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Hello u/Educational_Cap2772! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The way she is putting it, it makes sexism and transphobia seem like a bad thing.


By default I assume people are decent. So **if** her word salad *mistakenly* denigrated trans people I can see how it happened... Upset and fire off something while you're upset and the rational part of your brain is off. But why that? *Why those specific words*? Can't really judge a person based off one moment, but this is a Red-ass flag.


I think the phrasing being “competing with trans women” rather than “transphobes question my gender and sex” is a pretty solid indication that it’s anti-trans. I get what you’re saying, but someone who is not transphobic would not talk about “competing with trans women” when the problem is transphobia


Plus she's implying trans people are fat and ugly


Yeah it made me laugh. They aren't competing with trans women, on average the trans would be averagely nice looking. She also assumes all trans women have a dick, btw. ^(My wife often says I have a nice feminine-looking body, yet I'm a cis man.)


That phrasing makes me feel like it was written by a man pretending to be a woman.


Could well be; made me feel like it was satire. 'Self-aware wolves' aside, people usually aren't so self-aware, let alone honest, about their bigotry. (Edit: Word change)


“a Red-ass flag” Like a baboon!


r/ SelfAwareWolves


It's almost like not being accepted based on your identity & who you are as a person can be traumatizing 🤔


If only there were a subreddit, where you could post content about how a person supports oppressing people, and have said oppression unintentionally apply to them!


But... where would one find such a subreddit?


Let me go ask my friend, the face eating leopard. I'm sure he knows.


I know a group of wolves who are pretty close to getting it too


Your friend sounds interesting and charismatic, I'd totally vote for him.


You should! He'd totally never eat YOUR face.


I believe him! He recently ate another guy’s face but I know he wouldn’t do it to me.


Yeah duh he’ll only eat the faces of those we want to get their faces eaten. He wouldn’t do it to me either of course.


Oh my God! Thats disgusting! People posing content like that online... Where?!?  Where do they post those?... .... Ugh! Those disgusting subreddits! I mean, there's so many of them though.  Which one?  Which one are they posting on?


I feel bad for anyone self describing as fat and ugly, but right after she describes herself that way she then blames trans people for why she can't get laid. That's.. weird.


Yo I'm fat and ugly... but at least I'm not a terf 🙂


same here, and I've also been misgendered my entire life. why would trans people make me feel differently about myself? that's a job for the bullies of the world


small hugs


I don't think anyone should describe themselves as ugly, but that's none of my business


Oh come on. There are beauty standards in every culture, and those of us who don't meet them are well aware of that.


I thought I was ugly for years until I decided to call myself handsome and amazing and now I don't see myself as ugly. Confidence in yourself makes you more attractive


Beauty standards exist, but defining yourself by them is a personal choice. Also, beauty is more a matter of effort than permanent physical characteristics. Exercise, fashion, hygeine, and diet play major roles in beauty standards so anyone who wants to look more beautiful can do so if they're willing to put in the effort/sacrifice (well-fitting clothes aren't cheap or all body types).


You said it- standards, beauty can be measured differently by different people to say that you're ugly is just harming yourself


These days, no one is ugly, just poor.




The way she phrases it it sounds like she's mad she has to compete with trans people to be discriminated against. She wants ALL that sweet discrimination to herself!


Also, if you're competing for the sort of men who want to date fat, ugly, and presumably nonpassing trans women, there's a reason why they're interested in fat, ugly, nonpassing trans women. I'd almost understand if she was angry at gorgeous women for their success with men (just standard /r/notlikeothergirls internalized misogyny), but idk why you'd want to date a chaser so badly. As a non passing trans woman, chasers are kind of the worst to deal with, but she's out here trying to chase chasers. I also love how she clearly identifies something she could do to differentiate herself (wear makeup), but the idea of doing so never seems to cross her mind. I hate saying 'if you dont feel like enough of a woman, just wear makeup', but 15-30 minutes of powdering your face really isn't that much work in order to go back to feeling like you're better than us.


It's a troll post, obviously.


Ugly I can kinda understand by why fat? It's an objective measure that you can change. If I told someone I was tall or short that wouldn't be weird. Being over a certain weight makes you fat, nothing inherently bad with that except the health effects.


It's a man, 85% sure. A troll too probably. Tbf, they deserve that.


But I was told they “can always tell!” /s


Someone who once supported tranvestigqtors harassing people is upset she is being harassed by transvestigators


How dare those trans people look better/identical to her! How are these detectives figuring out if she has a dick or not?


