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The Guillermo Del Toro *At the Mountains of Madness* movie


This was my first thought as well. That Lovecraft/Del Toro combination is something I’ve dreamt of seeing for years.


Also Guillermo Del Toro's "The Hobbit" Duology


I would love a stop motion Hobbit by Del Toro along the lines of his Pinnochio movie. Just super interesting art direction removed from the 2000s LOTR movies


He was also slated to adapted Swamp Thing.


The script was weak


The trouble with a non euclidean script is it can be difficult to navigate.


Idk about cancelled so much as never came to fruition...but Jodorowsky's Dune would have been wild. Big Bug Man...Brendan Fraser and Marlon Brando (his last work before he died) animated movie. I think it's complete as well...just never released. Arrive Alive...Willem Dafoe is a Hotel detective investigating the murder of a boxing champ... murder comedy that actually sounds like it could have been pretty cool. Cancelled during filming.


Getting canceled while filming is crazy.


Not really, if the budget dries up or the production is a mess. See Terry Gilliam’s Lost in La Mancha.


Jodorowsky's Dune had so much potential, truly a sad wasted material


Satoshi Kons Dreaming Machine. Apparently it's all storyboarded and a bunch is finished and Kon wanted it completed after his death


This is my answer as well. It was one of his last requests on his deathbed, and it was picked up and then dropped because the director didn't feel they could do it justice or something like that. One day, hopefully, we will get to see it. I want it so bad. Edit: I'm actually so pissed off this movie doesn't exist. I get genuinely so angry when I think about it. He went into great detail about the instructions for how it was to be done. If you haven't read Satoshi Kon's last words and journals, and you are a big Satoshi Kon fan, you should go read them. He was a super interesting person.


What other posthumous movies have been made by people in a similar manner? I'm talking about stuff like AI by Spielberg which was originally a Kubrick movie


The Tim Burton Superman from the late 90s with Nicholas Cage


Yes, the small glimpse in The Flash got me upset we never got it.


> the small glimpse in The Flash got me upset FTFY


> The Flash got me upset FTFY


I came here to say this. I want this movie so bad


Similarly, George Miller’s Justice League


I just learned there was a "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie with Peter Jackson involved who's plot involved the teenagers fucking with Freddy because they no longer feared him and even took sleeping pills because it was all the rage to do that. So that one sounded fun!


That would be an interesting twist to the franchise.


Where’s the movie where Freddy haunts a bad trip


Batgirl, just because of the way it was canceled


I get it, I feel the same way about the live-action Looney Tunes movie.


My thing is if they’re getting a tax break to dump it, release it for free. It belongs to the people


I saw something once that said if it's a Tax write off it can't be released but I'm not sure if that's true.


If it makes you feel any better, there’s gonna be a different Looney Tunes movie in the works, and I’m pretty sure it’s also live action. Can’t remember what it’s about


Yeah. I don’t even think I would’ve remotely liked the movie - it could’ve been worse than the fucking Happening, don’t care. Killing it like that, that close to completion, was a pathetic travesty.


when that movie was actually supposed to be coming out i had very little interest. the second it got cancelled in such a bizarre way i was like “okay i need to see this immediately.”


Idk how far into the process it got into if any, but Guillermo Del Toro’s dream bioshock movie is something I’d love to see. Felt like he stylistic touched it a bit with Shape of Water & Nightmare Alley with some of the set designs and costumes.


Seeing him and his monster design team create big daddies would’ve been dope. (This also applies to George Miller)


23 Jump Street where they join the Men in Black


I would probably watch half of those 22 Jump Street sequel ideas they put in as jokes.


Men in Jump Street Hell, Sony owns ghostbusters so you know what? Screw it, 23 Bust Street


How many times do you think Tatum and Hill would say “Bustin makes me feel good” in that


So much hilarious awesome could’ve happened with that…


Kubrick’s Napoleon


Also, Stanley Kubrick's A.I.


It wasn't canceled. He gave it to Spielberg.


I know but the potential of that vision... he canceled it but im sure it would have been interesting




Also Kubrick's Aryan Papers


Edgar Wright Ant-Man


It really felt (to me) like the actual Antman we got (which i liked a lot) was trying to be an Edgar Wright movie without Ed involved.


