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Florida Man here : Can confirm that DeSantis doesn't give two craps about the whole "limited government interference" principle on ANY level. He's passed a handful of Un-Constitutional laws down here that dictate what individual people and corporations can and can't do. If he makes it into the White House we're right fooked.


I think he’s worse than Trump


Trump is, at his core, an idiot. A very charismatic and expressive idiot, but an idiot none the less. He runs his mouth too much and he's too blatantly self-serving. DeSantis isn't as charismatic , but he's a LOT smarter and politically savvy. Not to mention about ten times as authoritarian.


And he set up gerrymandering in Florida 👍🏻


And that’s how one of the few key races for Congress in Florida has gotten a Congresswoman another term repping South Florida


Funny how I saw so many stories about how Florida is suddenly pure red after the midterms...


Which is against the state constitution too.


Yeah DeSantis might as well be the political antichrist. I fear the day he becomes president, Trump might have been bad but he was too stupid to cause major damage, DeSantis on the other hand has some good chances to turn the US in a authoritarian nightmare. For the next turn I feel that it might actually a good thing if Trump runs, even better if he runs independent. Might give you guys another 4 years to bolt things down.


The best thing that could happen would be if Trump co-opts the Libertarian Party and rebrands it the Trump Party, all Trump all the time, with only the best, Trump Candidates in every race, with Trump as the candidate for President and, I dunno, Kush-push or some other toady as VP. Split the Republican ticket down the middle like a log before a woodsman's axe. Four years of *solid* control of House, Senate, Executive, and a broad proportion of state races, will allow some *real* nailing-down to take place.


> A very charismatic Ew, gross.


Buffoons can be charismatic in a village idiot kind of way




Trump is just an egomaniac who wants adoration and decided to pander to a right wing audience. DeSantis is actually ideologically evil who only cares about attention for the sake of power.


Nothing matters but the culture wars.


They don't have anything to offer but that.




Unfortunately, they also have racist fear-mongering, and a persecution complex. And even more unfortunately, we still have a lot of people who quite enjoy their racism and perpetual, unfounded fear.


Silliest thing about it is the Latino population is falling for this schtick hook, line and sinker… that’s truly disheartening. One of the fastest growing conservative groups in America…


Makes me feel like maybe I need to speak up as a white woman from an upper class conservative family. White Republicans do not see Latinos as equals. They view them as dirty, poor, criminal, stupid. They hate their language, they hate the countries they come from, and they see them as "the help" at best. At worst they view them as trespassers in their country. I guess I don't know if that matters to Latinos because I don't presume to know *why* they vote conservative, but if they think Conservatives are interested in raising their quality of life, Latinos should know that Conservatives are appreciative for the votes but eventually, they're coming for you. Don't get it twisted.


A lot of the Latino support for conservatives comes from buying into the Republican branding the left as trying to destroy religion. Religious faith is very important to many in the Latino county so, often, they are quick to support anyone pushing the right religious words (despite everything else). The biggest problem is that far too many people don't see the forest for the trees. When it comes down to it, it is all about class, not race, for the political right. They will happily embrace support from people of any color, in order to get and keep power. Green is the only color that REALLY matters. What they want to do is ensure that the poor stay poor. Now, there is the issue of the inherent racism in their view that of you're not white, you're poor, unless you're one of the "few" well off people of color. Then they want your money. They do, of course, actively use that racism to gain the support of the (often) racist, poor white voters. The ranking of color importance is green>white>non-white. It all comes down to money and greed.


>A lot of the Latino support for conservatives comes from buying into the Republican branding the left as trying to destroy religion. Based on conversations I've had with people from within the Latino community, I think a lot of it just boils down to "fuck you, got mine". If *I* managed to come into this country legally and *I* clawed and scraped myself into a relatively decent decent quality of life, then why can't other people? If we make things easier for them now then all of that hard work that *I* did was for nothing.


