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Banshees by far, but I do have a soft spot for Babylon, that movie deserved to have done better both critically and commercially.


I managed to stay away from seeing the reception it got until after I'd seen it. Felt like I saw a completely different movie, obviously it had it's fair share of flaws but I thought it was a blast.


There were stretches of Babylon I absolutely loved. And then moments of "wtf were you thinking with this sequence?!?" Such an odd one overall. I will definitely rewatch it someday (unless I get hit by a bus crossing the street tomorrow or something equally dramatic). Which is more than I can say about a lot of movies I see nowadays.


Banshees, and it isn't even close. Absolutely remarkable film.


Amen. It feels like the culmination of all the things I love about McDonagh's work


Felt like a major evolution for him honestly, In Bruges is decent but very much wannabe Ritchie/Tarantino. Seven Psychopaths is the same but a hundred times worse. Banshees doesn't even remotely feel like it's the same director, it's so much more restrained and sincere.


I somewhat agree but would push back on that categorization of In Bruges a bit. It’s far more existential than Tarantino/Ritchie tend to be, and that does a long way. (Still far less mature than something like Banshees but it’s not the furthest thing) Seven Psychopaths on the other hand I’ll agree with you on.


As a McDonagh fan, Ive seen 7 Psychos 3 times yet i struggle to remember a single thing about it. Very weird. His other films though are iconic!


Don't forget 3 Billboards


I had heard of the script for a while and him not feeling ready to make it yet and he hit at the right time. Sad the Oscar’s didn’t award it enough


That’s the right answer. ☝️


Banshees, it’s under two hours, uses that time well, is consistently well written and acted. Babylon has like a few good scenes stitched together with what felt like filler.


“Uses the time well” might be my new favorite way to describe a film! Banshees is an absolute masterpiece. I do think that there is a 90 minutes cut of Babylon in there somewhere. Perhaps between when Pitt first gets the ride home and up to that elegiac scene with Jean Smart.


Why are you even comparing the two? What do they have in common for a topic of conversation other than "they are, in fact, both movies."


I said Banshees was the best film of 2022 and my colleague said no Babylon is better… That’s it.


Ah. Well, you're both wrong, because neither are the best film of 2022. But you're...less wrong lol. I had Banshees in my top 5 for that year, I'm just messing around. Excellent movie.


So what was the best film of the year?




I love that film but for me Banshees definitely clears it


Same. Aftersun takes a very close second but banshees made my top 5 all time


The favourite film of every Letterboxer with daddy issues. Edit: Could someone give me the rest of whatever spiel DreamKillaNormnBates is going off on? Since evidently they're too dumb to realize I can't take in their scalding criticisms beyond what I see in the notif when they've already blocked me over a joke about Aftersun and for...liking Banshees of Inisherin?


Lol, very true.


Or Tar


That is indeed the right answer


Can we actually pick the best film of a single year? There so many genres it seems like a silly debate.


At their best, I love “best of” or GOAT discussions - they are a chance to reflect on and celebrate great works and what makes them great. There’s no answer of course, but the fun is in the journey


I agree, but the whole industry picks a Best Picture, so we'll keep having it. Personally, I think they got it right that year.




Triangle of Sadness


Aftersun is my pick. Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking film.


Dinner in America, no contest.


Everything Everywhere All At Once, no contest


“no contest” is an outrageous claim


I support you.


Couldn't even finish Babylon, Banshees is top 5 of the decade so far for me


Be wary around that friend. Jk, sort of.


They both start with the letter B


On my movie shelf, I wholeheartedly agree. In reality, one of them technically starts with the letter T.


I love them both equally; Banshees is probably the better movie, but Babylon was so much fun and a great love letter to early cinema imo, though I know quite a few disagree with that


Yeah, I gotta agree with this take. Banshees is technically the better movie but I think I enjoyed watching Babylon just that little bit more.


The Banshees of Inisherin by heaps! acting, location, story, donkey, martin, brendan, colin.






Babylon is my favorite movie so…


Thought i would have to endure Banshees but turned out to be one of ny favourite movies of the decade. Watched it like 6 times now, love it to pieces.


It also turns out to play well for almost anyone. First movie in a long time that I felt *compelled* to show people and everyone I’ve put it on for has loved it.


McDonagh's bizarre and offbeat dark humour is right up my alley but his character work and unique dialogue are always delicious delights!






Banshees, my reason being I have not seen Babylon yet, thank you for letting me waste ur time


Banshees by a country mile for me. The tone and the story, and the way it's performed - sublime.


Kerry Condon out acts everyone in Babylon.


Nah, everyone in that movie gave a 5 star Oscar worthy performance. Everyone. Even the nasty copper and the donkey lol I didnt know Colin had that in him tbf. Bit I just watched North Waters and man he's killing it recently.


