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That guy just sitting there quietly whilst bam rants


like a really, really awkward lap dance


That smells of beef and cheese


*spoiled beef and cheese. And probably B.O.


I snickered out loud at this šŸ¤£


Check out the dog too, the second someone opens that doof he's gone


Omg, that was like "did you see the gorilla" test.


Wowā€¦ I thought I was the only one who saw the dog! Before I got the job I have now in the cadaver lab dissecting medically donated bodies I went through training to be a death investigator for medical examiners, and for some reason they kept showing us videos where a random animal would make an appearance during the video and we had to identify it. I think they were making sure our observation skills were as honed as possible or something. After I finished training I went through a phase where I avoided interacting with videos at all because Iā€™d be distracted the whole time wondering where the random animal was and what it would be.


When your at your friends house and they start arguing with their unstable parents. Just pretend you canā€™t hear it and act shocked when youā€™re not getting dropped off at DQ


Claims he asked to see Phoenix on the 23rd, Nikki didn't get back to Stewart (his lawyer?) and then he took a job in Florida but Nikki has come back to say he can see him on the 23rd but he can't now becuase of the Florida job? Eh you fucking dumbass, if you said the 23rd, even if you haven't heard by the 22nd you STILL keep the 23rd free. Who ever is legally representing him is an idiot if they didn't advise him this. I'm sorry but this is all on Bam here. All you had to do was wait, wait! And you still fucked that up My advice, cancel the job(which you have no problem ever doing), see your son


How did she know he was going to take a job in Florida!?!? This is inevitably the beginning of the spiral of the moment.


What it is, in my opinion, is Bam can't stand somebody else dictating something for him. Since he'd rather visit all 50 states each week instead of making himself open and available, he throws a hissy fit when she can't bend over backwards for him when HE wants. So the second she takes too long to do so, he does shit like this to spite her.


Well-said.šŸŽÆ Oh yeah, spoiled narcissists do NOT like anyone telling them to do something (or not do something). Thatā€™s when they really melt down and throw a tantrum. They refuse to take no for an answer and whine about how persecuted they are, and how unfairly they are treated, how the system is rigged against them, etc. I am so sick of malignant narcissists. They can all go fuck themselves.


She didn't.. but because she "took so long to get back to Stewart" he had agreed to do it thinking it wasnt goingnto happen....or that's what I'm getting from the video


Never his fault, per the usual šŸ™„


Who ever posted the narcissists prayer fucking nailed it lol


It was perfect


omg where might I find this? I bet it nails it.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Thanks, that's so on point.


Agreed. He's just mad Nikki is the first person not to bend over backwards to wipe his ass for him and he can't handle that. He's a spoiled little brat who thinks everyone and the world revolves around him.


But... she said he could see his kid on the day he requested. *BAM* supposedly booked a job on the same day he requested for his kid. Like...? Common sense or the lawyer should have told him you keep that day open no matter Nikki doesn't owe him a damn thing on his schedule.


Absolutely. I'm just saying he thinks he should declare a day and then Nikki respond to him within seconds saying, "Yes! Absolutely! You're a great dad and everyone loves you!"


In fact, he owes her! Child support, to be specific


Yeah even with his heavily one sided story, he says he made himself unavailable in the date he requested... Yeah so it's your fault Bam lol


I doubt he listens to anything a lawyer tells him to do anyway. He IS blasting this online. Something you're told not to do.


that he thinks this makes him look good shows how fucking insane he is


also he has court on the 24th so how should he prioritise his child here? i know! by going to visit your son for a day and not doing some shitty signing in Bumfuck, Florida!


This is a very simple situation that he can resolve. Cancel the gig like you've done plenty of times before, go see your kid and then go to court. Jesus christ it's not that difficult


Heā€™ll cancel an engagement with paying fans at the last minute for himself, but **not** for his son.






He doesnā€™t even cancel most of the time he just doesnā€™t turn up. If Bam cares about his son as much as he claims to he should be willing to cancel anything at a moments notice to spend time with him. I think heā€™s just using Phoenix as a stick to beat Nikki with. He priorities horror conventions and sitting in bars over time with his son.