Oh, I can tell you from experience around my older family members that they may *allow* wealthy POC to come around them, but they still don't view them any differently than the "welfare queens" at the bottom of the barrel. Money is an insulation device. To not have to be around "people like that". I mean, I just cannot stress enough--if you are a person of color, conservatives view you first as a criminal that needs to be brought to heel. But yeah, my assumption is that Latinos are solely voting based on their religious beliefs, but I didn't want to suggest they are a monolith because I feel like the information I'm sharing right now is already hurtful enough to them, and painful enough for me to not want to upset anyone any further.


Being from Miami, I can tell you that for the Cuban community, a) they believe they are white and so they believe they are seen as white and b) it isn't about religion but they believe the Republicans fear mongering that Democrats are Socialists and c) Elian Gonzalez was taken back to Cuba by the Democrats d) they took Obama opening the border with Cuba as a defeat.


I think a lot of people don't realize the Latino community is quite racist themselves. Like you said a lot of them think they are white or want to be white.


It’s because pretty much the only Cubans who come to the U.S. are the families of former slave owners who are reviled by socialists.


My point exactly. They will tolerate non-whites, as long as they have enough money, and are willing to give it to republican political campaigns. But they definitely don't like them, view them as equals, or care about them as people.


Not only that but I think uneducated immigrants in general tend to lean conservative because they are good at branding their party as patriotic (not that anyone with half a brain can't see through this) because they are always waving flags and talking about America and American values. If you were an immigrant wouldn't you try to align yourself with the perceived "pro whatever country you just immigrated to" party? Of course Republicans to not actually stand for these values, they are just really good at marketing and pretending they do while actually doing the exact opposite.


A lot of their support also comes from the right calling the left socialists. My wife is from Nicaragua and her family fled the country in the 80s, so the idea of socialism/Communist Dictatorships don't sit well with them. They are very blue collar, and her dad who doesn't follow politics much here, said he wouldn't vote for Biden because he's a socialist. I have to assume he heard or saw that in a political ad (in Spanish). That shit is not by coincidence.




Same here. Liberal child to upper class conservative parents and the way my family speaks about POC (especially the latinx community since I’m from Southern California) is atrocious. If you want to know how conservative white rich people view anyone different than them just watch Knives Out. Everyone is all nice and “she’s a member of the family,” “we want to help her financially” but then not one of them knows what country Marta is from and make racist guesstimations (honestly one of my favorite details from the movie), they drag her into a debate saying she and her family are the “right kind” of people for doing it the legal way, etc. It’s all sugary sweet hate up until the will is read, then it’s just blatant hatred.


Yeah. Apparently Republicans are using the “socialism” tag on Democrats. Apparently many people believe that Biden is a Ultra Liberal Socialist. The same people who voted for Obama won’t vote for Biden because he is “too liberal”. 😒🙃


Then it sounds to me like the democrats should think about messaging and targeting these demographics.


Nonsense, that would mean that democrats are actually trying to win instead of just “taking the high ground”


arnt they brainwashed the moment immigrants come into florida, the religious organizations there tell them to avoid voting democrats because they will make the state communist or something.


That's what culture wars are.


They don't have anything to offer for it, either.


Their offer is letting you in on some leftovers and scraps if you join the pyramid scheme sooner than later


Oh they do. Cruelty for the outgroups. It's quite appealing.


Nonsense, they also have Hunter Biden’s laptop. That’s definitely more important than anything else. /s to be safe


Are Clinton’s emails on this laptop?


Probably. Obama’s real birth certificate too


The Kenyan one?


The buttery ones?


I bet it we told them Trump's tax returns were on that laptop they would move on to something else.


Ending social security, Medicare etc. They've got some ideas. Very unpopular but they are ideas.


That’s what they want now, the culture shit is just bait. They just haven’t figured out a way to run on it yet.


fear too - of crime & migrant columns both completely made up and which disappear immediately after elections




I’ve seen too many right wingers complain about a corporation doing something, then blame it on leftists. It’s like no buddy, that’s just capitalism


> Need those culture wars to distract everyone from the class wars. Same as it ever was: *"Fascism attempts to organize the newly proletarianized masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate. Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but* ***instead a chance to express themselves.*** *The masses have a right to change property relations; Fascism seeks to give them an expression while preserving property."* [— Walter Benjamin, 1936](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aestheticization_of_politics)


Keeping us in the culture war prevents us from starting the class war.