Someone get her a glass of sherry!


Banshees I can’t even believe this is a real question.




I like Babylon and Banshees wins by a country mile. Really unfortunate that it came out the same year as EEAAO, because every single aspect of that movie was top tier.


The Banshees


Banshees because Babylon was boring try-hard cringy nonsense


Banshees, how is this even a question? Its a modern masterpiece and one of the best films of all time. Babylon is fun to watch, thats about it.


Banshees is 10/10


Banshees is 10/10 all the way through. Felt like Babylon fell off for me in the finale and the third act in general just didn't do it for me.


*Babylon*, it’s a more engaging story, with impeccable direction, and really fleshes out a time of history that’s largely lost to time.


Banshees is actually a good film.


I not a Babylon hate by any means, but it's Banshees for sure. 




Banshees for sure.


Babylon, by a huge margin. Banshees is a movie I just can’t seem to “get”. Like I get that it’s a metaphor for the Irish civil war and all that, but a metaphor has to work as a piece of fiction first and it just doesn’t set right with me. I don’t believe Gleason’s character would do what he does, and although it’s handsomely made and acted, it just doesn’t work for me. 5/10 Babylon, on the other hand, is sprawling and messy and its ambitions probably outweighs its abilities. I would also love to cut the montage of modern movies out of the end of it, and if I did that it might be a 10/10 movie for me instead of just a 9/10. But as is, it’s a 9/10 movie that should’ve had Margot Robbie an Oscar.


Yeah, it’s a metaphor but the movie plays out like a fable or a tall tale. The things the characters do only make sense in that bubble and you cannot hold the characters to any sort of realistic expectation. For example, I don’t think that chick would have fucked the fish man in The Shape of Water lol


Realism isn't a useful measuring tool for fiction in general. It's not realistic for a boat captain to become consumed with hunting a singular whale or for a person who was turned into a bug to sit idly by allowing their family to dictate everything that happens. Characters sometimes have certain motives or traits overemphasized for stylistic reasons and dramatic effect.


The “ain’t movies wonderful” ending is the only bad thing in that movie


Aw man. That’s the only part of the last 60 minutes that worked for me at all.


Banshees because the acting is incredible and the chemistry between actors is also incredible. Plus it has a great depiction of legacy and friendship.


I like both. Thumbs up - Ebert


Maybe just a single thumb for Banshees though, if you know what I'm saying...


This is the most underrated comment in the entire thread.


That naked cop tho.


I loved the first 2/3rds of Babylon enough that I tolerate the 3rd act and I found Banshees to be a really tough watch despite it being incredibly well acted, directed and written. I prefer Babylon but that's more just a reflection of the types of movies I enjoy rather than a reflection on the quality of the movies.


I still haven't seen Babylon somehow but I LOVE Banshees. Can't wait to finally get round to Babylon tho


Is this a real question


Banshees, Babylon was good but I've seen banshees about 5 times and its one of my favorite films of the decade so far


Easily Banshees. Babylon was fun, but shallow. Best part was the soundtrack.


I haven't even seen Banshees and the answer is Banshees.


Love them both, but Banshees gets the edge.


Easily Banshees. The writing, direction, editing, and cast are way better. However Banylon does have great production design, score, and cinematography. I just wish the last hour of the film was heavily cut down as it was a mess.


Banshees is a really good movie but aside from all the great comedic parts it's incredibly depressing. As someone who suffers from chronic depression it was a tough watch and I was basically debilitated with depression for a full day after watching it. I wouldn't necessarily say I liked it.




I was very surprised by Babylon but Martin Mcdonagh wins everytime.


Babylon was a mess, both in plot and theme. Banshees all the way


Easily Banshees


Banshees. It's not even close.


Banshees and it’s not even close. It’s a great movie with great characters and serves as a perfect allegory for the Irish Civil War




Hydrogen Bomb vs. Coughing Baby


Genuinely really enjoy both but Banshees is literally an all-time favorite and handily beats Babylon.


for me 2 5 star films




Banshees was great but so depressing that I don't think I'd watch it again. I'm in the camp that loved Babylon, and I've already seen it more than once, and it was one of my favorite films that year. So, Babylon.


Babylon for me. Banshees is very well made and powerful but it also feels very somber and mean spirited, not one I'd want to rewatch as often. Babylon on the other hand feels so full of life, every moment is a mesmerizing spectacle that continues to out-do itself. I found Manny, Nellie, Sydney, and Jack much more compelling and fleshed out than Padraic and Colm, and similarly felt Chazelle's direction was more unique and impressive. I do find it interesting how there are some similar themes explored between the two though. Babylon is all about the immortality of art and Colm's desire to be remembered for something reminds me a lot of the characters from Babylon and their ambitions.