Low key conspiracy, Bam wanted to see Phoenix on the 23rd and SQ made sure he was booked that day.


Spicy. Not likely, but spicy


No, IMO this is on Bam. Heā€™s been pulling this shit before she came on the scene.


Seriously tho. He bailed on so many appearances at the drop of a hat, so what makes seeing his son so different? I'm guessing he's only making this content for engagement so he can make easy money.


No no, itā€™s never Bamā€™s faultĀ 


Heā€™s the real victim here! /s


> My advice, cancel the job(which you have no problem ever doing), see your son Hell yeah.


He no shows events to sit in bars all the time but he canā€™t cancel an event with notice to see his son? Still the same old Bam.


Oh he's gonna cancel it, just not to see his son


I was gonna say the same thing. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he cancels that show or just doesnā€™t show up.


Yup. Just curious to see WHO he blames, cause we not it ain't gonna be himself


Excellent point


He's on the mint tea again. And he's clearly filming this himself but also acting like he's not, I'm not sure what the point of that is, either way it serves only to portray him as an unstable idiot. The few days of boarding without drama was nice though.


Heā€™s bi-polar. Could just be a manic episode. Thatā€™s what people seem to forget- even if heā€™s not drinking, heā€™s still mentally unstable until he gets medicated. Look at Kanye- nobody claims heā€™s an addict, but heā€™s a complete nutjob because of his mental illness. Bam needs medication or he will NEVER be a stable individual. You canā€™t treat bipolar with hopes and dreams


I have bipolar and I'm highly medicated. I can be a fucking nightmare during a manic episode,I couldn't begin to imagine how worse I would be without them. I also have an extremely understanding family,friends and girlfriend who help me through it without enabling my worst decisions. This is only going to get worse and worse as he gets older. With his clear CTE which could lead to alzheimer's,his brain is gonna be completely fried within the next 10 years. Phoenix is so better off without this clown in his life. Bams best years are gone and he has nothing to offer but pain and heartache to that poor kid. There is no coming back for Bam. People keep saying they want to see him better,but my advice is to enjoy him now as it's only going to go even more downhill,with or without the illegal drugs and alcohol. This will be the best we're ever gonna get.


If you look at the video of Bam from a few years ago with Novak doing the Castle Bam tour, or the first Nine Club podcast from 6-7 years ago, you can tell how much more stable he is when he's medicated (I'm assuming he was in those videos.) He's a totally different person. If he can get back on that path- which would definitely be a challenge- I think he still has hope. But if not, I 100% agree with you. Only downhill from here...


I admire your optimism,but I've been on the Bam train since the beginning and ive seen him throw away or turn away help from literally everyone. The knobhead almost died with Covid and even that wasnt enough to kick him up the arse. And of course lets not forget the ultimate incentive to stop this toxic behaviour:his son. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with him so he will carry on as he is. Anyone who can talk sense to him he's pushed away and continues to only hang with people who enable his behaviour. None of those people want him lucid as a clear headed Bam would tell them all to fuck off and their insta clout from him would dry up. I will happily eat my words if I'm wrong. I've wanted old Bam back for years but eventually you have to stop kidding yourself. The only people i feel sorry for now are the people who's lives he continues to make hell with his toxic behaviour.


Iā€™ve been on the Bam train since he became famous- I live in his hometown 10 mins from castle bam and have met him a few times in town. Iā€™m not going to argue with you about his odds, it doesnā€™t look good now, but as long as heā€™s above ground thereā€™s always some hope. His parents are good people and for their sake, and phoenixā€™s sake, I hope he can beat the odds


Probably sucks to be off ADHD meds when youā€™re used to being on them. I had to take about an 18 month break from stims and then once I recently was prescribed meds again, itā€™s like holy crap I missed this so much. I feel so much calmer all the time and itā€™s so much easier to think rationally and Iā€™m way less impulsive. Itā€™s like if Bam had a real diagnosis where the stims were helping him a lot, it sure sucks having that taken away from you.