Edgar Wright has executive producer and writing credits on Antman. Unfortunately, his vision didn't fit with MCU, so he left the helm. It's a shame, I bet it would have been one of the greatest Marvel movies.


Was just about to say. That first ant man movie has a decent chunk of the Edgar Wright dna in it still. I feel like that whole Michael Pena sequence is from his script.


Everybody often assumes that Michael Pena monologue is a remnant of Edgar Wright's version of the film (I did too when I first saw it), but apparently it was added after Wright left. I'm sure it was talked about it quite a few places at the time, but the only sources I can find right now are these two Den of Geek pages. This interview with Michael Pena: https://www.denofgeek.com/comics/ant-man-s-michael-pena-they-let-me-run-with-it/ > **When did the idea of him being this secret expert on wine and art come about?** > That was a new thing. There were these two writers…God. What were their names? Two really young writers *(note: the writers were Gabriel Ferrari and Andrew Barrer, who contributed during shooting but did not receive any final writing credits on the film)*. It wasn’t Wright and it wasn’t Adam McKay. It was literally these two young writers that came in, these two hotshots, and they wrote this huge monologue. They gave it to Marvel and Marvel said, “Yes. Let’s do it.” I had like 12 hours to prepare for it, but really it was like three because I had to sleep. I said, “How the hell did you guys make this up?” It was like, “I don’t know man…” And this page, which quotes Peyton Reed: https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/how-would-edgar-wrights-ant-man-have-been-different/ > Michael Peña’s tips > Here’s one that surprised this writer. Remember those two scenes where Michael Peña’s Luis told hilariously elongated stories before getting to a fairly simple point? They garner some of the biggest laughs in the film. > Well, here’s what Peyton Reed told Uproxx about them. “The other things that we really brought to it, when we started working with Michael Peña, if Scott’s going to make this decision to turn back to a life of crime and comes in and says ‘tell me about that tip,’ I love the idea of we created these ‘tip montages'”. > “That was something that never existed in the original drafts”, Reed confirmed, “and I wanted to bring to it. And the production writers at the time, Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari, had been working with Paul, so they wrote those tip montages, which we then reprise at the end to tee up how the movie ends.” > Thus, some of the most off-the-wall humour in the film came from Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari’s drafts, under the stewardship of Peyton Reed and Paul Rudd. While these knowing cutaway gags initially seem like pure Edgar Wright, they actually came into the script a long time after his departure.


100%. They tried the Pena sequence again in Antman And Wasp and it just wasn't the same.


Did not know this, that would have been great.


Oh yeah, it was pretty far along as well if I remember correctly. In the end it was chalked up to creative differences but insiders basically said it was because he didn’t want to be constrained by the MCU.


Finchers dragon tattoo sequels


Absolutely. I would have loved to see how Fincher portrayed Zala.


YES. Rooney Mara wanted to do them so badly. One of my favorite movies of all time, we’re really missing out on


Mindhunter for me. Dude seriously made the best serial killer drama show of all time then just got bored with it and abandoned it mid story arc. 


Spider-Man 4 (Tobey Maguire)


Guillermo del Toro’s At the Mountains of Madness and his Hobbit films. What could have been ….


He could’ve crushed the Hobbit movies, as long as they didn’t force him to imitate the LotR style.


Spider-Man 4. John Malkovich as Vulture and Anne Hathaway as Felicia Hardy/Black Cat!


Coyote V Acme


There’s still hope. 🤞🏼


The Popeye animated film that got canceled to make the Emoji Movie


I didn’t know that was the reason it was canceled. That makes me so sad now.


It isn't actually, is just what people say because... it came next to the cancelations of Popeye.


That’s not what happened, that’s just a false rumor made up by people who were hating on the emoji movie


I have watched the animatic, and I do think with some polishing, more usage of the Popeye theme motif, and maybe some adjustments to the script, this could've been a really great film. I probably would've rated it 3.5 stars if the animatic iteration was the final product. Then again, a 3.5 star film is better than the 1 star abomination of The Emoji Movie.


