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alone, in bed, on my laptop, at night after work, with subtitles, something from my priority watchlist or random


Exact same for me. Like 100% the same.




hello me.


I couldn’t imagine watching a movie (or anything) on a small laptop screen. Large flat screen TV at a minimum for movies/TV and Ipad at a minimum for other media. A projector being a good option where a wall monitor is not an option.


Usually late at night with blankets on the sofa for me. Occasionally while eating dinner


Usually alone (cause I want no distractions) in my living room on the tv, every single light must be off to make it feel like I’m at the cinema and I’ll turn on my diffuser and put a really nice scent to make the vibe even more lovely. Now when going to the Cinema I either go alone if it’s a serious movie that I’m really interested in or if it’s a fun comedy or not so serious type of movie I’ll go with a friend. One more thing, when I watch movies I don’t eat anything. No popcorn, snacks, nothing. I only drink water cause I find eating kinda distracting lol


I don't often go to the cinema, I try to make sure it's a special kind of thing to do. I just went to London to see Oppenheimer in the BFI IMAX for example. If I'm going to the cinema I'll likely just make sure the reviews are not overwhelmingly negative but I'm not likely to know much about the film other than "I want to see it". As for outside of that, I mostly watch movies by myself at home on the TV. I'll mostly pick from the shelf what to watch but sometimes just go to streaming and see what poster and name seems good. Don't really mind what time of day so long as I'm in a movie type mood and have time. I'll watch it in whatever the original language is so will end up with subtitles. The only real exception are a few of the Studio Ghibli films because it's so strange to not hear it in English.


I’m seeing 2001 at the BFI Imax this evening! Oppenheimer sounds like it would be incredible there


It was fantastic! I hope you enjoy 2001, it's a great movie.


Jealous! I’m going to BFI IMAX tomorrow to watch Midsommar


Usually at home on DVD or streaming to my TV. I occasionally make it to the movie theater.


i watch them on my laptop in bed! because of an illness that gives me some cognitive issues i have to break up the movie in smaller chunks.  at the moment it’s a little too complicated, but my ideal set up would be watching with a projector (i think it’s really cosy to do at home) and having snacks that fit the theme of the movie!


i love the idea of combining your snacks/beverages with your movie!! Great!!


Sofa + laser projector + monitor speakers behind me = movie bliss


why the speaker go behind you??


It's more immersive, and because the speakers are closer to my ears, i can hear quieter moments a lot more clearly than if the speakers were several feet in front of me. It's also a nice clean aesthetic in the room, having both projector and speakers behind, and only the projector screen on the wall in front.


At home on my own watching it on my TV or if I feel more cinematic on my projector in my bedroom. No subtitles and usually when I am having my dinner. I have a weekly film choice thing with a guy at work so either that or whatever genre I am currently hooked on gets watched. That or if I have set myself a challenge. Like the other night I watched High Noon on the Projector and it was fantastic!




I love going to the theaters, except when it's a kids' movie Like, most kids aren't talking because they're rude. They're talking because they don't know any better. Why are the parents so afraid to tell their kids to be silent for an hour and a half? Probably because they themselves are rude. Ik it's not really a kids' movie, but since it's animation, a lot of parents took their kids to see The Boy and the Heron, and during the section i was, all of them went crazy whenever the Heron was on screen.


When I was watching Barbie which isn't a kids' movie imo, there was a kid who didn't understand anything and commented on every damn line.


I remember seeing this IMDb review for The Batman where a parent was mad because the movie scared his 8yo. Even though it's a PG-13 movie. But basic research is too much these days.


I base all my opinions on whether I’ll watch something or not on our user’s ratings. even if its based on like 3 ratings


Oh my TV. I've invested a little bit in my setup (LG C2, have a decent true stereo set up, but nothing crazy. I'd like to get at least a 3.1 setup sometime this year along with a 4k player), so it's a nice experience. Most of the movies I see are on streaming, but I'm building a physical collection of movies I know I like and will want to watch multiple times. Even regular Blu-ray looks fantastic still and I'm finding you can often get them for $5 or less if you're lucky.


Love the idea of keeping the classics in physical form. Can I ask where do you find them nowadays? (you mean dvd right?)


