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Nixon is pissed


I shouldn't be laughing, but I could imagine it.




Oh! What a McGovern I've been!


[Richard Nixon's head nailed it](https://youtu.be/jpMvYzq4mGA?feature=shared&t=17)


That's right, daddio!!!!




*Listen here, Missy. Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's different is me; I've become bitter, and let's face it, crazy over the years.* 666th comment! šŸ¤˜


Brought to you by: the great taste of Charleston Chew!


I love Futurama


***swinging jowls, Nixon like voice*** "motherfuckers..."


I feel a jowel movement coming onā€¦ AROOOOOOO


I work at the place he's buried and told his ghost what happened, and he's fucking PISSED that some orange in a shit waistcoat got away with this when he didn't get away with what he did.


Many Republicans still cared about the good of the country back then


Clinton is pissed too


Those hearings would have been hilarious if he would have just claimed the blow job was an official presidential act.


He got in trouble for lying to Congress (about the blow job), not for the blow job


So, just say the lying was a presidential act?


Yep. "I had to lie to maintain the integrity of the office."


It would fall under "executive privilege"


'In trouble with Congress' is a strong phrase for what actually happened. He wasn't in trouble because the impeachment was BS from the beginning and he didn't even lie about the BJ. He answered the question about having sexual relations given the definition Republicans asked him to use. Which was if he had any physical contact with her genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks. Under that definition Clinton did not have sexual relations with her. But Republicans being Republicans they didn't care. They knew they could drag 'the president had a blowjob' across the media and smear his name with an impeachment trial claiming he lied when he didn't. All the while make it appear as though they're going after him for lying. They don't care about reality and they never have.


I know this was done for the benefit of Trump, but as it happened while Biden is still in the White House, it would be absolutely hilarious if he capitalized on it while he has the opportunity.


Narrator: he won't


I hope he doesn't have to. But I do like that he has the option between November and January to use the nuclear option if shit goes south during the election. Best case scenario, the current administration works out the "Oh shit" option and we never know anything about it because the electorate recognizes the existential threat to America and votes accordingly.


I want to clarify beforehand that I'm not trying to defend Biden or the Democrats. But this decision was crafted to actually not hand immunity over to Biden. The SC conveniently hinged their entire immunity argument on whether any given crime was done as an "official action" on the part of the President while also offering no test or explanation of what constitutes an "official action" and leaving it up to the courts to decide for each case. You can bet a million dollars that the SC will bend over backwards to declare anything Biden does as unofficial while they would do the opposite for Trump.


Ah, but the thing is that they would actually need to be in court to rule that dangling them upside down and naked in an unlisted cell at Guantanamo with an IV drop of platypus venom for the rest of their natural lives isn't a valid official action of the presidency, and you might notice the possible loophole there.


Why even bother with that? Biden can declare them enemies of the state and a threat to American security and have them assassinated as an official action.


Frankly, it wouldn't even be fucking wrong to call Trump and his hand-picked cabal enemies of the State.


They're literally domestic terrorists and traitors. They attempted a coup.


They are currently attempting another one


"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him." It really is so insane the doors they opened up with this.


Yeah, but platypus venom has so much more style and utter depravity.


> an IV drop of platypus venom I like you.


Because I was curious myself: >Effect on humans and other animals > Although powerful enough to paralyze smaller animals,[4] the venom is not lethal to humans. Still, it produces excruciating pain that may be intense enough to incapacitate a victim. Swelling rapidly develops around the entry wound and gradually spreads outward. Information obtained from case studies shows that the pain develops into a long-lasting hyperalgesia that can persist for months but usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks.[5][12] A clinical report from 1992 showed that the severe pain was persistent and did not respond to morphine.[13] > In 1991 Keith Payne, a former member of the Australian Army and recipient of the Victoria Cross (Australia's highest award for valour), was struck on the hand by a platypus spur while trying to rescue the stranded animal. He described the pain as worse than being struck by shrapnel. A month later he was still experiencing pain in that hand. In 2006, Payne reported discomfort and stiffness when carrying out some physical activities such as using a hammer.[14]


I agree with everything you said but feel the need to point out: if Biden follows the tweet and assassinated the right wing of the court then gets to nominate their replacements, I'm fairly certain they won't be bending over backward to find his original act unofficial.