"bUt RePubLicaNs aRe HyPoCrItES" Bruh, they aren't hypocrites because they don't believe anything they say


[Citations Needed Episode 157: How the “Culture War” Label Is Used to Trivialize Life-and-Death Economic Issues](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-157-how-the-culture-war-label-is-used-to-trivialize-life-and-death-economic-issues) >"Let the Culture Wars Begin. Again," The New York Times announces. "How the ‘Culture War’ Could Break Democracy," warns Politico. "As The Culture Wars Shift, President Trump Struggles To Adapt," NPR tells us. "Will Democrats Go on the Offensive in the Culture Wars?" Vanity Fair wonders. >Over and over, we’re reminded that so-called culture wars are being waged between a simplified Left and Right. Depending on who you ask, they tend to encompass issues under very broad categories: “LGBTQ rights,” “abortion,” “funding for the arts,” “policing,” “immigration,” “family values.” While there is some validity to the label of “culture war issue” – say, Republican opposition to an art installation, or tantrums over the gender of M&Ms – most of the time, the term is woefully misapplied. >Despite what much of the media claims, LGBTQ rights, police violence, abortion, and so many other issues aren’t just “culture war” fluff in the same league as the latest Fox News meltdown about a cartoon character. Nor are they both-sides-able matters of debate. They’re matters of real, material consequence, often with life-and-death stakes. So why is it that these are placed under the “culture war” umbrella? And what are the dangers of characterizing them that way? >On this episode, we discuss the vague nature of the term “culture war”; how this lack of clarity is weaponized to gloss over and minimize life-and-death issues like police violence and gender-affirming healthcare; and how the only consistent criterion for a “culture war” seems to be issues that impact someone other than the media’s default audience, i.e., a white professional-class man.


>So the party that decries government interference in the free market wants to force a business to do something? This is the same DeSantis who picked a fight with Disney because "small government" and "pro-business" in the modern GQP means government stooges dictating to megacorporations their HR policies. Why shouldn't he start dictating all their other business decisions?


Why do people keep expecting Republicans to adhere to consistent principles? They don’t. It’s all tribal. It’s about protecting their “in” group, and punishing the “out” group, and consolidating their power so that they can dominate the “out” group more. That’s all. Nothing else matters to them.


I don’t think anyone does at this point, but the hypocrisy still needs to be publicized.


This. Pointing out the hypocrisy is important because it delegitimizes their entire argument. There's no reason to listen to anything they say if they are openly and blatantly arbitrary, they are just arguing in bad faith to "win".


The Republicans ceded any right to be taken seriously on anything the moment they elected Trump. And I'm speaking about the entire party here, including their voters.


"If you support Trump / Jan 6 then I don't care what you have to say about how this country is run" pisses them off rather mightily, but it's probably the best approach to take.


Im exhausted. I can point at and show two completely contradictory positions the Republicans in my life hold... and they just, don't care. There is no ideology, there are no morals, no ethics. I honestly don't even know what they want other than to vote Republican. "We're small government capitalists" Wait no not like that. Money isn't REALLY speech if you don't give it to me. "We're Christian moralists" Votes for a self proclaimed sexual assaulter with kids from 3 marriages who bangs porn stars on the side, openly lusts after his own daughter, etc. They're all legitimately morons or actively evil. I just mock them to their faces now. I love these people and it hurts me to see them this far gone but I know I'm not alone.


Reminds me of this quote (directed at anti-semites but applies to MAGAts) "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." Jean-Paul Sartre > I love these people and it hurts me to see them this far gone but I know I’m not alone. A lot of us have parents and loved ones who have fallen into the MAGA rabbit hole. I understand your pain, you are not alone.


Same with "We need to criminalize abortion! But gun laws are ridiculous because criminals don't follow laws!". Or "You can't silence my freedom of thought and speech with your canceling woke mob! Now Ban these books so they don't corrupt my children!" Make it make sense.