> how are these detectives figuring out. Watching *Neo-Phrenologists* lose their damn minds is endlessly funny stuff. They start with this absurd premise "it's easy to spot a trans person -- no trans people pass" and then paint increasingly bizzare and prescriptive "tests" that fewer and fewer people pass. I swear they're a few iterations out from declaring that Scarlet Johansson "looks like a man" and deciding that there are no women any more.


I've personally seen it already for Megan Fox, Gisele Bundchen and Margot Robbie. No one passes, not even supermodels and actresses. There was somewhere here on reddit when a transvestigator got transvestigated based on their own criteria, that was pretty funny.


At that point it's a fetish


I mean, they’ve called Taylor Swift trans because she’s tall and has a pelvis.


Very slender woman has visible pubic bone when she wears tight clothes shocker.


The only one I remember was Daniel Radcliffe's wife. Who was pregnant at the time.


"well according to these damn librul groomers, men can get pregnant, so that disproves you more than it does me" Or similar mental gymnastics, probably


I'm pretty sure they did pull the first part.


Maybe women just shouldn’t have to “compete” over physical attractiveness in the first place?


That’d be nice.


I've noticed that the way men treat LGBT's is also a strong indication of how they also treat women. In men, hate for one always hints at hate for the other. It's almost like homophobia for men, originates from sexism.


I've seen it described as "the fear gay men will treat you the way you treat women"


its very true. notice how a lot of people support gays that dont "shove it in your face?" and then their example is an effeminate gay man. if he were not effeminate, he would be more likely to be accepted.


Yep. The “shove it in your face”, thing really pisses me off. They want us to hide who we are because they are unable to accept that people exist who are different from them.


Shitheads without empathy wonder why they fare not getting empathy


They're so self-centered they don't even see the irony The irony is invisible


"No, it's the trans people who are the problem"


Surely they would recognise this feeling of being seen as ‘less than’ is awful, understand that no one should be subjected to such a thing and as such stand in solidarity with other women that face the exact same or similar issues to work on tackling these problems together, right? Right??


I can't help but notice she's expressing dysphoria over the mismatch between her features and her gender identity.


Just imagine how mad she is about all the *hot* transwomen she has to compete with. Then again, any transwoman with a kind personality is already way ahead of her.


She’s basically implying that it’s trans people’s fault that transphobes are questioning her gender. She deserves whatever consequences she’s experiencing.


By her reasoning if trans women were treated respectfully then she would also be treated respectfully, so why not support that instead of whining? So weird. She doesn't even seem to care as much about being treated well, just that people need to know she doesn't have a dick. Which btw wouldn't tell them whether she is trans or not. TERF brain no worky good.


And yet people still wanna believe that the "trans agenda" is definitely a real issue happening in our country and not people getting their asses whooped because they were mistaken to be someone of a transgender identity. 


This is why I always fucking laugh when people say "I can always tell"


So... she's blaming trans women for her beating, because she looks like one? Is that right?


“They are making me feel like less of a woman!” First of all, ironic. Secondly, I don’t think it’s trans women doing that if you already have such a low opinion of yourself….


"I'm conservative because I can't compete"


Transphobia stems from conservative rejection of ANY woman who doesn't meet their idea of performative femininity. It's just easy for them to punch out at trans folks. This is why an elderly AFAB woman was attacked in a public restroom, many people look less gendered as they age. She was mistaken for a transwoman. Conform or die.


Imagine falling for rage bait


The idea of "rage bait" is largely an Occam's Razor violation if you're not literally talking about a headline from a commercial entity on an ad-supported platform. If you're assuming that random people are acting like shitty people but aren't really shitty people all so they can get attention...in a world that is also demonstrably full of shitty people that is so much more convoluted than: they're just shitty people showing us who they are. The default assumption probably shouldn't be "they're just crazy people pretending to be shitty people because they need the meaningless attention of strangers they can't see and also can't differentiate between good and bad attention". Too convoluted.


Also consider Kurt Vonnegut's quote: > We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. If all someone does online is to pretend to be an idiot, they are practically indistinguishable from an actual idiot online and should be treated as such.


In a day, it's just a play- any longer, and it just comes on stronger.


It is not always about the money. Many years ago I have been around in, lets say, "troll circles", and there are absolutely people there who post "rage bait" elsewhere, not because they would financially gain from it, but because they get off on that. Many of them don't have a life and do that the whole day.


i believe their point is that if you say shitty things you are a shitty person. it does not matter why. it doesn't matter whether you "don't really believe it" or "just said it to make people mad" and I also get the fun that comes from seeing people you don't like get upset, but If that comes at the expense of people who are marginalized then you're still an asshole.