Even if the replacement justices DID determine the acts as unofficial, the old justices would be off the bench. Sounds like a win.


He could take one for the team


What are they gonna do, put him in a fancy jail for a couple years until he dies?


We did it Reddit! We solved the authoritarian problem! Who is telling Biden the plan?


I'm sure he's already planning on releasing Major into their chambers like Ramsay Bolton


SCOTUS has already hired Kristi Noem to protect them.


I mean, fuck, if it works it works. Iā€™m down.


Worked with Cincinnatus.


And that's how the SCOTUS operates, because they know he wouldn't do anything like that.


An official act of President is to defend the Constitution from all threats foreign and domestic. SCOTUS, John Roberts extreme court Jesters are a clear threat. Trump and MAGAs are a clear threat. ACT accordingly Biden.


It's not happening.Ā  I'm sorry but its not.Ā Ā Ā  We have got to stop responding to everything the GQP does with malicious compliance.Ā Ā  It's not working.Ā Ā Ā  We need to be out in the streets putting the fear of god back into the GQP.Ā 


Yeah and thatā€™s why we will lose. We will take the high road. The republicans will take everything else.


When have Democrats *ever* responded with malicious compliance?? The most they've done is gasp and say "how rude!"


If that court is dead they can't find biden's actions unofficial......




What if what he does is to shake up the court itself, rebuild it to his own liking, or hell, establish a new higher court, the Super Supreme Court. Sounds pretty damn official to me, especially being as several of them have been shown to be corrupt, just arrest and ship to gitmo, replace and move on.


He has the ability to stack the courts. He could appoint five additional judges without congressional oversight during the next recess. But he wonā€™t. Because the democrats are the Washington Generals of politics. Theyā€™re there just so the other team has someone to dunk on.


Designating individuals as domestic terrorists is an official action. Drone striking domestic terrorists is an official action. And the scores of White House lawyers will be far more creative than this. There are probably dozens of ways that a president could eliminate his political opposition using only 'official' actions.


I have a simple rule: I am opposed to waterboarding except in the cases of people who have previously claimed that it works and they know because it would work on them. Those who push the Big Lie should be waterboarded. Let's use the Salem Village Test: waterboard them and if they drown, they are innocent. If they live, it's proof that their guilty and should be drown. It's God's Will.


Or you just Andrew Jackson them at this point, they ruled President has immunity for any official act, made it impossible to gather evidence on them, etc. All it would take it Biden declaring it on the POTUS letter head via executive order. The Court has no enforcement mechanism and they technically don't have judicial review but that would be more chaotic to drop


They can't deliberate and rule on that if they are dead and replaced. It really comes down to whether or not soldiers/agents of the government will actually obey those orders.


It doesn't matter, only the obedience of the guys with guns matters. If Biden had the turbulent six bagged and made guests at Gitmo, who specifically has the firepower to overcome the King's decision? "Step away from my chair" - HBO's Octavian


Three possibilities Biden taking drastic action is not one. I just don't see it in him 1 States like CA, NY, and such immediately nope out when Trump starts ordering assassinations. Cue the second civil war 2 the military realizes the danger the moment Trump is elected. Leadership starts a coup to try and right the ship. This could go either way (success or failure) 3 Everyone tries to wait it out before doing anything. By the time anyone tries to take any real action it's too late. The US descends into a fascist dictatorship and will remain such for the rest of my life. The outlook is fucking grim


Third option for sure.


No chance the military rebels. Military thinking engenders a rigid obedience to superiors. If there's ever a question of whether an order is lawful, they'll err on the side that it is. Exceptions like the My Lai Massacre prove the rule.