Another cancelled Sony animated movie: Medusa, originally to be directed by Lauren Faust and then later by Robert Rugan. James Baxter did a short animation test: (though this shouldn't be taken as a sign that it was going to be a 2D hand-drawn movie, as nice as that would have been): https://youtu.be/mkZETIwxKPs https://sonypicturesanimation.fandom.com/wiki/Medusa https://www.robertrugan.com/medusa


Ronnie Rocket the movie David Lynch never got to make. I've heard he did manage to repurpose aspects of the script for Twin Peaks The Return, but I don't know to what extent. It was going to be his next movie after Eraserhead, but it was too ambitious for the time and he couldn't secure funding to make it.


Not necessarily cancelled as far as I'm aware, but I really want those Tintin sequels we were promised.


The Modern Ocean from Shane Karruth. I was so stoked for it and then he decided to be a terrible person. Now we all suffer.


I’d pick A Topiary over TMO.


I was so confused by this question at first. Aronofsky’s Batman Year One


Hellboy 3


Did 2 just not preform well enough at the box office??


Pretty much. Del Toro and Perlman were shopping around for years but no studio wants to finance it.


The movie critic


I would say Wile E. Coyote v. ACME but that got FUCKING MADE


I hope this gets pirated into the world.


Based on what Warner Bros. said, they have it in some goddamn Fort Knox rivalling secure location so unfortunately probably not


Could there be a heist movie made starring a crew of movie nerds? Might inspire someone to leak it.


I went to a May December Q&A with writer Samy Burch after it was announced that the Coyote v ACME was shelved. She was pretty hurt that it wouldn’t see the light of day and you could tell she had a lot of love for the screenplay she wrote. Disappointing how her follow-up to her Oscar-nominated film won’t be seen.


I was so goddamn hype for this. I fucking HATE Warner bros


Honestly that shit should be straight up illegal. Same for Batgirl. Like even if it is a truly BAD movie think of all the losses that you have to take as somebody who worked on those films. Yeah, you got paid but that's so much time and energy wasted and nothing at all to show for it, let alone if it was actually a passion project of yours.


The Dark Universe. It's not really a movie, but if I had to pick one - Dark Army. I feel robbed.


I bet a new version of Dark Universe. Will happen if the new Wolfman does well.


Perhaps..... I'm not gonna lie I was SO HYPED for Gosling to be the Wolfman. Still upset he was recast. That was the movie I was most excited for this year.


I was curious to see more of the Dark Universe.


Tim Burton’s *Ripley’s Believe It or Not*


I just Googled this and it's crazy. Also, the fact the project technically hasn't been fully canceled yet is nuts.


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


Never say never, the studios love to bring back old IPs.


It’s not a movie, but about 10 years ago Annapurna was going to produce a miniseries about the old Hollywood “sewing circle” of (allegedly) queer actresses, mostly focused on Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, and that project has lived rent free in my brain since it was first announced. Also, that reimagined Picture of Dorian Grey to be directed by Annie Clark and starring Isabelle Huppert - really bummed that one died on the vine.


Dude I wanna know what Ken Penders Sonic movie would've been, I just want to know


Jodorowsky's Dune


Chris Cunningham's Neuromancer Shane Carruth's The Modern Ocean Wes Ball's Mouse Guard EDIT: Forgot George Miller's Contact


Tobey Maguire's Spider-man 4


Apparently they were planning on doing a musical film of “Little Shop of Horrors” before the pandemic but it fell through. CHRIS EVANS was supposed to play the dentist and I wanted him to perform that song SO BAD. Edit: TARON EGERTON WAS SUPPOSED TO HE SEYMOUR


Yes, I want this so bad. I want Taron as Seymour so much.


The ghibli adaptation of pippi longstocking


A Topiary and / or A Modern Ocean. Neither had much traction, so 'canceled' might not apply - but it's a shame they never got made. (Yes I'm aware Carruth is a piece of shit)


Batman beyond


Neill Blomkamp's Alien movie


I just looked it up and that would have so cool.


Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek movie.




Quentin Tarantino’s Iron Man. I just wanna know what the hell he would’ve done.


[Saturation 70](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturation_70), described as an updated version of Alice in Wonderland, where a five year old Victorian era boy (Julian Jones-Leitch, biological son of Brian Jones/adopted son of Donovan) falls down a wormhole and ends up in a dystopian 1970s Los Angeles. He meets a group of aliens called the Kozmic Kiddies (Nudie Cohn, Balthas, Gram Parsons, Michelle Phillips), who have come to save Earth from pollution. A good portion of filming was complete but stopped due to the budget shortfall.