Wilhoit's law “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Wasn’t that supposed to end up closing florida millions of dollars


I think it’s closer to a billion. But at least he’s fighting against the “woke” agenda. Because apparently being tolerant and inclusive of others is a horrible thing.






It still makes me giggle that Disney was originally going to put the park just outside of New Orleans but the politicians were asking for so many under the table kickbacks that Walt just said "F it, we're going to Florida"


Yeah anyone who tries to do business with a Louisiana politician should know they'll have to pay. Literally 90% of them are crooked thieves, even the blue mayors the city always gets. It's exhausting that it's the only thing that succeeds here. But also--what I wouldn't give for a theme park like Disney somewhere in this state. I think it or some Six Flags in Texas is the closest. Maybe Dollywood. how we don't have a single decent water park in hell's armpit is beyond me (anyone says Blue Bayou, they're lying).


The people who own property near Disney, yes.


As someone who lives in a townhouse literally a stones throw from Magic Kingdom FUCK DESANTIS!


Don't forget his law that bans any cities in Florida from transitioning to green energy, or instituting a single use plastics tax/fee, or protecting their coasts from major cruise lines and pollution from sunscreen 'preemption bills' - totally fucked over any environmentalists in Florida. All of our decarbonization wins basically erased. Even the former head of the Republican party in Florida wrote an article against it since he works in business side of renewable energy Literally interfering in a city's attempts to protect themself, under the argument that 'it's the states role well handle that' and then the state doesn't do shit


Cities should just ignore those laws and let DeSantis throw tantrums in court. I'm not even remotely convinced that the cities would lose because there aren't really any reasonable arguments to *outright ban* green energy initiatives. Arguments are about focus (e.g. solar or wind or...) and implementation.


Small govts mean concentration of all power in the hands of the few. Bringing about the new age of feudalism, with serfs and the privileged few, their status and lack of social mobility codified and set in stone. Unfortunately for such advocates, closed systems like that explode when internal pressure to reform builds up. Unfortunately for everyone involved, these events are exceptionally violent and destructive.


Homeboy made it illegal for businesses to enforce vaccine requirements in Florida. He loves government interference more than I love taffy. And I'm a man who enjoys his taffy.


Mayor West? Is that you?


Gone, but never forgotten.


No I think it's Adam We.


Nobody messes with Adam We


He also cut government tax benefits to Disney as a form of retribution for them speaking out against things he supported. He’s a bad dude all around. Not that I love Disney but using your power for retribution against people with other views is generally bad.


What still fucks me up about that was that Disney's response was, IIRC, a week late and such nothing PR speak that it was clear they were only speaking out because of public outcrying. And DeSantis treated this limp shrug as close to a personal insult as it could get and attempted to hammer Disney with everything he legally had and got the entire right wing media sphere to join in. Fuckin' snowflakes, the lot of them.


DeSanctimonus is ridiculous sometimes, but he is pretty smart and plays everything towards his base extremely well. This Apple debate is funny because it's has nothing to do with blocking free speech really. It has to do with Twitter violating the Apple stores policy for social media applications regarding moderation. Which sort of has to do with free speech I guess. But it's preventing things that free speech really doesn't protect anyway. >https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/ It's applied this **EXACT SCENARIO** to Parler as well in the past, this is **nothing new**. It's just Twitter/Musk is the hot topic for the culture war right now and everyone has to throw their hat in for the PR soundbites. >https://qz.com/1982895/parler-needs-apple-so-much-its-actually-moderating-more-content


White knighting for Elon. Lame DeSantis


| So the party that decries government interference in the free market wants to force a business to do something? lol, like consistency \*ever\* stopped a Republican from doing anything. * 2001 - Party of fiscal responsibility turns a government surplus into massive deficit in one year when Bush took office. * 2016-2020 - Party of "small government" engages in massive campaign to increase government power to control women's bodies and what people do in their bedrooms * 1995 - Party of pro-business agendas engineers a government shutdown for petty reasons that leads to the tourism and airline industry losing millions of dollars in revenue * 2013 - Led by Ted Cruz, the Party of "stop immigration" triggers a government shutdown, delaying legal processing of asylum and immigration cases by up to a year * 2018 - Pro-military party \*with a Republican Majority in the senate and control of the executive\* engineers a government shutdown rather than negotiate with Democrats that results in millions of US military personnel not getting paid for 2 months over Christmas. There's so much more, but this is enough. The current batch of Republicans, particularly sackless-Ted (Cruz), are hacks.