There are some military leaders high enough up that could kick it off. Many of them understand a Trump second term with the nuclear football could doom the entire planet. This MAY..... M A Y be enough for them to take such a drastic action. Is it the most likely? No.... is it within the realm of possibilities? Yes


No it isn't. They've already made it clear how they handle a crazy commander. In short they just endlessly ask are you sure? Because these are all of the other options. The non-crazy ones. It's someone's job to put together the doomsday and less than doomsday options and everything in between.


That may have worked in the first Trump term, but it won't work in the second. In a second Trump term there will be no Esper's in the room to temper the response. Trump will give an order to loyalists and it will be immediately carried out. There will be nobody in the room to ask "are you sure"


A military coup is one of the most common resolutions to these kinds of scenarios... and usually ends up with a general as defacto dictator.


You're thinking of grunts, they are talking about top brass. Very different beasts entirely. Keep in mind Michael Flynn is a Lt General and literally a traitor to the US for Russia.


Enlisted thinking, perhaps, is as you say. But officers are taught a lot of civics including the role of a military in a democracy. They train officers to be thinkers.


The ruling by the supreme Court will only apply to Republican presidents. Which is all you are going to get, because suspending the US Constitution and presidential elections by Exec Order will be totally fine. Democrats are insisting on playing by the rules that the supreme court just shit all over.


Dems insist on playing by rules that don't exist anymore because they don't want to acknowledge they don't exist anymore.


Which is why the first official action should be to issue an executive order declaring Marbury v. Madison to be mute and jail the court if they challenge it. See how fast they retract their king order.


lame duck assassinations was never a play I could ever imagine shit, even pardons were slightly dicey before


Tbf, the King can still lame duck pardon himself for the lame duck purges. It's like the outgoing King gets to treat himself to political bulemia


The existential threat to the US exists because Americans completely checked out of politics at every level and their communities and only bothering to pay attention every 1 or 2 years to vote.Ā Ā  Voting isn't enough and has never been enough.


My conservative uncle said Biden is not even in charge. Are you sure the Deep State won't use this power? /s


I love watching interviews at Trump rallies. "Obama is running things!" "It's not actually Biden, it's an actor!" "Trump is the real President and it's a trap to catch Democrats!" The endless conspiracies really solidify how stupid these people are.


Yeah no chance.


And why not anyway? What are they gonna do? Threaten to kill him? They're already in a race with the grim reaper to get there first


Yes and this is exactly why they did it. The paradox of tolerance, if you play by the rule and try to be as nice and reasonable as possible you will be consumed by those who don't. The fact that this circus was left to go on for so long means that whatever the outcome is, it will be deserved


>The fact that this circus was left to go on for so long means that whatever the outcome is, it will be deserved. I have been saying this the past few days.


Sad emoji


He should. Because Set an example what not to at worse also itā€™s clear partisanship is ok.


He may, just not as extra judicial retribution. I would wager my whole savings that this just green lit many operations they previously had trepidation about.




I hope the window is okay.


It is in pane.


But now itā€™s paneless.




I mean, Trump and his court are a clear and present danger to our democracy....


Yes. At this point, they are. At this point, I'd also like to remind the PotUS that his Oath of Office begins, > "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; I would also like to note that that oath is *nearly identical* to the oath of office taken by *Commissioned Officers of the United States Army:* > "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; There are enemies domestic afoot, they roam the houses of power and the highest judiciary in the land. Frankly at this point, if they all get "permanently removed from circulation," or just disappear entirely... Well, I'll be *disappointed,* but I'll *understand.*


the thing is the rightwing SC knows full well that a Democratic president (especially Biden) will follow reasonable, constitutional and historical norms not matter the license they just gave. Because they know them to be decent. They also know full well that Trump (and today's MAGAs) will not and will fully use the license they just gave. They know what they just did and nothing will be done about it.


From the outside, it's looking like your democrats might have to actually DO something instead of being the bigger people. The moral high ground doesn't matter when you're standing at the bottom of the grave you were just made to dig, staring up at a gun-weidling maniac.