I hear you. Heā€™s been on adderall for years, I imagine he canā€™t function well without it. Why did you have to take a break if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Eh, a drinking binge where I ended up in the hospital. My psychiatrist was like ā€œalright, get sober for 6 months, and Iā€™ll resume your Adderall prescription.ā€ But I was too honest on my path to sobriety even though I was doing well not drinking for long stretches, so took a couple of resets. Finally hit 6 mos. and my psych kept her word and now Iā€™m back on adderall. Iā€™m kind of glad to have learned from the experience though, made me realize that alcohol doesnā€™t really do anything beneficial for me besides making me feel like life is nothing but peachy for a short time, and usually with consequences after, even if something as simple as a hangover. Made me realize a lot of what I chase with alcohol, being treated for ADHD provides for me in a much more controlled manner that sets me up for success more on a daily basis.


That's the thing. If we are talking about Bam at his best, in retrospect, he was a spoiled brat then, too. Now we have spoiled, on top of substance abuse, narcissism, CTE, bipolar, and to top it off, no accountability for his actions. That final one is the nail in the coffin. If he had a shred of remorse, he could fix everything else. He is actually incapable of comprehending when he is to blame. There's an exact moment where we can look back and see when he was going to get better if he was able to. It was when he was on the run from the police in the forest with pink meth eyes from being up for days in a row after assaulting his brother and threatening a woman. Or if not that, then when he almost died from Covid. He's already hit that rock bottom. That's the point at which people who are capable assess the situation and go "Shit. Well. This is not a sustainable way to live. I need to change, or else." I've long since given up. I recommend others so the same. Save yourself the heartache. It ain't happening.


The whole skating ramp build and constant skating seems like a manic episode.


Yep. The no shoes in home depot was def an indicator too


Yeah possibly but bipolar doesnā€™t mean asshole, thatā€™s personality


I don't think he is well but his voice is a lot more clear and I don't hear any slurring really. Just comparing this to the videos like the smoke crack at the boardwalk rant the voice and demeanor actually seem more sober.


Yeah he doesn't sound as messy as he usually does in these rants, I'd say the next few days will be turbulent


he's presumably levelling out before this massively important Florida thing and then court on Monday. Florida is the most important thing tho, obvs. sorry Phoenix - Dad has to go have his photo taken with complete strangers for a few hours. maybe you'll see him next month. BUT DADDY LOVES YOU AND YOUR MOM IS A BITCH, DON'T FORGET THAT.


Wow what a deranged piece of shit. His actions led to this situation and I truly doubt sheā€™s fucking with the system, he just canā€™t stand not getting his way when he wants it. If he truly wanted to see his kid any date would work. Heā€™d make it happen.


> he just canā€™t stand not getting his way when he wants it His life story. Phil and Ape were too nice to him. I still remember a scene from the Dr Phil Shitshow where he was freaking out because Nikki wouldn't follow his rules, and all I could think was "dude, you've never followed a rule in your entire life." He couldn't even follow the rules to stay on Jackass Forever to get a huge payday.




If the 23rd is pending... you keep that date free, regardless of whether it goes ahead or not.


No you book out a job that you will inevitably not turn up to anyways and still complain about how youā€™re the victim


Blaming Nikki for his situation with his son. ā€œShe took him away from meā€. Not acknowledging HE himself was the cause of that chain of events. If he never takes responsibility for himself and his actions, he will never get better. Sad. Always someone elseā€™s fault. Like Johnny Knoxville causing Bamā€™s bone spurs.


He would just rather not see his son if it means he has to follow her rules.


The way he put all the blame on her makes me livid. He will not accept any accountability for his actions but rather spin a story where he is the perpetual victim.


Doesn't he have court in PA on the 24th? It was rescheduled but that's fine with agreement by both partiesĀ  So he planned CA on the 23rd, the day before, expecting to get back by 10am the next day for court?Ā  Something is off here...and I'm guessing it's Bam


Yes he does, but why bother with facts if he can just go off on Nikki since she obviously did it to spite him /s


"what is she so busy doing" oh I don't know, working to provide for the child Bam is not providing support payments for?