And they wonder why no one is voting for them anymore except the brainwashed zombies


They don’t wonder why their base is shrinking - they know *exactly* why. This is why they’re attacking democracy itself, as it’s easier to destroy everything then try to appeal to more voters.






But that would mean doing actual work. Short sound bite about things Congress can not (and should not) control and he can go back to profiting from corruption. Fox News will broadcast this to the masses and they'll be screaming about Apple banning Twitter, inflation can go on the back burner until next election cycle.


> But that would mean doing actual work. You’re implying the Republicans don’t do actual work? Are you unaware that speaker elect McCarthy’s first order of business will be to have the U.S. Constitution read aloud on the House floor? That’s a lengthy work rife with archaisms conducive to strained glottises. He’s proposing truly heroic action here. (Actually, it wouldn’t hurt Amy Barrett to listen in as she’s apparently never read the complete text).


And right after that, they'll be focusing on what's *truly* important to **all** Americans, Hunter Biden's laptop.


Not that I support this stupid bullshit, but I wonder if a commerce clause argument would work to allow legislative action? It’s been interpreted very broadly


EXACTLY, IDGAF if this guy wants to talk crazy, it’s his company, set it on fire for all I care. Something better shall come a long , for a while at least.


But how would they personally profit from doing that stuff?


Yeah he’s made strong-arming private businesses his entire brand these past couple years.


I'm waiting for Mickey to take Desantis down... don't screw with the mouse.


Bob Iger's back and has more backbone than Chapek. Iger stood up to Trump once, DeSantis won't scare him. Let me make it clear that I'm not an Iger fan either but I'd love to see him take DeSantis to the cleaners.


It was absolutely surreal when I went to Disney World with my partner to find myself having positive thoughts about a mega corporation like Disney. They do a lot of stuff I don't agree with and I'm fully aware they're only out to make money for themselves, but it was still refreshing to see such a big middle finger to DeSantis and his kind in their own state. It kind of felt like how capitalism "should" work, if that makes sense? Like Disney just went, "Nah, we're not driving business _away_ over your pretend moral outrage bullshit; slap some rainbows on that merch, those are paying customers!"


I was at Disney World two weeks ago. While it rages late stage capitalism, it is still truly a magical place at the same time. I did notice a fairly diverse crowd of guests as well which is good.


You gotta just appreciate the mousetrap the mouse has made


Lot of international tourists at Disney World in particular and they’re well aware of it


>Like Disney just went, "Nah, we're not driving business _away_ over your pretend moral outrage bullshit; slap some rainbows on that merch, those are paying customers!" 100% a form of capitalism I can get behind




I'll be watching closely to see what they do. I'm a former CM down there in WDW and fled during the pandemic. Orlando is reliably blue, but the surrounding areas...honestly, just saw Florida off and let it drift into the ocean at this point. Terrifying place to be if you're a minority of any flavor.


alot of people "immigrated" to the florida, because they dint want to deal with the Pandemic restrctions. thats why there was such a huge red turnout in florida.


It seems like they take care of the area in which they basically govern and they get it done fast.


If only we still had celebrity death match


Bring back Nick and Johnny Diamond!


Between Disney and Apple they have enough money to buy the entire state of Florida and dump Desantis into the Gulf.


We do have launch sites in FL. Better to throw him on a rocket towards the sun. Just to be sure.


Disney should do a Disney+ special of Mickey narrating a documentary of every shitty thing DeSantis has ever done.