Viewing America from the outside, without all the propaganda, leaves one conclusion: They absolutely should, but we all know that they wont. Because they're **LITERALLY** delusional. They're living in the past and still think there still are some republicans who are pretending to be nice.


He won't, which is why they did it to set the foundation for when they give trump the White House in four months...you have absolutely no idea JUST how fucked we are.


Because they know the Democrats are pussy so they just wait until he gets back in and will essential eliminate term limit or handpick his kid to be the next president. He can basically pass anything he wants as he can legally kill anyone in Congress who does not vote for something he wants. If nothing extreme is done in the remainder of the term to highlight how dangerous this is, then it's game over. At this point I would not fault Biden for ordering an assassination just to prove the point.


If you watch some of the films showing how things led up to Hussein basically throwing out the government and taking over Iraq, it's eerily similar to the shit that's going on now.


Hell the Roman republic fell to similar problems of consuls and senators bickering leading into retaliation and eventually consuls just didn't give up their armies. It led into one of the most brutal war periods in Roman history.


Also because they defeated land redistribution efforts so Rome's billionaires decided they should actually be emperors and raised their own private armies to wage their own private conquests under the banner of Rome, eventually turning them on each other.


It would not be hilarious, it would be heroic. He could save America by showing how monumentally stupid this decision was and something could potentially be done by the remaining adults left in the room. Because the alternatives are he do nothing (pretty much assured), he wins and does nothing, ot trump wins and literally has the framework to be as diabolical as possible without fear for repercussions. So yeah Biden could be heroic, not funny, if he did certain things.


> I know this was done for the benefit of Trump, but as it happened while Biden is still in the White House, it would be absolutely hilarious if he capitalized on it while he has the opportunity. They specifically tailored it to be worthless and vague knowing that any question, of which they left many, would come straight back to their 6-3 bullshit opinion when it became relevant. Just fucking watch. We're going to IMMEDIATELY see them call Democrat actions 'unofficial' and let their motives be broadcast while calling Republican actions official and protecting their motives from scrutiny. Probably Fox will blast fake bullshit about Democrat motivations for actions while SCOTUS will defend using deadly force against randos on the Internet who mention Republican ones.


Completely accurate.


I have to wonder if this is what it was like for all tyrants in history. They all just though "Well we got away with it! The system has been fucked by us, so everyone is just going to go along with it!" Going to play out absurdly in a capitalist society blasted with inflation. You're going to see redneck grandpas selling off parts of their armories and reporting the brown buyers to the FBI before they themselves get arrested...not for having and selling guns, but because they kicked their cousin down the stairs in the 70s and she miscarried.


It was done to the "benefit" of the fascist billionaires and theocrats that order at least half of the conservative justices and the whole of the GOP. Trump will be dead soon, while youll have to worry about the moronic USA voters voting for the GOP forever. No peace with fascism is possible, and centrist morons will find out.


If joe biden did anything like this he'd be impeached by a bipartisian congress agreement and charged. Trump surrounds himself with sycophants, like the majority of the republican congress, to say nothing of who he'd staff the agencies with.


It wouldn't be hilarious. It would be cathartic.


Naw, he'd hate it if the Republicans were no longer his friends.


I'm now upset he didn't pardon his son as his response to the decision. The only way to fight this is to show the GQP exactly why the decision is bad. The people trying to adhere to decorum are just playing into their hands because it's exactly what they're counting on. Taking the high road is just not going to work against people who have no morals.


Only correction to this is that he can also illegally do it, and thereā€™s not a thing that can be done about it.


The real correction is he can't assassinate the SC - that's not actually within the ruling as that would just be labelled unofficial pretty easily. However, what *is* within the ruling is the President going on national television to address the public, declaring the members of the SC he doesn't like a bunch of paedophiles, sharing their home addresses and imploring people to go and kill them. The SC weirdly explicitly said in their ruling that addressing the public was one of the President's official acts (hint hint, they're trying to protect Trump from J6), which are the ones they made legal.