So, I try to buy movies in 4k Blu-rays if I can, as most also come with a regular Blu-ray. DVD is sort of a last resort, but I'll still get some every once in a while. Online for really cheap ones I'm looking at Gruv, eBay, and the whatnot app. In person half priced books or cheapo. Also any store that also sells used records will generally be a little more expensive, but people who sell their stuff there tend to have better taste than what gets dumped at Goodwill. If its a movie I really love, like a lot, I'll check out a boutique Blu-ray company like Arrow, Vinegar Syndrome, Kino Lorber, or the Criterion Collection, but those get expensive fast. Kino Lorber and the Criterion Collection are both half off right now though for a lot of movies. So, yeah, eBay is probably where I'd start online, and something like half priced books in person.


Preferably a cinema, but usually after work I end up picking a random movie after I scroll through my watchlist for 10 minutes and don’t find anything that motivates me


when everyone is asleep i fire up a movie on my pc and enjoy in peace


In the cinema alone or at home in the sofa. Usually sort by which movie I put in my watchlist furthest back in time if I can’t make up my mind on what to watch.


late free day (6pm?), tablet, alone, on bed or desk (or swapping between in the span of the movie), subtitles, chosen after long consideration, a pack of snacks like chips, soft cookies or something with chocolate


thats the most often way (except its not always a free day) and the most pleasant i like the option to pause, the screen 'size to distance' ratio is immersive, and english subtitles are nicer than my native ones which only distract me (the only way movies are displayed at the cinema smh), i usually manage without them but its helpful if they actually match 1:1 so they clarify what was said


Someone’s I’ll start a movie I’ve already seen on my iPad while cooking dinner or something and watch the rest in my tv, but every time I’m like damn it’s so much better in my tv lol. So I like to watch on my couch, lights off, blanket, with my wife and dog (or alone if she’s not around). Usually no subtitles, unless I’m alone (wife doesn’t like them). As for what I pick, depends on my watchlist, what’s been recently added to streaming services, if I see alot of hype for it, or just really like the actor / director Rarely go to theaters, but saw dune 2 in theaters and rewatched at home and really appreciated going to the theater for that one.


I’ll watch movies whenever. I’ll try to fit in at least one movie during an evening/night (after work), but I’ll watch movies during the weekend and/or holidays.


In my basement where I've got my 4k tv & my Atmos surround sound and no sunlight. No subtitles if it's in English (so distracting). Usually some snacks and drinks for company. I try to pick stuff from my watchlist that's on a streamer I've got, but I often just go with my gut or grab one of my blurays stacked up and unplayed (even if I've seen the movie before)


If I have work or classes I watch em at night but when I'm on vacations I watch em during the day or try to go to the movies. It's either on my projector or my computer, alone or sometimes on call with a friend, the research process varies on how I'm feeling, if I'm looking for a specific trope I go straight at it but usually I pick from my watchlist with a random movie picker lol.


On my commute home I’ll think about what movie I’m gonna watch, and then when I get home I start watching the film at about 7-8pm on my laptop in bed, with Swedish subtitles because I’m trying to learn Swedish


right now I’m living with my parents and we often watch movies together on our tv, i’ll be moving soon tho. when i’m alone I usually watch them alone in bed at night and honestly I just watch them on my phone lol. No subtitles and I don’t plan I just get a random urge to watch a random movie (often after being reminded of said movie from social media). I like going to the theaters by myself but nowadays that’s only for movies I know I’ll really like. I go after it’s been showing for a couple weeks and at night so my showing is mostly empty and quiet (and no kids since I’m usually interested in animated movies) :] edited for clarification


Alone in bed after work, after dinner, smoke a joint, never subtitles, throw my phone on the other side of the room, lights off, TV at a decent volume.


Also, unpopular opinion here, but if im watching a movie at the cinemas, I'm talking. The whole point of watching a film in theaters is audience reception. How are people supposed to feel the effects of the film whilst watching if people aren't reacting? I'm not gonna sit there and have random conversations, but I will comment on scenes. Talk, have fun, just don't be annoyingly loud about it.


Definitely an unpopular opinion because I cannot fathom a need to comment on it while it’s happening. Just save your conversations for after so that you’re able to form your own opinion about it without another person yappin’ their opinion or interpretation in your ear.