He just changed the laws in Florida to keep University presidential searches secret. Then had his hand picked campaign donor select Ben Sasse (senator from Nebraska with shit higher ed credentials) as the new president. They are now installing top of the line security cameras and monitoring equipment in the UF administration building (like today). And this isn’t even a drop in the bucket. Just an example. Fucking list goes on and on. Drew his own redistricting maps and his own republican legislators fought how bad it was. Removed an elected state attorney for no crime. Misappropriating state funds for stunts ranging from human trafficking to election integrity “task forces”. On and on. Lil dumpy fuck is an evil hobbit.






They aren't complaining about the boot. They're complaining that they're not the one wearing it.


Fascist *pedo* piece of shit.


You can just say republican


[Compilation of Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers (Parts 1 thru 39)](https://dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)




Hi post re-election speech was very big on “combatting the *Woke Agenda*”. I doubt he could articulate exactly what that is and why it’s bad, but gosh darn it if hasn’t certain that Apple is somehow part of it.


The woke agenda is now just acknowledging racism exists and that transphobia is bad


Florida is a pirate state. He’s the head pirate.


Nah, we're not that cool.


Yes, he is. Have some gold.


Conservatives: "keep government out of business, the gays can go to their own bakery! Free speech for me! N-word, LGBTQ attack, Jews own the world;. Freedom baby!" Sane humans: "Yeah, cool we're just gonna dip because you guys suck." Conservatives: "wahhhh why won't anyone play with me?" What a bunch of snowflakes who fail to understand that their bullshit is bad for business. Fucking entitled ass toddlers who always shit over everything and then wonder why we won't bother with them. Fucking morons lmao.


Old Governor Mike Pence pulled this crap in Indiana with his Freedom of Religion law to enable religious discrimination. He found every corporation in the country, including the NFL immediately boycotting Indiana. The backlash was immense and intense. That man was never going to stand for reelection in Indiana after that stunt. The Culture War is red meat for knuckledraggers.


Didn't he actually still beat out Gregg that year though? He only didn't win re-election cause he went on to be Trump's VP.


He beat Gregg in 2012 by slim margin. He never tried to get reelection, because the entire State party was angry at him. No different than Sarah Palin, the Alaska legislature was getting ready to impeach her from office, when she resigned. Now,that fool wonders why no one will vote her into Congress.


Their weakness is their self-evident retreat into victim-playing. It's as pathetic as it is predictable. I'm sure somewhere in the global free market is a platinum binky big enough to soothe giant baby Elon's self-inflicted wounds.


I mean I don't give a shit how weak or whatever they are, but they literally don't think anything through and then cry when it doesn't go their way. Point and case, look at Twitter losing advertisers and non-right users. They are acting as if people and advertisers need to stick around and ensure their bs. Sorry but your right to "free speech" ends where my right to free speech begins, and the same goes for the corporations that your party demanded have the same rights personhood affords.


Well, their weaknesses are our advantages, but I understand what you're saying. They are arrogant and entitled, and don't like being told 'no'. That goes for free speech and the free market when they face the consequences of their own bad behaviors. They reject our values, utterly, and believe they are special and immune to the rules everyone else has to live by. They act badly when they don't get their way, infantile even. I'm shocked daily there isn't a diaper shortage because of them.


Their weakness only becomes our advantage the second we stop bailing them out and helping them. As it currently stand they act like assholes, fuck everyone over, and we still try to work with them.


He trying to schmooze Musk. Musk is a sucker for stuff like this. Musk is also inconsistent in his logic, he'll decry censorship, then ban critics accounts in the same breath. You see the pattern repeat over and over again. Right wingers trying to get him to be openly Nazi, self-help-gurus telling him he's doing the right thing, even as he chases away his key staff, crashes his revenue and undermines his other businesses. It's not about him, or Twitter its about them.


Ron DeSantis would have no problem with black and gay people being denied service at hotels/restaurant because the government shouldn't get involved with things like that


That’s why democrats shouldn’t be coy about enforcing inclusive norms nationwide Republicans aren’t shy about crushing gay or transgender people, they’ll pass laws to tell black people to sit down and shut up.