SCOTUS deemed any conversation with a government official an "official" act and non-prosecutable, so Biden couldn't, like, assassinate SCOTUS himself, but with his new powers it sure reads like he could command the CIA to take out SCOTUS, or send Marines to arrest them and try them in Military court for treason. Not a lawyer, but SCOTUS seems to have painted itself into a corner, including the decision you mentioned. It's bizarre.


Try them? No, just suspend habeus corpus. He can do that now.


Didn't the patriot act already do that?


Yeah Bush did that for fun.


Oh, republicans.


Commanding the military is an official duty of the president explicitly labeled in the Constitution. He could easily send a missile at anyone he chooses.


no it wouldn't be unofficial, the court did not give definitions for "official" and "unofficial" but who is going to rule it "unofficial" when the 6 conservatives have been assassinated on Biden's orders? that's the problem with this ruling, they just bastardized the role of the presidency


Both are easily interpreted as official acts, and if they're not you can just keep assasinating judges until they give you the interpretation your looking for. The framework is set.


Or, refuse to hand over any ā€œofficialā€ communications that would show unofficial motive. Thatā€™s the real problem. Youā€™ll never be able to prove anything has unofficial motives behind it. Any action can be justified by claiming it was done for ā€œnational security,ā€ or ā€œin the interests of the nation,ā€ and that will make it an official act.


And I am sure Trump will. They have done what he has wanted, sure, but they also did things he did not care for. Can't have such disloyalty in his dictatorship, so they will need to be removed.


"6-3? Those are rookie numbers, better pump those numbers up. 9-0 has a better ring to it"


It won't be about disloyalty. It will be about a competitive power base. I see an Americanized version of the Night of the Long Knifes.


Oh there is no doubt about it. Once Trump takes office, we will see his version of the Night of the Long Knives. Trump demands absolute loyalty. "Best Night of the Long Knives in history of Nights of the Long Knives. Lot of knives. Lot of knives. Sharp. Very sharp those knives. Very long too. Longest knives anyone has ever see. Some people may call them swords. But they're not. They're knives, not swords.. A bigly amount of knives. Long, sharp knives. No one's ever seen knives as long and as sharp. And we did it at night. Not with a K night. Very important difference. Wasn't just one night though. Took longer. Took longer than one night. Some of it was in the day. The Days and Nights of Long, Sharp Knives. That's what we'll call it.""


The opportunity for the greatest incident of Leopards Ate My Face in American political history.


Hitler and Stalin removed people who helped them get into power. Why wouldn't Trump? He has no loyalty to anyone other than himself, but demands absolute loyalty. And he has to know the Supreme Court is on the take, because he's probably on the give, so that means their loyalty, their votes, can be bought. He cannot allow that,, because their loyalty must be to their lord and master, the God-King Emperor Donald Trump. So, they must be removed and replaced with those absolutely loyal to him. After all, why have a Hand of the King if they are not loyal to the king?


"Have you seen Boeing? Good people great people, have you heard? The make the planes, they make the, the planes and they're good planes, best you ever seen you wouldn't believe it. They do good things there you know? They know what to do with, the bad people and we have that, we have a lot of bad people, not when I was around. I had thw best people, people that had so much smarts, you wouldn't believe what they could come up with, flying cars, you know.like in the Flintstones, they had those cars they could fly? That's what these people, these good people are up to. They know how to deal with...BAD. PEOPLE. These are bad people folks you don't want them around, well these Boeing guys they're "oh you're bad, you'll regret that". Traitors, these people are, traitors like no one has ever seen before. Well they take them and they, well let's just say they go up but they don't come down, not like that. They're dropping out of windows, did you see this did you know about this? These people, and they love me, they said Mr president you're the greatest man to ever be in office and I said oh you're too kind, but they said no, with tears in their eyes. Well they, they take them up the building you see, tall buildings, not as big as mine, I have the biggest towers. And they say, you're a traitor and the bad people say...we hate Trump. We hate America. And, well, you know ow they drop down you know, to the ground and, if you k ow how to land you can do it I can do it, but they aren't good people you know, so Boeing. Yeah they know how to deal with bad people" - *hypothetical Trump if he's in office with this ruling in place*


They can do this now because they know Dems are not going to abuse the power. Trump absolutely will.