This! Busy not pandering to his bullshit too, bet his lawyer didn't even say that he needs a response by x date to her lawyer. He just wants all his own way and doesn't seem to realise other people have lives and kids have a routine and maybe other plans that need to be adjusted to suit his whims. I'm pretty sure the terms of the custody requires a weeks notice to get him on any weekend so prob just waited till the proper time frame to respond. She's prob not gonna tell phoenix either incase he let's him down esp having him excited for a month then he no shows.... more chance he won't with only a week's notice.


He probably thinks you just throw a box of cereal at the kid and set him in front of the TV and youā€™re done parenting for the day


Angry social media rants will certainly improve the situation.


Isn't he allowed contact with Phoenix though? So like... he should probably be able to figure out his favorite cartoon pretty easily?


he is, but he still has to check with Nikki that he can see him - i would guess he's in a good routine and all Bam needs to do is say 'are you about on ?' as i'm sure Nikki is trying to accommodate him but he's on this crazy schedule of signings again, apparently. if he wants the 23rd and Nikki says that's fine but she needs to confirm then that's what he needs to wait for. he's more than likely let Phoenix down so many times and Nikki has to protect him from that. it's bonkers to me that he just decided to book something else that day and now it's Nikki's fault. my kid's Dad and i had an arrangement that he had her 3 nights a week as standard and because he was stable and wanted to be with her, it was just part of her routine to spend time with him. Bam fucks around so much and i don't blame Nikki for her frustration with him.


Yeah, 100%. I'm just saying he might not be able to see his son without approval, but like... no one's keeping him from getting to know his son except himself, lol.


Is he ranting to Kidd Rock


Some guy came up from North Carolina to "shred", per Bam's insta story on his main account Poor guy's probably thinking up excuses to get the ef outta there pronto


He's probably just hoping he doesn't get attacked


He's just posted a vid 5 mins ago doing the Capital Cities game, that's how upset he is.


ohhhh, that's never a good sign!


It seems he likes to be the one to change or cancel things but if someone does it to him ā€¦..


This ā˜šŸ»


Heā€™s a methed out dive bar bathroom stall at this point. Such a mystery why he canā€™t see his kid.


Clearly the right thing to do here was to film a rant video and post it on the gram


You took him away from you.


Itā€™s funny that he always thinks stuff like this will get people on his side.


Yes Bam, SHE did this to you. Youā€™ve been a perfect model citizen and father who has done everything he can to be a great dad. Always somebody elseā€™s fault. Grow the fuck up and take ownership.


And so begins the summer 2024 meltdown...


Heā€™s all methed up again.


Iā€™m guessing adderall because heā€™s too stupid to realize that prescribed amphetamines is just as bad as illicit meth


Remember when he was with his family still he just peaced out one day and made a video about how he had to get away from Phoenix because his crying was driving him crazy. Bam doesn't deserve to see him, and his kid doesn't deserve to have an asshole part time father who only shows up when he wants to. He's totally unhinged and a danger to everyone around him.


Its only ever about him. If you really loved that child you'd move mountains to be there any day offered.


Dude really is pathetic. Why is he even recording this?


Bam seriously needs to get out of the public eye. He isn't helping himself by posting stuff like this for the world to see.


objects in the Bam View mirror may appear more truthful than they are...


This guys been Mia for months and the second he comes back in town everyone needs to cater to him. Bro had no idea that raising kids is a life full of schedules


All I want to do is see my son but now I canā€™t because I agreed to sign skateboards that day! The world is out to get me!


I am a perpetual victim.


But heā€™s skating again!


And, ahem sir - there is MINT TEA right there in the table. Obviously, all is well!!


Bam the victim


Blame game all over again. šŸ˜–


Who will he blame next?!


Whoever th-..everyone. Literally everyone but himself.


He's literally so angry that he can't control the narrative here, that he'd rather just not see his kid at all and blame someone else for it.


Its called spite.


I wonder how many skateboards he sold out of his trunk on the 23rd instead of seeing his kid.


I've been that guy on the couch before where a total dirt bag is venting about not seeing their kid but you just can't take them seriously because you know they refuse to take the right steps and get their shit together and it almost just feels like they're performing for you


Maybe if he wants to see his kid so bad, he should be a decent father...... might make a big difference.


As someone who was friends with him for awhileā€¦. You canā€™t even defend his actions out of love anymore. Heā€™s doing this all to himself.