As I said, for me, the whole point of seeing it in the cinema is audience reaction. If I'm gonna watch a movie I'm silence, why would I watch it with a hundred other people? I'm not having a conversation or anything and I'm not being loud, as I said before. But I will drop comments about things as they happen because that's the best way for an audience to understand what other people feel at exact moments of the film. Also I'm not talking to strangers, I'll talk to the people I come with and if I'm alone then I'll quietly whisper things like "wtf" or "oh cool" to myself


“that’s the best way for an audience to understand what other people feel” why tf would this matter? are you trolling? this is not the reason people see movies in theaters


It matters because why the fuck else would you go see a movie with 50 other people of you expect it to be quiet the entire time. I personally enjoy when others comment during a movie so no I'm not trolling


just like i expect people to be quiet in libraries. it’s common etiquette. get with it or get out


I disagree, to each their own. And as I said, I'm not doing it loud enough to really bother other people. I'm not I interrupting at all, so I don't really see the issue


You said in your first response that the whole point of going to a theater was to hear other people’s reactions so now it sounds like you’re backtracking majorly


No, it is to hear other people's reactions, just not loud enough to cause an annoyance. Simply enough to hear what people think. You can be audible without being loud


55” 4k TCL, Xbox series x as my player. Can usually only watch a couple nights a week as I go to bed before my 4 year old most nights lol. Hoping to upgrade the living room setup at some point with an LG OLED and proper 4k player.


At night, at my desktop, alone, no subtitles, select something off my watchliss that sound good. However, I love a good film in the cinema, I even saw one yesterday but I'm really looking forward to Twisters in July.


All of the above. I do reserve some movies to be fully relaxed in bed watching them but random movies, I’ll hit play while washing dishes or cutting veggies or something.


I tend to watch at night by myself or with my wife, in the living room on the 82 inch with every light in the house turned off. If my wife is doing something else I will use my headset, if she’s watching with me I’ve got the 7.1 turned way the fuck up. I do think it’s odd how many people seem to enjoy watching on a laptop. I don’t even like watching movies in bed because the TV in there is small in comparison to the living room. I will however binge watch shows in bed so I guess for me with a film I want to try to replicate the cinema at home.


I watch a movie almost every night after work. I have a projector in my bedroom and watch movies in bed usually


Usually it's in my evening chill out routine before bed. On my TV. (I dislike smaller screens for movies) I also love going to the theater though and really enjoy the experience. I don't go enough just because of convenience.


Typically between 7-10pm, alone, in one of two rooms in the house, both with large TV's and couches. My wife is usually too exhausted to watch anything with me, and my kid goes to bed around 7, so I have the night free to do what I want.


I like to start my first movie at around 8 or 9 at night and normally I have time to watch one or even two more after that. Sometimes on my days off though I binge movies and watch 5 or 6 in a day. I recently upgraded from watching movies on my phone to a TV, and I normally connect my sony headphones to it and listen to the audio that way. I take a glance at my watchlist but if I’m not in the mood for a movie on there, I look at the “suggested” lists that my TV provides based on other movies I’ve watched. No subtitles unless it’s in a language other than English. I like to go to the theater like every other weekend and I usually go alone and find that it’s more enjoyable for me that way.


Usually sit on my bed and watch on my TV with subtitles on. I try to go to the movie theatre for any new movies I find interesting. I try not to look into the movies before I watch them. I have a huge watchlist of movies that seemed interesting just off a quick glance or that I’ve heard other people talk about. And I usually watch them alone because me and my girlfriend have very different taste in movies


Hungover or still tired early in the morning on Sunday.


Also I don’t watch any previews or read reviews before watching something new. (As much as that is possible)


I’ll watch whenever, usually alone, but I try to watch horror films at night if possible. I’ll either pick something random or something off my watch list. I always watch on a tv with subtitles and decent speakers. with no distractions, prior engagements or anything from stopping me from completing the whole movie. Dark room. Snacks and weed won’t hurt either


lately I've only been going to see things in theaters, this includes almost every possible re-release I can get my grubby a-list hands on lol. otherwise I'm in my room watching on my laptop in bed. I have roommates and am afraid of bothering someone with a movie in the living room so I wait until they are out of town to indulge in my dvd/blu ray collection.


Around midnight when every is asleep with headphones on and blasting AC


on my cellphone