LeT tHe StAtEs DeCiDe


Just your weekly reminder of how absolutely terrifying Ron DeSantis would be with any more power.


I was legitimately relieved to hear that Trump intended to run in ‘24 because that makes me fairly confident DeSantis won’t run. DeSantis is actually competent. *That’s* what makes him dangerous. Edit: Gotta clarify that by competent I don’t mean I like the guy. I live in this hell state, and I’ll be good goddamned if this guy hasn’t actually carried out a good bit of his most batshit promises.


I think you're precisely right. DeSantis is what Trump could be if he were smarter and listened to strategic voices. He has the cultural appeal now, which Trump had and then lost, plus the strategic thinking Trump never had. DeSantis is dangerous.


> DeSantis is dangerous DeSantis IS dangerous because he's smart & shrewd, two things Trump never was. And DeSantis doesn't seem to be bothered by decisions that gain him power even if it costs others greatly. See his handling of the Florida COVID19 epidemic and how many people died needlessly under his watch (to curry favor with the far right GOP). DeSantis seems truly evil.


If things don’t turn around, he’ll be one of our last politicians elected under a process that is still functioning, even if increasingly unfair.


Yep. Hell burn the whole thing down and rebuild it mad max style. He doesnt GAF about anything but hate, money, and himself.


> I think it’s closer to a billion. But at least he’s fighting against the “woke” agenda. Because apparently being tolerant and inclusive of others is a horrible thing. He's not going away after '24. DeSantis is young enough to run for president for decades to come. If he doesn't make this round, there's always the next time


I’m just one person but I’ll be here to vote against him at every opportunity for years to come. I’ll NEVER forget what Republicans have put us through collectively.


One can only hope that the aging voter base of the GQP will age fast enough to prevent the POTUS DeSantis arc


The younger generation is going to fuck him. If there was any time to really support and promote our younger generation to vote. Now is the time.


It continuously blows my mind that he's only 44. He doesn't look *old* old, but he damn sure don't look his age.


I'm desperately hoping both somehow end up running and split the conservative vote


Desantis is 100% running, he sees it as his time. Trump being thrown under the bus gives him the green light


> that makes me fairly confident DeSantis won’t run. I'm pretty confident he *will*; he's got the backing of the establishment Republicans, and his star is rising now but won't necessarily be 6 years from now.


Gasp Republicans are hypocrites whose values change in a dime? I never noticed!


Fact not fiction: this wouldn’t be the first Deathsantis has used big govt to attack companies that disagree w/ the conservative stance This is why he’s so dangerous. He’s a literal fascist


Small government conservatives are imaginary


The Conservative government is simultaneously so large it controls every facet of society while also being so small it fits inside your bedroom and uterus.


They are unable to even describe what that means. It's like a bunch of brainwashed robots reading from a script.


This is because most Republican politicians can’t do anything but tweet. It would damage their whole brand. Honestly, Apple could easily leave it on the App Store and just not advertise on Twitter and it would still sink. Elon wants Twitter to be like 4 Chan? Fine. It will be as profitable.


Apple can’t just leave Twitter on their App Store because Apple is a global corporation and will get hit with massive fines due to being out of compliance with EU regulations. If Apple needs to cut Twitter off from the App Store, they will and there’s nothing DeSantis can do to stop them.


People here in the US are still failing to grasp how much the EU is affecting social media with their recent laws. It's so funny, I've been in conversations with people here on Reddit trying to call it government overreach, like the EU answers to Joe Sixpack in Idaho.


I work at a Fortune 500 that has manufacturing sites & distribution sites in 23 countries with customers in 78 countries. It's an interesting internal ecosystem. but the one big takeaway when I joined is that they really don't care about US elections, what new policies may be on the table, etc...even though they are HQ in the US. The CEO answered a question around this in a townhall during early/pre Trump days, by saying there is always a new leader or new law that changes business almost every other month in at least one of the countries we do business in. So it's just a constant for them. Like you said, they don't answer to Joe Sixpack and depending on the actual company, they also don't spend much energy trying to cater to US politics either.