And this is why Phoenix doesnā€™t see you, Bam.


Hahaha I just spotted this and was gonna message you to go grab it but you're way ahead of me BingBong šŸ¤£ This is not a good look, what a scumbag posting this.... "waa waa waa I'm not getting all my own way and I have my priorities completely fucked up waa waa feel sorry for me instagram"


i learned how to screencap, it's all very exciting!


I remember you told me! Hahaha I literally just posted like half a hour before this that I predicted a rant was coming about being able to post pics of other kids but not his then boom lol


in some ways he's like clockwork. so much of what he does seems designed to piss Nikki off still. and that's part of the problem here. he is completely unable to separate Phoenix's needs from his absolute desire to show Nikki who's in charge. and Phoenix is the one who suffers.


Yup, it's got to be on his terms or he is like a child throwing his toys out the pram in a huff. Meanwhile how bad does it look to the courts that he's made pretty much no effort to see his son when we all know he can see him any time with a weeks notice.... he could say he will see him every second weekend and be in a routine and working towards overnight visitation. Imagine if it was Nikki making no effort and bam with full custody and what he would be saying right now about how she gives no fucks to even make a effort and how he does everything.


![gif](giphy|k8j7MHfOQYW76) Is he not tired of this game yet omg Iā€™m exhausted by him lmao poor Nikki, the fact heā€™s phoenixā€™s father unfortunately canā€™t change so she, to a degree, has to have bam in her life is šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø damn girl Iā€™m sorry


And Bam "The Accountability Dodger" Margera makes yet another appearance




This in the Insta comments every post šŸ˜‚


I noticed that too and it always gives me a chuckle šŸ˜‚




Oh I know! šŸ˜šŸ˜‰


Saw this Gif and I thought the same thing šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚ I wonder if Bam ever sees themĀ 


Smells like bullshit in here.


Bam is such a doosh, why does he allow his negative diatribes about Nikki to be filmed and posted? There's a chance Phoenix will see these one day and probably won't be happy about it. Of course nothing is ever Bam's fault, but couldn't he at least put Phoenix's needs before his own once in a while? šŸ˜’


? He didnā€™t allow this to be filmed, the idiot filmed this himself.Ā 


How unfortunate the judge didn't order parenting classes. Bam could use a few.


The moron would probablyĀ think that if Phoenix does see these videos in the future he will see that his mother kept him away, everything was her fault and that he really was trying to see himĀ 


The comments on Bam's insta are not supporting Bam! There is now an overwhelming crowd telling him the truth


"someone* has deleted them all šŸ™ƒ


Na still all on Bam's actual account, the captian cream insta. Over 800 of them.


"all I want to do is see Phoenix. I know nothing about him anymore because she took him away from me" What a narcissistic fuckin deadbeat clown.


Even more pathetic than Bam not being able to be a functional adult or father is that there is a GROWN woman who sees this all and says ā€œsign me up for that!ā€


He lives his life on the fucking internet. Sado.


Did he seriously film this??? To share??


What an idiot. Pathetic


Heā€™s got a lot of awful tattoos


He took a job šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Which shitty convention is he going to so fans from 20 years ago will get a photo to post and tag to their insta?!


Dude has a lot of shit tats. Looks terrible


Just looks like he scribbled all over himself. And the four face tattoosā€¦ some people can pull off face tats but not Bam. On him it looks very trashy


He bailed on most of those court-appointed FaceTime visits with his son, you know what this asshole said? He claimed ā€œshe turns her phone off, then lays by the side of her pool sunbathing and drinking cocktails.ā€ Uh huh. Right. First of all, this is a big fat lie because if that was the case, he should have contacted his lawyer because she wasnā€™t letting him talk to Phoenix. Did he do that? *No*. And how the fuck would he know if she was sunbathing by the pool? Does she even have one? He was in PA and she and Phoenix are in CA. So he not only lies (because of it making him look like the irresponsible asshole he really is) but he shits on Nikki. I doubt she could even afford luxuries like pools, and sheā€™s a single mom who looks out for her son. Such a vile narcissist. He also said, ā€œI pay child support, I got cancelled checksā€. I wish the podcast host had called his bluff: *Oh good, then you can produce them and prove you arenā€™t a complete deadbeat dad. Where are they?* (crickets) I remember a post here from 2022 when he was still crashing with the Shaman and he tried to prove he was still paying for child support with just this handwritten invoice that stopped over six months before. And that doesnā€™t prove anything. *He is not fooling anyone other than his leeches with his bullshit.* And he has the fucking nerve to blame this new shit here on the mother of his child, who is on government assistance, just like his son. Cancel the gig, see your son, maybe bring a check with you rather than some expensive gift he doesnā€™t need. Yup, same shit as alwaysā€¦