Marlowe with Jude Law


Kung Pow 2


The amazing Spider-Man 3


I'm so glad Andrew Garfield's character got at least some sort of closure on Spider-Man: No Way Home.


Would have liked to have seen the actual lord and miller SOLO movie. Couldn’t have been worse than what we got…


Guillermo del Toro Hobbit




Vincent Ward’s Alien 3


DreamWorks Animations Me and My Shadow


The Tim Burton Superman movie starring Nicolas Cage


Fincher’s WWZ2 almost happened but fell thru due to budget concerns by paramount.


John Waters' Dorothy, The Kansas City Pothead


Hellboy part 3


Emperor. An Adrien Brody period piece that basically got shut down because the producer got in some legal trouble. Very frustrating.


The Disney animated Jack and the Beanstalk movie, Gigantic, all that remains of it is an Easter egg in Zootopia


Ridley Scott's intended sequel and eventualy trilogy to Prometheus. Unfortunatly due to complaining the studio pushed Covenent to be an Alien chestburster focused movie rather than the search and exploration of the engineers homeworld.


In the 2000’s Guillermo Del Toro and Neil Gaiman were set to direct and write respectively a Doctor Strange movie. I think it was cancelled because higher ups at Marvel at the time didn’t think it would be financially successful. If it was released I think it could’ve been the best superhero movie ever made.


It ended up being made later on but I would have loved to see the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ridley Scott version of I Am Legend!


Memento but in order. I sent an email to Christopher Nolan giving him the go ahead, but he cancelled it 😔


Powerpuff girls…


The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made of course, I would sell my organs to see that get made, it sounds hilarious


Given how Furiosa's box office was somewhat disappointing, I have a feeling George Miller won't be able to make Mad Max: The Wasteland. So I proactively choose that.


Django unchained part 2 apparently Tarantino has the script but the budget is a billion dollars or something




Ronnie Rocket


Wong Kar-Wai's canceled project with Nicole Kidman, The Lady from Shanghai (that is not a remake of the Orson Welles film, just using the title) Tony Leung's canceled film with Kiyoshi Kurosawa


The film adaptations of The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin. I believe Ridley Scott was going to do something with it, then it got pushed aside for some reason--I recall it was considered "unfilmable." It became a terrible Fox TV series with Mark-Paul Gosselaar they barely covered the first half of the first book, then got cancelled. It could be an incredibly epic film trilogy. Someone needs the guts to do it.


1905, the cancelled movie starring Tony Leung and Atsuko Maeda directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa.


Crusade Massive action film set in the middle ages starring Arnold Schwartzenegger, Jennifer Connelly and Gary Sinise in a film by Paul Verhoeven (in the era of Robocop and Total Recall). They got so close to making it, but couldn’t secure funding. Arnold literally just kicking Verhoeven under the table in investors meetings telling him to promise he’ll stay on budget. They had a script which you can find online or even performed like below: https://youtu.be/Xk13Ga_bp6Y?si=18RbRM6rOk_akZkG


Promised sequels... E.g.  To The evil cult Rock n rolla Masters of the universe


George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal


That Yellow Submarine one that was done in the same style as polar express. I’m really disappointed about that


Guillermo Del Toro’s The Haunted Mansion


Adam McKay’s serial killer comedy “Average Height, Average Build.” I know his tone isn’t for everyone but it seems like it would’ve been a great & timely satire with a fun cast.


Hellboy 3


Raimi’s Spider-Man 4 Tarantino’s Star Trek


First Ladies with Jennifer Aniston and Tig Notaro playing the President and her wife was announced 6 years ago and was on their IMDb pages until recently. It kept getting pushed back due to illness, COVID, scheduling, etc. and now seems like it'll never happen.


I really would want to see the Bioshock film be made, but after reading the script, i don't know. Hopefully, the new film doesn't get canceled.


GMT Haunted Mansion, idk how you fumble the director with a dedicated Haunted Mansion room in his house


Ash vs Freddy vs Jason


Hardy Men Tom Cruise and Ben Stiller play adult versions of the Hardy Boys. The hook was that they had a falling out and now hate each other as adults.


Batgirl  Scoob holiday  Coyote vs acme 


Kubrick's Aryan Papers sounded pretty dope. And it would have been abysmal but I always loved the idea of doing that Lord of the Rings movie the Beatles wanted to make with him.


