s not wrong…


Well if that's not the garbage calling the garbage garbage


I mean, Paul Ryan has always had my vote for being “Politician Most Likely To Have The Bodies Of Sex Workers (Of Any Gender) Chopped Up And Buried In His Basement”, but he’s still correct in not supporting Trump.


Even not voting for the Felon Melon, Ryan is a piece of shit who can get fucked.


μαν, the sheer cowardice of that crew is staggering. Ryan and his Young Guns act, turning out to be nothing but a bunch of political poseurs when push came to shove. Chaffetz's about-face was pathetic; all those grandstandings for nada once Trump stole the spotlight. They were supposed to be conservative icons standing up for principle, but they melted faster than ice on a July sidewalk in DC. Total letdowns.


Keep gargling Don Snoreleone's balls.


I mean he ain't wrong


Guess what, both things are true. They’re all garbage.


Paul Ryan was the driving force behind the 2017 GOP tax bill. He is not a good person for opposing Trump.


He is garbage. But for other reasons than opposing Trump.


This is maybe the most fucked up thing the GOP does to attack Democracy at all. The whole point of Democracy is that you should vote for the candidate you feel is best fit for the job. Exercising that right is one of the most fundamental aspects of our government. Paul Ryan absolutely is a piece of garbage, for a whole host of reasons, but this isn't one of them.


I hate to say this, but Paul Ryan is correct.


Troy Nehls calling someone "garbage" is laughable. Like a lot of the GQP sycophants, he's projecting. He must have just passed a mirror.


Well, Troy Nehls is a fucking piece of shit so I guess game recognizes game


Pretty sure every Republican elected for the last 30 years--and likely a large chunk of Dems--would do the country a great service if they, their families (who are benefitting from their actions), their supporters and donors all turned to dust overnight.


These people calling him garbage is peak GOP stupidity.


Paul Ryan is a prick, whether he votes Trump or not this will remain true


And now they fight amongst themselves, my evil plan coming to fruition.... Muuuu Haahahaahaaahahaha If it were only that easy.


**Alternative Headline:** Man is called ''piece of garbage'' by cult-member, after speaking out against cult-leader.


I mean they're not wrong, he's definitely garbage. But so are they,


Sounds more like he is waking up if he isn’t going to be voting Trump. but yeah, of course the party that wants to make things as fascist as possible would debase their own just for not sticking to the conglomerate.


Clown sheriff Troy opening his mouth again


Paul Ryan is the very symbol of Miami of Ohio douchebaggery and arrogance


He was ALWAYS a piece of garbage, dumbass!


The Triumph of the Will became the new text, relegating Atlas Shrugged to the dustbin.


Fortunately for some of them, Triumph of the Will is a movie, so they don’t even have to read a dense book like Atlas Shrugged


Yeah, what a piece of trash having a backbone and standing up for your beliefs


Fellow Repubs? More like future face food!


Well, they're not wrong, albiet not for the right reason.


Why can't it just be that's his prerogative?!


I don't know what this guy's reasoning was, but I'm sure it's stupid. The basic conclusion that Paul Ryan is a bag of shit is, however, correct.


What an unprofessional fuck


The pot calling the kettle 'black'


Let me help; POS calls POS a POS over not supporting the ultimate POS.


Well, all Republicans are, it's just that some can go in a trashcan and others need to be taken to a special facility to be destroyed.


Both are right!