No. You're extremely mistaken. See, the court gave itself the sole power to determine what was an official act. So, if a non-conservative does anything they don't like, that's not an official act. If a conservative does anything at all, that's always an official act. They *don't have a principle*. There is no rule of law any longer. Hasn't been for a while. They don't *care* what the said last time. What matters is what they want *right now*, and they'll say whatever to justify it and utterly ignore it next time. They've been doing that for more than 20 years; it's just now gotten extremely overt.


On Friday they released an opinion that basically says "the executive can't decide what to do if a law is ambiguous, only the courts. If congress doesn't like that, they can pass a clearer law.", then the same day released another opinion which boils down to "Sure, the law congress passed was very specific, but it's being used to prosecute Republicans. So we're going to ignore what it says, and interpret it in a way to benefit us." Like you said, extremely overt.


The law is dead. The question is what are people going to do about it?


Complain about the economy and "old guys" in charge.


They need to get off their asses and vote. It is not a stupid-ass Reddit meme solution but it is the only path we have to even start to fix this without Americans dying.


> the court gave itself the sole power to determine what was an official act. Exactly - and they also declined to define official acts vs private acts. They sent it back to the trial court, saying essentially "you first, lol" so they can pick it apart when it is inevitably not to their liking.


A dem abusing the power could simply remove the conservative court members, stick them in the ground, and appoint liberals and then reverse the decision. So, no, not at all even slightly mistaken.


And then, the conservatives will do *the same thing* and get what they want. In fact, they pretty much tried that four years ago. We're in *extremely dangerous times*.


Then he would have to go further and remove everyone who knowingly and willingly enabled all of this. If he does this, there will be a violent reaction. If he does not do this, the other guy will, and there will be a violent reaction. Either way, everyone suffers because of this.


The conservatives have guns; you probably should too.


It doesn't matter if the Dems do it or don't, because Trump will just do it anyways.


We agree on that. The country is finished.


Thatā€™s 100% right. If only there was a way to change who was on the courtā€¦


The conservatives *will* murder members of the court to secure their permanent victory if they have to. We are in *extremely dangerous times*. Quite frankly, you should be arming because *they* are armed, and they *are* willing to kill *you* to get what they want.


Sorry, this isnā€™t a LAMF until Biden or Trump actually murders them. This is ā€œAdding ā€˜my faceā€™ to the menu at the restaurant for leopards, but they havenā€™t ordered it yet.ā€


At this point, let's just abolish the Supreme Court. Make them all retire. They present no value to the US anymore.


3 of them voted to keep the us from being a dictatorship


Yeah, and it wasn't enough to stop the asshole rest of them to make them worth keeping. And they're there for life! Abolish it and make them retire and without any power spending their own money for a change


Someone told me even if Trump doesn't win sooner or later a Republican will be president and then ...game over. So this is a win-win for the Republicans even if they might have to wait awhile.


If Trump doesn't win they simply take it to the Supreme Court and he 'wins' anyways.


Fucking cockroach party. By some point you just gotta blowtorch the whole thing


I am completely serious when I say Biden needs to make a statement that will echo through this countryā€™s history that what occurred today can never be allowed. The best course of action is to sacrifice oneself. Have Biden order the Supreme Court arrested until they release a decision that no president, ever, has the power to do what he just did. The concept being they would quickly make such a ruling. Biden submits himself for arrest and become the embodiment of the rule of law for long as we can keep this country.


Last fuckin act of Dark Brandon


Goddam, he'd be worthy of his visage being on Mt. Rushmore if that went down (unlike von Shitzinpantz). A blaze of glory unparalleled in modern history.


Doesn't matter one iota. This Supreme Court would see Trump do something ghastly, and then it would come to them, and they'd decide that Trump was allowed to do it. They don't believe in *shit*.