Banshees because it's one of the best films I've ever seen. However Babylon is excellent and the cinematography and set pieces are just incredible




Banshees and it's not close


The Banshees of Inisherin was a moving, funny and remarkably poignant film with unforgettable performances, I can still quote it after a single viewing and certain shots of the film feel as close now as first watching it. Babylon is like an embarrassing fever dream that causes a slight headache trying to remember. I am going with The Banshees of Inisherin.


Banshees 100%. Should’ve won best picture


One is a great film. The other is Babylon.


I was looking at Banshees and thought it would be a quiet boring Irish film. Instead was beautiful and so intriguing, Colin Farrell doesn’t get enough respect


He is also great in The Beguiled, Sugar series, Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Lobster, and more. He is not just a pretty face.


Banshees is light years better


The Banshees of Inisherin is one of my favorite movies of all time. I fell in love with it the moment I started it.


Babylon. What a an insane ride. Made me want Brandy with Ether.


I couldn't watch it more than five minutes. But brandy and ether sounds wonderful.


Banshees but it's like a 10 out of 10 vs a 9


Babylon for me. Banshees is wonderful and is great for what it is, but Babylon is really Chazelle going for it and some of those shots are all-timers for me. Think it may also be a matter of how much ambition plays into your appreciation of a particular film.


I prefer Babylon However Banshees of Inisherin is undeniably the better film


I got through the first hour of Babylon and didn’t care to finish. Is it worth? I’m a big Damian Chazelle fan


it's a cycle of rampant excess and collapse although it keeps escalating. you've pretty much seen what it has to offer in the first hour. I really enjoyed the vibe and want to watch it again eventually, but i wouldn't recommend you to finish it in a hurry. maybe give it a second chance eventually.


Babylon is like a nine year old telling you the Aristocrats joke,but there is a good movie in there somewhere in the middle. There is one great scene where a character has to cry that cements Robbie as a star, and a soundstage sequence that is really fun. Jean Smart gets a couple opportunities to steal the show. That being said, that last hour is rough.


Bandsaws of Insulin


It’s not a fair comparison. So the debate is pointless.


I really enjoyed both of them. But they are profoundly different works.


I havent seen Babylon yet but I really enjoyed Banshees




That’s like having to choose between a well-crafted, nuanced bowl of soup made with the finest ingredients or gorging yourself at a high-end buffet.


Apples and oranges. Both equally delectable.


I'm a Babylon stan through and through so while that is my choice out of these two, Banshees is a fantastic bittersweet little film that deserve all the accolades Don't see the need to stack them against each other since they're not playing to the same tune at all really, sort of like pitting Eyes Wide Shut against The Matrix just because they both released in '99


It's Banshees, but I do like Babylon.


Just wildly different movies but I’d say by the time I’m dead I’ll probably have watched banshees more than Babylon. At least all the way through. Babylon has lots of great moments but idk how often I’m gonna watch that in its entirety.


Not sure why these two would even be in competition. Like debating whether an MLB team is better than a local little league.


Both are good in their own right and very well made


I prefer Babylon but I think banshees is a better movie


Banshees because I haven't seen Babylon! Lol




I have to go with Babylon. I went in somewhat blind and it was an incredible whirlwind of an experience. I loved every aspect of it. Banshees was brilliant but very painful to get through, a lot more than I expected, and in the end I didn’t totally feel like I got the message but I did get most of it, I just felt like the trauma I went through to get there might not have been worth it 😭


The Babylon set-up


Haven’t seen them


they're both so close but the soundtrack of babylon edges it out for me


Banshees has a really solid script and less bombastic performances from its cast. Babylon is a party from start until almost the end, with big energy to match it. It’s really hard to compare these two movies as they have different energies. Banshees is the better film, but Babylon is still really great.


Banshee is a deep movie, you sit down, watch alone and just analyse it. More melancholic and grey in visuals and also emotion. Babylon is an experience, music and unique visuals combining, giving you a pretty crazy ride (kinda bit too long) but ending it in a full mix of emotions.


Babylon because I haven’t watched banshees…


It is a shame, both were disappointments to me, despite loving both directors previous work. While I definitely prefer the premise and themes of Banshees more, I found it "soulless," while Babylon was executed slightly better. Honestly, I found both pretty boring to watch, and rather superficial. Babylon was a more preferable OUaTiH for me. Both were 4-5/10 at best for me.


Apples and Oranges


Banshees got me wondering what was the point of the movie while Babylon got me pumped and hyped up. Banshees is great but I couldn't fully grasp it, while Babylon is definitely my jam and its theme & message absolutely speak to me


Babylon is a 2 hour masterpiece, up until the whole Toby Maguire piece. Banshees didn't really struck a chord with me.