Fucking THANK YOU.


Yet, many do


What the fuck is this supposed to mean


Got ‘em


Guess the mark of a bad joke is when no one seems to understand it was a joke.


"I don't get most of the jokes people crack unless they're the one joke." The redditor.


But I was the one making the joke.


wow its almost like judging people on their looks was bad in the first place


Maybe I'm weird, but I find that I don't need to know if someone "has a dick or not" in order to be kind and respectful to them. I can just go about my business and not ever wonder "hey does this person have a dick? or not?" WHY are they so obsessed with genitals?


"They focus on my genitals instead of me as a person" cries woman who only sees genitals instead of people. I doubt she's real tho.


This thread made me unironically hit the Nelson “HAH HA!”


I'm so lazy I'm just nice to everyone I can be so I can slide on by.


Deflect deflect deflect


The real problem is that people see you as less of a woman if you're ugly, fat, or don't wear makeup. Like, trans people are 100% separate from that issue, you're just more upset that you're mistaken as trans because you're a bigot.


How about realize that it’s actually cis men are your problem. Trans women just want to share a good lip color with you and probably see if you want to grab coffee and complain about your bosses before you both have to go back to work. You’d think they’d realize that they’re natural allies, but you know how fear based hatred be like. Makes you a dumdum.


Yeah it's the cis men who are doubly mean to her but that is somehow trans women's fault.


Yeah I just want to be friends. Just treat me like a woman, and let me live my life.


“People being mean to trans people end up being mean to me too! Ergo trans people are the problem here, so I too will be mean to trans people. I am very smart.”


"Every time" she meets someone they have to guess the details of her genitals? That's weird, why are that many people thinking about your genitals?


tart grandfather ludicrous memory distinct soup deliver humorous impolite ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Used* to believe?


I mean they still do but don't generally say it openly. It used to be said openly and was generally accepted as religious doctrine lol


literate weather overconfident profit resolute money melodic screw bedroom chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with you, but believing the rich have God's blessing isn't necessarily the same thing as believing poor people deserve to die of poverty. Prosperity gospel literally functions on convincing poor people that they will *gain* God's blessing by giving their money to rich people who are already "blessed". Kenneth Copeland has jet-buying money because people think that gaining divine favor via tithing means eventually becoming rich.


combative compare marble squeamish aspiring person connect aware include enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know, you could just as easily say that the poor were a challenge by God to your compassion, but that would require people to do work.


squeamish forgetful stocking dog illegal chubby voiceless plucky juggle sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Being cis is a privilege you have that trans people don't. That's all that means. You didn't have to deal with expensive surgeries or managing your own hormones or being told day in and day out that you aren't what you are when you exist as a woman. Some women have to go through a lot more than you just to be seen or accepted as women. Women are oppressed, no one is arguing that. But trans women are oppressed for being women and then oppressed some more for being trans. If you still don't quite understand I'd recommend looking into intersectionality.




You just proved her point by using "he."


“He” How’d I know that was going to come out after the previous comment 🙄


shhhh don't acknowledge women are oppressed /s


drunk subtract zonked marry wild soup aspiring aloof cheerful imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God these people are pathetic.


No hate fam but being a cis girl at a young age just makes you a target for harassment. Womanhood at birth is being told to cover up when your older male relatives come over at the age of 4. In short womanhood ain’t it when an adolescent, so it’s not really something to be jealous over.


But no one questions that you are a woman. No one here said women weren't oppressed around the world. Hell, the assbutt behind Project 2025 says part of their agenda will be taking away women's right to vote in the US. But no one questions that you **are** a woman if you're a cis woman.


I am absolutely in no way trying to diminish the pain or anguish trans women go through, what I was trying to say is both trans women and cis women have rough upbringings thanks to misogyny and the patriarchy. So we shouldn’t be scrutinizing each other’s experiences because we’re supposed to be on the same team. Saying that cis womens childhoods are innately better than a trans woman’s is dismissive and hurtful.


icky bear hateful expansion cautious dazzling elastic absurd live ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s cool, but you can’t dictate young girls who didn’t *ask* to be sexualized have it good. Our womanhood isn’t handed on a silver platter and it’s constantly put into question if we don’t fit a specific and rigid societal mold.


fall intelligent gold dinosaurs birds station wistful memorize fear summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My sister in christ, please seek some therapy. Hating all women is not healthy for you. Putting down all other womens experiences and having no empathy because you struggled is isolating and isn’t good for your mental health at all. We could go back and forth all day but in the end if you keep spreading hate to all cis women then your just going to receive hate back and you may even push people to siding with terfs which just hurts everyone. I genuinely hope you have a good day and some better peace of mind someday


If one mean trans woman is enough to make you start threatening to side with bigots, then whose side are you really on? *Existing* as a trans woman is enough to get flak, from both men and women, as evidenced by the severe transmisogyny in this thread. Minorities don't have to censor themselves to make their oppressor more comfortable, they will never be comfortable.