I know people call this extreme but it needs to be said. This is how the Nazis did everything 'legally'. They would do something fucked up, then hold a referendum to the population to ask whether people accepted the thing they just did. By moving the goalposts slowly they managed to get a lot of Nazi shit done, and have it be called legal every time.


Question: "How did the Nazis round up millions of people and have them murdered?" Answer: "Legally" If you move slow enough and have enough propaganda, you can convince anyone of anything. Hitler took control of the Nazi party in 1922 and became Chancellor in 1933. The first concentration camp opened that same year in 1933. That's 11 years from control to concentration camps. Donald Trump took control of the Republican party in 2015. It's been 9 years already. They're absolutely headed in that direction from the looks of it. If you're thinking "They would never do that." I'm sure that's what the German citizens thought in 1931 too. >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a Jew. >Then they came for meā€”and there was no one left to speak for me.


Honestly the Supreme Court would just reverse it as soon as they were released and biden was put in custody. There isn't really a good peaceful way out of this. We are at the put up or shut up phase of history.


The only good solution to the problem we have with the current six dipshit on the SC is to put them in the dirt. Which Biden technically has the power to do so now?


Wouldn't that be lovely?


This is already their ruling. The ruling is that courts decide, so basically, ā€œif I donā€™t like it, Iā€™ll tell you and it will be illegalā€.


Omg, but Biden should definitely start making some official acts to get rid of the corrupt scotus


Democracy. It had a good run.


Dissolve the Supreme Court, dissolve the electoral college, hold a public holiday for elections so we get to ~95% voting rate, and start fresh.


> hold a public holiday for elections so we get to ~95% voting rate we wouldn't get to 95% from just a holiday. people are disillusioned in our institutions already, this just makes things even worse and that's by design. project 2025 is more of the same. their goal is to make government entirely corrupt as people think it is, even nonpartisan positions (NASA, wealther service, researchers etc) being completely replaced with trump lackeys to the point that even if we try to fix it next administration ...it'll take decades to get back to where it was.


Oh, to have your optimism that giving everybody the day off would get us to a 95% voting rate.


The GQP is celebrating but they have no idea how much worse they may made things for themselves. As is now if they disagree with their cheeto overlord he just goes on social media and rants about them and calls them names. The way it may be in the future if he gets back in he can, by an official act, make them disappear. He could make up a charge and have them locked up. If it's an "official act" it seems there is nothing he won't be able to do. They already know how he talks about getting revenge on those who crossed him. All the things they said and did in the past may come back to haunt them. They may learn how it feels to be in a meeting and have to clap and stand longer than anyone else to appear more loyal. They may learn what it feels like to not able to trust any of their colleagues with anything remotely negative because it may get back to their king. They may come to know the fear that people felt at the meeting where Saddam Hussein had his enemies walked out and they were never heard from again. Mike Pence needs to be afraid. Lindsey Graham should be afraid. Anyone whoever did or said something to displease should be afraid. You don't give the mentally unbalanced unlimited power it's always ended up badly and there's no telling who he may turn on.


It would be a shame if President Biden declared Trump and his cronies enemies of the state and sent them all to Guantanamo. That would be within the scope of his official duties.


They're sure as shit enemies of the Constitution at this point, and Biden swore to defend it.


When you have already wiped your ass with established law, long standing precedent, the Bill of Rights and the the Constitution, just go ahead and reach for that Magna Carta. When nature calls, justices got to justice...for 'merica.


Biden should have an armed escort take the SCOTUS Right-Wingers for a walk around the block and back to their chambers. To ā€œsend them a messageā€ about what they just allowed. Say nothing so no motivation can be inferred.


>Say nothing so no motivation can be inferred Under today's ruling that is not even necessary -- they ruled that the president's motivation for undertaking an official act is irrelevant. The president can undertake an official act for a corrupt or treasonous purpose and still has immunity.


> they ruled that the president's motivation for undertaking an official act is irrelevant. And *cannot be questioned in court*.