He pulls the "I don't know anything about him anymore" line and I feel bad for him. But then he pulls the "she took him away from me" line and all sympathy is lost.


And we now return you to your regularly scheduled programmingā€¦


Imagine recording yourself spouting off like this and then choosing to upload it for everyone to watch. An untouchable level of embarrassing.


Reminds me of the night I ran into my sister's ex boyfriend at a napalm death show where he spent an entire after show party ripping her apart for not letting him not be in my nephew's life despite the fact that he hadn't been around for ten years *AS WELL* as signing a court document promising that he wouldn't be around


What normal human not only films this, but has to post it online for all to see?


Wellā€¦he is far from normal


This one goes out to all you bozos that go on fucking Reddit






Jesus, even from the get-go he's a shit headed liar. "All I want to do is see Phoenix". Clearly not, I don't think I've seen Bam do anything in the past year that can justify what he said.


I want to believe him. I swear I do. If he's telling the truth here I have a lot of sympathy. I just dont know that I can trust him. The only thing Id add is she didn't "take him away from you". You put distance between yourself and your kid due to some awful life choices.


Since he lies about just about everything, and of course fucked up visitation the last time he saw Phoenix, rest assured heā€™s full of shit again. Donā€™t forget heā€™s got court on the 24th.


And its like... if he can cancel a concert last minute why can't he cancel whatever hes talking about for his own kid?? Am I just being judgmental or what.


I donā€™t think youā€™re being judgmental as it just continues to show the hypocrisy that Bam lives for. Gallivanting across the country, the shit show in England but canā€™t show up for Phoenix. Or even look at that great ramp they madeā€¦ while his son is on food stamps.


Dude still acting like a child. Itā€™s amazing.




Imagine having a child with this buffoon. Sorry daddy can't see you. He had to go to a convention. It's all spite. An adult would come up with a solution. Not rant about how bad the mother of his child is, degrading her while filming yourself saying it and then posting it for millions to watch. He is NEVER, NEVER, "coming back from this", because what you see is simply the person he is.


Everything is so done up for the camera its borderline creepy how calculated this all is.


Bam here speaks so confidently as if only his time is valuable. The reality is not everyone, not even everyone in his life have the luxury of living off of the legacy of their career and complaining on instagram.


My brother in Christ, you are 100% completely delusional.


He's undoubtedly bipolar, but he's drinking here. It changes the timbre of your voice, as far as I'm aware being bipolar doesn't.


very much this. even if he's not slurring, you can still tell he's not sober.


Of course he did. Because Bam is the only one who has to follow the court law over this, right? Nikki doesn't. Bam also has no authority to call his lawyer if Nikki isn't following the courts, right? Bam, who tried to show a couple of weeks ago that he's rolling in money.. couldn't cancel an appearance to see his son.. but will cancel any other time. Once again.. Bam passing blame for his actions. The reoccurring theme in his life. Anything, but stop partying and take responsibility for his life. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I want a whole album of bam rants


At least a tb worth of bs


Unrelated but when did he get the heartagram tat on his face? I remember the other 2 but don't remember him getting that one...also seems odd because he's not even really tight with ville or Him in general any more


Got it a while ago. He's always continued getting HIM related tattoos


Posting this on his social media isnā€™t gonna look the greatest to the family court judge. Iā€™ve been in front of some real stickler judges and this would be enough to truly screw some of my clients. Of course my clients wouldnā€™t be dumb enough to do something like this


He acts like he's going to actually show up for that job he works as much as he parents