Apologies if that was the vibe my comment was giving because that wasn’t intended at all. I was just trying to say that being hateful towards cis women is just going to cause further division. I don’t think trans women need to be picture perfect paragons or anything and I especially don’t think trans women deserve hate for being trans. My only argument towards u/DM_me_thick_dick was that she shouldn’t invalidate cis womens experiences but it seems like she’s clearly going through it rn and it’s probably not the best time to get into it. I sincerely hope neither she or anyone else in this comment threat receive any transphobic comments or hate because we all know there is too much of that in the world already. Best wishes 🙏🏻


obtainable innate shaggy skirt bow voiceless repeat soup workable bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


society bright consist resolute bow enjoy boast tidy pen mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Girly pop you just proved me right, there you go hating all cis women again. I won’t be mean to you because your clearly just lashing out but Hun be honest. You can’t go around stating that men have it worse than women, that all cis women are awful, and dismissing the harmful effects of misogyny. You are *heavily* misogynistic and should be focusing on that in therapy.


skirt future imminent alive detail bells zephyr ad hoc fuel head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>nobody should validate a woman by raping her, even rape was too good for us. Okay…… yeah so clearly, you have a very deep misogynistic mind set and I don't understand why everytime I point out this out you pretend like you don't then go ahead and say something extremely concerning and horrible?




juggle clumsy ghost liquid whistle lavish disgusted include memory abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Objectively worse!? 1. Nice job throwing women under the bus because you're mad 2. Being able to exist more or less comfortably in your own skin without needing regular intake of medication is an enormous privilege all on its own 3. Being saddled with all of the misogyny and then the transphobia in top of that is no picnic




impossible marvelous seed swim silky chunky act quarrelsome snails bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




physical ludicrous shocking historical price offend dam recognise work encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sheet rotten correct numerous punch worthless unused license melodic imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


WTF, they actually said being a woman is "objectively worse"? Holy shit. I nearly killed myself over not being a woman lol.


noxious aback hat recognise support oil stupendous dime air fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


~~They're a TERF.~~ I meant u/illegallybored is a TERF, got my chains mussed before coffee.




Yeah, sorry for implying you were. You are not. I had not coffeed sufficiently to be both that sad and mad and also rational. Humble apologies, I do not think you are a bigot. I disagree with you on so many levels, but I recognize my experience as a trans woman is not identical to a cis woman's and I recognize your right to your SUBJECTIVE opinion


practice numerous humor future deer pie salt hobbies gold quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thousands of women are killed for *being* women every month for no fault of their own. But yeah, people with mental health issues hurting themselves is totally women's fault. They should know better than try to protect themselves from males. You are absolutely right males have it so much worse than women out there. Stay safe!! You might be in danger from a 5 foot tall woman giving you the stink eye!


When did I say people self harming is women's fault? When did I say women shouldn't be concerned about violence from men? When did I say women have it better, or men have it worse? That woman said being a woman is objectively worse. I think that's fucked up, because it includes the statement that being a man is objectively better. I don't think being a man is better or worse than being a woman objectively. I think being a woman is better, subjectively, because I'm a trans woman. Where the fuck you got any of that little rant you threw at me? Your own head. Cause I said none of that shit. Edit: oh you're a terf. Yeah, go be a misogynistic asshole elsewhere. I'm blocking your bigoted ass.


melodic sparkle rinse fall spark yam murky dinosaurs juggle bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




dam sulky tap juggle fact bow automatic afterthought dinosaurs bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




noxious shame deserve gaping glorious capable swim sink apparatus selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




disagreeable price rinse skirt dinosaurs rotten existence grey thumb waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wimen complaining is soo *annoying *!!! Men have it worse! Women should shut up and be understanding toward men!! Why are women being mean to me when I'm being a complete asshole?? I'm oppressed pay *attention* or get raped!!! You sound like a whiney jerk. Maybe try being a decent human first before complaining about an oppressed class being *mean* to you


familiar many airport like toothbrush rinse crowd hungry pause ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, your opinion as a *female* is wrong, and every single guy who wants to put on a dress has had it worse. Let's ignore the rape and femicide and the lack of rights and bodily autonomy that women face in every single country in the world. It's *objectively* worse for males because they say so. Clearly, you're privileged for having period pains. Women with endometriosis who pass out from pains should be grateful they get to do that. The other option was to be born into a sex class that's never been discriminated against. The *horror*!