This thing actually has me worried. Not a lotĀ makes me worried, but this really does.Ā  This is those safeties coming off, and could see the most powerful nation in the world slide into dictatorship. Even if Trump is denied another turn in the office, all you need for this to end badly, is for one individual to get drunk on power and it will end badly. This needs to be overturned. I hope Americans are ready and willing to protest this decision and demand a change to this, this is fucking scary. There will be nothing holding back a corrupt president now...


Basically any political opponent, any rival, any judge - you can now do anything to anyone as POTUS.


Biden should remove them all if he is immune.


Judicial coup. Can we call it that?


Issue is that they just said "official duties" for what's allowed. What's an "official duty" is up for debate and incredibly vague. And I'd assume that literally anything that Biden did in order to capitalize on this ruling will be considered "unofficial duty" and not count. So either we wait until a ruling is declared as to what an "official duty" is (which most likely won't be until after the election, so if Trump wins they can just say "everything" and Biden can't use it), or Biden rolls the dice and hopes for the best.


if Biden commands the military (an official duty of the president as stated in our constitution) to assassinate the conservative SCOTUS members, it would then be taken to the supreme Court of it was official or not (since SCOTUS did not define official in their decision). at which point, who exactly is going to say it was not official? that's why this ruling is completely fucked up, there are no checks and balances for the presidency anymore


There is no saving this country anymore. Not after this past weeks rulings. Things are going to get even worse very quickly. Self-regulating industries are going to posion our food and water supply in the name of profit. President now has the authority to do whatever the hell they want.... This is fucking awful and I hate it here.


When youā€™ve lost 90ā€™s smooth jazz singer Curtis Stigers, youā€™ve lost America.


Capitalize on it, eradicate the fascists with extreme prejudice, then before the next election petition the newly-adjusted SCOTUS to vacate this ruling


Itā€™s not a face eating until actual faces are eaten. Sorry guys, but given the Democrats track record, the Republicans are going to get away with this one.


John Dean was correct about a cancer growing. It wasn't a cancer on the presidency. It was a cancer on the Republican Party. That cancer has been growing ever since Nixon and the cast of characters that date back to his time in office.


Sign an executive order to imprison the six for seditious acts against the United States. Official business, complete immunity.


Well, here we goā€¦ I wonder how many more presidential elections the U.S. will have after Novemberā€¦ Whatever it is, itā€™s days are numbered


Biden has the opportunity to do some mild tomfoolery


Seems like Biden should deploy Leopard Team 6 on the right wing of SCOTUS to go do some very official face eating. Om nom nom.


Really close on that spelling, op.


It's too bad that dems will attempt to be a milquetoast voice of reason to take the "high road". I've never been so embarrassed to be an american.


Sure he could assassinate them but then a lower court would have a chance to rule if thatā€™s illegal. He will then assassinate the lower court and that will solve the issue, itā€™s legal.


We need to stop saying this stupid nonsense. We all know Biden follows the law. These posts aren't funny jokes, they're us trying to cope with the fear. The fear of what just happened. If you do that sure, you'll feel better. The fear will go away. But the danger won't.


It would be legal if he ordered the strike. That's the point.


It would also be legal to declare a national emergency, then suspend habeas corpus, then use the military and seal team 6 to go after his political rivals (as said in the dissent and trumps legaonteam). All of that is within his official capacity.


And what the hell do you expect me to do about that danger right now? That danger will now exist in perpetuity, no matter how often or vigorously you tell me to "Vote!" You are literally fearmongering right now.


It's only for Republicans. The way it'll work is that if you want to charge a President or former President it's SCOTUS who determines if they're immune. And with how corrupt it court is... oh wait, I forgot, they legalized corruption last month....


He wonā€™t. Heā€™s a spineless centrist dem and spineless centrist dems are why weā€™re in this problem in the first place.


Only officially though!


So, Biden is collecting all of the guns tomorrow, right? I mean, thatā€™s what conservatives have been saying he would do if he had the power.




I honestly think now is the time for Melania to do us all a favour and push him down the stairs