But 4chan isn't on the apple store so best make Twitter just like 4chan.


He is a straight fascist.


Didn’t he also try to force Disneyworld to bend to his will as well? Fuckin baby.


Yeah. Which essentially passes about $1B of debt to the Orlando area if it goes through next June.


He's a big government personified


It’s a social media app, ffs. Not like congress has better shit to do.


Is there any legal standing that they can compel a company to do business with other companies?? It seems like he’s just faking throwing red meat to his base but it’s just nothing.


Yeah, there's no jurisdiction there.


Is he aware that Twitter is not a public utility??


Aware and does not care.


Fat Hitler hates freedom.






From the article: *DeSantis said the billionaire was "actually opening it up for free speech" and was "restoring a lot of accounts that were unfairly and illegitimately suspended for putting out accurate information about COVID."* I think there was a difference about what was "accurate" information about COVID.


He did everything BUT say COVID was a straight up hoax down here.


But why? Elon already has a solution at the ready: he’s going to make his own phone! Isn’t that the capitalist way?


This is the same guy who went after Disney because they stood with LGBTQ community. Dude is a fledgling fascist.


Elon told them to act for free speech, and it seems that would be them doing it. They didn’t even get this upset over Parler


Republicans are hypocrites. This is not news.


Fascist scumbucket.


"for my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law!"


And what can congress do?


Not a damned thing.


You misunderstand. They love government involved in things they want. They only don't want it for doing things they don't want.


How many necklaces do you think DeSantis goes through with all his clutching of pearls in mock outrage?


They whole GOP platform is hypocrisy and double think. Nobody should be surprised. - Constant victim shaming - Pro-life but no child care labor laws or financial support. - “Justice” when a life sentence for a small drug related crime but “We don’t want to ruin his life” when it’s rape. - “For the good of the market” when companies get a tiny fine for defrauding the public but jail time for people that screw up personal taxes. - “Freedom of speech” when a anti-semitism or Mis-information is de-platformed by a private company but “To protect the kids” when we ban books from public schools. - “Free market” during layoffs and wage disputes but “government should step in” when union workers strike or consumers stop buying shit. - “Socialism” when we try to destroy student debt but silence when we hand billions of dollars to small business with no oversight. It’s all a show and not a very good one. It’s very upsetting how short the public’s memory has become. Even selfish people should be upset at how their taxes are being used.


Housing crisis? Nah. Insurance crisis? Haha. Social media app? TOP PRIORITY IN TALLAHASSEE!


Apple (an American tech bastion) being attacked by America first goons because they don't want to associate with a South African rich kid only because he simps for a Russian agent. Can we be done with the bath salts already?


This guy will never get rid of his Trump stench with culture war stunts like this.


DeSantis is trying to groom our children with right wing white nationalism using Twitter


Of course. They may **say** they want freedom, what they really want is the government to control everyone **their** way


The GOP, the party of smaller government and less government intrusion. /s


What exactly could Congress do? First of all, good luck getting that razor thing GOP house to pass such a horseshit bill. And would absolutely die in Senate. And what would the law even say ? “aPpPlE mUsT dO buSiNeSs wiFf eLoN mAhhhhh wE AnGrY!” ?


Does that mean Gay wedding cakes are back on the table?


The party that lies constantly to further it's agenda wants to further it's agenda? Shocking. Please stop giving their lies life by pretending their party stands for anything besides it's own power. They don't respect character, they don't take responsibility, they don't have morality, it's all lies. And the people who repeat their lies are idiots.


FL resident here - we are all screwed if this man (Can I call him that? He did ban pronouns) is elected president in 2024.


Lol. Not only has he pissed of The Mouse but now he’s going after Apple? Two companies that I would not try to mess with their brand/image


This is literally how Republicans always operate. They want MORE government when it's about enforcing a police state. MORE government taking away the rights of women and minorities. MORE government forcing religion into law and education. MORE government imposing their Republican morals on people. LESS government when it comes to safely building infrastructure. LESS government when it comes to regulating rich people stealing money. LESS government when it comes to protecting workers and poor people.