MIB 23, the MIB x 21 Jump Street crossover


23 Jump Street


Cancelled or canned? I would love to see Coyote vs Acme. They finished it, and it's supposed to be great, Warner just tax looholed it.


Lynne Ramsay’s version of Jane Got a Gun


Batgirl, Scoob 2, and Coyote vs Acme, since those were all already filmed


Not quite cancelled so much as shelved but there is a movie called St Sebastian that was filmed in 2011 and never released that I would give just about anything to see. It’s apparently a post apocalyptic found footage horror film, set in Russia, starring William Ficthner and the late Lance Reddick, directed by *Danny freakin DeVito*. The mind boggles.


Batman Unchained, Joel Schumacher’s redemption for Batman and Robin


James Cameron’s 90s Spider-man film. The tone would have been akin to that of the Amazing Spider-man films and centered around an edgy and dorky to the point of creepy Peter Parker that reminds me of the ugliness of comic iterations of Peter we haven’t really seen on film yet. But then again we would have never gotten the Raimi films so it’s not a major loss.


Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 4. I grew up being obsessed with the original trilogy and I remember being so sad when Sony cancelled the project.


Rian Johnsons's Star Wars Trilogy and Disney's Mort.


Devil in the White City by Martin Scorsese. About a serial killer at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, supposed to star Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Day-Lewis.


Whatever happened to the Rob Reiner movie (Living Out Loud?) for which Sondheim wrote six songs?


Batgirl and Coyote vs Acme


Mouse Guard by Wes Ball


i just heard miyazaki was planning a pippy longstocking movie but it got cancelled 😭


Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon


Jodorowsky’s Dune


The Movie Critic from Quentin Tarantino. Had a really interesting premise I would’ve loved to see. Hoping that he still writes it but someone else directs it since he’s stopping at 10


The Michele Pfeiffer solo Catwoman movie.


The Heart of Darkness movie Orson Welles wanted to make, but to be fair considering the time period it might be for the best it didn’t get made, a lot of potential for it to be pretty racist.


Vincent Ward’s Alien 3. Ripley + medieval monks on a wooden planet.


The Gorillaz movie being developed at DreamWorks in the early to mid 2000s


I'm going to throw this out there just for fun since no one really knows this. Steven Spielberg was going to make Cats (yes that Cats) into an animated movie in the 90’s.


Ooh... Any more details you could share?


The Hidden Sword - Xu Haofeng


The damn Plants vs Zombies movie that would have been SO GOOD


Constantine 2


Jodorowsky's Dune


I was looking forward to seeing Coyote vs. Acme :(


Don’t know if this counts but the Edgar Wright version of Ant-Man, I firmly believe the MCU could’ve been great if it had happened


Kubrick's Napolean


Kubrick’s *Napoleon*


Fincher’s Dragon Tattoo sequel with Rooney Mara


Jodorowsky’s Dune…. It would have been incredible


Tarantino Star Trek


Terence Nance Space Jam 2




Dune from Jodorowsky


Rian Johnson's Star Wars trilogy. It hasn't officially been cancelled but we all know it's never happening.


The Collected


The sequel to the 2017 Power Rangers movie. I would delete Pulp Fiction for that movie 😛


Kamal Haasan’s Marudhanayagam


Elric of Melnibone


It's gotta be Yuri! On ice the movie: ice adolescence. I mean they teased it, and then went silent, and then after **7 YEARS** of patiently wondering if it'll ever come out they were like 'sorry guys it's cancelled'


The first thing that came to mind was Raimi's Spiderman 4


Del Toro's Hobbit movies. I feel like they wouldn't have been as soporific.


The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, the OG version with Johnny Depp. The finally made version was fine, but I want to see how it would have been made in 2005.


Id like another Tropic Thunder movie. hell any new comedy thats funny would be nice. i miss the Step Brothers,Super Bads, Pineapple Expresses


The original Tron 3 (Tron: Ascension) Would have been directed by Kosinski with the cast returning.


Crusade. Paul Verhoven and Arnold Schwarzenegger teaming up to make a $100 million movie about the crusades with a script that was reported to be one of the most violent things ever written. Carloco opted to make Cutthroat Island instead.