I've been where you are. I was part of the LGBT protection club in my university where I spoke to a *lot* of TRAs. Please continue interacting with them and reading and listening to what they say. You'll peak eventually.


Absolute fucking YIKES.


These two *really* want to get fucked. Too bad they're too horrible for anyone to wanna engage. They *could* change, and get some dick, in their final years, but they won't. And no one cares. Life.


she looks worse on the inside 💀 small minded people getting trapped in their own heads is so good. every time lol




Jesus christ this is depressing


I’ve never met a trans person who didn’t wear expert makeup.


Well you've never met me.. I look like an epileptic clown when wearing makeup.


Am I missing the part where they get harassed by transphobes? I just see 2 insecure terfs who are 1. projecting and 2. being subjected to regular ol' misogyny


Missing second picture?


Man. Imagine being so insecure and superficial that the only way you can feel good about yourself is to beat down on an entire group of marginalised people based on their looks. Someone should tell this TERF it’s not her face, but her attitude towards life that makes her ugly.


a normal person would feel kinship with trans women in this situation


On a certain sub I saw someone complain and get upset that they were being lumped in with a trans woman for an exam, as a detrans woman while they all loudly claim they’re not transphobic…while being loudly, vocally transphobic. It’s just most leopards ate my face thing ever.


TERF ladies and femcel have a bug overlap.


Yeah, transphobia and misandry go hand in hand. They view men as subhuman, so when a man wants to become a woman they feel threatened in their "superior" identity.


How is it possible to get this close to the point yet still miss it?


Willing to bet she hates other cis women as well.


Oh, sweetie. You can't compete with us. 😎


I’m genuinely failing to see the transphobia here. Can someone help me out?


Compete for.....what exactly? Having a hard time following this... Is she saying that when she finds men(?) who are sexually attracted to fat ugly women who don't wear makeup, that there is added competition because some of those men might also be sexually attracted to fat ugly transwomen who don't wear makeup? Or is it that the majority of men who are sexually attracted to fat ugly women who don't wear makeup are not sexually attracted to fat ugly transwomen who don't wear makeup and are therefore wary of approaching a fat ugly woman who doesn't wear makeup at the risk of accidentally flirting with a fat ugly transwoman who doesn't wear makeup? I think I only served to confuse myself more.


I'm interested to know how the 'ugly fat woman' has deduced that people she meets are trying to figure out if she has a penis. It sounds like she's obsessed with trans people and then noticing parallels between some trans women and herself.


So instead of maybe asking why these men are so misogynistic that they instantly assume any woman who doesn't wear makeup is trans, they blame trans women for????? Existing??? Like even if this was written by a woman, even if trans women disappeared tomorrow, those same men would still treat you like shit just because you're fat and you don't care about makeup.


Ahh, poor babies.


TERFs are, after all, the people who think "trans youth have to be prevented from transitioning socially, because we'll defame, harass and assault them if they do, and that'll be the fault of everyone who made us do it" is a air-tight argument.


I'm not seeing the TERF bit, unless I'm missing something. This happens to me, I'm tall and have a few 'masculine' characteristics. It's annoying because it's always meant as an insult, not because of the comparison itself.


The part where she points out how she "had to compete with trans- women" because she is "fat and ugly" definitely implies that trans-women are at least looked down upon.


I read it as she's fat and ugly so has to compete with fat and ugly transwomen, not that all transwomen are fat and ugly.


She also has to compete with other ugly fat women, yet a distinction *had* to be made.


Yes, because she's being mistaken for a transwoman, which she's not.


That is not the fault of trans women. This is why she should be calling out transphobes for pushing that bullshit. Yet, she denigrates transwomen that's pretty TERFy.


I don't think she does, but everyone's a TERF nowadays it seems.


Then you don't think.


I see no harassment in this screenshot


Why are people so afraid of dicks. Dicks are so fun!


If you look closely, being mistaken for AMAB is the #1 reason for TERFs


I used to have people mistake me for a man when I was young & beautiful simply because I’m very tall, and it didn’t make me a TERF it made me think the people that thought I was a man were very stupid.


Nah. This happens to me and it just makes me more angry at TERFs. I like how I look. I just want to feel safe in public spaces.