Babylon because Banshees is rated fairly both critically and commercially while Babylon was shat on by both Academy and wider audience despite being made by Damien fucking Chazelle. Plus if I have to watch something I'd rather the wild ride of Babylon. But you know... it's an opinion


Banshees is such a great film, and it's really hard to compete with. Babylon DOES get super close to it, though


Banshees by far. It’s a perfectly crafted movie. I had a hard time getting through Babylon. It was trying to do too much.


obviously someone is in a 2022 mood


Both were in my top 10 of the year, but I think Banshees was a little tighter. Babylon was a little messier.


Babylon for me, I find the scale of the whole journey just more captivating. That being said Banshees is beautiful with stellar performances throughout. Babylon was a 4.5 for me and Banshees a 4.


I haven't seen Babylon yet but Banshees is probably in my top 10 of all time so I don't see Babylon beating it when I eventually get to it.


Banshees is objectively better, but they’re both 5 star films for me.


Babylon is a spectacular movie that few were prepared for.


Banshees because it is so much better


Babylon’s highs are higher but Banshees is more consistent throughout. I lean Babylon because I’m always here for a big swing, but I do think they’re pretty equal peers tbh


I liked Babylon a lot of Banshees has a special place in my heart


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HaughtStuff99: *I liked Babylon* *A lot of Banshees has a* *Special place in my heart* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Babylon 100%. Many great scenes, great performances, and re-watchable.


Banshees by quite a bit


Banshees. Babylon felt like a very fancy remake of Boogie Nights.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OkTap3378: *Banshees. Babylon* *Felt like a very fancy* *Remake of Boogie Nights.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I haven’t see Babylon but banshees is PERFECT


One's good one's bad.


You all suck. Babylon easily clears and it is not even close. I think about that shit every day, and Banshees hasn't crossed my mind more than a few times since I saw it in theatres. Banshees will go on to be a very solid part of McDonagh's, Gleeson's and Farrel's catalogue. Babylon will go on to be a modern classic.


They’re both fantastic


Babylon because Banshees makes me too sad.


Banshees for me. Babylon is a child playing at being an adult.


Banshees made me cry and laugh. Babylon made me so uncomfortable in a claustrophobic sense that I got nauseous and had to stop watching after 40 minutes.


I didn't enjoy Babylon at all sadly so Banshees


Babylon easily, one of my favorite movies of all time. It basically appeals to everything I want in a movie, especially that outrageously good score. Free my guy from director jail already


Babylon just by a hair


Both are great, but I prefer Babylon by a lot. However, I'm a sucker for movies about Hollywood/movie production so there's a strong bias there.


Babylon by far, banshees bored me


I love Babylon threads because it shows how many people got filtered by it


I’m going to go against everyone here and say Babylon. This film touched me a lot. And I think its extravagent tone really makes people feel like it’s less deep than Banshees, somehow. I deeply love both film and they both left a big mark on me, but I seriously think the more contemplative vibes of The Banshees of Inisherin just makes it feel more ✨prestigious✨.


Too late, a lot of people already said Babylon before you


Banshees. The performances and setting are 🤌🏻


Definitely Banshees but I am a Babylon defender


Odd choice to compare the two


Banshees is great Babylon was just entertaining with three great scenes


Definitely Banshees, Babylon is good but definitely feels overrated by Film Twitter, and people who saw like 5 movies from 2022


Banshees is great and Babylon is 3 hours of hollywood brown-nosing


Babylon is insanely entertaining and the better of the two movies. The filmmaking on display is crazy. The soundtrack just jacks up your heart rate by levels, the characters are all ones you care for. It’s so emotional and the visuals are stunning. Not to mention the acting.


Banshees isn’t bloated and doesn’t end with a montage of “look at all of da movies”. That montage really took me out of the scene, which is a problem when that scene is the ending.


Banshees is one of my favourite films of the past 10 - 20 years and a modern masterpiece... I don’t think about Babylon much.


Banshees is the better film but Babylon is more my preferred style: over-the-top and rewatchable. It’s like my new Casino (1995).


Was there finger breaking in it?


Banshees. Babylon seemed way too pretentious.


Babylon was a mess imo. Banshees of inisherin is way better.


Babylon - it's going to be reappraised as a masterpiece, time will be very kind to it.


This is like comparing a Michelin star meal and the crumbs at the bottom of your toaster.


Banshees. Because every scene contributes to plot and/or character, unlike the bloated meandering odyssey of Babylon


Babylon, it is a better story




I prefer Babylon but Banshees is still phenomenal


Banshees is amazing, Babyloyn was just a massive circlejerk and cringe.